.bk J06 .fl T817yM.j .fd feature description and locus daily .ed T817 .ri yM .ri yM .rd T815 f 164 ds it’s the feature assigned to the red glacis or escarpment in k104 that we see in safety baulk east of wall f129 and in k104 and the eastern section of k85 and k84. as we mentioned before that we want to cut 80 cm from the safety baulk starting from the level of the section in order to see the other face of wall 129. so the first layer we removed is the red glacis f164. this feature consist from very dry soil on top that turns into a grainy sandy loam when braked while it turns to more of a fine soft sandy loam in the lower parts of it as for before breakage its more compacted on the bottom and dose not contain mixed ashy gray materials like it dose on the upper parts. The color is a distinctive strong reddish brown with some bricky material visible now in section. f 296 ds a layer underneath the red glacis f164 in k105. this feature has an ashy texture and it is very soft and fine almost dusty. f 297 ds it is the layer that was covered by f296 in the safety baulk in k105 (for wall f129). It is an ash layer in the lower part, while it is mixed with soil and accumulations in the upper part. There were two stones f299 into the mixed layer of the feature and resting on the ashy layer. f 292 ds it is an accumulation that covers k106 and lays on top of f303 which is a floor. this feature is soft but gets slightly harder close to the bottom. This feature consists of many thin layers ranging between soft and slightly hard. f 303 ds A floor on top of floor f312 in k106. it is a hard compacted layer that gets slightly softer as going down before it becomes very hard. Is compacted and hard to break in thin layer right on top of the salmon f312 that flakes off easily maintaining the shape in which it flaked. f 305 ds an accumulation layer in safety baulk in k105 east of wall f129. it is a soft sandy brown accumulation. f 307 ds a mixed accumulation in k105 under f305 that consists of ash, red sandy soil and brick materials. It was slightly hard to remove. tc co f311 f 308 ds a compacted strong brown layer of accumulations under f307 in k105. this layer came off in very big chunks, the soil was wet compacted and sticks to the trowel. f 311 ds accumulation on top of a surface f316 in the safety baulk in k105, east of wall f129. it is a very thin and compacted flat layer with a smooth surface. It had some inclusions in the soil and some phytoliths close to its bottom. f 316 ds it is the compact surface under f311 in k105. it consists of wet soil that comes off in big chunks and also sticks to the trowel. f 313 ds it is a small lens in the north western corner of f316 in k105. it had a gray color that helped us to distinguish it. It looked at first as the foundation trench of wall f129 or a small pit but after excavating the fill inside, we where able to tell that it’s not a pit because the fill went only about 3cm before we reached the surface of f316. f 317 ds it is a thin gray compact surface in k105 under f216. it is a very hard layer that consists of a clay loam, hard to scrape and hard to remove. .rd T816 k 106 dy we started working today in this locus by removing accumulation layer f292 in which we found many seeds that we took as samples to be analyzed. This feature contained many layers due to the fact that it’s a living floor. It was soft on the top and got slightly harder on the bottom. This feature removal took all day because we removed it very slowly and carefully using the small pick and the brush in order to be able to notice any changes. .rd T817 k 106 dy today we removed in this locus the feature that follows f292 which is f303 a floor type d. it’s a hard compacted layer that softens slightly as going down an then it becomes very hard but easy to flack right on top of the salmon layer f312. after having removed this layer we finally reached the salmon layer f312. .rd T816 k 105 dy yesterday we decided with gB and faB to cut the safety baulk in k105 east of wall f129 in order to see the other face of wall f129. so we started removing 80cm starting from the southern section in k104 and going south. First we removed the red glacis layer that was ranging between drays and grainy on top and compacted close to the bottom. Then we removed the second layer which is f296 a soft ashy accumulation layers. Then we removed the following feature f297 which was an ash mixed with accumulation in the middle layer. Stone f299 that was visible before we began this removal was cutting along with the new found stone next to it (also f299) the accumulation layer inside the ash but resting in the ash layer. After a short discussion with gB and faB we decided to enlarge the cut that we made a little bit more to be able to excavate around the stones from the south to see if we find more stones but we didn’t so continued with our plan by removing the stones f299 and the ashy layer under f297. Tomorrow we will continue on until reaching the level of the late calcolithic sounding. .rd T817 k 105 dy today we picked up where we left yesterday by removing the fourth layer of the safety baulk which is an accumulation layer f305 that is a very soft sandy loam. Then we removed f307 that was under it which is also a bricky ashy mixed layer of accumulations. As going down uncovering the other face of the wall, it was very noticeable that the stones of the other face sticks out more then the stones in the rows that where previously uncovered during this season, this is maybe done on prepuce. But will have to excavate more in order to have a clearer perspective about this issue. We continued with the removal of f308 that is under f307 which is a wt strong brown compacted layer. The next layer that we removed was f311 which is a thin compacted accumulation layer on top of a hard floor surface f313. when we reached f313, in the north western corner next to wall f129, we came across a small pit or a foundation trench f316 as we hypostatized at the beginning. By excavating it we where able it tells that it are just a lens. So we carried on with the excavation removing the following layer f317, a thin hard surface that consist of clay loam. We stopped here for today and tomorrow we will remove the last few layers uncovering the entire face of wall f129. due to the fact that under the 3 rows of wall stones that where uncovered today there was no more stones we are going to think about cutting back about 10cm under the last stones to uncover the unveil the rest. Because we where able to tell that there are more stones under there by inserting a long nail in the section under the last stones. Tomorrow we will be able to determine.