.bk J06 .fl T727yM4.j .fd q log .ed T727 .ei yM .rd T720 .ri yM q 327 pb f188 k83 r434 150S 50W m6122 76 140 3 removing winter accumulation 328 b f189 k84 r435 400E 400S m6120 101 140 5 removing winter accumulation 329 pb f190 k83 r434 150S 50W m6122 80 140 20 removing bf 330 pb f191 k83 r434 150S 50W m6122 55 140 35 removing f191 331 pb f192 k83 r434 150S 50W m6122 18 140 332 pb f193 k83 r434 100W 50S m6122 56 140 removing the glacis 300 p f194 k104 scraping the section 301 p f195 k84 scraping the section 302 p f196 k104 15 removing back fill 303 p f198 k104 m6122 113 140 304 pbi f192 k104 r450 300E 100S m6122 102 140 removing pits fill 305 p f192 k104 r450 300E 100S m6122 85 140 removing pits fill 306 p f192 k104 r450 300E 100S m6122 83 140 removing pits fill 307 pb f192 k104 r450 300E 100S m6122 83 140 removing pits fill 308 p f192 k104 r450 300E 100S m6122 72 140 removing pits fill 309 pb f192 k104 r450 300E 100S m6122 72 140 removing pits fill 310 p f200 k104 m6122 56 140 311 pb f202 k104 m6122 140 removing soil under stones f201 312 p f203 k104 removing soil under stones f201 313 pb f203 k104 removing ad 314 pb f204 k104 r448 300E 100S m6122 68 140 5 removing feature 204 315 pb f192 k104 r448 300E 100S m6163 121 140 5 pit 316 p f192 k104 r448 300E 100S m6122 96 140 5 pit 317 p f192 k104 r448 300E 100S m6122 100 140 pit 318 p f200 k104 r488 300E 100S m6122 109 140 10 pit .rd T728 .ri yM 319 pb f200 k104 m6122 63 140 5 removing east part of f200 320 p f202 k104 m6123 57 140 5 removing dirt under stone f201.4 321 p f205 k104 10 leveling the section k104 322 p f206 k104 r457 50S 100W m6163 92 140 5 removing 5 cm from floor 323 f208 k82 scraping the northen section 324 pb f192 k104 r457 50S 100W m6163 88 140 20 removing pit material under floor f206 325 pb f209 k82 m6161 107 140 8 removing top soil in k82 326 p f210 k82 .ed T802 .ei yM .rd T730 .ri yM 333 p f192 k104 m6163 107 140 removing pit fill 334 p f213 k82 m6161 140 140 removiing natural accumulation under stones 335 p f214 k104 m6163 75S 400W m6163 127 140 5 336 p f216 k72 m6124 130 115 10 scraping northen section under stones 337 p f217 k104 m6163 200S 20W m6124 40 115 scraping east section 338 pb f204 k104 m6163 300E 100S m6124 37 115 5 removing f204 fb 339 pb f192 k104 m6186 200W 100S m6186 92 115 removing pit fill east part .rd T801 .ri pC 340 pb f192 k104 m6186 400W 70S m6123 55 140 removing pit fill 341 ta f220 k104 r467 50W 30S m6185 78 140 only pieces of tannur no collection of pottery 342 pb f200 k104 m6186 150W 100S m6185 79 140 E part of k104 343 p f222 k71 r476 400W 100S m6124 142 63 10 removing top soil 344 p f223 k71 r476 400W 100S m6160 1 128 5 natural accmulation under top soil f222 .rd T802 .ri pC 345 p f223 k71 r476 400W 100S m6160 195 128 natural accumulation under top soil 346 pb f226 k104 r476 160S 100W m6123 55 160 removing bottom of pit bricky materials 347 p f228 k72 column under stones f225 348 p f229 k104 m6186 removing accumulations from the north east corner 349 p f226 k104 .ed T803 .ei yM .rd T803 .ri pC 350 p f226 k104 r472 200N 200E m6186 28 140 5 removing brick melted 351 pbi f223 k71 r476 400W 70S m6189 90 140 20 removing accumulations from the north east corner .ri yM 352 pb f230 k71 r476 400W 70S m6189 80 140 removing f230 .ri pC 353 pb f231 k104 m6158 144 140 removing the triangle in the east part of the square 354 pb f235 k104 20 removing glacis 4 from north section k84 .ri yM 355 p f217 k104 mixed pottery from east section 356 p f237 k104 removing glacis 5 from northen section k84 357 p f238 k71 r476 400W 70S m6189 8 80 accumulations .ed T805 .ei yM .rd T805 .ri yM 358 pb f238 k71 r477 400W 70S m6189 60 140 7 removing accumulation in k71 359 p f237 k104 m6037 102 140 360 pb f240 k71 r484 200W 200S m6189 50 140 removing east part of k71 to rech the red materials layer 361 pb f241 k82 m6161 164 140 removing accumulation under floating stones f212 362 p f241 k82 m6161 164 140 removing accumulation under floating stones f212 363 pb f241 k82 m6161 164 140 364 p f246 k71 m6189 53 140 removing natural accumulation under stone f245 .ed T808 .ei yM .rd T806 .ri pC 365 p f248 k71 m6191 10 100 removing top soil which is winter accumulations 366 p f249 k82 m6190 160 160 30 removing upper part of north east part of k82 which is a baulk 367 pb f250 k82 m6190 2 160 30 removing natural accumulations under f244 368 p f250 k82 m6190 2 160 40 removing under f244 369 p f251 k71 m6189 153 100 40 removing natural accumulations under stones f225.13 f225.16 370 p f250 k82 soil under stones f244.4 and f244.5 .rd T808 .ri pC 371 p f250 k82 m6189 103 140 30 soil under stones f244 372 pb f253 k71 m6189 136 140 40 removing natural accumulations under f251 373 pb f243 k82 m6189 34 80 removing pebble lens f243 374 pb f253 k71 m6189 53 80 removing natural accumulations to reach the glacis 375 p f257 k82 m6189 34 80 5 removing floor d opartialy on top of pabble lens 376 p f243 k82 m6201 47 80 removing f243 377 pb f258 k71 m6189 34 80 5 removing f258 the reddish material east of wall f218 .ed T809 .ei yM .rd T809 .ri pC 378 pb f259 k82 m6186 190N 400W m6160 105 140 5 removing accumulations above glacis 379 pb f258 k71 m6189 91 140 removing floor d opartialy on top of pabble lens 380 p f261 k82 m6186 190N 400W m6186 115 140 ashy soil 381 pb f243 k82 m6201 102 140 removing pebble patch east of in k82 382 p f243 k82 m6201 102 140 removing pebble patch east of in k82 383 pb f264 k71 m6189 85 74 natural accumulationunder stones f263 SE corner of the wall f218 384 p f265 k82 m6201 300W 300S m6201 90 125 removing natural accumulations west of f243 .ed T811 .ei yM .rd T810 .ri yM 385 p f265 k82 m6201 200W 200SW m6201 82 123 removing natural accumulations west of f243 386 pb f266 k84 m6201 90 123 removing natural accumulations east of wall f219 387 pb f261 k82 m6161 62 123 removing ashy accumulations north of k104 and south of k82 388 p f267 k82 m6161 55 123 on top of the pit fill( ashy material) 389 pb f192 k82 m6186 150N 400W m6161 50 123 pit fill 390 pb f192 k82 m6186 150N 400W m6161 50 123 still removing pit 391 pb f266 k84 m6120 400W 300S m6121 70 123 removing ad 392 pb f265 k82 m6201 300SW 300SW m6201 70 140 removing natural accumulations under pebble floor 393 pb f268 k84 m6120 87 140 removing accumulations ontop of glacis4 394 pb f271 k84 m6121 500W 400N m6120 85 140 5 removing floor from from k84 and infront of the obelisks 395 p f271 k84 m6121 500W 400N m6120 85 140 5 removing floor from from k84 and infront of the obelisks 396 pi f272 k82 m6202 104 140 removing ad under stone f254 east of the wall f129 397 pb f273 k84 m6120 77 140 10 removing floor 398 p f274 k82 m6201 400W 50N m6202 120 140 removing baulk north of k82 and south of wall f218 .ed T812 .ei yM .rd T812 .ri pC 399 pbi f276 k82 r540 400cm E 100cm S m6202 59 140 5 removing glacis .ri yM 400 pb f273 k84 m6120 77 140 10 removing floor 401 pb f277 k84 m6216 127 140 40 pavement in k84 402 p f192 k82 m6202 41 140 fill of pit 403 b f278 k82 m6202 41 140 ashy lens 404 p f279 k105 m6119 79 140 removing small baulk east of k105 to level the section 420 p f271 k84 m6121 500W 400N m6120 85 140 2 floor b infront of f177 and f100 and in k84( for imbeded in floor shirds)(surface shirds) .ed T814 .ei yM .rd T813 .ri yM 405 pb f192 k82 m6202 27 140 20 removing pit fill with the big pick 406 pb f281 k105 m6119 74 140 5 removing top soil from LC sounding 407 pb f277 k84 m6206 127 140 removing sherds from pavement 408 p f282 k82 m6185 103 140 fill of the second pit 409 pb f285 k105 r546 150W 50N m6119 72 140 removing south part of f284 410 pb f284 k105 r546 150N 200W m6119 72 140 removing accumulations .ri pC 411 p f192 k82 m6189 200cm N 300cm W m6202 27 140 20 fill of the pit f192 412 p f192 k82 m6202 27 140 30 lens in f192 of stones and shirds 413 p f276 k82 .ri yM 414 p f277 k84 m6202 127 140 removing sherds from pavement .ri sD 415 pb f284 k106 m6119 56 140 removing compacted layer .ri yM 416 p f286 k106 r557 300S 150E m6120 60 140 3 removing infront of obelisks f177 and f100 417 p f200 k82 m6186 94 142 removing pit fill f200 .rd T815 .ri pC 418 pb f286 k106 r557 200S 150E m6128 60 142 5 419 pb f287 k105 r546 150N 200W m6120 102 140 421 pb f288 k82 m6202 25 140 5 removing soil left in west part of k82 next to f129 .ri yM 422 pb f192 k82 m6186 110N 90W m6186 90 140 10 removing east of f288 423 pb f289 k105 r546 150N 200W m6119 52 140 7 removing f289 east in k105 424 p f290 k105 r546 150N 200W m6119 42 140 5 removing floor under f289 425 p f291 k106 r557 300S 150E m6120 57 140 5 removing layer .ri pC 426 p f200 k82 m6186 300W 180N m6186 85 140 30 fill pit 427 p f292 k106 r557 300WS 150E m6120 53 140 5 removing soft natural accumulations 428 p f293 k82 m6186 85 140 concentration pf pottery north aell f227 .ri sD 430 pb f292 k106 m6120 44 140 431 p f293 k82 removing lens of pottery 432 p f293 k82 433 p f293 k82 434 p f293 k82 .rd T816 .ri yM 435 pb f200 k82 m6200 32 140 436 pb f292 k106 r557 300N 150E m6121 34 140 5 removeng whats left from the square to prevent contamination 437 p f164 k104 m6158 110 140 65 removing red glacis from safety baulk .ri sD 438 pb f200 k82 439 pb f295 k82 m6202 113 140 scraping west section in k82 440 p f200 k82 441 p f296 k104 m6158 51 140 20 gray alyer in safety baulk under the red glacis f164 442 p f200 k82 443 p f200 k82 .ri yM 444 p f297 k104 m6158 30 140 20 removing gray layer in safety baulk on top of stones f199 445 p f200 k82 140 20 .ri sD 446 p f200 k82 447 pb f298 k82 m6202 62 140 10 removing probably glacis f164 next to stones 448 p f200 k82 m6200 78 140 10 449 pb f265 k82 m6201 110 140 removing red soil infront of wall f218 450 p f200 k82 m6200 78 140 10 451 p f301 k82 Reley r565 m6201 58 140 10 pottery lens above wall f129 452 p f302 k82 m6201 80 140 40 mix .rd T817 .ri yM 453 p f305 k104 m6119 169 161 7 removing 4th layer in safety baulk .ri sD 454 p f304 k104 r572 50N 50W m6200 9 140 5 removing ashy layer 455 p f265 k84 r570 300E 150S m6202 70 140 10 .ri yM 456 pb f303 k106 m6120 40 136 5 removing layer on top of salmon .ri sD 457 p f306 k104 r572 50N 50W m6200 14 140 8 removing dump= f200 458 p f306 k104 r572 50N 50W m6200 14 140 8 removing dump= f200 459 p f307 k104 m6119 149 161 20 removing in safety baulk .ri yM 460 pb f308 k104 m6119 131 161 10 removing 6th layer in safety baulk .ri sD 461 pb f309 k82 r570 150S 200SE m6201 73 140 20 accumulation under f265 462 p f310 k82 r571 150S 100E m6201 30 140 30 dump= f200 .ri yM 463 p f311 k104 m6119 87 161 4 removing thin gray layer under f308 464 p f313 k104 m6119 84 161 removing 8th layer in safety baulk .ri sD 465 p f314 k82 .ri pC 466 p f315 k82 r570 200S 150E m6201 50 140 10 pit fill .ri yM 467 p f316 k104 m6119 84 161 3 removing small lens in north western corner next to f129 468 p f317 k104 m6119 76 161 3 thin gray layer on top of red inclusions layer .ri pC 470 p f315 k82 r570 200S 150E m6201 39 140 20 pit fill 471 p f314 k82 r570 200S 150E m6201 25 140 30 removing red natural accumulations .rd T818 .ri yM 469 p f318 k104 m6119 73 161 red inclusions layer 472 p f319 k70 r584 400W 200S m6119 101 140 removing top soil 473 p f320 k104 m6119 48 141 7 removing last layer of safety baulk .ri pC 474 p f314 k82 m6201 25 140 .ri yM 475 p f321 k70 r584 400W 200S m6191 93 140 10 brick melt under top soil f319 476 p f200 k82 m6200 56 140 dump 477 p f322 k82 m6201 53 140 .ri sD 478 p f323 k82 mix q .ed T830 .ei yM .rd T825 .ri yM 479 pb f324 k82 m6202 85 164 20 removing bricks from north western corner in k82 between wall f129 and wall f218 480 pb f328 k82 r598 100S 100E m6201 48 165 15 excavating a small square to the east from the foundation box 481 p f327 k82 r598 100S 100E m6201 16 156 10 under accumulation layer east of the bricks f324 482 p f330 k82 r599 74S 40W m6201 16 156 5 removing south east part of f327 as a lens .rd T826 .ri yM 483 pb f327 k82 r598 100S 100E m6201 16 155 10 under accumulation layer east of the bricks f324 484 p f129 k82 lot for pottery the mortar between the stones of the wall f129( cleaning in between the stones of the wall)