.bk J06 .fl U717 .fd drawings .ed U717 .ei pC w .rd U717 .ri pc 44 n gk71 gf251,218,253,258,262,260 North section of k71: wall f218 is the revetment wall. f260 is a hard compact red layer, which in season MZ22 was interpreted as an 'escarpment/glacis' to protect the base of the wall. On top and embedded in it some stones f262, possibly a wall (not exposed enough). Covering it a natural accumulation f253. A line of bricks is probably the brickfall founf in k70. f251 is a natural accumuation with many pebbles 49 n gk73 gf233,201 north section of k73. f233 is the wall of the bin a7 which is founded on top of stone wall f201 50 n gk104 gf214,206,192,200,227,129 north section of k104 (k83): shows the layers aganist wall f129 and above wall f227: f200 is a dump of pottery covering wall f227 and on top of it pit fill f192 which is full of pottery, some stones and tannur fragments. On top of it f206, which is a floor 51 n gk72 gf223,230,238,242 north section of k72. f242 is a compact surface labeled glacis. On top of it natural accumulations with floating stones 110 n gk82 gf129,243,275,265 north section of k82, directly south of wall f218 and perpendicular to wall f129. There are here several accumulations, which are reddish and bricky. Probably a 'glacis/escarpment' to protect wall f218 111 w gk84,105 gf199,164,296,299,305,308,297,311,313,320,318,317,299 west section of k84 and k105. k105 is a small trench in the northern portion of k104 (is a deep sounding), directly east of wall f129: here are in the lowest levels several layers hard and compact, sloping all south-east (f318,317,320,313) which are under wall f129 and possibly are the temple mound surface. On top the accumulations follow all the slope. A wall f299 (only 2 stones)is located perpendicular to wall f129, but it layes in ashy accumulation f297. f296 and f164 are escarpment/glacis for wall f129. f199 is a pit cut which in mittani removes partly f164 112 n gk104 gf199,129,164,196,297,237,305,308,311,284,289,290 north section of k84, perpendicular to wall f129. Here is visisble the base of wall f129 which is located at ca. 88.00 m and sticks out. The layers against it are very diffirent in nature and composition: from the top a bricky and compact layer f164 was labeled as escarpment/glacis, protecting the eastern side of the wall. F199 is a pit cut. Under f164 other layers of glacis/escarpment are layed intentionally: f296 and f297. F305 and f308 are natural accumulations. Directly under the base of wall f129 are several thin layers of compact and hard surfaces (f311,284,289,290 where wall is founded. Here is possible to see that these surfaces are sloping east (and have a marked slope also to the south) 206 e gk82,104,84 gf218,243,275,315,314,300,200,227,199,192,214,201,164,296,297,308,284,289,290 the long east secton of k82 k104 (k83) and k84, perpendicular to wall f218. Here are visible from north to south: directly south of wall f218 a bricky accumuation which was labeled as escarpent while layed intentionally (the consistence is not of an accumulation) and compact f314 and f275. On the tp f243, which is the fill of a water channel of later periods (late second millennium). f300 is a hard and compact surface with a marked slope toward south-east which ends against wall f227. On top of f300 and against wall f227 a dump of pottery f200. f192 is the fill of a large hollow pit f199 which extends from north to south for about 6 meters removing partly stones of wall f227 and f164. On top of pit f192 there are 2 floors f214 and f206 which are under bin a7 (walls f201 and f197). f164 is a thick layer of a bricky red earth layed east of wall f129. Under it other two similar layers f297 and f296. f308 is a natural accumulation. Under it a series of hard compact layers sloping sharply south east. .rd S911 106 e gk85,84 gf2,3,4,8,12,32,33,34,38,46,55,76,86,110,159,135,150,151,154,158,164 The drawing of the east section of k85 and k84; the upper layers are topsoil and natural accumulations; then there is the brickfall which here seems sloping North and stops on the glacis; there are two glacis seen in secton sloping south. Under it we have natural accumulations sloping south with many ashy layers; all this belongs to mittani. With f154 begins the late akkadian period: we do not have all the intermediate phases from 2200 untill 2600, still puzzling in the stratigraphic sequence. f164 is the glacis which was damaged probably already at the end of the third millennium. 200 e gk85 gf158,154,148,110,86,90,75,70,37,33,35,12,8,3,4,2,1,32,41,46,52,53,55,63,140,122,142,151,164 see w100 and w107 w 1 nl the drawing has been included in w200 w 2 nl the drawing has been included in w101 w 3 nl the drawing has been included in w200 w 4 nl the drawing has been included in w106 w 5 nl the drawing has been included in w102 w 6 nl the drawing has been included in w103 w 8 nl the drawing has been included in w200 w 9 nl the drawing has been included in w101 w 10 nl the drawing has been included in w200 w 12 nl the drawing has been included in w106 w 13 nl the drawing has been included in w103 w 14 nl the drawing has been included in w106 w 15 nl the drawing has been included in w101 w 16 nl the drawing has been included in w106 w 17 nl the drawing has been included in w105 w 18 nl the drawing has been included in w200 w 19 nl the drawing has been included in w200 w 20 nl the drawing has been included in w104 w 21 nl the drawing has been included in w200 w 22 nl the drawing has been included in w101 w 24 nl the drawing has been included in w107 w 25 nl the drawing has been included in w104