.bk J06 .fl S911pC.j .fd v log .rd S911 .ri pC .ed S911 .ei pC v .rd S917 .ri pC 122 e gf127,130,129,100,99,101 gk84 View taken before the removal of wall f101 123 se gk84 gf164 gi16 i16 in situ sitting in f164 123a w gk84 gf164 gi16 detail of i16 124 e gf158,177,100 this view shows the monumental staircase excavated in area J2 and J6 at the end of the season:^wall5 is the Eastern boundary of the monumental access and stones f100 and f177 mark the entrance to the 3. millennium staircase. ^floor6 marks that the area South and East of the staircase was used. ^glacis3 goes with ^wall5. In mittani we have ^wall6, the bin, two glacis and ^wall1. 125 w gk84,102 gf164,100,130,184 f100 marks the entrance to the staircase, as well the specular stone in J2 to the West. Wall f130 is the eastern boundary of the staircase, as well wall J2f127. 125a w n gk84,85,102 gf100,177,184 ga4 this view shows a4, the eastern edge of the staircase but also it marks the eastern boundary: East of it there is no monumental structure 126 n gk84,85,101,102 gf158,174,164 ga4 a4 marks the eastern entrance to the staircase in the 3. millenium. f163 is the ^glacis3 in h32-MZA east of the ^wall6. in h65-MZA we have a structural change east of the staircase: half of it is covered and a4 is anymore visible: they build ^wall5 on top of it and a series of glacis. in h67-MZA the bin is constructed 126a t ov gk84,85,101,102 gf158,174 ga4 this view shows better f183 and f158: here f158 is a floor with many small sherds. It probably continues to the north in relation to a4 126b w n gk84,85,101,102 gf158,174 ga4 this view shows a4 in relationship with the monumental staircase 127 e gk84,102 gf99,100,177,184,164 this view shows the East section of J2k100: this section was never drawn, therefore was drawn this year. The layers shown are excavated by the german team (trench from area C2 to BA), therefore we do not know the features: the lower part instead was excavated by J2 and were found several pebble floors, dated to h23-MZA 128 ov gk84,85,86,87,74,75,64,65,200 gf129,224,218,219,84 ga7 This kite picture shows all J6 area and part of J4, all J2 and J7: it shows were J6 is located and its loci. shows also structures f218 and f219 which are probably the eastern boundary of the temple terrace 129 ov gk100,200 gf24,27 this kite picture shows all k200 (the german trench) and area C2 k100. ^wall8 and ^wall9 are part of a large stone buliding probably connected to the temple terrace 130 ov gf100,177,158 ga7 this kite picture shows the northen part of J6 area and the bin J4f83. To the West a small part of the staircase and the apron in J2. the 3 different glacis are here shown 131 ov gk100,200 ga4 This kite picture shows all 3. millenium structures related to the temple terrace: to the south a6 is the southern gate to the temple terrace situated at 8760 in elevation, similar to the elevation of the escarpment, located at the bottom of revetment wall at 8775; the apron, the staircase and the revetment wall are part of the same building phase (h23-MZA) a4 is the eastern boundary of the monumental staircase 132 ov This kite picture shows almost all the temple terrace and all the stone monumental structure: in particular this view intents to show all mittani phase from the west to the east: area A20 is late mittani (installations and outdoor areas), J5 were another staircase is built after the monumental staircase in J2 was covered and was anymore used; in the center the second apron built in the same moment as J5 staircase, together with the glacis in J3. in J6 we have a building phase which goes together with the second apron and the J5 staircase. A large brickfall covered all the area South of the staircase, probably marking the beginning of the abandonment, followed by the construction to the West of the new staircase. After the brickfall there is some activity to the North: a bin, two walls are build, probably for some activity connected to the temple economies .rd S923 .ri pC 133 s gf87,138,139,118,159,127,129 A wide shot of all j2, J7 and J6 from the top of the staircase: it shows the brickfall which begins East of J6 and goes till the end of J2 to the West: it covers an area of circa 30m in length and 25m wide. The brickfall was the latest event happened in j6, instead in J2 the brickfall slopes down and above it we have still use areas and floors: this clearly tells us that the brickfall happened in middle of mittani and afterwards the area in front of the apron was intensly used. This view shows also ^wall5 and ^wall6, the eastern boundary of the monumental staircase. ^ash1 goes together with the ^bf2 134 e ga4 gf76,64,97,110,159,151,164,177,100,99,130,183,184,154,158 gk102,84,85 This view shows 3 East sections: Mittani is located in the upper and middle one: brickfall ^bf2 and the probable wall ^wall1. The top of the second section shows tho glacis ^glacis1 and ^glacis2 under it. f151 is an accumulation. Whith ^glacis3 begins h33-MZA: a4 marks the entrance to the staircase: in front of it the section is compleatly different; many layers and floors are visible, telling us that this area was used during the Third millennium. This floors were also covering the steps of the staircase and continuing to the West 134a w ne ga4 gf76,64,97,110,159,151,164,177,100,99,130,183,184,154,158 gk102,84,85 This shot shows better ^glacis3 in relation to a4 134b w ne ga4 gf76,64,159,151,164,177,100,99,130,183,184 gk102,84,85 Staircase and a4 are bonded, therefore belong to the same construction phase. ^glacis3 is later then a4, but functionally related to it 135 w w ga6 gk100 gf24,27 a4 is probably a building, but was only partly excavated. The dotted lines show the probable continuation of the walls. 135a t w ga6 gk100 gf24,27 the line of wall f24, part of a6 135b t s ga6 gk100 gf24,27 wall f27 and f24 are part of a6, a possible building.wall f27 deeps down 136 n gk100 gf27 This view wants to show the relation between the possible building a6 and the temple terrace: a6 is dated to EDIII, as well the monumental stone staircase to the North: the orientation of a6 and the type of construction, let us hypotize that it is related to the temple terrace 137 sw gf27,24 gk100 ^wall8 and ^wall9 are part of a6, a possible EDIII building: 2m above it there are the Khabur structures 138 n ga4 This view was taken from the bottom of the staircase to show the monumentality of the structure: from this point of view is possible to see that the lower staircase is different from the staircase J2f130: the steps are lower and they continue to the west and east, whereas the staircase is narrower. This indicate that is an older structure. To the East of the staircase a4 marks the entrance. In front of it many floors belong to h33-MZA till h23-MZA