.bk J06 .fl S908cvp.j .fd drawing log .ed S922 .ei pC w .rd S721 .ri hQ 1 w gk84 gf1 Drawing showing the west section of k84: this section shows the top soil and natural accumilations with few sherds and stones,all layers are flat 2 n gk85 gf2,3,4,8,12 Drawing of the section of the north baulk of k85: it shows f2 which is the top soil sloping east. f3, f4 which are natural accumilations with some stones and some plant roots. This section shows also f8 which is above f12 and they are both mud surface. 3 w gk85 gf2,3,48,12 Drawing of the section of the western baulkof k85 showing f2 which is the top soil sloping south, f3,f4 are a natural accumilation whith some stones and some plant roots. This section shows also f8 which is above f12 and they are both mud surface. .rd S723 .ri hQ 4 e gk85 gf3,4,8,12 Drawing shows the eastern section of k85: f2 is the top soil sloping north. f3,f4 are natural accummulation with some stones and some plant roots. This section shows also f8 which is above f12 and they are both mud surface. 5 e gk75 gf7,9,17,18,22 Drawing shows the eastern section of k75;it shows f5 which is the top soil with some stones.f7,f9,f17 are above f18 and sloping north.it shows f18 which it is above f22 and sloping north. f22 which is the brick melt . 6 n gk75 gf7,9,17,18,22 Drawing shows the nothern baulk of k75. f9,f7,f17 are above f18 which it contain a big stone. f22 is the brickmelt and its sloping down to the west. 7 n gk65 gf11,14,16,31,34 Drawing shows the section of the north baulk in k65. f11 which is the top soil, covering the whole squre. f14, f16, f31 and f36 are flat layers of natural accummulation .rd S728 .ri hQ 8 w gk84 gf32,38,41,46,52,53 Drawing shows the western baulk of k84; f32 is the top soil which is sloping north. f38 and f41 are on the same lvevel but they are different and they are above f46. f46 is a compact floor is above f52,f53 are the brickfall. all those layers except the topsoil are almost flat. .rd S731 .ri hQ 9 n gk85 gf33,35,70,75,37 Drawing showing the nothern section of k85. f33 is covering f35. f35 is covering the dump thin layer f37, which is covering f70. f70 is sloping up to the west and it covers f75. 10 w gk85 gf33,35,37,70,75 Drawing shows the western baulk of k85. f33 is covering f35. f35 covers f37, in f37 we can recognize some sherds and some pebbles and its flat layer. f37 covers f70 which it has few bricks and it is sloping north. F70 covers f75 which is the bickfall and is sloping up to the north too. 11 n gk74 gf59,65,72,64,87 Drawing shows the nothern baulk of k74. f59 covers f64 and f65.f65 and f72 abuts f64 which is the brickmelt. f92 cuts f64 and it is filled by f87. 12 e gk84 gf32,38,46,55,63 Drawing shows the eastern baulk of k84 . it shows f32 which is the top soil, and it covers f38 which is the pebble floor.f38 is above f46 covering f55. f55 is the brickfall and it slops up to the north .glacis f63 is below the brickfall .rd S810 .ri hQ 13 n gk75 gf68,71,82,78,93 Drawing shows the nothern baulk of k75. f68 covers f71. f71 sits in f82 and f78 brickfall . This brickfall covers f93 which is a flat layer. 14 e gk85 gf75,83,86 Drawing shows the eastern section of k85. f75 which is the brickfall covers f83 which is the brickmelt. f83 covers f86 which the brickfall. 15 n gk85 gf86 Drawing shows the nothern baulk of k 85, it shows f86 which is the brichfall. 16 e gk84 gf107 Drawing shows the eastern baulk of k84,it shows f107 which is a hard compact layer sloping towards South and West. 17 n gk86 gf136,139 Drawing shows the nothern section of k86, it shows f136 which is the brickfall and covers f139 which is the ash layer. 18 w gk85 gf90 Drawing shows the western baulk of k85, it shows f90 which is the ash layer.f90 bonds with f86 which is the brickfall. 19 n gk86 gf104,105 Drawing shows the nothern section of k86. f104 is the top soilsloping down to the west.f104 covers f105 which is natural accummulation. 20 n gk84 gf132,146,141,142,150,151 Drawing shows the nothern section of k84. f132 which is the glacis under f63,and f146 is the brickfall; f142 is a shallow pit full of ash; f150 is hard brown soil found only in the N-E corner and f151 which is dark, brown hard soil. 21 w gk85 gf110,118,154,158 Drawing shows the western baulk of k85. f110 is the glacis covering f148. f148 slopes down to the south and covers f154 which is also sloping down to the south and covers f158. 22 n gk85 gf110,118,154,158 Drawing shows the nothern baulk of k85, f110 which is the glacis sloping down to the west covers f148. f148 covers f154. f154 covers f158 which is pebble floor. 24 w gk84 gf63,140,142,151 Drawing shows the western section of k84, f63 which is the glacis sloping south and covers f140 which is the pebble floor. f122 cuts f140 which is sloping south too. f142 fills f122 which is the pit cut. f140 covers f151. 25 n gk84 gf151,163,164 Drawing shows the nothern section of k84. f151 covers f163 which is the stone and f164, the glacis sloping east. f163 sits in f164. .rd S908 .ri cVP 26 e gk86,87 gf117,124,136,139,131,143 The drawing shows the Eastern section of both loci k86 and k87 as they were left at the end of the 2008 season. The secction is complete; vertically, from topsoil to the end of the season bottom line; horizontally, 12 meters of baulk, taking also the area of the North baulks of both loci. From top to bottom, after the topsoil f104, we have a deep accumulation of soft brown, quite sterile and clean (f117), that stops at an uneven line, broken by numerous rodent holes, that separates f117 from the big brickfall f124. Just between meters 9 and 11 that line is very flat, as if it was flatened on purpose for some reason (pit bottom?). Under this the brick fall is quite identifiable in k86 but not so much in k87, where we have a line of pebbles and sherds in the middle of this layer, that brach off in two, with no definite end. In k87 the accumulation above this pebble lines is called f131, and f143 the one below. In k87 now we have a layer of laid down mud bricks, falling on line, that were of a different consistence than the others, more flacky and dark brown. This line of bricks becomes a fine layer of light grey soil in the southern half of the k87 section. Below, in k87 we have a more reddish brown compact layer that sits in the lower greyish layer. This last layer, at the bottom of both loci, is specially full of dark ashes lenses North of k86 and South of k87. In the middle, we have just a light grey layer. 27 e gk74 gf59,64,97,82 The drawing shows the Eastern section of locus k74, being the upper part already drawn in another section, and the lower line as left at the end of the 2008 season. From top to bottom, we have a deep accumulation of soft brown, quite sterile and clean (f59 ab) that stops at an uneven line, broken by numerous rodent holes, that separates f59 from the big brickfall f64. At the northern end of the section the brickfall is not so clear as we have the mark of pit f87 (f92 the cut). In the rest of the locus under the brickfall we have a fine line that could be identified as the ^glacis 1, a bricky red layer, almost at the bottom. In the middle of the locus, between the brickfall and this fine layer it seems to be an accumulation of very hard compact, bricky material. .ri pc .rd S911 100 w gk85 gf158,154,148,110,86,90,75,70,37,33,35,12,8,3,4,2 This section shows all the North baulk of k85 excavated in season 2008: the first layers are natural accumulations which are even and all similar in deposition(f2,f4,f8,f12): probably this area was abandoned. At the elevation of f33, f35 and f37 there is a radical change in the stratigraphy, where we have a dump f37 with lot of material and directly under it we have the beginning of the brickfall: f70 is brickmelt and then brickfall f75 were pieces of bricks are visible. The brickfall at the end is mixed with an ashy layer f90 and then stops on top of the glacis f110. Here we have another change in the stratigraphy: under the glacis are natural accumulations interrupted by some ash layers and floors f154: the layers are even. 101 n gk85 gf158,154,148,110,86,75,70,37,12,3,4,2 The drawing of the North section of k85 (k85 is only 3m wide). The first meter consists only in natural accumulations, then f37 is a dump. Under it begins the brickfall, were the top part is brickmelt f70 and brickfall f86, which is 2m thick. Under it the glacis f110 stops the brickfall and slopes toward south west. Under the glacis natural accumulations and some ashy layers and a floor f154, which are even 102 e gk75 gf5,7,9,17,22,61,82,93,97 This drawing shows the East section of k75: the first meter consists in natural accumulation. f22 is a bricky accumulation, while we found some melted bricks, but in section did not show. f61 is the brickmelt and the beginning of the big brickfall (f82,f93). The brickfall overlays the glacis f109 and the ashy layer f97: in section was observed that f97 overlays a bricky layer, which was not recorded during the excavation 103 n gk75 gf7,18,22,71,82,93,107 f7,f18 are natural accumulations, f22 is a bricky accumulation even if there are no bricks showing in section. f71 is the beginning of the big brickfall which stops on the glacis f107, were we stopped here excavatin 104 n gk84 gf140,142,122,151,163,164 North section of k84, showing on the top the floor f140, the pit f122 filled with ash f142 which cuts f151. under f151 the glacis f164, which slopes here toward east and south 105 n gk86 gf104,105,136,139,137 this is the north section of k86: brickfall f136 with many stones f137 overlays ashy layer f139, which overlays the glacis (in this locus not excavated) 203 e gk85,84 gf2,3,4,8,12,32,33,35,38,46,55,76,86,110,159,135,150,151,154,158,164 East section of k85 and k84: the northern upper part was excavated in season 2005 as J4 locus; the upper layers are topsoil and natural accumulations; f35 and f33 is a dump which stops on top of the brickfall which here seems sloping North and stops on the glacis f110; there are two glacis seen in section sloping south (f110 and f159). Under it, natural accumulations sloping south with many ashy layers; all this layers belong to mittani. With f154 begins the Late Akkadian period (h33-MZA): we do not have all the intermediate phases from 2200 untill 1600 BC, still puzzling in the stratigraphic sequence. f164 is the h33-MZA glacis which was damaged probably already at the end of the third millennium. 107 w gk84 gf1,32,41,46,52,53,55,63,140,122,142,151,164 The West section of k84: k84 is a small locus, while was the southern part not excavated from J4 (season 2004): f1 is the topsoil, f32 was the first feature excavated from j6 and treated as a topsoil. f41 was interpreted as a brickfall, even if there are no bricks showing in section. f46 is a floor and under it the big brickfall begins and stops after 1 meter on top of the glacis f63. f63 slopes toward South and under it there are layers sloping South. f140 is a floor, f142 the western end of a larger shallow pit filled with ash and f151 a natural accumulation. Under this the glacis f164 .ri cVP .rd S915 109 e gk84,85,200 gf184,158,100,99,130 This section shows the eastern section of the German trench, in the area around the bottom of the staircase. In J6 is the level left at the end of the season at loci k94 and k85. At the North we can see the stone wall (f130) over which the big boulder f100 is reclining. Between the reclining boulder and the wall there are some bricks f99 laid there to help holding the stone. The rest of the deposits are basically a lot of fine bricky layers, some more compact and some more sandy with pebbles. This big layer is just separated by a thin line, maybe a floor (number 6), more reddish and compact, that develops into an ash layer going South (number 8). Also standing out is a layer of light greyish soil (number 10), between two masses of brown multilayered deposits (numbers 9 and 11). At the bottom, abutting the last of the excavated steps of the staircase, we have a pebble floor (number 13). It is very thick and short, just appearing some meter and a half, but with some very large pebbles. It disappears southwards. The list of the features is as follows: 0) Red (5YR7/3) and grey (5YR8/1) mud bricks, 1) Upper surface, sometimes hard, sometimes sandy (7.5YR6/4), 2) Slightly more greyish layer (5YR8/1), not very clear, 3) Thin pebble lens, 4) Softer brown layer, 5) Bricky brown layer that, more to the south, combine lines of more bricky with more sandy layers (7.5YR6/4), 6)A thin reddish layer, harder, maybe a floor (…), 7) Softer red layer (see number 5), 8) Darker grey layer (10YR6/1), with ashes, that follows the red floor number 6 running south, 9) Another thick deposit of combination of bricky and softer and sandy layers (see number 5), 10) Light grey layer (10YR7/2), 11) Combined lines of bricky and crumbly (5YR6/6) with more compact dull layers (7.5YR6/4), 12) Faint greyish line over the pebble floor, 13) Heavy pebbled floor.