; File processed on 2024-12-11 ; J1a3 A2 2010-08-10_U810LC.j lC f41 A2 2010-08-10_U810LC.j lC f43 A2 2010-08-10_U810LC.j lC f72 A21 2010-08-10_U810LC.j !! Wall A35 2006-10-08_QX08MS.j mS v127 A98 2010-08-10_U810LC.j lC The wall corresponds also to ^wall1. B10 2010-08-10_U810LC.j lC Wall B11 2005-09-06_P906MS.j mS this is the large wall and the bottom elevation is 8675 so it is only 3 meters high. B11 2007-07-25_R725MS2.j mS this aggregate is a combination of f41, f43 and f72 and was defined in MZ16. The three individual features are all part of the large Terrace Wall. Although this number was assigned, the wall has been most frequently referred to as f72 throughout MZ18 and MZ19. ; J1a5 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 2005-08-25_P826CVP1.j cvp collapse A35 2010-08-10_U810LC.j lC v84 B11 2005-08-25_P817CVP.j cvp Wall Fall, designated before as f165. It contains f165,f166 and components c1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14. Also it is possible that the stones left in place co of f165, and f167, the very big flat boulder, were part of this fall. But we are not sure, so we left them for future reassessment. B11 2005-08-25_P826CVP1.j cvp Wall Fall D1 2005-08-25_P826CVP1.j cvp k9 G11 2009-03-06_A-CUMUL.j !! f165 G11 2009-03-06_A-CUMUL.j !! f166 G11 2009-03-06_A-CUMUL.j !! f167 G13 2009-03-06_A-CUMUL.j !! q404 G13 2009-03-06_A-CUMUL.j !! q442 I1 2009-03-06_A-CUMUL.j !! s12-JPA I1 2011-02-10_V211LC.j !! s130-J1A I1 2011-02-10_V211LC.j !! s146-J1A I3 2009-03-06_A-CUMUL.j !! h6a-JPA I3 2011-02-10_V211LC.j !! h7m-J1A I3 2011-02-10_V211LC.j !! h7s-J1A O11 2005-08-17_P821VS1.j vS v83 O11 2005-08-17_P821VS1.j vS v83a O11 2005-08-17_P821VS1.j vS v83b O11 2005-08-17_P821VS1.j vS v83c O11 2005-08-22_P903MS1.j mS v89 O11 2005-08-22_P903MS1.j mS v89a O11 2005-08-22_P903MS1.j mS v89b ; J1a6 A21 2005-08-25_P826CVP1.j cvp be A35 2006-10-07_QX06MS1.j mS v127a B11 2005-08-25_P817CVP.j cvp Row of big elongated flat boulders flanking the Terrace Wall f72 along its bottom (as known till today), in k106, k9 and k10. It is formed by two features, f164, the stones more to the W, that are at a lower level, and the ones more to the E, f180, at a higher level. We still don't know its function, even if we call it ledge, footing or bench, not so much for its possible functionality as for its shape and situation adjoining a wall. B11 2005-08-25_P826CVP1.j cvp Bench, footing or ledge C40 2006-10-04_V114LC.j lC After three more excavation season we reached another conclusion: a6 is a bench abutting the base of the Revetment Wall, interpreted as a curtain wall (^curt3) or similar typology of structure. The date is not clear yet because the accumulation abutting and covering it area clearly Mitanni, but the big stones sits on top of clearly EDIII material. This material is in the middle between a6 (f180) and the lower and earlier flat large stone belonging to f164, interpreted as an early stone escarpment. D1 2005-08-25_P826CVP1.j cvp k107 G11 2009-03-06_A-CUMUL.j !! f164 G11 2009-03-06_A-CUMUL.j !! f180 I1 2009-03-06_A-CUMUL.j !! s14-JPA I1 2011-02-10_V211LC.j !! s174-J1A I1 2011-02-10_V211LC.j !! s650-J1A I3 2009-03-06_A-CUMUL.j !! h6b-JPA I3 2011-02-10_V211LC.j !! h3m-J1A I3 2011-02-10_V211LC.j !! h7f-J1A I12 2006-10-04_V114LC.j lC The chronology of this installation is unsure. This is also due to the water erosion and many of the J1 elements have been used for long periods. We often find Mitanni material right on top of early Third Millennium material.... O11 2005-08-23_P903MS1.j cVP v90 O11 2005-08-23_P903MS1.j cVP v90a O11 2005-08-23_P903MS1.j cVP v90b O11 2006-10-08_R731MS.j mS v216a O11 2006-10-10_R731MS.j mS v224 O11 2006-10-10_R731MS.j mS v224a O11 2006-10-10_R731MS.j mS v224b O11 2006-10-11_R731MS.j mS v225 O11 2006-10-11_R731MS.j mS v225a O11 2006-10-11_R731MS.j mS v225b O11 2009-07-28_T819MM3.j mM v363 ; J1a7 A35 2006-10-08_QX08MS.j mS v108 B11 2010-08-10_U810LC.j lC Stone wall running east to west almost parallel to the revetment wall f72. This wall is constituted of just a row of stones and it is preserved for two courses. It forms a clear and sharp boundary at the base of the revetment wall. It was built in part against the material belonging to the second escarpment and was resting on Mittani accumulations. Going to the west it became less and less compact till to be formed just by few isolated stones (f314). It also dates to Mittani period. G11 2009-03-06_A-CUMUL.j !! f168 G11 2009-03-06_A-CUMUL.j !! f188 G12 2009-03-06_A-CUMUL.j !! i67 I1 2009-03-06_A-CUMUL.j !! s14-JPA I1 2011-02-10_V211LC.j !! s176-J1A I3 2009-03-06_A-CUMUL.j !! h6b-JPA I3 2011-02-10_V211LC.j !! h7f-J1A O11 2005-08-18_P821VS1.j cVP v86 O11 2005-08-18_P821VS1.j cVP v86a O11 2005-09-04_R310MS.j mS v107 O11 2005-09-04_R310MS.j mS v107a O11 2005-09-04_R310MS.j mS v107b O11 2005-09-04_R310MS.j mS v108 O11 2005-09-04_R310MS.j mS v108a O11 2005-09-04_R310MS.j mS v108b O11 2007-07-27_R727MS1.j ms p29 O11 2007-08-02_R813CJC.j cJC v234 ; J1a8 A3 2009-09-19_T919LC.j lC ^str1 A21 2009-08-13_T815LC.j !! Stone structure A35 2010-08-10_U810LC.j lC v437 B10 2009-08-13_T815LC.j lC Stone structure B11 2009-08-13_T815LC.j lC Some kind of structure constituted of two big stone walls f259 and f288 dating to Late Chalcolithic period. Wall f259 is running north to south and it is bonded with wall f288. Both the walls are damaged either by natural water erosion or by later human cuts. The function of the structure forming a sort of L, is not clear yet. It could be part of a structure linked to a Late Chalcolithic mound, as boundary for the plaza to the east, but also used to divert waters coming from the west, and surrounding the mound. It is not excluded that this structure could be part of a public or private building, but further excavations are required because this year we won't have time to expose it in its entirety. C3 2009-08-19_T815LC.j lC The function of this structure is not clear yet. It has a L shape and a this level of excavation we don't know how much the wall f288 is continuing to the east. Moreover it is likely that the wall f259 is also continuing toward south, perhaps at a lower level and further excavation is required. First of all the two walls, even being bonded, could have different functions, the western wall f259 probably was a sort of coating wall retaining the accumulations from the west and probably the waters flowing. The northern wall f288 can have the same function or perhaps working as retaining wall for a possible Chalcolithic terrace. We know that there was erosion and much water coming from west that caused the break f344 in wall f259. The northern wall was in part cut in ED III period, but because to the east it is very poorly preserved (just a row of stones) probably was already broken in antiquity for some reasons. Unfortunately for now it is impossible to check the kind of accumulations to the north of wall f288, both behind the preserved and the eroded portion, to see eventually the differences in features typology. Another question regards to its construction, because it seems that at the bottom the two walls, and most of all f259, have very big and almost squared stones, quite different from the upper rows. It could be linked to the fact that they belong to the foundations or they could show two different construction periods. C3 2009-09-11_T831LC.j lC At the end of the excavation period we were able to check that the northern stone wall f288 is not continuing to the west. Instead is continuing to the north and we can't exclude that the wall f259 is continuing to the south. With the information gained so far it seems plausible a function for this structure similar to the ED III revetment wall, in a general organization of a such big area with sacral function. Moreover in the small sounding k130 we reached the bottom of the wall f288 and we didn't find anything similar to floors or pavements, indicating perhaps that we are in a open air area, even if it can't be excluded that some sort of pavement could be little deeper and sloping toward south. Even if it was an outer space we expect to find some sort of surface linked with this structure. D1 2009-08-15_T901LC.j lC k127 D3 2009-08-30_T901LC2R.j aAJ r1325 (40887 46954 - 8619 / Relay location: 1) D3 2009-08-30_T901LC2R.j aAJ r1326 (40876 46954 - 8611 / Relay location: 2) D3 2009-08-30_T901LC2R.j aAJ r1327 (40952 47013 - 8629 / Relay location: 3) D3 2009-08-30_T901LC2R.j aAJ r1328 (41044 47050 - 8667 / Relay location: 4) D3 2009-08-30_T901LC2R.j aAJ r1329 (41110 47079 - 8673 / Relay location: 5) D3 2009-08-30_T901LC2R.j aAJ r1330 (41238 47159 - 8663 / Relay location: 6) D3 2009-08-30_T901LC2R.j aAJ r1331 (41210 47277 - 8658 / Relay location: 7) D3 2009-08-30_T901LC2R.j aAJ r1332 (41170 47324 - 8602 / Relay location: 8) D3 2009-08-30_T901LC2R.j aAJ r1333 (41139 47377 - 8568 / Relay location: 9) D3 2009-08-30_T901LC2R.j aAJ r1334 (41063 47506 - 8499 / Relay location: 10) D3 2009-08-30_T901LC2R.j aAJ r1335 (41094 47516 - 8500 / Relay location: 11) D3 2009-08-30_T901LC2R.j aAJ r1336 (41237 47303 - 8645 / Relay location: 12) D3 2009-08-30_T901LC2R.j aAJ r1337 (41280 47120 - 8658 / Relay location: 13) D3 2009-08-30_T901LC2R.j aAJ r1338 (41166 47063 - 8621 / Relay location: 14) D3 2009-08-30_T901LC2R.j aAJ r1339 (41050 46998 - 8651 / Relay location: 15) D3 2009-08-30_T901LC2R.j aAJ r1340 (40887 47027 - 8513 / Relay location: 16) D3 2009-08-30_T901LC2R.j aAJ r1341 (41221 47183 - 8520 / Relay location: 17) D3 2009-08-30_T901LC2R.j aAJ r1342 (41170 47290 - 8525 / Relay location: 18) G11 2009-08-13_T815LC.j lC f259 G11 2009-08-13_T815LC.j lC f288 I1 2011-02-10_V211LC.j !! s850-J1A I3 2011-02-10_V211LC.j !! h2m-J1A I12 2012-10-15_V928LC.j lC first assigned to late Chalcolithic on the base of the few sherds found at the bottom of it, then has been suggested a Ninevite 5 date, on the basis of stratigraphic relationship with the nearby units. Following a conservative intepretation we assign it to phase 3f-JPD, waiting for new excavation for a final assignement. For a more detailed discussion see topic "LC or Ninevite structure?" O11 2009-08-13_T823LC2.j lC v404 O11 2009-08-13_T823LC2.j lC v404a O11 2009-08-13_T823LC2.j lC v406 O11 2009-08-15_T823LC2.j lC v408 O11 2009-08-15_T824LC.j lC v410 O11 2009-08-16_T824LC.j lC v414 O11 2009-08-17_T824LC.j lC v415 O11 2009-08-17_T824LC.j lC v416 O11 2009-08-17_T824LC.j lC v416b O11 2009-08-17_T824LC.j lC v417 O11 2009-08-17_T824LC.j lC v418 O11 2009-08-17_T824LC.j lC v419 O11 2009-08-17_T824LC.j lC v420 O11 2009-08-18_T824LC.j lC v422 O11 2009-08-18_T824LC.j lC v423 O11 2009-08-18_T824LC.j lC v424 O11 2009-08-27_T902LC.j lC v427 O11 2009-08-27_T902LC.j lC v427a O11 2009-08-27_T902LC.j lC v427b O11 2009-08-27_T902LC.j lC v428 O11 2009-08-27_T902LC.j lC v428a O11 2009-08-27_T902LC.j lC v431 O11 2009-08-27_T902LC.j lC v432 O11 2009-09-01_T902LC.j lC v437 O11 2009-09-01_T902LC.j lC v438 O11 2009-09-01_T902LC.j lC v438a O11 2009-09-01_T902LC.j lC v439 O11 2009-09-01_T902LC.j lC v440 O11 2009-09-01_T902LC.j lC v442 O11 2009-09-01_T902LC.j lC v444 ; J1a9 A21 2009-08-18_T901LC.j lC Group of layers A35 2010-08-10_U810LC.j lC v425 B11 2009-08-18_T815LC.j lC Succession of natural floors and natural accumulations against which the inclined wall f259 was built. These layers are all abutting the stone wall f259, that we assume built to retain accumulation from the west. These features present more and more Late Chalcolithic sherds going deeper, but probably they are still Ninivite 5 in date. This makes sense because we are still high and probably the wall was used and visible for a long time, probably until Mittani period. Moreover these materials are washed from the west. D1 2009-08-18_T901LC.j lC k131 G11 2009-08-18_T815LC.j lC f338 G11 2009-08-18_T815LC.j lC f346 G11 2009-08-18_T815LC.j lC f351 G11 2009-08-18_T815LC.j lC f352 G11 2009-08-18_T815LC.j lC f353 G11 2009-08-18_T815LC.j lC f364 G13 2009-08-18_T815LC.j !! q1290 G13 2009-08-18_T815LC.j !! q1292 G13 2009-08-18_T815LC.j !! q1296 G13 2009-08-18_T815LC.j !! q1300 G13 2009-08-18_T815LC.j !! q1305 G13 2009-08-18_T815LC.j !! q1307 G13 2009-08-18_T815LC.j !! q1308 G13 2009-08-18_T815LC.j !! q1310 G13 2009-08-18_T815LC.j !! q1316 G13 2009-08-18_T815LC.j !! q1321 G13 2009-08-18_T815LC.j !! q1329 I1 2011-02-10_V211LC.j !! s708-J1A I1 2011-02-10_V211LC.j !! s711-J1A I3 2011-02-10_V211LC.j !! h3f-J1A O11 2009-08-26_T902LC.j lC v425 O11 2009-08-26_T902LC.j lC v425a ; J1a10 A21 2009-08-23_T823LC.j !! Group of objects A35 2010-08-10_U810LC.j lC v411 B10 2009-08-23_T823LC.j lC Group of objects B11 2009-08-23_T823LC.j lC Group of objects found toghether. It is costituted of two well preserved obsidian blades, a complete clay wheel and a flint scraper. They were found at the bottom of wall f288, right on top of mud bricks f356 belonging to some kind of installation. D1 2009-08-22_T901LC.j lC k130 O11 2009-08-15_T824LC.j lC v411 O11 2009-08-15_T824LC.j lC v411a