.bk J06 .fl S803eA.j .fd q-item description, f log, q log .ed S803 .ei eA .rd S728 .ri eA q 92.1 df wh ds It is a wheel of a chariot; the spokes are painted in black. wm cl ht 6.28 w1 2.69 co olive yellow c# 5Y 7/8 cn It is broken q 113.3 df di ds It is a backed clay disk wm cl lg 6.7 w1 0.55 co dark gray c# 5Y 4/1 cn It is complete q 113.1 df kwr ds It is a kiln waster with a lenghtend form wm cl ht 2.8 lg 1.1 w1 1.4 co yellow c# 10YR 7/8 cn It is broken q 121.2 df fg ds It is the body of an animal figurine wm cl ht 2.7 lg 6.7 w1 2.8 co yellowish brown c# 10YR 5/8 cn It is broken q 119.2 df fg ds It is the body of an animal figurine with the neck. In the upper part of the body it is drawn with lines and in the upper part of the backside there are two holes. Indeed in the flat backside of the tail is very well drown. wm cl ht 3.1 lg 6.1 w1 3.2 co light yellowish brown c# 2.5Y 6/4 cn It is broken q 121.1 df kw ds It is a piece of kiln waste wm cl ht 2.7 lg 4.7 w1 3.4 co olive cn It is broken q 120.1 df fg ds It is the back part of an animal figurine perhaps a dog waging his tail wm cl ht 2.6 lg 4.6 w1 3.2 co pale yellow c# 5Y 7/4 cn It is broken q 119.3 df fg ds It is the back part of on animal figurine perhaps a dog waging his tail wm cl ht 2.1 lg 4.7 w1 2.1 co yellow c# 5Y 8/5 cn It is broken q 116.1 df kw ds It is a fragment of kiln waste wm cl ht 1.9 lg 1.1 w1 0.7 co green cn It is broken q 92.2 df kw ds It is a fragment of kiln waste wm cl ht 3.7 lg 2.4 w1 4.2 co dark olive gray cn It is broken q 102.1 ct la df uk ds It is a piece of stone emispheric in shape wm li ht 5.5 lg 8.4 w1 6.2 co pale yellow cn It is broken q 105.2 df gr ds two piece of one grind stone wm li ht 6.9 lg 11.5 w1 7.7 co very dark gray cn It is broken q 119.1 ;df gr ds probably half of a door socket wm li ht 7.4 lg 9.6 w1 3.7 co yellow cn It is broken q 121.3 ct ca df str ds It is a clay strainer wm cl ht 1.5 w1 5.1 co dark yellowish brown c# 10YR 4/6 cn It is complete q 128.3 df fg ds It is the head of a ram figurine with one horn; the mouth and the nose are incised. wm cl ht 2.2 lg 3.3 w1 1.9 co pale olive c# 5Y 6/4 cn It is broken q 90.1 df sm ds Four pieces of ancient cement wm cement ht 7.1 lg 13.1 w1 2.3 co grayish brown c# 2.5Y 5/1 cn They are broken .rd S729 .ri eA q 103.1 df ba ds It is a piece of bone decoreted with a X. wm bn ht 2.9 lg 3.7 w1 0.5 co yellow cn It is broken q 129.1 ct la df uk ds They are two small fragment of quartz wm li ht 0.4 lg 0.5 w1 0.5 co white cn It is broken q 128.1 df fg ds It is the head of a ram figurine. The beginning of the horn and the snout are broken. The figurine is complete and the neck is finished. wm cl ht 2.4 lg 4.5 w1 2.5 co light yellowish brown c# 10YR 6/4 cn It is complete q 124.2 df ta ds They are two fragment of tannur wm cl ht 1.3 lg 2.2 w1 1.5 co strong brown c# 7.5YR 4/4 cn They are broken q 131.2 ct ca df se ds It is a conic shape stamp seal most probably to impress the textiles. On the flat surface raise concentric circles and the upper part of the cone is a handle. wm cl ht 3.3 lg 3.4 w1 3.1 co yellowish red cn It is complite q 124.1 df kw ds It is s fragment of kiln waste perhaps of one amorphus matter ceramic. wm cl ht 1.8 lg 2.7 w1 1.2 co black cn It is broken q 131.1 ct ca df sl ds It is one backed clay object, perhaps a sealing. It is trapezoidal and flat in shape. On the surface there are some incisions or impressions but they have any kind of regular disposition. The sides are breaked off wm cl ht 1.5 lg 5 w1 7 co black c# 5Y 2.5/1 cn It is broken q 128.4 df bd ds It is a bead with one flat surface and a hole in the middle wm cl lg 1.8 w1 0.7 co very yellow brown c# 10YR 7/4 cn It is complete .rd S730 .ri eA q 132.2 df kw ds It is one piece of kiln waste wm cl ht 2.8 lg 4.3 w1 3.6 co olive cn It is broken q 133.7 df unknown ds It a fragment of clay with incised lines wm cl ht 1.8 lg 3.7 w1 1.3 co dark gray c# 5Y 4/1 cn It is broken q 133.6 df kw ds It is the lower extremity of one thin cane wm li ht 3.5 lg 2.1 w1 0.6 co dark gray cn It is broken q 133.3 ct la df pestle ds It is one pestle cubic in shape wm li ht 3.7 lg 2.3 w1 3.8 co gray cn It is complete q 133.1 df kw ds kiln waste wm cl ht 3.1 lg 2.5 w1 2.1 co green q 133.5 df pestle ds It is the upper part of one pestle wm li ht 7.1 lg 7.7 w1 5.8 co gray cn It is broken q 136.1 df gr ds It is a fragment of one grind stone wm li ht 3.7 lg 5.8 w1 3.4 co dark gray cn It is broken q 132.1 ct la df pestle ds It is the upper part of one pestle wm li ht 8.5 lg 6.6 w1 5.5 co dark gray cn It is broken q 133.4 df gr ds It is one piece of a grind stone wm li ht 6.9 lg 6.6 w1 15.3 co gray cn It is broken .rd S731 .ri eA q 137.1 ct la df uk ds Perhaps, it is one piece of alabaster, probably a fragment of a small vase wm li ht 3.4 lg 2.7 w1 0.3 co pale yellow c# 5Y 8/3 cn It is broken .rd S802 .ri eA q 147.1 df bl ds It is a blade with trapezoidal profile and the sides are worked zig zag. The upper part is polished. wm ob ht 1.5 lg 1.8 w1 0.3 co green cn It is broken q 149.1 df gr ds It is one piece of a grind stone wm li ht 12.3 lg 14.8 w1 7.4 co dark gray cn It is broken .rd S723 .ri eA i 1 df se tc si f45 lc k84 ds It is an uncut stone seal wm li ht 1.6 lg 2.2 w1 1.6 co pale yellow c# 5Y 8/4 cn It is complete .rd S728 .ri eA i 2 df si tc si f66 lc k84 ds a unbacked clay object which has in one side the impressions the basket that was sealing wm cl ht 8.19 lg 6.97 w1 1.47 co strong brown c# 7.5YR 5/8 cn It is broken only one side .ed S803 .ei cJC f .rd S731 .ri hQ 80 64 ac m4830 61 117 cl light brown hard fine 81 85 ld m4806 107 117 m4863 66 134 cl light brown soft fine 82 75 bf m4864 75 134 cl 83 85 bf m4863 33 134 84 64 is li .ri pC 85 85 m4806 101 117 cl soft fine .rd S802 .ri hQ 86 85 bf m4844 93 143 cl .ri eA 87 74 m4870 72 150 cl soft fine .ri hQ 88 74 m4831 0 0 cl soft .rd S803 .ri pC 89 64 st removed S729 .ri hQ 90 85 l m4866 98 141 ash .ri pC 91 85 st m4865 0 143 li 92 74 cut .ri hQ 93 75 bf m4864 40 141 cl gray and red q .rd S730 .ri eA 133 p,b f75 k85 m4865 390 S 258 W m4865 70 149 134 p,b f68 k75 m4721 400 N 150 W m4864 100 149 10 This q-lot is triangular. The marker is at the right angle. .ri pC 135 p,b f79 k64 50 N 50 W 40 ld under stone .ri eA 136 p,b f71 k75 m4864 400 S 300 E m4864 82 140 brickmelt .rd S731 .ri hQ 137 p,b f80 k64 r155 400 S 130 W m4830 106 155 138 p f71 k75 m4864 400 S 250 E m4860 61 117 This q-lot is trapezoidal .ri pC 139 p,b f81 k85 m4806 300 E 100 N m4806 107 117 30 North Baulk .ri hQ 140 p f82 k75 m4864 400 S 400 E m4864 75 134 141 p,b f83 k85 m4806 300 E 100 N m4863 66 136 North baulk, brickfall .ri hQ 142 p f85 k85 m4806 400 S 100 E m4806 107 117 40 West Baulk .rd S802 .ri hQ 143 p f69 k84 On top of glacis .ri eA 144 p f75 k85 m4806 400 S 100 E m4806 107 117 West Baulk 145 p f64 k74 m4870 400 S 200 W m4870 108 164 .ri pC 146 p f69 k84 m4867 100 E 200 S m4867 149 154 West Baulk .ri eA 147 p f78 k75 m4721 400 N 150 W m4864 75 165 accumulation in E part, this q-lot is not rectangular. .ri hQ 148 p,b f86 k85 m4865 250 W 300 S m4844 93 143 .ri eA 149 p f82 k75 m4864 400 S 400 W m4864 77 156 brickfall, brickmelt qi .rd S730 .ri eA 133.7 uk 1.8 3.7 1.3 cl .rd S731 .ri eA 137.1 ma 4.5 3.7 0.3 yellow fragment of alabaster .rd S802 .ri hQ 147.1 bl 1.7 1.4 black obsidian blade with flat face an 3 faces on the other side .ri eA 149.1 gr 13 18 18 li gray fragment of a grind stone .rd S803 .ri eA 154.1 kw 3.5 3.5 3 cl brown two pieces of kiln waste 154.2 sl 4 5.1 4.2 brown many pieces of a sealing qi .ri cJC 154.3 uk 5 3 cl brown possibly a comb, maybe painted .ri eA 154.4 fg 4.5 6.2 4 cl brown fragment of an animal figurine .ri cJC 154.5 shell 3 2 shell white complete snail shell .ri pC 153.1 sm Ash, seed sample from f90 .ri pC 153.2 ds 10 23 li door socket 153.3 ds 10 23 li door socket 155.1 ls 1.8 2 li smooth stone 155.2 gr 6 7 li grind stone fragment 155.3 si cl possibly a sealing (3 fragments) q 153.2 ct la q 155.1 ct la q 133.7 ct ca .ed S803 .ei hQ .rd S803 .ri hQ f 86 ds f86 is the brickfall located in k85 under f75 and covers the whole locus. f86 is a soft soil with big chunks of bricks; five floating stones f96 are sitting in it. When we went deeper the soil was wet and fine with a lot of red and gray bricks. This feature is characterized by the presence of carbons and some ash patches. f 87 ds f87 is the fill of the pit cut f92 located in the North-East corner of k74; it is a soft fine powdery brown reddish soil with some stones. The fill is located between two brick layers. ad a f 88 ds it is the nothern baulk of k74. It consists of natural accumulations and brickmelt: f88 is characterized by the presence of the brick melt sloping west. It covered the pit f87 in the lower eastern part. f 90 ds f90 sits in the brickfall f86 in k85. f90 is an ashy layer which is wet and powdery. when we removed the upper part of it, it started to be more compact and hard with laminations. We recognze in this feature one fresh root f 91 ds it sits in f86 in k85. f91 consists of five floating stones located not at the same elevation and not of the same size but are almost in the same direction and going from south-west to north-east. f 92 ds f92 is the cut of the pit in the bricks f64 in k74. it is circular in shape f 93 ds f93 is located in k75 under f82 and covers the whole locus. f93 is a soft soil characterized by the presence of red bricks and few gray ones and few sherds. at the bottom of the eastern part of this feature we recognize an ash layer which covers part of the locus.