; File processed on 2025-01-28
; J5.1
A20 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP clay artifact
A21 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j !! figurine
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4610 J5i1 S723 dM fg f7.jpg
B10 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP figurine
B11 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP body of a small animal figurine, possibly a sheep (ovis type II). The four feet (hooves?) and the head are lost.
D1 2008-07-13_T323JW.j lH k24
D3 2008-07-13_S714DL4.R lH r51 (43620 46467 - 9244 / Relay location: center)
F51 2008-07-13_T323JW.j lH i1 (figurine) sits in f7 (accumulation D)
G17 2008-07-13_T323JW.j lH q3
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s40-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9h-J5B
J1 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP 2.85
J2 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP 4.24
J4 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP 2.19
BA1 2008-07-13_T323JW.j lH figurine
BA2 2008-07-13_T323JW.j lH 3
BA3 2008-07-13_T323JW.j lH 4
BA5 2008-07-13_T323JW.j lH 2
BA6 2008-07-13_T323JW.j lH cl
BA9 2008-07-13_T323JW.j lH body of an animal
K3 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP clay
K5 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP very pale brown
K6 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP 10YR 7/4
K10 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP broken (just the body is preserved)
K90 2014-03-30_Y401JW.j rAH The fact that this figurine was found in K24, as I understand, near the monumental staircase to the temple, is provocative. Could the bearer have been bringing wool to the temple as an offering? Ordinarily, I do not indulge in such speculation. This artifact, however, mutilated or broken as it may be, bears comparison with the representations recovered in the Royal Storehouse; that it was recovered in this particular place does prompt the question. If it were within the closed context of AK, we would read this exemplar differently.
It would be important to correlate this stratum with strata in the Royal Storehouse. Is the artifact coeval with artifacts there? Or, if not, should we begin to think about the persistence of a representational tradition? That is, Ovis must have been represented in the same manner over generations. The same question may be posed for other representations found in this unit.
The measurements of this figure correspond roughly to those expected for Ovis I. Naturally, measuring from illustrations that may foreshorten and sometimes falsify the view is problematic. However, here follow approximate measurements for this figurine that can be determined from the photographs.
Forequarters (w1) 1.6. Torso (w2) 1.5 hindquarters (w3) 2.2 tail .8 neck 1.2 length 3.6. Thus, the ratio of tail to hindquarters is slightly greater than 1: 3. The width at the neck is approximately three quarters of the width of the forequarters (w1@neck >/= 3/4w1). The fore quarters are greater in width than the torso and the torso is not quite as wide as the hindquarters (w1 >/= 4/5w1 </= w3). The length is a little less than twice the width of the forequarters (lg </= 2w1).
K90 2014-03-30_Y401JW.j rAH This figurine, one of two found in unit K24, is a nice example of Ovis TYPE I; that is to say, a sheep raised for its wool. The excavator has correctly determined the species. However, the body type says that this animal was more likely raised for its wool, than for its meat or for its milk (Thus, TYPE I and not TYPE II). The caudal view (V21d4614) clearly shows a tail, which is almost exactly one-third the width of the hindquarters; this is a diagnostic feature of Ovis I. Compare, in the AK figurine volume, Ovis 9 A6q19.1 caudal view. Also see Ovis 3 A1q474.1. Luckily, the illustrations collected here do show the caudal view; there is no dorsal view, which would have provided more diagnostic detail and certainty regarding this identification.
In some cases, measurements given are not diagnostic. It is useless to provide a measurement of an element that is broken; or, rather, terminates in a break; clearly such a measurement could not be diagnostic for it does not conform to the original extension of the element. Invariably, the "height" of a figurine is not determinant, for the head and/or feet are often missing.
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4609 J5i1 S723 dM fg f7.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4610 J5i1 S723 dM fg f7.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4611 J5i1 S723 dM fg f7.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4612 J5i1 S723 dM fg f7.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4613 J5i1 S723 dM fg f7.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4614 J5i1 S723 dM fg f7.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P2 2008-08-28_S828SNP.j sNP ZSB 2-20
; J5.2
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j !! blade
A35 2010-08-21_J05_VWX.j !! L_V23d5106 J5i2 U821 dM bl f9.jpg
B10 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP blade
B11 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP flat and smooth trapezoidal obsidian fragment of a blade. The front side is divided in 3 almost parallel parts; back flat. Top and bottom fragmented. Signs of usage on both the sharp sides
D1 2008-07-13_T323JW.j dL k23
D3 2008-07-13_S714DL4.R dL r57 (43164 46292 - 9242 / Relay location: center)
F51 2008-07-13_T323JW.j dL i2 (blade) sits in f9 (accumulation D)
G17 2008-07-13_T323JW.j dL q5
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s40-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9h-J5B
J1 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP 1.44
J2 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP 2.9
J4 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP 0.56
BA1 2008-07-13_T323JW.j dL blade
BA2 2008-07-13_T323JW.j dL 3
BA3 2008-07-13_T323JW.j dL 1.7
BA5 2008-07-13_T323JW.j dL 0.8
BA6 2008-07-13_T323JW.j dL ob
BA9 2008-07-13_T323JW.j dL fragmented obsidian blade
K3 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP obsidian
K5 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP black
K10 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP fragmented
O2 2010-08-21_J05_VWX.j dM L_V23d5106 J5i2 U821 dM bl f9.jpg
O2 2010-08-21_J05_VWX.j dM L_V23d5107 J5i2 U821 dM bl f9.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P2 2008-08-28_S828SNP.j sNP ZSB 16-86
P99 2008-07-13_S714DL7.j sNP to be photographed
; J5.3
A20 2008-07-14_S714DL7.j dL lithic artifact
A21 2008-07-14_S714DL7.j !! uncertain
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4602 J5i3 S723 dM ca f7.jpg
B10 2008-07-14_S714DL7.j dL uncertain
B11 2008-07-14_S714DL7.j dL stone cylinder with a circular hole in the middle running parallel to the longest side. Broken on one of the bases, rounded at the other. Maybe a weight for weaving
D1 2008-07-15_T323JW.j dL k24
D3 2008-07-14_S714MO.R dL r67 (43766 46285 - 9166 / Relay location: center)
F51 2008-07-15_T323JW.j dL i3 (uncertain) sits in f7 (accumulation D)
G17 2008-07-15_T323JW.j dL q9
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s40-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9h-J5B
J1 2008-07-14_S714DL7.j dL 2.6
J2 2008-07-14_S714DL7.j dL 5.20
J4 2008-07-14_S714DL7.j dL 2.8
BA1 2008-07-15_T323JW.j dL lithic specimen
BA2 2008-07-15_T323JW.j dL 5
BA3 2008-07-15_T323JW.j dL 2.5
BA5 2008-07-15_T323JW.j dL 2.5
BA6 2008-07-15_T323JW.j dL li
BA9 2008-07-15_T323JW.j dL lithic cylinder
K3 2008-07-14_S714DL7.j dL lithic
K5 2008-07-14_S714DL7.j dL very pale brown
K10 2008-07-14_S714DL7.j dL broken on one base
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4601 J5i3 S723 dM ca f7.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4602 J5i3 S723 dM ca f7.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4603 J5i3 S723 dM ca f7.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4604 J5i3 S723 dM ca f7.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P2 2008-08-28_S828SNP.j sNP ZSB 16-88
; J5.4
A20 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j sNP lithic artifact
A21 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j !! door socket
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4638 J5i4 S723 dM la f10.jpg
B10 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j sNP door socket
B11 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j sNP basaltic tool, probably a grinding stone reused as door socket or base for a turning tool. Almost rounded shape, one extremity fragmented, the other broken. One rounded side, not very polished, and one flat side with a circular depression in the middle (2,6 cm deep).
D1 2008-07-15_T323JW.j mO k23
D3 2008-07-15_S715MO.R mO r75 (42954 46323 - 9217 / Relay location: center)
F51 2008-07-15_T323JW.j mO i4 (door socket) sits in f10 (accumulation D)
G17 2008-07-15_T323JW.j mO q13
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s40-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9h-J5B
J1 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j sNP 13.98
J2 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j sNP 17.2
J4 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j sNP 5.19
BA1 2008-07-15_T323JW.j mO grinding stone
BA2 2008-07-15_T323JW.j mO 17
BA3 2008-07-15_T323JW.j mO 14.5
BA5 2008-07-15_T323JW.j mO 5.2
BA6 2008-07-15_T323JW.j mO li
BA9 2008-07-15_T323JW.j mO grinding stone
K3 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j sNP basalt
K5 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j sNP black
K10 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j sNP well preserved except extremities
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4635 J5i4 S723 dM la f10.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4636 J5i4 S723 dM la f10.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4637 J5i4 S723 dM la f10.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4638 J5i4 S723 dM la f10.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P2 2008-08-28_S828SNP.j sNP ZSB 105-29
; J5.5
A20 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j sNP clay artifact
A21 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j !! figurine
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4506 J5i5 S721 dM fg f7.jpg
B10 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j sNP figurine
B11 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j sNP body of a small animal figurine, possibly a sheep (g. ovis type II). the hooves and the head are lost. Remains of the tail in the posterior part.
D1 2008-07-15_T323JW.j dL k24
D3 2008-07-15_S715MO.R mO r76 (43722 46305 - 9212 / Relay location: center)
F51 2008-07-15_T323JW.j dL i5 (figurine) sits in f7 (accumulation D)
G17 2008-07-15_T323JW.j dL q12
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s40-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9h-J5B
J1 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j sNP 2.91
J2 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j sNP 4.70
J4 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j sNP 2.67
BA1 2008-07-15_T323JW.j dL figurine
BA2 2008-07-15_T323JW.j dL 5.2
BA3 2008-07-15_T323JW.j dL 3.4
BA5 2008-07-15_T323JW.j dL 2.6
BA6 2008-07-15_T323JW.j dL cl
BA9 2008-07-15_T323JW.j dL body of an animal figurine
K3 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j sNP clay
K5 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j sNP brownish yellow
K10 2008-07-15_S715SNP.j sNP broken (just body is preserved)
K90 2014-03-30_Y401JW.j rAH This figurine sits in the same accumulation as figurine J5.1 in K24. There are inaccuracies in the description by the excavator. Corrections should be made to the global record, specifically the references to species, and the tail. Not all the exemplars of animals at Urkesh have "paws."
As there is no dorsal view, it is difficult to ascertain the actual proportions of forequarters to torso to hindquarters. The other views correspond, at least roughly, to exemplars in the AK corpus, (although I am taking it on faith that the median of view V21d4507 is the right median plane), so then this figurine can be compared to the same view of Bos 6.
As it is, there is no particular order to the manner in which the photographs are displayed. In this case, the animal would appear to be Bos, as I surmise the proportion forequarters to torso to hindquarters is 1:1:1. The shallow rise from buttocks to back to neck would seem to substantiate this view. The caudal view is to be compared with Bos 10 and Bos 206. The forward thrust of the forelegs (as I take them) conforms in angle to the TYPE. Further diagnostic details cannot really be read from the photographic record.
That this figurine sits in the same accumulation as J5.1 gives me pause. Can we assume that there is in fact, a telling relationship between this artifact and its context? If this animal is not, then, an offering, we may recall the Ishar-Beli sealing and see the presence of these two different species in the same situation as a possible reference to the process of domestication, so successfully applied at Urkesh. That this process is thus commemorated on the way to visit a god is significantThis figurine sits in the same accumulation as figurine J5.1 in K24.
O2 2008-07-21_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4506 J5i5 S721 dM fg f7.jpg
O2 2008-07-21_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4507 J5i5 S721 dM fg f7.jpg
O2 2008-07-21_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4508 J5i5 S721 dM fg f7.jpg
O2 2008-07-21_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4509 J5i5 S721 dM fg f7.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P99 2008-08-28_S828SNP.j sNP status of drawing not verified as of U216
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03
; J5.6
A20 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j dL lithic artifact
A21 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j !! grinding stone
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4688 J5i6 S723 dM la f9.jpg
B10 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j dL grinding stone
B11 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j dL piece of basalt grinding stone of prismic shape, with two flat sides and the others irregular.
D1 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL k23
D3 2008-07-16_S716DL.R jW r98 (43128 46297 - 9155 / Relay location: center)
F51 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL i6 (grinding stone) sits in f9 (accumulation D)
G17 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL q18
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s40-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9h-J5B
J1 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j dL 8.75
J2 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j dL 14.4
J4 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j dL 7.32
BA1 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL grinding stone
BA2 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL 15
BA3 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL 6.8
BA5 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL 8.5
BA6 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL li
BA8 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL black
BA9 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL broken grinding stone
K3 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j dL basalt
K5 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j dL light black
K10 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j dL broken
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4688 J5i6 S723 dM la f9.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4689 J5i6 S723 dM la f9.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4690 J5i6 S723 dM la f9.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 105-030
; J5.7
A20 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j dL lithic artifact
A21 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j !! grinding stone
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4686 J5i7 S723 dM la f9.jpg
B10 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j dL grinding stone
B11 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j dL upper part of a grinding stone, with a flat side and a rounded one
D1 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL k23
D3 2008-07-16_S716DL.R jW r99 (43300 46086 - 9182 / Relay location: center)
F51 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL i7 (grinding stone) sits in f9 (accumulation D)
G17 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL q18
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s40-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9h-J5B
J1 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j dL 10.95
J2 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j dL 18.5
J4 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j dL 4.8
BA1 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL grinding stone
BA2 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL 19
BA3 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL 11.5
BA5 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL 3.4
BA6 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL li
BA8 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL black
BA9 2008-07-16_T323JW.j dL broken grinding stone
K3 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j dL basalt
K5 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j dL light black
K10 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j dL broken
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4685 J5i7 S723 dM la f9.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4686 J5i7 S723 dM la f9.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4687 J5i7 S723 dM la f9.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P2 2008-08-28_S828SNP.j sNP ZSB 105-29
; J5.8
A20 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j sNP clay artifact
A21 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j !! figurine
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d7715 J5i8 S819 dM fg f15.jpg
B10 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j sNP figurine
B11 2008-07-16_S718MO2.j mO It's female human figure in the famous situation (holding her breast), made in mold. There are jeneral lines refer to legs; there is no importance to show the details of the legs part, and we can see the reason, because there is wide lines in the right said of the right leg but we can note the same lines in the another said, the lines meaning there is address cover the lower part of the figure so, the legs sing as lines because it's under the clothes and we can't note its virgin for the same reason. The upper part is magnified, and they are interested with the hands and breast refers to the importance of this area from the female body. The head is broken but its wideness is 2.2cm while the wideness of the shoulder is 4cm so, they gave the head wide area to ad a decoration or signs for jewels or to show the hair details which we see in the observed said. The limitation of the hands showed as remove some of the clay before firing and sure from its shape by incised limit lines. The fist detail isn't clear, because they focused on the breast and the line of the hair isn't straight so, may by there is a fashion. The perimeter of the breast without hands is 6cm and with hand is 10cm,while the perimeter of the waist is 9cm . The high of the upper part is 4cm and the lower part until the point of the broken is 4cm and broken part about 4cm so to be harmonious as it's the high of the head should be 2.5-3cm. The painted decoration in its said similar to the painted decoration in the top of the rim of the khabor period as three lines and also the color of the decoration.
B11 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j sNP Broken figurine of a naked woman, holding her breast with both hands. Head and lower part of legs missing. Traces of colour on the sides of her legs. Reverse almost flat: no rendering of the legs, only the arms are shaped. The pubic area is rendered by two obliqual lines engraved, wich give the shape of both vagina and legs. On the upper part of her back an engraved sign, possibly the lower limits of her hairs or traces of a point of attach to a larger object.
D1 2008-07-16_T323JW.j mO k34
D3 2008-07-16_S716DL.R mO r104 (43674 46044 - 9258 / Relay location: center)
F51 2008-07-16_T323JW.j mO i8 (figurine) sits in f15 (topsoil)
G17 2008-07-16_T323JW.j mO q19
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s20-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9m-J5B
J1 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j sNP 4.41
J2 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j sNP 7.11
J4 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j sNP 2.29
BA1 2008-07-16_T323JW.j mO figurine
BA2 2008-07-16_T323JW.j mO 8.1
BA3 2008-07-16_T323JW.j mO 4.5
BA5 2008-07-16_T323JW.j mO 2
BA6 2008-07-16_T323JW.j mO cl
BA8 2008-07-16_T323JW.j mO grey
BA9 2008-07-16_T323JW.j mO fragment of human figurine (female) standing, without head and feet.
K3 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j sNP clay
K5 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j sNP very pale brown
K6 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j sNP 10YR 8/2
K10 2008-07-16_S716DL1.j sNP broken
K90 2014-03-30_Y401JW.j rAH There are a number of notable things about this figurine that require extended thought. This description will be summary and perhaps will contribute to later discussion about this object. First, it is not clear that the figurine is naked. The figure is, I believe, clothed. The details of the body are schematic, as if covered, although the pubic triangle is clearly indicated. This is not unusual for figurines of the period. Second, as seen in dorsal view, the figurine bends slightly to the left forming a curved arc. This is an unusual detail. Third, the figurine is not clasping its breasts, but rather may be holding an object of some sort. This may account for the " limitation of the hands showed as remove some of the clay before firing," as noted by the excavator. That is, the hand is perhaps grasping some sort of rod, as a scepter, but not cupping a breast. Fourth, the figurine is painted. There may be indistinct remnants of paint on the back of the object, although this is not clear from the photograph. What is clear, are the thick parallel lines drawn horizontally to the vertical axis of the figure on the sides of the object. There appear to be 4 of them. It is not clear whether these lines cross the object to the other side. As the excavator notes, the approximate Munsell value of these lines would appear to resemble Khabur pigment. It does not appear to be made from a slip of the terracotta itself.
To venture further than these observations would be risky. First, the quality of the photography is not adequate for interpretation. Secondly, the form of the figurine is anomalous at Urkesh. It is likely to have been imported. The back of the figurine is particularly striking, resembling for all the world some of the "bed" artifacts from Egypt! Why the articulation of the body through the clothing is rendered in this manner is a mystery.
O2 2008-08-19_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d7711 J5i8 S819 dM fg f15.jpg
O2 2008-08-19_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d7712 J5i8 S819 dM fg f15.jpg
O2 2008-08-19_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d7713 J5i8 S819 dM fg f15.jpg
O2 2008-08-19_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d7714 J5i8 S819 dM fg f15.jpg
O2 2008-08-19_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d7715 J5i8 S819 dM fg f15.jpg
O2 2008-08-19_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d7716 J5i8 S819 dM fg f15.jpg
O4 2013-02-08_J05_VWX.j kF L_W21d2074 J5.0008 X208 kF fg f15.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 001-004
; J5.9
A20 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP clay artifact
A21 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j !! figurine
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4513 J5i9 S721 dM ca f18.jpg
B10 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP figurine
B11 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP figurine of the anterior part of the body of an animal, perhaps an ox; just the part between the neck and the legs remains. Decorative strokes on the front. The throat juts out significantly, suggesting an identification with an ox. See also item Z1.589.
D1 2008-07-17_T323JW.j sNP k44
D3 2008-07-17_S719MO3.R dl r115 (43978 45533 - 9282 / Relay location: center)
F51 2008-07-17_T323JW.j sNP i9 (figurine) sits in f18 (topsoil)
G17 2008-07-17_T323JW.j sNP q26
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s20-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9m-J5B
J1 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP 4.99
J2 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP 4.89
J4 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP 4.48
BA1 2008-07-17_T323JW.j sNP figurine
BA2 2008-07-17_T323JW.j sNP 4.9
BA3 2008-07-17_T323JW.j sNP 3.8
BA5 2008-07-17_T323JW.j sNP 3.6
BA6 2008-07-17_T323JW.j sNP st
BA8 2008-07-17_T323JW.j sNP brownish grey
BA9 2008-07-17_T323JW.j sNP possibly a figurine fragment
K3 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP clay
K5 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP very pale brown
K6 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP 10YR 7/4
K10 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP fragmented
K90 2014-03-30_Y401JW.j rAH The orientation of this object is completely problematic. It is not possible to reconstruct a viable orientation and analysis without having the actual object in front of one. There is no basis for considering the object to be an "ox," as the excavator surmises. There is no decoration at all on this object. Certain anatomical details have been delineated by deep incisions. That the "throat juts out significantly" is not a basis for considering the object as Bos. Any number of species can display a prominent breast ridge, not just cattle.
This object, as well as several others, raises the question: "Why are the figurines recovered in J5 so fragmented?" It is true that depositional action takes its toll. These representations, however, are so damaged as to obscure all but one or two diagnostic details. As a first observation, we might note that the function -- or the life history of these objects -- is different than the function of the figurines found in the royal storehouse. This is not to say that function is equivalent to life history; but rather that the function of these objects dictates a different path of action and results in their fragmentary recovery.
O2 2008-07-21_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4510 J5i9 S721 dM ca f18.jpg
O2 2008-07-21_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4511 J5i9 S721 dM ca f18.jpg
O2 2008-07-21_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4512 J5i9 S721 dM ca f18.jpg
O2 2008-07-21_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4513 J5i9 S721 dM ca f18.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P99 2008-08-28_S828SNP.j sNP status of drawing not verified as of U216
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03
; J5.10
A20 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP lithic artifact
A21 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j !! grinding stone
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4587 J5i10 S723 dM cv f11.jpg
B10 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP grinding stone
B11 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP trapezoidal fragment of a basalt dish-like base, likely a mortar.
D1 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO k23
D3 2008-07-17_S719MO3.R mO r127 (43028 46143 - 9164 / Relay location: S)
F51 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO i10 (grinding stone) sits in f22 (accumulation D)
G17 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO q29
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s40-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9h-J5B
J1 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP 6.11
J2 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP 10.14
J4 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP 3.33
BA1 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO dish (small platter)
BA2 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO 10
BA3 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO 6
BA5 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO 4.5
BA6 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO st
BA8 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO light black
BA9 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO a piece of a basalt dish
K3 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP basalt
K5 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP black
K10 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP fragment
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4586 J5i10 S723 dM cv f11.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4587 J5i10 S723 dM cv f11.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4588 J5i10 S723 dM cv f11.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4589 J5i10 S723 dM cv f11.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P2 2008-08-28_S828SNP.j sNP ZSB 16-88
; J5.11
A20 !!_!! !! organic
A21 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j !! carbon sample
A35 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j !! p2
B10 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP carbon sample
B11 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP small specimen of carbon. No indication of its suitability for C14 testing.
D1 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO k23
D3 2008-07-17_S719MO3.R dL r136 (43024 46171 - 9131 / Relay location: #####)
F51 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO i11 (carbon sample) sits in f25 (fill)
G1 2008-09-17_S917JW.j !! a1
G17 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO q29
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s60-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h8r-J5B
J1 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP 0.7
J2 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP 1
J4 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP 0.6
BA1 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO carbon sample
BA2 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO 1.5
BA3 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO 0.7
BA5 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO 0.3
BA6 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO co
BA8 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO black
BA9 2008-07-17_T323JW.j mO fragment of carbon
K3 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP carbon
K5 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP black
K10 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP fragment
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
O99 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP Not photographed before storage.
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 029-034
; J5.12
A20 !!_!! !! organic
A21 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j !! human body
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW v15
B10 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP human body
B11 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP bones from the burial of a small child.
D1 2008-07-19_T323JW.j mO k44
D3 2008-07-17_S719MO3.R mO r175 (43904 45547 - 9267 / Relay location: center)
F51 2008-07-19_T323JW.j mO i12 (human body) sits in f27 (burial)
G17 2008-07-19_T323JW.j mO q32
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s60-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h8r-J5B
BA1 2008-07-19_T323JW.j mO human body
BA9 2008-07-19_T323JW.j mO skeleton of a very little child
K99 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP Will be analyzed in detail and separately reported in a future season by the Physical Anthropologist.
O13 2008-07-19_S722LH.j lH v15
O13 2008-07-19_S722LH.j lH v17
O13 2008-07-19_S722LH.j lH v17a
O13 2008-07-19_S722LH.j lH v17b
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Physical Anthropology Lab
; J5.13
A20 !!_!! !! organic
A21 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j !! human body
A35 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j !! p2
B10 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP human body
B11 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP Another small cache of human bones possibly associated with the child burial bones from i12.
D1 2008-07-19_T323JW.j dL k44
F51 2008-07-19_T323JW.j dL i13 (human body) sits in f27 (burial)
G17 2008-07-19_T323JW.j dL q32
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s60-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h8r-J5B
BA1 2008-07-19_T323JW.j dL bowl
BA9 2008-07-19_T323JW.j dL bones possibly pertinent to the same skeleton of i12
K99 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP Will be analyzed in detail and separately reported in a future season by the Physical Anthropologist.
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
O99 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP Not photographed in situ before removal.
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Physical Anthropology Lab
; J5.14
A20 !!_!! !! organic
A21 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j !! animal bone
A35 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j !! p2
B10 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP animal bone
B11 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP Bones in a pit tentatively identified by the staff paleozoologists as those of a cow.
D1 2008-07-19_T323JW.j mO k23
F51 2008-07-19_T323JW.j mO i14 (animal bone) sits in f31 (fill)
G1 2008-09-17_S917JW.j jW a1
G17 2008-07-19_T323JW.j mO q35
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s60-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h8r-J5B
BA1 2008-07-19_T323JW.j mO bowl
BA9 2008-07-19_T323JW.j mO cow bones
K99 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP They will be analyzed in detail and separately reported in a future season by the Paleozoologist.
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
O99 2008-07-19_S720SNP.j sNP Not photographed in situ before removal.
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Paleozoology Lab
; J5.15
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2008-07-21_S721SNP.j !! clay lump
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V22d3876 J5i15 T824 dM cl f36.jpg
B10 2008-07-21_S721SNP.j sNP clay lump
B11 2008-07-21_S721SNP.j sNP big clay lump, fragmented in one big part and three small pieces. Originally round shaped.
D1 2008-07-21_T323JW.j dL k54
D3 2008-07-21_S721DL3.R dL r205 (44070 45105 - 9262 / Relay location: center)
F51 2008-07-21_T323JW.j dL i15 (clay lump) sits in f36 (accumulation C)
G17 2008-07-21_T323JW.j dL q49
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s70-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h8m-J5B
J1 2008-07-21_S721SNP.j sNP 5.4
J2 2008-07-21_S721SNP.j sNP 6.12
J4 2008-07-21_S721SNP.j sNP 3.8
BA1 2008-07-21_T323JW.j dL clay lump
BA2 2008-07-21_T323JW.j dL 6.4
BA3 2008-07-21_T323JW.j dL 4.6
BA5 2008-07-21_T323JW.j dL 238
BA6 2008-07-21_T323JW.j dL cl
BA9 2008-07-21_T323JW.j dL clay lump: 1 big piece, 3 fragments
K3 2008-07-21_S721SNP.j sNP clay
K5 2008-07-21_S721SNP.j sNP very dark gray
K6 2008-07-21_S721SNP.j sNP 2.5Y 3/3
K10 2008-07-21_S721SNP.j sNP almost complete, but broken
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4678 J5i15 S723 dM la f36.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4679 J5i15 S723 dM la f36.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4680 J5i15 S723 dM la f36.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4681 J5i15 S723 dM la f36.jpg
O2 2009-08-24_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3876 J5i15 T824 dM cl f36.JPG
O2 2009-08-24_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3877 J5i15 T824 dM cl f36.JPG
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 008-048
; J5.16
A20 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP lithic artifact
A21 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j !! grinding stone
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4617 J5i16 S723 dM la f30.jpg
B10 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP grinding stone
B11 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP big cylindrical basaltic pestel, complete but the upper extremity. Sign of usage (lower part smooth). Encrustations on one side. Found together with i17 and i18.
D1 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP k23
F51 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP i16 (grinding stone) sits in f30 (accumulation D)
G1 2009-09-01_T901JW.j jW a13
G17 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP q56
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s60-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h8r-J5B
J1 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP 8.83
J2 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP 16.73
J4 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP 8.75
BA1 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP grinding stone
BA2 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP 15
BA3 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP 10
BA5 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP 8
BA6 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP li
BA8 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP light gray
BA9 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP broken pestle
K3 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP basalt
K5 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP dark gray
K10 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP broken
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4617 J5i16 S723 dM la f30.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4618 J5i16 S723 dM la f30.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4619 J5i16 S723 dM la f30.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4620 J5i16 S723 dM la f30.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P2 2008-08-28_S828SNP.j sNP ZSB 105-29
; J5.17
A20 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP lithic artifact
A21 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j !! grinding stone
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4630 J5i17 S723 dM la f30.jpg
B10 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP grinding stone
B11 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP big cylindrical basaltic pestel, completely preserved. Sign of usage (lower part smooth). Encrustations on one side. Found together with i16 and i18.
D1 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP k23
F51 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP i17 (grinding stone) sits in f30 (accumulation D)
G1 2009-09-01_T901JW.j jW a13
G17 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP q56
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s60-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h8r-J5B
J1 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP 7.83
J2 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP 14.01
J4 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP 7.4
BA1 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP grinding stone
BA2 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP 13
BA3 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP 7.2
BA5 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP 6.8
BA6 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP li
BA8 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP light gray
BA9 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP complete pestle
K3 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP basalt
K5 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP dark gray
K10 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP complete
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4629 J5i17 S723 dM la f30.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4630 J5i17 S723 dM la f30.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4631 J5i17 S723 dM la f30.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P2 2008-08-28_S828SNP.j sNP ZSB 105-29
; J5.18
A20 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP lithic artifact
A21 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j !! grinding stone
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4625 J5i18 S723 dM la f20.jpg
B10 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP grinding stone
B11 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP big cylindrical basaltic pestel, completely preserved. Sign of usage (lower part smooth). Encrustations on one side. Found together with i16 and i17.
D1 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP k23
F51 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP i18 (grinding stone) sits in f30 (accumulation D)
G1 2009-09-01_T901JW.j jW a13
G17 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP q56
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s60-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h8r-J5B
J1 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP 8.03
J2 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP 14.68
J4 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP 6.32
BA1 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP grinding stone
BA2 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP 15
BA3 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP 8.3
BA5 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP 7
BA6 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP li
BA8 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP light gray
BA9 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP complete pestle
K3 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP basalt
K5 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP dark gray
K10 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP complete
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4625 J5i18 S723 dM la f20.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4626 J5i18 S723 dM la f20.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4627 J5i18 S723 dM la f20.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4628 J5i18 S723 dM la f20.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P2 2008-08-28_S828SNP.j sNP ZSB 105-29
; J5.19
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j !! bead (clay)
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4696 J5i19 S723 dM bd f44.jpg
B10 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP bead (clay)
B11 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP small geoidal bead, with large hole in the middle for threading. Parallel engraved vertical dashes decorate the external side.
C31 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP Conflict in ware between field (stone) and laboratory (clay) analysis.
D1 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP k54
F51 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP i19 (bead (clay)) sits in f44 (accumulation D)
G17 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP q61
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s120-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7v-J5B
J1 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP 0.76
J2 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP 0.76
J4 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP 0.52
BA1 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP bead
BA2 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP 0.7
BA3 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP 0.7
BA5 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP 0.4
BA6 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP li
BA8 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP dark brown
BA9 2008-07-22_T323JW.j sNP complete bead
K3 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP clay
K5 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP dark gray
K6 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP 4/1 7.5YR
K10 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP complete
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4694 J5i19 S723 dM bd f44.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4695 J5i19 S723 dM bd f44.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4696 J5i19 S723 dM bd f44.jpg
O2 2009-09-06_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3945 J5i19 T906 dM bd f44.JPG
O2 2009-09-06_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3946 J5i19 T906 dM bd f44.JPG
O2 2009-09-06_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3947 J5i19 T906 dM bd f44.JPG
O2 2009-09-06_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3948 J5i19 T906 dM bd f44.JPG
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 012-020
; J5.20
A20 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP clay artifact
A21 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j !! uncertain
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4668 j5i20 S723 dM ca f29.jpg
B10 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP uncertain
B11 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP Baked, notched clay object identified in the field as a broken figurine. In some ways it does resemble the body and posterior of an animal, less the legs and head. However the shape of what would be the anal and tail area does not resemble figurines commonly found here.
D1 2008-07-23_T323JW.j dL k34
F51 2008-07-23_T323JW.j dL i20 (uncertain) sits in f29 (accumulation D)
G17 2008-07-23_T323JW.j dL q65
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s40-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9h-J5B
BA1 2008-07-23_T323JW.j dL figurine
BA2 2008-07-23_T323JW.j dL 4.8
BA3 2008-07-23_T323JW.j dL 2.6
BA5 2008-07-23_T323JW.j dL 2.3
BA6 2008-07-23_T323JW.j dL cl
BA8 2008-07-23_T323JW.j dL very pale brown
K3 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP clay-baked
K99 2008-07-22_S722SNP.j sNP Laboratory data not recorded before storage as a generic clay artifact, not a figurine.
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4668 J5i20 S723 dM ca f29.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4669 J5i20 S723 dM ca f29.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4670 J5i20 S723 dM ca f29.jpg
O2 2008-07-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4671 J5i20 S723 dM ca f29.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 001-004
; J5.21
A20 !!_!! !! other
A21 2008-09-10_S926JW.j !! weapon
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d7670 J5i21 S826 dM ma f57.jpg
B10 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC weapon
B11 2008-08-25_S825SNP.j sNP top part of an unknown metal tool. Very flat, trapezoidal shape. The surfaces are covered by soil encrustation, and probably oxidated.
B11 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC Fragment of medium sized projectile point (lanceolate blade?); flat blade, rectangular sectioned, slightly bent just before breaks. The majority of the surface is heavily oxidated and encrusted with soil
D1 2008-07-23_T323JW.j sNP k44
F51 2008-07-23_T323JW.j sNP i21 (weapon) sits in f57 (accumulation D)
G17 2008-07-23_T323JW.j sNP q70
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s120-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7v-J5B
J1 2008-08-25_S825SNP.j sNP 1.5
J1 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC 1.6
J2 2008-08-25_S825SNP.j sNP 3.4
J2 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC 3.2
J4 2008-08-25_S825SNP.j sNP 0.1
J7 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC 0.15
BA1 2008-07-23_T323JW.j sNP uncertain
BA2 2008-07-23_T323JW.j sNP 3.5
BA3 2008-07-23_T323JW.j sNP 1.5
BA4 2008-07-23_T323JW.j sNP 0.3
BA6 2008-07-23_T323JW.j sNP mt
BA9 2008-07-23_T323JW.j sNP piece of bronze
K3 2008-08-25_S825SNP.j sNP bronze
K5 2008-08-25_S825SNP.j sNP metalic green
K10 2008-08-25_S825SNP.j sNP broken
O2 2008-08-26_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d7670 J5i21 S826 dM f57.jpg
O2 2008-08-26_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d7671 J5i21 S826 dM f57.jpg
O2 2008-08-26_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d7672 J5i21 S826 dM f57.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P99 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC Conservation Room
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Probably in Conservation Laboratory
; J5.22
A20 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP clay artifact
A21 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j !! figurine
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4916 J5i22 S823 dM fg f63.jpg
B10 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP figurine
B11 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP fragmentary body of a woman figurine. Head, legs and arms are missing. Breast badly preserved, but recognizable. The shape of the figurine suggest a torsion of the body towards the left side.
D1 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP k34
F51 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP i22 (figurine) sits in f63 (floor, type b)
G17 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP q108
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s130-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7s-J5B
J1 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP 3.4
J2 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP 3.7
J4 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP 1.8
BA1 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP figurine
BA2 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP 3.5
BA3 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP 3
BA5 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP 1.5
BA6 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP cl
BA8 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP pale brown
BA9 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP fragmented figurine of a woman
K3 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP clay-baked
K5 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP light brown
K6 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP 7.5YR 6/4
K10 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP fragmentary, very badly preserved
K90 2014-03-30_Y401JW.j rAH Once again, the damage to this representation is so extreme as to render it unidentifiable. It is doubtful that this representation is humanoid. It appears that only one, perhaps two appendages are missing. Orientation might help with the identification, but the angles chosen for the photography do not reveal diagnostic detail and provide little clue as to the proper way to view this object. Thus, I am unable to provide an identification at this time. It would have been interesting if the humanoid identification could have been established, as this representation was recovered in K34 and near, I gather, humanoid figurine J5.8.
The Munsell color "light brown" is notable.
A protocol should be established for photographing objects that are, for all practical purposes, nondescript. This requires some thought.
O2 2008-08-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4916 J5i22 S823 dM fg f63.jpg
O2 2008-08-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4917 J5i22 S823 dM fg f63.jpg
O2 2008-08-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4918 J5i22 S823 dM fg f63.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 001-004
; J5.23
A20 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP lithic artifact
A21 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j !! polishing stone
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4735 J5i23 S806 dM la f68.jpg
B10 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP polishing stone
B11 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP Limestone polishing tool, rectangularly shaped. Flatted on one side with a smooth surface; convex on the opposite. One of the long edges is lost. Some soil encrustations on its surfaces.
D1 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP k43
F51 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP i23 (polishing stone) sits in f68 (accumulation D)
G17 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP q110
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s70-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h8m-J5B
J1 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP 6.8
J2 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP 8.8
J4 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP 2.1
BA1 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP lithic specimen
BA2 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP 8.5
BA3 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP 6.5
BA5 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP 1.5
BA6 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP li
BA8 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP dark gray
BA9 2008-07-30_T323JW.j sNP broken stone object, possibly a tool.
K3 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP lithic
K5 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP gray
K10 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP broken
O2 2008-08-24_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4995 J5i23 S824 dM ma f156.jpg
O2 2008-08-24_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4996 J5i23 S824 dM ma f156.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P2 2008-08-28_S828SNP.j sNP ZSB 16-90
; J5.24
A20 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP metal artifact
A21 2008-09-10_S926JW.j !! tool
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d7604 J5i24 S824 dM ma f63.jpg
B10 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP pin
B10 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC tool
B11 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP lead pin. Possibly a needle, broken on the holed extremity. Its surface is oxidized and covered by encrustations. Compare to item A20.18.
B11 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC Thick and robust lead needle, circular sectioned shaft, slightly bent, broken at the head (eye, made by perforation of the shaft just partially preserved), point missing. The majority of the surface is oxidized and encrusted with soil
D1 2008-07-30_T323JW.j dL k34
F51 2008-07-30_T323JW.j dL i24 (tool) sits in f63 (floor, type b)
G17 2008-07-30_T323JW.j dL q108
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s130-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7s-J5B
J1 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP 0.5
J2 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP 6.7
J4 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP 0.43
BA1 2008-07-30_T323JW.j dL jewelry item
BA2 2008-07-30_T323JW.j dL 6
BA3 2008-07-30_T323JW.j dL 0.4
BA5 2008-07-30_T323JW.j dL 0.3
BA6 2008-07-30_T323JW.j dL mt
BA8 2008-07-30_T323JW.j dL dark gray
BA9 2008-07-30_T323JW.j dL almost complete, bent pin-like object, possibly lead
K3 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP metal
K5 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP pinkish white
K10 2008-08-27_S827SNP.j sNP almost complete
K99 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC One fragment taken for Ch. Analysis by sC on S904
O2 2008-08-24_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d7604 J5i24 S824 dM ma f63.jpg
O2 2008-08-24_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d7605 J5i24 S824 dM ma f63.jpg
O2 2008-08-24_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d7606 J5i24 S824 dM ma f63.jpg
O2 2008-09-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d9003 J05.24 S904 dM ma.jpg
O2 2008-09-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d9004 J05.24 S904 dM ma.jpg
O2 2010-09-12_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d7725 J5i24 U912 dM f63.jpg
O2 2010-09-12_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d7726 J5i24 U912 dM f63.jpg
O2 2010-09-12_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d7727 J5i24 U912 dM f63.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P99 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC Conservation Room
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Probably in Conservation Laboratory
; J5.25
A20 2008-08-09_S812SNP.j sNP lithic artifact
A21 2008-08-09_S812SNP.j !! grinding stone
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4780 J5i25 S817 dM la f111.jpg
B10 2008-08-09_S812SNP.j sNP grinding stone
B11 2008-08-09_S812SNP.j sNP huge fragment of basalt grinding stone, a mano. Trapezoidal section.
D1 2008-08-07_T323JW.j sNP k33
F51 2008-08-07_T323JW.j sNP i25 (grinding stone) sits in f111 (stone installation)
G17 2008-08-07_T323JW.j sNP q167
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s0-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9s-J5B
J1 2008-08-09_S812SNP.j sNP 15.7
J2 2008-08-09_S812SNP.j sNP 23.6
J4 2008-08-09_S812SNP.j sNP 12.3
BA1 2008-08-07_T323JW.j sNP grinding stone
BA2 2008-08-07_T323JW.j sNP 22
BA3 2008-08-07_T323JW.j sNP 13
BA5 2008-08-07_T323JW.j sNP 12
BA6 2008-08-07_T323JW.j sNP li
BA8 2008-08-07_T323JW.j sNP black
BA9 2008-08-07_T323JW.j sNP broken grinding stone
K3 2008-08-09_S812SNP.j sNP basalt
K5 2008-08-09_S812SNP.j sNP black
K10 2008-08-09_S812SNP.j sNP broken
O2 2008-08-06_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4735 J5i25 S806 dM la f68.jpg
O2 2008-08-06_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4736 J5i25 S806 dM la f68.jpg
O2 2008-08-06_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4737 J5i25 S806 dM la f68.jpg
O2 2008-08-17_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4780 J5i25 S817 dM la f111 .jpg
O2 2008-08-17_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4780 J5i25 S817 dM la f111.jpg
O2 2008-08-17_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4781 J5i25 S817 dM la f111.jpg
O2 2008-08-17_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4782 J5i25 S817 dM la f111.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 105-031
; J5.26
A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact
A21 2010-08-16_U816MM1.j !! metal tool
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4906 J5i26 S823 dM pi f112.jpg
B10 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC tool
B10 2010-08-16_U816MM1.j mM1 metal tool
B11 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC Fragment of rectangular-sectioned bronze shaft, bent shaft tapering toward pointed end; opposite end is flattened and in profile looks like to be triangular in section. Surface heavily corroded and oxidated, and encrusted of soil; it is no clear to which type of obj. it could belong to, perhaps a Chisel type 1
D1 2008-08-07_T323JW.j dL k14
F51 2008-08-07_T323JW.j dL i26 (metal tool) sits in f112 (accumulation D)
G17 2008-08-07_T323JW.j dL q169
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s40-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9h-J5B
J2 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC 8
J2 2010-08-16_U816MM1.j mM1 7.9
J2a 2010-08-16_U816MM1.j mM1 0.6
J4 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC 1
J7 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC 0.25
BA1 2008-08-07_T323JW.j dL metal tool
BA2 2008-08-07_T323JW.j dL 8
BA4 2008-08-07_T323JW.j dL 0.8
BA5 2008-08-07_T323JW.j dL 0.2
BA6 2008-08-07_T323JW.j dL iron
BA8 2008-08-07_T323JW.j dL reddish brown
BA9 2008-08-07_T323JW.j dL almost complete oxided iron nail
K3 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC bronze
K5 2010-08-16_U816MM1.j mM1 reddish black
K99 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC (but a thick layer of corrosion, so not the real diam of one side of the body
O2 2008-08-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4904 J5i26 S823 dM pi f112.jpg
O2 2008-08-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4905 J5i26 S823 dM pi f112.jpg
O2 2008-08-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4906 J5i26 S823 dM pi f112.jpg
O2 2008-08-23_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4907 J5i26 S823 dM pi f112.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P99 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC Conservation Room
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Probably in Conservation Laboratory
; J5.27
A20 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP lithic artifact
A21 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j !! grinding stone
A35 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j !! p2
B10 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP grinding stone
B11 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP two grinding stones, found together. Both are basalt pestles, with soil encrustation on half of their body. The biggest (i27.1) is borken on both sides, and one extremity is missing; the visible part is very smooth. The smaller (i27.2) is complete, cylindric shaped with a flat base , smooth in the lower part (dimension: lg 10.6, ht 6.4, w2 5.2). Both have signs of usage.
D1 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP k33
F51 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP i27 (grinding stone) sits in f102 (floor, type b)
G17 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP q174
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s148-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7m-J5B
J1 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP 7.1
J2 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP 15.3
J4 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP 6.7
BA1 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP grinding stone
BA6 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP li
BA8 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP gray
BA9 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP 2 pestles, almost complete
K3 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP basalt
K5 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP black
K10 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP almost complete
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P99 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP Individually photographed and stored as i27.1 and i27.2.
; J5.27.1
A20 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP lithic artifact
A21 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j !! grinding stone
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4785 J5i27.1 S817 dM la f102.jpg
B10 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP grinding stone
O2 2008-08-17_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4785 J5i27.1 S817 dM la f102.jpg
O2 2008-08-17_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4786 J5i27.1 S817 dM la f102.jpg
O2 2008-08-17_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4787 J5i27.1 S817 dM la f102.jpg
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 105-031
; J5.27.2
A20 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP lithic artifact
A21 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j !! grinding stone
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4805 J5i27.2 S817 dM la f102.jpg
B10 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP grinding stone
O2 2008-08-17_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4804 J5i27.2 S817 dM la f102.jpg
O2 2008-08-17_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4805 J5i27.2 S817 dM la f102.jpg
O2 2008-08-17_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4806 J5i27.2 S817 dM la f102.jpg
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 105-031
; J5.28
A20 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP metal artifact
A21 2008-09-10_S926JW.j !! tool
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4873 J5i28 S818 dM ma f135.jpg
B10 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP uncertain
B10 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC tool
B11 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP bronze fragment, in very poor conditions: oxidated patina, and soil encrustation on it.
B11 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC Small fragment of circular-sectioned bronze shaft, straight and apparently tapering (the shaft is very small in dimension); broken at both ends; the shaft seems to have been pierced; possible fragment of a toggle pin or of a thick needle
D1 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP k32
F51 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP i28 (tool) sits in f135 (accumulation B)
G17 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP q197
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s161-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7j-J5B
J1 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP 0.46
J2 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP 1.65
J2 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC 1.6
J4 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP 0.44
J4 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC 0.5
BA1 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP uncertain
BA2 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP 1.7
BA3 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP 0.6
BA5 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP 0.5
BA6 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP bronze
BA8 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP metalic green
BA9 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP small piece of bronze
K3 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP bronze
K5 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP metal green
K10 2008-08-16_S818SNP.j sNP fragment
K99 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC @ max diameter shaft
O2 2008-08-18_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4873 J5i28 S818 dM ma f135.jpg
O2 2008-08-18_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4874 J5i28 S818 dM ma f135.jpg
O2 2008-08-18_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d4875 J5i28 S818 dM ma f135.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P99 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC Conservation Room
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Probably in Conservation Laboratory
; J5.29
A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact
A21 2008-08-19_S819SNP.j !! jewelry item
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d4995 J5i29 S824 dM ma f156.jpg
B10 2008-08-19_S819SNP.j sNP jewelry item
B11 2008-08-19_S819SNP.j sNP bronze ring. Covered by a soil encrustation, but the interior part. It seems to be shaped as a small spiral (is not closed as a ring).
B11 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC Copper-alloy earring with overlapping terminals (tapering); plain hoop, circular cross section, complete
D1 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP k43
F51 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP i29 (jewelry item) sits in f156 (volumetric material)
G17 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP q225
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s0-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9s-J5B
J1 2008-08-19_S819SNP.j sNP 1.6
J2 2008-08-19_S819SNP.j sNP 2
J4 2008-08-19_S819SNP.j sNP 0.4
J4 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC 1.8
J7 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC 0.4
BA1 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP jewelry item
BA2 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP 2
BA3 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP 1.7
BA5 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP 0.4
BA6 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP bronze
BA8 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP very pale brown
BA9 2008-08-09_T323JW.j sNP bronze ring
K3 2008-08-19_S819SNP.j sNP bronze
K10 2008-08-19_S819SNP.j sNP complete
K99 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC 1.8 is@ max diameter shaft. Min diameter is 1.5
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P3 2008-09-18_S918JW1.j jW 14-S918
P99 2008-09-10_S926JW.j sC Conservation Room
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW In Deir ez-Zor Museum
; J5.30
A20 !!_!! !! organic
A21 2008-08-25_S825SNP.j !! animal bone
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW v102
B10 2008-08-25_S825SNP.j sNP animal bone
B11 2008-08-25_S825SNP.j sNP animal bones, quadruped. At least an entire leg, from the shoulder till the extremity of the claw, is preserved.
D1 2008-08-24_T323JW.j sNP k22
F51 2008-08-24_T323JW.j sNP i30 (animal bone) sits in f157 (volumetric material)
G17 2008-08-24_T323JW.j sNP q241
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s0-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9s-J5B
BA1 2008-08-24_T323JW.j sNP bowl
BA6 2008-08-24_T323JW.j sNP bones
BA8 2008-08-24_T323JW.j sNP light gray
BA9 2008-08-24_T323JW.j sNP bones of an animal
K3 2008-08-25_S825SNP.j sNP bone
K10 2008-08-25_S825SNP.j sNP fragments
O13 2008-08-24_S824LH1.j jW v102
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Paleozoology Laboratory
; J5.31
A20 2008-09-24_S924JW2.j jW clay artifact
A21 2008-08-26_S826SNP.j !! figurine
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW L_V21d7689 J5i31 S828 dM fg f167.jpg
B10 2008-08-26_S826SNP.j sNP figurine
B11 2008-08-26_S826SNP.j sNP fragment of an animal figurine. Probably is the head of an animal with the mouth open: it could be a lion, but no traces of the mane are preserved. If we accept the suggestion of an animal head, we notice that the nose, and part of the ears and of the left side of its mouth is missing. Another suggestion is to turn the figurine, seeing a fragmentary body of a camel or a zebu (the lower part of the previous mouth has to be seen as a hump), missing his head, his anterior paws, and all the posterior part of his body. But this option seems less probable because the point where the neck should start doesn't looks like a broken surface.
B11 2008-09-24_S924JW2.j jW The broken forebody of a humped animal.
D1 2008-08-26_T323JW.j lH k32
D3 2008-08-26_S827DL1.R lH r772 (42880 45888 - 9030 / Relay location: center)
F51 2008-08-26_T323JW.j lH i31 (figurine) sits in f167 (volumetric material)
G17 2008-08-26_T323JW.j lH q263
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s120-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7v-J5B
J1 2008-08-26_S826SNP.j sNP 6.1
J1 2008-09-24_S924JW2.j jW 6.2
J2 2008-08-26_S826SNP.j sNP 7
J2 2008-09-24_S924JW2.j jW 7.2
J4 2008-08-26_S826SNP.j sNP 4.2
J4 2008-09-24_S924JW2.j jW 4.3
BA1 2008-08-26_T323JW.j lH figurine
BA2 2008-08-26_T323JW.j lH 7
BA3 2008-08-26_T323JW.j lH 6
BA5 2008-08-26_T323JW.j lH 4
BA6 2008-08-26_T323JW.j lH cl
BA8 2008-08-26_T323JW.j lH pale brown
BA9 2008-08-26_T323JW.j lH animal figurine; fragmentary body or complete head
K3 2008-08-26_S826SNP.j sNP clay
K3 2008-09-24_S924JW2.j jW clay-baked
K5 2008-08-26_S826SNP.j sNP very pale brown
K6 2008-08-26_S826SNP.j sNP 10YR 7/3
K6 2008-09-24_S924JW2.j jW 10YR8/2
K10 2008-08-26_S826SNP.j sNP broken
K10 2008-09-24_S924JW2.j jW The front legs, parts of the head, and the hindquarters are missing.
K90 2014-03-30_Y401JW.j rAH Once again, the angles chosen to photograph this object do not help with the identification. "Humped" animals are exceptionally rare; zebus are practically the only examples of such representations.
If photograph V21d7688 can be construed as a dorsal view of the forequarters, then one most interesting detail appears: the feet, not broken, each display marks in a triangular pattern. These marks are mere dots, and quite shallow. One might surmise that they mark the pads of an animal foot. The detail is similar to the cloverleaf pattern of dots that surrounds the penis of Felis 302. See Plate XL, page 516.
The appendage visible in photograph V21d7689 is difficult to explain; the representation appears to be in the process of modeling, as a fingerprint may be visible at the top of the so-called "appendage"/tab. The indentation is quite deep, yet the so-called tab does not appear to be finished. Perhaps the representation was discarded during the very process of its making-"unmade," as it were.
O2 2008-08-28_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d7687 J5i31 S828 dM fg f167.jpg
O2 2008-08-28_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d7688 J5i31 S828 dM fg f167.jpg
O2 2008-08-28_J05_VWX.j dM L_V21d7689 J5i31 S828 dM fg f167.jpg
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 002-021
; J5.32
A20 2008-09-24_S924JW2.j jW ceramic vessel
A21 2008-09-24_S924JW2.j !! jar
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW.j jW v139b
B10 2008-09-24_S924JW2.j jW jar
B11 2008-09-24_S924JW2.j jW whole jar, partially excavated on the last day, and left in situ to be removed and evaluated in a future season.
D1 2008-09-10_T323JW.j jW k44
D3 2008-09-11_S911JW1.R hB r1062 (43850 45591 - 9109 / Relay location: sk44 # 197)
F51 2008-09-10_T323JW.j jW i32 (jar) sits in f180 (accumulation D)
G17 2008-09-10_T323JW.j jW q279
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s130-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7s-J5B
J99 2008-09-24_S924JW2.j jW Field measurements only.
BA1 2008-09-10_T323JW.j jW jar
BA6 2008-09-10_T323JW.j jW cl
BA8 2008-09-10_T323JW.j jW light brown
BA9 2008-09-10_T323JW.j jW whole jar left in situ
K3 2008-09-24_S924JW2.j jW ceramic
K4 2015-02-25_ZA225CJC.j mKB jar
O13 2008-09-22_S922JW.j jW v140
O13 2009-03-23_T323JW1.j jW p2
O99 2008-09-24_S924JW2.j jW Field photos only.
P99 2008-09-24_S924JW2.j jW Remains in situ.
; J5.33
A20 !!_!! !! organic
A21 2009-07-20_T720EA.j !! animal bone
B10 2009-07-20_T720EA.j eA animal bone
B11 2009-07-20_T720EA.j eA It is a part of animal bone, the mandible with all the teeth intact.
D1 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE k104
D3 2009-07-20_T721sE.r sE r1180 (42051 46043 - 8916 / Relay location: center)
F51 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE i33 (animal bone) sits in f201 (accumulation D)
G17 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE q286
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s10-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9p-J5B
J1 2009-07-20_T720EA.j eA 4.6
J2 2009-07-20_T720EA.j eA 4.4
J4 2009-07-20_T720EA.j eA 5.3
BA1 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE bowl
BA2 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE 9
BA3 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE 20
BA4 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE 13
BA6 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE bone
BA7 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE triangular
BA8 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE yellowish white
BA9 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE animal bone
K3 2009-07-20_T720EA.j eA bone
K5 2009-07-20_T720EA.j eA ivory
K10 2009-07-20_T720EA.j eA It is broken
P99 2009-07-20_T720EA.j eA Not photographed before being stored in the Paleozoology Laboratory.
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Paleozoology Laboratory
; J5.34
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2009-07-21_T721EA.j !! grinding stone
B10 2009-07-21_T721EA.j eA grinding stone
B11 2009-07-21_T721EA.j eA It is one entire basalt pestle, i34.1, spherical in shape. The particularity importance of this object is a small fragment of bronze still attached. The are also some pieces of bronze slag, i34.2.
D1 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE k105
D3 2009-07-21_T721sE.r jW r1194 (42997 45787 - 8965 / Relay location: bottom)
F51 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE i34 (grinding stone) sits in f74 (glacis)
G1 2009-04-06_T406JW.j !! a5
G1 2009-09-01_T901JW.j !! a8
G1 2009-09-01_T901JW.j jW a9
G17 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE q289
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s174-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7f-J5B
J1 2009-07-21_T721EA.j eA 11.8
J2 2009-07-21_T721EA.j eA 6.8
J4 2009-07-21_T721EA.j eA 7.2
BA1 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE grinding stone
BA2 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE 10.4
BA3 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE 6
BA4 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE 6
BA6 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE li
BA7 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE gray
BA8 2009-07-22_T823SE2.j sE pestle
K3 2009-07-21_T721EA.j eA basalt
K5 2009-07-21_T721EA.j eA gray
K10 2009-07-21_T721EA.j eA It is entire
O99 2009-07-21_T721EA.j eA See sub-items for photogaphs.
P99 2009-07-21_T721EA.j eA See sub-items for storage data.
; J5.34.1
A20 2009-08-29_T829JN.j jN lithic artifact
A21 2009-08-29_T829JN.j !! grinding stone
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3598 J5i34.1 T804 dM gr f74.jpg
B10 2009-08-29_T829JN.j jN grinding stone
B11 2009-08-29_T829JN.j jN This is an entire pestle, cylindrical in shape. It is of particular importance because it has a small .3 cm fragment of bronze embedded in its side. It is associated with a cluster of bronze fragments, i34.2
J1 2009-08-29_T829JN.j jN 11.8
J2 2009-08-29_T829JN.j jN 7
J3 2009-08-29_T829JN.j jN 6.8
K3 2009-08-29_T829JN.j jN basalt
K5 2009-08-29_T829JN.j jN gray
K10 2009-08-29_T829JN.j jN It is complete
O2 2009-08-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3598 J5i34.1 T804 dM gr f74.jpg
O2 2009-08-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3599 J5i34.1 T804 dM gr f74.jpg
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03
; J5.34.2
A20 2009-08-29_T829JN.j jN metal artifact
A21 2009-08-29_T829JN.j !! metal artifact
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d7735 J5i34.2 Tx04 dM uc_maf f74.jpg
B10 2009-08-29_T829JN.j jN metal artifact
B11 2009-08-29_T829JN.j jN Five chunks of metal plus some tiny pieces associated with pestle i34.1 They appear to be bronze as they are greenish in color. Dimensions of the 5 main pieces are 1.2cm, 1.4cm, .65cm, .7cm, and .3 cm
J2 2009-08-29_T829JN.j jN 1.4
K3 2009-08-29_T829JN.j jN metal
K5 2009-08-29_T829JN.j jN green
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7735 J5i34.2 Tx04 dM ma f74.JPG
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7736 J5i34.2 Tx04 dM ma f74.JPG
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03
; J5.35
A20 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA lithic artifact
A21 2009-07-22_T722EA.j !! grinding stone
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3510 J5i35 T801 dM la f74.jpg
B10 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA grinding stone
B11 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA It is one entire basalt pestle shaped like a tapered cylinder with rounded ends.
D1 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j sE k105
D3 2009-07-22_T724sE.r jN r1212 (42883 45806 - 8951 / Relay location: bottom)
F51 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j sE i35 (grinding stone) sits in f74 (glacis)
G1 2009-04-06_T406JW.j !! a5
G1 2009-09-01_T901JW.j !! a8
G1 2009-09-01_T901JW.j jW a9
G17 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j sE q295
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s174-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7f-J5B
J1 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA 11.3
J2 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA 6.3
J4 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA 7.1
BA1 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j sE grinding stone
BA2 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j sE 11
BA3 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j sE 6.8
BA5 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j sE 7
BA6 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j sE li
BA8 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j sE gray
BA9 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j sE pestle
K3 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA basalt
K5 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA gray
K10 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA It is entire.
O2 2009-08-01_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3510 J5i35 T801 dM la f74.jpg
O2 2009-08-01_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3511 J5i35 T801 dM la f74.jpg
O2 2009-08-01_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3512 J5i35 T801 dM la f74.jpg
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 105-040
; J5.36
A20 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA clay artifact
A21 2009-07-22_T722EA.j !! bead (clay)
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3558 J5i36 T803 dM wh f158.jpg
B10 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA bead (clay)
B11 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA It is a complete clay bead-like disk. The top is donut-shaped while the bottom is flat.
D1 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA k106
D3 2009-07-22_T725sE.r sE r1214 (42112 46225 - 8910 / Relay location: bottom)
F51 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA i36 (bead (clay)) sits in f158 (accumulation D)
G17 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA q297
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s176-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7f-J5B
J1 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA 0.4
J4 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA 1.5
BA1 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA wheel
BA5 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA 1.8
BA6 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA cl
BA8 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA brown
BA9 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA it is one little wheel
K3 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA clay
K5 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA marrow
K10 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA It is entire.
O2 2009-08-03_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3558 J5i36 T803 dM wh f158.jpg
O2 2009-08-03_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3559 J5i36 T803 dM wh f158.jpg
O2 2009-08-03_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3560 J5i36 T803 dM wh f158.jpg
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 004-010
; J5.37
A20 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA lithic artifact
A21 2009-07-22_T722EA.j !! lithic artifact
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3561 J5i37 T803 dM la f158.jpg
B10 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA lithic artifact
B11 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA This is a curious stone object, apparently broken in half in the vicinity of a drilled hole. It was rectangular and may have had a tapered edge at the extremity. eA suggested it was an ax, while jW is less certain of the definition.
D1 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA k106
D3 2009-07-22_T725sE.r sE r1215 (42108 46265 - 8912 / Relay location: bottom)
F51 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA i37 (lithic artifact) sits in f158 (accumulation D)
G17 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA q297
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s176-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7f-J5B
J1 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA 4.1
J2 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA 3.1
J4 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA 1.1
BA1 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA ax(head)
BA2 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA 3
BA3 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA 4
BA6 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA li
BA8 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA black
BA9 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA it is one part of ax
K3 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA lithic
K5 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA gray
K10 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA It is broken.
O2 2009-08-03_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3561 J5i37 T803 dM la f158.jpg
O2 2009-08-03_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3562 J5i37 T803 dM la f158.jpg
O2 2009-08-03_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3563 J5i37 T803 dM la f158.jpg
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 016-101
; J5.38
A20 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA metal artifact
A21 2009-07-22_T722EA.j !! metal artifact
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3603 J5i38 T808 dM slag f203.jpg
B10 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA metal artifact
B11 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA It is a small rectangular piece of deteriorated bronze.
D1 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA k105
D3 2009-07-22_T725sE.r sE r1216 (42426 45795 - 8912 / Relay location: bottom)
F51 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA i38 (metal artifact) sits in f203 (accumulation D)
G17 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA q296
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s161-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7j-J5B
J1 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA 1.3
J2 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA 1.5
J4 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA 0.2
BA1 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA slag
BA2 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA 1.6
BA3 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA 1.5
BA5 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA 0.2
BA6 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA bronze
BA8 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA green
BA9 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA a small piece of bronze
K3 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA metal
K5 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA gray
K10 2009-07-22_T722EA.j eA It is broken.
O2 2009-08-08_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3603 J5i38 T808 dM slag f203.JPG
O2 2009-08-08_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3604 J5i38 T808 dM slag f203.JPG
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03
; J5.39
A20 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA clay artifact
A21 2009-07-22_T726EA.j !! sling ball
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3592 J5i39 T804 dM we f74.jpg
B10 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA sling ball
B11 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA A group of four whole sling balls and several fragments. They are bi-conical and the extremities taper to a rounded point.
D1 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA k105
D3 2009-07-22_T725sE.r sE r1217 (42903 45982 - 8949 / Relay location: bottom)
F51 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA i39 (sling ball) sits in f74 (glacis)
G1 2009-04-06_T406JW.j !! a5
G1 2009-09-01_T901JW.j !! a9
G1 2009-09-01_T901JW.j jW a8
G17 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA q299
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s174-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7f-J5B
J1 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA 5.1
J2 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA 4.2
J3 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA 3.1
J99 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA Measurements are for a single complete specimen.
BA1 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA sling ball
BA6 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA cl
BA7 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA oval
BA8 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA reddish brown
BA9 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA patch of sling balls
K3 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA clay
K5 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA brown
K10 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA Some are whole while others are broken.
L1 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA Clay of q299.1 probably used in the manufacture of these slingballs.
O2 2009-08-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3592 J5i39 T804 dM we f74.jpg
O2 2009-08-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3593 J5i39 T804 dM we f74.jpg
O2 2009-08-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3594 J5i39 T804 dM we f74.jpg
O13 2009-07-22_T728SE1.j sE v153
O13 2009-07-22_T728SE1.j sE v153a
O99 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA Both in-situ and laboratory photos are included.
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 017-001
; J5.40
A20 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA clay artifact
A21 2009-07-22_T726EA.j !! sling ball
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3589 J5i40 T804 dM we f74.jpg
B10 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA sling ball
B11 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA A group of five whole sling balls and several fragments. They are bi-conical and the extremities taper to a rounded point.
D1 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA k105
D3 2009-07-22_T725sE.r sE t r1220 (42850 45972 - 8936 / Relay location: bottom)
F51 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA i40 (sling ball) sits in f74 (glacis)
G1 2009-04-06_T406JW.j !! a5
G1 2009-09-01_T901JW.j !! a9
G1 2009-09-01_T901JW.j jW a8
G17 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA q299
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s174-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7f-J5B
J1 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA 5.1
J2 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA 4.2
J3 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA 3.1
J99 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA Measurements are for a single complete specimen.
BA1 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA sling ball
BA6 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA cl
BA7 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA oval
BA8 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA reddish brown
BA9 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA 4 sling balls + fragments
K3 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA clay
K5 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA brown
K10 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA Some are whole while others are broken.
L1 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA Clay of q299.1 probably used in the manufacture of these slingballs.
O2 2009-08-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3589 J5i40 T804 dM we f74.jpg
O2 2009-08-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3590 J5i40 T804 dM we f74.jpg
O2 2009-08-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3591 J5i40 T804 dM we f74.jpg
O13 2009-07-22_T728SE1.j sE v153
O13 2009-07-22_T728SE1.j sE v153a
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 017-001
; J5.41
A20 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA clay artifact
A21 2009-07-22_T726EA.j !! sling ball
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3595 J5i41 T804 dM we f74.jpg
B10 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA sling ball
B11 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA A group of eleven whole sling balls and several fragments. They are bi-conical and the extremities taper to a rounded point.
D1 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA k105
D3 2009-07-22_T725sE.r sE t r1221 (42815 45986 - 8927 / Relay location: bottom)
F51 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA i41 (sling ball) sits in f74 (glacis)
G1 2009-04-06_T406JW.j !! a5
G1 2009-09-01_T901JW.j !! a9
G1 2009-09-01_T901JW.j jW a8
G17 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA q299
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s174-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7f-J5B
J1 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA 5.1
J2 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA 4.2
J3 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA 3.1
J99 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA Measurements are for a single complete specimen.
BA1 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA sling ball
BA6 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA cl
BA7 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA oval
BA8 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA reddish brown
BA9 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA 11 sling balls + fragments
K3 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA clay
K5 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA brown
K10 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA cn Some are whole while others are broken.
L1 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA Clay of q299.1 probably used in the manufacture of these slingballs.
O2 2009-08-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3595 J5i41 T804 dM we f74.jpg
O2 2009-08-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3596 J5i41 T804 dM we f74.jpg
O2 2009-08-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3597 J5i41 T804 dM we f74.jpg
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 017-001
; J5.42
A20 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA clay artifact
A21 2009-07-22_T726EA.j !! sling ball
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3601 J5i42 T804 dM we f74.jpg
B10 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA sling ball
B11 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA A group of eleven whole sling balls and several fragments. They are bi-conical and the extremities taper to a rounded point.
D1 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA k105
D3 2009-07-22_T725sE.r sE t r1223 (42820 45978 - 8907 / Relay location: bottom)
F51 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA i42 (sling ball) sits in f74 (glacis)
G1 2009-04-06_T406JW.j !! a5
G1 2009-09-01_T901JW.j !! a9
G1 2009-09-01_T901JW.j jW a8
G17 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA q299
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s174-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7f-J5B
J1 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA 5.1
J2 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA 4.2
J3 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA 3.1
J99 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA Measurements are for a single complete specimen.
BA1 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA sling ball
BA6 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA cl
BA7 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA oval
BA8 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA reddish brown
BA9 2009-07-22_T729SE1.j eA 11 sling balls + fragments
K3 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA clay
K5 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA brown
K10 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA Some are whole while others are broken.
L1 2009-07-22_T726EA.j eA Clay of q299.1 probably used in the manufacture of these slingballs.
O2 2009-08-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3601 J5i42 T804 dM we f74.JPG
O2 2009-08-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3602 J5i42 T804 dM we f74.JPG
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 017-001
; J5.43
A20 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA lithic artifact
A21 2009-07-23_T723EA.j !! bead
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3551 J5i43 T803 dM bd f158.jpg
B10 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA bead
B11 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA It is a bead of carnelian. The shape is of a truncated cylinder (disk) witj flat top and bottom sides. It is broken from the upper side to lower.
D1 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j jN k106
D3 2009-07-23_T725sE.r sE r1227 (42019 46277 - 8878 / Relay location: bottom)
F51 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j jN i43 (bead) sits in f158 (accumulation D)
G17 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j jN q303
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s176-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7f-J5B
J1 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA 0.5
J2 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA 0.1
J3 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA 0.2
BA1 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j jN bead
BA2 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j jN 0.4
BA3 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j jN 0.7
BA7 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j jN round
BA8 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j jN red
BA9 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j jN small bead
K3 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA lithic
K5 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA reddish
K10 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA It is broken.
O2 2009-08-03_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3551 J5i43 T803 dM bd f158.jpg
O2 2009-08-03_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3552 J5i43 T803 dM bd f158.jpg
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 012-021
; J5.44
A20 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA clay artifact
A21 2009-07-23_T723EA.j !! clay lump
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3856 J5i44 T820 dM ca f202.jpg
B10 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA clay lump
B11 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA They are 6 fragments of one or more clay artifacts.
D1 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA k105
D3 2009-07-23_T725sE.r eA t r1232 (42519 45782 - 8905 / Relay location: bottom)
F51 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA i44 (clay lump) sits in f202 (accumulation D)
G17 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA q305
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s161-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7j-J5B
BA1 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA unknown
BA6 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA cl
BA7 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA round
BA8 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA red
BA9 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA 4 fragments of clay artifacts
K3 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA clay
K5 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA reddish
K10 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA They are broken.
O2 2009-08-20_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3856 J5i44 T820 dM ca f202.JPG
O2 2009-08-20_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3857 J5i44 T820 dM ca f202.JPG
O2 2009-08-20_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3858 J5i44 T820 dM ca f202.JPG
O2 2009-08-20_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3859 J5i44 T820 dM ca f202.JPG
O2 2009-08-20_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3860 J5i44 T820 dM ca f202.JPG
O2 2009-08-20_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3861 J5i44 T820 dM ca f202.JPG
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 007-073
; J5.45
A20 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA lithic artifact
A21 2009-07-23_T723EA.j !! grinding stone
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3505 J5i45 T801 dM la f74.jpg
B10 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA grinding stone
B11 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA It is a broken loaf-shaped basalt grinding stone. The top is slightly convex, while the bottom is slightly concave.
D1 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA k105
D3 2009-07-23_T725sE.r sE r1233 (42805 45994 - 8905 / Relay location: bottom)
F51 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA i45 (grinding stone) sits in f74 (glacis)
G1 2009-04-06_T406JW.j !! a5
G1 2009-09-01_T901JW.j !! a8
G1 2009-09-01_T901JW.j !! a9
G17 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA q301
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s174-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7f-J5B
J1 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA 9.1
J2 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA 15.5
J4 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA 5.1
BA1 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA grinding stone
BA2 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA 10
BA3 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA 14
BA5 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA 4.5
BA6 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA li
BA7 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA oval
BA8 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA gray
BA9 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA part of a grinding stone
K3 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA basalt
K5 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA gray
K10 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA It is broken.
O2 2009-08-01_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3504 J5i45 T801 dM la f74.jpg
O2 2009-08-01_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3505 J5i45 T801 dM la f74.jpg
O2 2009-08-01_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3506 J5i45 T801 dM la f74.jpg
O2 2009-08-01_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3507 J5i45 T801 dM la f74.jpg
O13 2009-07-23_T729SE.j sE v155
O13 2009-07-23_T729SE.j sE v155a
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 105-039
; J5.46
A20 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA lithic artifact
A21 2009-07-23_T723EA.j !! grinding stone
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3655 J5i46 T811 dM la f208.jpg
B10 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA grinding stone
B11 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA It is a large, broken basalt grinding stone. Its shape is roughly rectangular, while the top is slightly convex and the bottom slighly concave.
D1 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA k105
D3 2009-07-23_T725sE.r sE r1234 (42387 45930 - 8899 / Relay location: top)
F51 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA i46 (grinding stone) sits in f208 (volumetric material)
G17 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA q305
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s0-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9s-J5B
J1 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA 15
J2 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA 8.5
J4 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA 35
J99 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA From the photo and the field measurements, it can be seen that the lab measurement of length has been incorrectly recorded. The most likely correct value is 28.5cm instead of 8.5cm. It will be re-measured in the upcoming excavation season.
BA1 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA grinding stone
BA2 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA 28
BA3 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA 33
BA5 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA 17
BA6 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA li
BA7 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA oval
BA8 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA gray
BA9 2009-07-23_T729SE1.j eA a big part of a grinding stone
K3 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA basalt
K5 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA gray
K10 2009-07-23_T723EA.j eA It is broken.
O2 2009-08-11_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3654 J5i46 T811 dM la f208 .JPG
O2 2009-08-11_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3654 J5i46 T811 dM la f208.jpg
O2 2009-08-11_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3655 J5i46 T811 dM la f208.JPG
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Lab Room A-1
; J5.47
A20 2009-07-25_T728EA.j eA glass artifact
A21 2009-07-25_T728EA.j !! bead (glass)
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3553 J5i47 T803 dM bd f208.jpg
B10 2009-07-25_T728EA.j eA bead (glass)
B11 2009-07-25_T728EA.j eA It is a very small bead. The material could be glass or frit.
D1 2009-07-25_T729SE1.j eA k105
D3 2009-07-25_T725sE.r eA r1236 (42422 45856 - 8935 / Relay location: bottom)
F51 2009-07-25_T729SE1.j eA i47 (bead (glass)) sits in f208 (volumetric material)
G17 2009-07-25_T729SE1.j eA q306
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s0-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9s-J5B
J1 2009-07-25_T728EA.j eA 0.2
J2 2009-07-25_T728EA.j eA 0.1
J4 2009-07-25_T728EA.j eA 0.3
BA1 2009-07-25_T729SE1.j eA bead
BA2 2009-07-25_T729SE1.j eA 0.2
BA3 2009-07-25_T729SE1.j eA 0.1
BA7 2009-07-25_T729SE1.j eA circular
BA8 2009-07-25_T729SE1.j eA white
BA9 2009-07-25_T729SE1.j eA it is a small bead
K3 2009-07-25_T728EA.j eA glass or frit
K5 2009-07-25_T728EA.j eA white
K10 2009-07-25_T728EA.j eA It is entire.
O2 2009-08-03_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3553 J5i47 T803 dM bd f208.jpg
O2 2009-08-03_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3554 J5i47 T803 dM bd f208.jpg
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 012-021
; J5.48
A20 !!_!! !! other
A21 2009-07-28_T830EA.j !! tool
A22 2009-07-28_T830EA.j eA pi
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d7723 J5i48 Tx04 dM pi f214.jpg
B10 2009-07-28_T830EA.j eA tool
B11 2009-07-28_T830EA.j eA It is a complete bronze pin. The form is lengthened and the head is curved.
D1 2009-07-28_T729SE1.j jN k105
D3 2009-07-28_T801sE.r sE r1258 (42672 45742 - 8991 / Relay location: bottom center)
F51 2009-07-28_T729SE1.j jN i48 (tool) sits in f214 (lens type c)
G17 2009-07-28_T729SE1.j jN q315
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s161-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7j-J5B
J1 2009-07-28_T830EA.j eA 0.2
J2 2009-07-28_T830EA.j eA 9.1
J4 2009-07-28_T830EA.j eA 0.1
BA1 2009-07-28_T729SE1.j jN pin
BA3 2009-07-28_T729SE1.j jN 7
BA5 2009-07-28_T729SE1.j jN 0.2
BA9 2009-07-28_T729SE1.j jN bronze pin
K3 2009-07-28_T830EA.j eA bronze
K5 2009-07-28_T830EA.j eA green black
K10 2009-07-28_T830EA.j eA It is complete.
O2 2009-09-19_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d8085 J5i48 T919 dM pi f214.jpg
O2 2009-09-19_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d8086 J5i48 T919 dM pi f214.jpg
O2 2009-09-19_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d8087 J5i48 T919 dM pi f214.jpg
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7723 J5i48 Tx04 dM pi f214.JPG
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7724 J5i48 Tx04 dM pi f214.JPG
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7725 J5i48 Tx04 dM pi f214.JPG
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7726 J5i48 Tx04 dM pi f214.JPG
P2 2009-09-24_T924JN3.j jN Special Objects Room
; J5.49
A20 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA clay artifact
A21 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j !! chariot model
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3635 J5i49 T811 dM ca f213.jpg
B10 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA chariot model
B11 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA It is a chariot with one complete axle hole. One the top of body there is the imprint of a tool and in the middle there is a hole, perhaps used to tie this to an animal figurine.
D1 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j sE k100
D3 2009-07-30_T801sE.r sE r1279 (41642 46516 - 8766 / Relay location: bottom center)
F51 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j sE i49 (chariot model) sits in f213 (floor, type b)
G17 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j sE q323
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s174-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7f-J5B
J1 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA 2.5
J2 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA 6.6
J4 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA 2.7
BA1 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j sE figurine
BA2 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j sE 2.5
BA3 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j sE 6.6
BA5 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j sE 4.4
BA6 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j sE clay
BA8 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j sE light brown
BA9 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j sE figurine of a chariot
K3 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA clay
K5 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA pale olive
K6 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA 5Y 6/4
K10 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA It is broken.
O2 2009-08-11_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3635 J5i49 T811 dM ca f213.JPG
O2 2009-08-11_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3636 J5i49 T811 dM ca f213.JPG
O2 2009-08-11_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3637 J5i49 T811 dM ca f213.JPG
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 003-003
; J5.50
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j !! polishing stone
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3640 J5i50 T811 dM la f226.jpg
B10 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA polishing stone
B11 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA It is a fragment of one tool. It has a circular shape and the both sides are polished.
D1 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j eA k100
D3 2009-07-30_T801sE.r eA r1280 (41550 46612 - 8754 / Relay location: bottom center)
F51 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j eA i50 (polishing stone) sits in f226 (volumetric material)
G17 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j eA q323
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s0-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9s-J5B
J1 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA 6.2
J2 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA 4.1
J4 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA 1.3
BA1 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j eA tool
BA2 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j eA 6.3
BA3 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j eA 4.2
BA5 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j eA 1.8
BA6 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j eA stone
BA8 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j eA gray
BA9 2009-07-30_T820SE2.j eA fragment of a tool
K3 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA lithic
K5 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA gray
K10 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA It is broken.
O2 2009-08-11_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3638 J5i50 T811 dM la f226 .JPG
O2 2009-08-11_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3638 J5i50 T811 dM la f226.jpg
O2 2009-08-11_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3639 J5i50 T811 dM la f226.JPG
O2 2009-08-11_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3640 J5i50 T811 dM la f226.JPG
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 016-101
; J5.51
A20 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA clay artifact
A21 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j !! wheel
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3627 J5i51 T811 dM wh f227.jpg
B10 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA wheel
B11 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA It is a complete wheel with axle hole. The circumference is broken in some places.
D1 2009-08-01_T820SE2.j sE k106
D3 2009-08-01_T802sE.r eA r1291 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: bottom centre)
F51 2009-08-01_T820SE2.j sE i51 (wheel) sits in f227 (layer)
G17 2009-08-01_T820SE2.j sE q331
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s176-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7f-J5B
J1 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA 6.5
J2 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA 4.1
J3 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA 2.1
BA1 2009-08-01_T820SE2.j sE figurine
BA2 2009-08-01_T820SE2.j sE 4
BA4 2009-08-01_T820SE2.j sE 6.5
BA6 2009-08-01_T820SE2.j sE clay
BA8 2009-08-01_T820SE2.j sE yellowish brown
BA9 2009-08-01_T820SE2.j sE wheel
K3 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA clay
K5 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA pale yellow
K6 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA 2.5Y 7/3
K10 2009-08-01_T830EA1.j eA It is complete.
O2 2009-08-11_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3626 J5i51 T811 dM wh f227.JPG
O2 2009-08-11_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3627 J5i51 T811 dM wh f227.JPG
O2 2009-08-11_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3628 J5i51 T811 dM wh f227.JPG
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 005-018
; J5.52
A20 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN ceramic vessel
A21 2009-09-19_T919JN.j !! cup
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d7703 J5i52 Tx04 dM cv f158.jpg
B10 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN cup
B11 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN Conical cup dated to the EDIII period. There are four sherds, three of which fit together. It is relatively complete although none of the rim survived. It is greenish in color and striations from the potter's wheel are visible on the bottom. It is .2 cm thick.
D1 2009-08-02_T820SE2.j jN k106
F51 2009-08-02_T820SE2.j jN i52 (cup) sits in f158 (accumulation D)
G17 2009-08-02_T820SE2.j jN q335
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s176-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7f-J5B
J1 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN 4.8
J3 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN 7.5
J4 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN 4
BA1 2009-08-02_T820SE2.j jN cup
BA2 2009-08-02_T820SE2.j jN 5
BA3 2009-08-02_T820SE2.j jN 8
BA4 2009-08-02_T820SE2.j jN 7
BA5 2009-08-02_T820SE2.j jN 4
BA7 2009-08-02_T820SE2.j jN conical
BA8 2009-08-02_T820SE2.j jN tan-greenish
BA9 2009-08-02_T820SE2.j jN conical cup?
K3 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN ceramic
K3 2015-02-25_ZA225CJC.j mKB Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware
K4 2015-02-25_ZA225CJC.j mKB cup
K5 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN Green
ZcaS1 2015-02-25_ZA225CJC.j mKB conical (cup)
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7198 J5i52 Tx04 dM cv f158.JPG
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7199 J5i52 Tx04 dM cv f158.JPG
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7701 J5i52 Tx04 dM cv f158.JPG
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7702 J5i52 Tx04 dM cv f158.JPG
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7703 J5i52 Tx04 dM cv f158.JPG
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03
; J5.53
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2009-08-09_T830EA4.j !! bead
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3718 J5i53 T813 dM bd f229.jpg
B10 2009-08-09_T830EA4.j eA bead
B11 2009-08-09_T830EA4.j eA It is a very small, round carnelian bead.
D1 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN k33
D3 2009-08-05_T805sE.r jN r1320 (43404 46009 - 8975 / Relay location: bottom centre)
F51 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN i53 (bead) sits in f229 (accumulation A)
G17 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN q347
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s161-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7j-J5B
J4 2009-08-09_T830EA4.j eA 0.1
BA1 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN bead
BA2 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN 0.2
BA3 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN 0.3
BA6 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN carnelian
BA7 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN round
BA8 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN red
BA9 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN carnelian bead
K3 2009-08-09_T830EA4.j eA lithic
K5 2009-08-09_T830EA4.j eA red
K10 2009-08-09_T830EA4.j eA It is complete.
O2 2009-08-13_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3718 J5i53 T813 dM bd f229.jpg
O2 2009-08-13_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3719 J5i53 T813 dM bd f229.jpg
O2 2009-08-13_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3720 J5i53 T813 dM bd f229.jpg
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 012-021
; J5.54
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2009-08-09_T830EA4.j !! figurine
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3634 J5i54 T811 dM fg f229.jpg
B10 2009-08-09_T830EA4.j eA figurine
B11 2009-08-09_T830EA4.j eA It is a fragment of one body animal figurine. There are only the hind legs and the tail. The body is painted with the horizontal and vertical brown lines and one side also with black lines.
D1 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN k33
D3 2009-08-05_T805sE.r jN r1322 (43627 45922 - 8978 / Relay location: bottom centre)
F51 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN i54 (figurine) sits in f229 (accumulation A)
G17 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN q347
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s161-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7j-J5B
J1 2009-08-09_T830EA4.j eA 2.9
J2 2009-08-09_T830EA4.j eA 5.7
J4 2009-08-09_T830EA4.j eA 2.7
BA1 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN figurine
BA2 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN 3.2
BA3 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN 6.2
BA4 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN 2.5
BA5 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN 3.3
BA6 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN clay
BA7 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN cylinder
BA8 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN tan
BA9 2009-08-05_T820SE2.j jN lower half of a painted animal figurine
K3 2009-08-09_T830EA4.j eA clay-baked
K5 2009-08-09_T830EA4.j eA pinkish white
K6 2009-08-09_T830EA4.j eA 7.5YR 8/2
K10 2009-08-09_T830EA4.j eA It is broken.
K90 2014-03-30_Y401JW.j rAH In studying Bos 206, a related stratified find from the Bos corpus in the royal storehouse, some parallels can be seen, although J5.54 is less clearly articulated. However, the exercise may call attention to the fact that the sexual parts of cattle are carried forward in the belly. This may explain the interruption of the painted pattern on the ventral surface of this representation.
The representation compares favorably to Bos 206 in ventral, dorsal and right median plane views. The angle at which the representation is held in V22d3632 (the caudal section of the right median plane) falsifies somewhat the curve of the back; in fact, it is rather more gradual in its decline, and in the same plane, rather than descending as the photograph would indicate.
It is not unusual for w3 to be ever so slightly wider than the forequarters and the torso. That is the case here, so at least in the last two measurements, the ratio would appear to be 1 : : 1, a solid Bos characteristic.
K90 2014-03-30_Y401JW.j rAH This is a most interesting object, albeit fragmentary. There is painted decoration, perhaps saddle bags, or a coverlet/blanket thrown over the dorsal surface. The patterning is grid-like, quite regular. It does not appear to be in imitation of animal hair, but rather a covering. Interesting that the "net" effect continues under the body to the ventral surface. This might argue for an abstract rendering of bodily fur (but unlikely). Munsell value of the paint is Khabur red.
In photograph V22d3633, which I take to be the ventral view of the fragment, the pattern of the lines is disrupted, just to the front of the genital area. There is a triangular/pointed extension of the painted decoration to just below the tail, as if indeed the covering were terminated there, a sort of unusual "all weather wrap" -- ?
Fingerprints do their part to interrupt the pattern. This is a most unusual manufacturing detail; as, apparently, the fingerprints come on top of the paint. Why this is so is difficult to say. The handling and modeling of such figures, particularly those with painted decoration, must surely have something to do with the making and unmaking of these representations.
O2 2009-08-11_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3632 J5i54 T811 dM fg f229.JPG
O2 2009-08-11_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3633 J5i54 T811 dM fg f229.JPG
O2 2009-08-11_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3634 J5i54 T811 dM fg f229.JPG
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 002-023
; J5.55
A20 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN ceramic vessel
A21 2009-09-19_T919JN.j !! cup
A35 2009-08-06_T810SE1.j !! v175
B10 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN cup
B11 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN A cache of sherds from at least three conical cups, fully described as sub-items i55.1, i55.2, and i55.3.
D3 2009-08-05_T812sE.r jN r1335 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: #####)
O13 2009-08-06_T810SE1.j jN v175
O13 2009-08-06_T810SE1.j jN v175a
O99 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN See sub-items for photogaphs.
P99 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN See sub-items for storage data.
; J5.55.1
A20 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN ceramic vessel
A21 2009-09-19_T919JN.j !! cup
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d7718 J5i55.1 Tx04 dM cv f226.jpg
B10 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN cup
B11 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN This is a single conical cup sherd but a complete side is preserved from rim to base. It is a wheel thrown cup from the EDIII period. The body is .3 cm thick and the rim is .25 cm thick.
C99 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN Items 55.1,55.2, and 55.3 were found nested together and collected as a single item before we realized the sherds were part of three different vessels.
D1 2009-08-06_T820SE2.j jN k106
F51 2009-08-06_T820SE2.j jN i55.1 (cup) sits in f226 (volumetric material)
G17 2009-08-06_T820SE2.j jN q353
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s0-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9s-J5B
J1 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN 6
J3 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN 7.7
BA1 2009-08-06_T820SE2.j jN ceramic vessel
BA2 2009-08-06_T820SE2.j jN 6
BA3 2009-08-06_T820SE2.j jN 10.5
BA8 2009-08-06_T820SE2.j jN greenish-tan
BA9 2009-08-06_T820SE2.j jN larger base sherd of 2 vessel fragments stacked together
K3 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN ceramic
K3 2015-02-25_ZA225CJC.j mKB Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware
K4 2015-02-25_ZA225CJC.j mKB cup
K5 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN Green
ZcaS1 2015-02-25_ZA225CJC.j mKB conical (cup)
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7718 J5i55.1 Tx04 dM cv f226.JPG
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7719 J5i55.1 Tx04 dM cv f226.JPG
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7720 J5i55.1 Tx04 dM cv f226.JPG
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7721 J5i55.1 Tx04 dM cv f226.JPG
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7722 J5i55.1 Tx04 dM cv f226.JPG
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03
; J5.55.2
A20 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN ceramic vessel
A21 2009-09-19_T919JN.j !! cup
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d7704 J5i55.2 Tx04 dM cv f226.jpg
B10 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN cup
B11 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN This is a single rim conical cup sherd. It is pale green and has a satiny feel. The rim tapers to a thickness of .1 cm. The body is .4 cm thick.
C99 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN Items 55.1,55.2, and 55.3 were found nested together and collected as a single item before we realized the sherds were part of three different vessels.
D1 2009-08-06_T820SE2.j jN k106
F51 2009-08-06_T820SE2.j jN i55.2 (cup) sits in f226 (volumetric material)
G17 2009-08-06_T820SE2.j jN q353
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s0-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9s-J5B
J1 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN 7.2
J3 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN 6.8
BA1 2009-08-06_T820SE2.j jN ceramic vessel
BA2 2009-08-06_T820SE2.j jN 5.5
BA3 2009-08-06_T820SE2.j jN 10
BA8 2009-08-06_T820SE2.j jN greenish-tan
BA9 2009-08-06_T820SE2.j jN smaller base sherd of two stacked together
K3 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN ceramic
K3 2015-02-25_ZA225CJC.j mKB Simple Ware
K4 2015-02-25_ZA225CJC.j mKB cup
K5 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN Green
ZcaS1 2015-02-25_ZA225CJC.j mKB conical (cup)
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7704 J5i55.2 Tx04 dM cv f226.JPG
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7705 J5i55.2 Tx04 dM cv f226.JPG
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7706 J5i55.2 Tx04 dM cv f226.JPG
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03
; J5.55.3
A20 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN ceramic vessel
A21 2009-09-19_T919JN.j !! cup
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d7707 J5i55.3 Tx04 dM cv f226.jpg
B10 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN cup
B11 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN This is a conical cup base sherd plus six additional body sherds. Based on color and thickness, the body sherds seem to belong to this base. It is a darker green than the previous two. It is .2 cm thick and shows evidence of wheel marks.
C99 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN Items 55.1,55.2, and 55.3 were found nested together and collected as a single item before we realized the sherds were part of three different vessels.
J1 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN 6.2
J3 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN 7.1
K3 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN ceramic
K3 2015-02-25_ZA225CJC.j mKB Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware
K4 2015-02-25_ZA225CJC.j mKB cup
K5 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN Green
ZcaS1 2015-02-25_ZA225CJC.j mKB other
ZcaS3 2015-02-25_ZA225CJC.j mKB 1
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7707 J5i55.3 Tx04 dM cv f226.JPG
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7708 J5i55.3 Tx04 dM cv f226.JPG
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03
; J5.56
A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact
A21 2009-09-19_T919JN.j !! metal artifact
A22 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN wire
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d7717 J5i56 Tx04 dM pi f226.jpg
B10 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN metal artifact
B11 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN This is a thin piece of very fragile wire plus another small piece about 1 cm long. It is slightly curved. The small piece is a very small blob at the end of it.
D1 2009-08-08_T820SE2.j eA k106
D3 2009-08-08_T812sE.r eA r1348 (41573 46500 - 8738 / Relay location: point of i56)
F51 2009-08-08_T820SE2.j eA i56 (metal artifact) sits in f226 (volumetric material)
G17 2009-08-08_T820SE2.j eA q366
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s0-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h9s-J5B
J2 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN 5
J3 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN .1
BA1 2009-08-08_T820SE2.j eA pin
BA3 2009-08-08_T820SE2.j eA 4
BA4 2009-08-08_T820SE2.j eA 0.1
BA6 2009-08-08_T820SE2.j eA bronze
BA8 2009-08-08_T820SE2.j eA bronze
BA9 2009-08-08_T820SE2.j eA bronze needle
K3 2009-09-19_T919JN.j jN metal
O2 2009-09-19_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d8083 J5i56 T919 dM me f226.jpg
O2 2009-09-19_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d8084 J5i56 T919 dM me f226.jpg
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7715 J5i56 Tx04 dM ma f226.jpg
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7716 J5i56 Tx04 dM ma f226.jpg
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7717 J5i56 Tx04 dM ma f226.jpg
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03
; J5.57
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j !! clay artifact
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3752 J5i57 T816 dM ca_loom_wt f253.jpg
B10 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j eA clay artifact
B11 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j eA It is a complete loom weight. It has a lengthened shape with the two sides convexes. It has an incise line in the middle and down and up is flat.
D1 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN k105
D3 2009-08-11_T812sE.r jN r1383 (42956 45840 - 8908 / Relay location: location of item)
F51 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN i57 (clay artifact) sits in f253 (accumulation D)
G17 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN q393
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s178-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7f-J5B
J1 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j eA 7.1
J2 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j eA 2.1
J3 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j eA 2.1
BA1 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN unknown
BA2 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN 2.2
BA3 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN 7.2
BA4 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN 2.8
BA6 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN stone
BA7 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN cylinder
BA8 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN reddish-brown
BA9 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN weight?
K3 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j eA clay-baked
K5 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j eA reddish yellow
K6 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j eA 7.5YR 6/8
K10 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j eA It is complete.
O2 2009-08-16_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3749 J5i57 T816 dM ca_loom_wt f253.jpg
O2 2009-08-16_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3750 J5i57 T816 dM ca_loom_wt f253.jpg
O2 2009-08-16_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3751 J5i57 T816 dM ca_loom_wt f253.jpg
O2 2009-08-16_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3752 J5i57 T816 dM ca_loom_wt f253.jpg
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 007-073
; J5.58
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j !! wheel
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3733 J5i58 T816 dM wh f253.jpg
B10 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j eA wheel
B11 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j eA It is a complete wheel of one big chariot. It has in the middle a big hole.
D1 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN k105
D3 2009-08-11_T812sE.r jN r1384 (42523 45707 - 8905 / Relay location: location of item)
F51 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN i58 (wheel) sits in f253 (accumulation D)
G17 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN q393
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s178-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7f-J5B
J1 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j eA 5.9
J2 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j eA 4.9
J3 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j eA 2.9
BA1 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN wheel
BA2 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN 2.7
BA3 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN 6.4
BA4 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN 6
BA6 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN clay
BA7 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN round
BA8 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN tan
BA9 2009-08-11_T820SE2.j jN wheel
K3 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j eA clay-baked
K5 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j eA very pale brown
K6 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j eA 10YR 8/4
K10 2009-08-15_T830EA7.j eA It is broken.
O2 2009-08-16_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3733 J5i58 T816 dM wh f253.jpg
O2 2009-08-16_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3734 J5i58 T816 dM wh f253.jpg
O2 2009-08-16_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3735 J5i58 T816 dM wh f253.jpg
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 005-018
; J5.59
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2009-08-13_T822JN.j !! figurine
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3791 J5i59 T819 dM fg f254.jpg
B10 2009-08-13_T822JN.j eA figurine
B11 2009-08-13_T822JN.j eA It is a fragment of an animal figurine. There are only two legs and a small part of the body.
D1 2009-08-13_T820SE2.j eA k105
D3 2009-08-13_T819sE.r eA r1441 (42765 45908 - 8808 / Relay location: SE)
F51 2009-08-13_T820SE2.j eA i59 (figurine) sits in f254 (stone installation)
G17 2009-08-13_T820SE2.j eA q410
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s180a-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h7f-J5B
J1 2009-08-13_T822JN.j eA 2.6
J2 2009-08-13_T822JN.j eA 4.8
J3 2009-08-13_T822JN.j eA 2.8
BA1 2009-08-13_T820SE2.j eA figurine
BA2 2009-08-13_T820SE2.j eA 4
BA3 2009-08-13_T820SE2.j eA 2.8
BA5 2009-08-13_T820SE2.j eA 4.4
BA6 2009-08-13_T820SE2.j eA clay
BA8 2009-08-13_T820SE2.j eA brown
BA9 2009-08-13_T820SE2.j eA fragment of animal figurine
K3 2009-08-13_T822JN.j eA clay-baked
K5 2009-08-13_T822JN.j eA very pale brown
K6 2009-08-13_T822JN.j eA 10YR 8/3
K90 2014-03-30_Y401JW.j rAH Once again, a fragmentary representation. The excavator feels that this is, I presume, a quadruped. This is far from certain. I would prefer to see this artifact as a badly eroded ram's head (V22d3790), although that identification is equally uncertain. Compare with A1.479, Ovis 33, a perforated exemplar from the royal storehouse. See also a comparative example from Tepe Gawra on page 171. Also see Comparative Table 8. The curved "knob" (V22d3790) is surprising. I know of only one similar detail, and this is the tail of Ovis II 203 (plate XV, page 488).
I fear this artifact has been overcleaned; some detail may have been brushed away. The lighting of the photographs, uniform, does not help in analyzing detail.
I have been unable to locate k105 on a grid within the Global Record. Several interesting exemplars have been recovered there. I thus am at a loss to ascertain their relationship to other artifacts in this unit.
O2 2009-08-19_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3790 J5i59 T819 dM fg f254.jpg
O2 2009-08-19_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3791 J5i59 T819 dM fg f254.jpg
O2 2009-08-19_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3792 J5i59 T819 dM fg f254.jpg
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 002-024
; J5.60
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2009-08-15_T822JN.j !! figurine
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d3803 J5i60 T819 dM fg f271.jpg
B10 2009-08-15_T822JN.j eA figurine
B11 2009-08-15_T822JN.j eA It is a fragment of an animal figurine. There is only the posterior part with the back legs
D1 2009-08-15_T820SE2.j eA k105
D3 2009-08-15_T819sE.r eA r1453 (42295 45882 - 8832 / Relay location: bottom)
F51 2009-08-15_T820SE2.j eA i60 (figurine) sits in f271 (accumulation D)
G17 2009-08-15_T820SE2.j eA q421
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s620-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h3s-J5B
J1 2009-08-15_T822JN.j eA 4.3
J2 2009-08-15_T822JN.j eA 4.5
J3 2009-08-15_T822JN.j eA 3.1
BA1 2009-08-15_T820SE2.j eA figurine
BA2 2009-08-15_T820SE2.j eA 4.2
BA3 2009-08-15_T820SE2.j eA 3.1
BA5 2009-08-15_T820SE2.j eA 2.8
BA6 2009-08-15_T820SE2.j eA clay
BA8 2009-08-15_T820SE2.j eA brown
BA9 2009-08-15_T820SE2.j eA fragment of animal figurine
K3 2009-08-15_T822JN.j eA clay-baked
K5 2009-08-15_T822JN.j eA light yellowish brown
K6 2009-08-15_T822JN.j eA 10YR 6/4
K90 2014-03-30_Y401JW.j rAH The photograph V22d3802 is not diagnostic. It is taken at an angle and slightly below the artifact, thus obscuring all diagnostic measurement. If the artifact is intact and not broken with the exception of the legs this view might show a forequarter breast ridge, which is of note.
V22d3803 seems to be a view in the caudal plane. If so, there is an indentation between the legs, as if made by a thumb, which is most interesting. There appears to be a hole for a tail above the indentation.
I do not feel confident saying that this is an intact figurine, although there does not appear to be a break at either caudal or cranial termination. See V22d3801. If this is a dorsal view, the ratio of forequarters to either torso or the uncertain hindquarters is most unusual. I believe the figurine is in fact the cranial section (forequarters) and that the artifact is broken at the torso; the break is disguised by what may be exuberant cleaning, brushing away the rough edges at the break. It is unlikely that depositional action could account for this smooth a termination.
Recovered from k105.
O2 2009-08-19_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3801 J5i60 T819 dM fg f271.JPG
O2 2009-08-19_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3802 J5i60 T819 dM fg f271.JPG
O2 2009-08-19_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d3803 J5i60 T819 dM fg f271.JPG
P2 2009-09-25_J05ZSB.j !! ZSB 002-023
; J5.61
A20 !!_!! !! other
A21 2009-08-30_T831SE.j !! weapon
A22 2009-08-30_T831SE.j sE ar
A35 2009-10-01_TX01JW1.j jW L_V22d7727 J5i61 Tx04 dm we f259.jpg
B10 2009-08-30_T831SE.j sE weapon
B11 2009-08-30_T831SE.j sE Complete bronze arrowhead, its surface is completely encrusted with soil.
D1 2009-08-16_T820SE2.j jN k105
D3 2009-08-16_T819sE.r eA r1461 (42386 45908 - 8806 / Relay location: bottom)
F51 2009-08-16_T820SE2.j jN i61 (weapon) sits in f259 (accumulation D)
G17 2009-08-16_T820SE2.j jN q429
I1 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! s620-J5B
I3 2012-10-16_WX16JW.j !! h3s-J5B
J1 2009-08-30_T831SE.j sE 0.6
J2 2009-08-30_T831SE.j sE 6.7
J3 2009-08-30_T831SE.j sE 0.2
J4 2009-08-30_T831SE.j sE 1.2
BA1 2009-08-16_T820SE2.j jN weapon
BA2 2009-08-16_T820SE2.j jN 0.2
BA3 2009-08-16_T820SE2.j jN 6.5
BA5 2009-08-16_T820SE2.j jN 1.1
BA6 2009-08-16_T820SE2.j jN metal
BA8 2009-08-16_T820SE2.j jN green
BA9 2009-08-16_T820SE2.j jN javelin point
K3 2009-08-30_T831SE.j sE bronze
K5 2009-08-30_T831SE.j sE green
K10 2009-08-30_T831SE.j sE complete
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7727 J5i61 Tx04 dM we f259.JPG
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7728 J5i61 Tx04 dM we f259.JPG
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7729 J5i61 Tx04 dM we f259.JPG
O2 2009-10-04_J05_VWX.j dM L_V22d7730 J5i61 Tx04 dM we f259.JPG
P99 2009-10-17_TX17JW.j jW Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03