.bk J06 .fl S818pc.j .fd daily view log .ei pC .ed S818 i .rd S807 .ri cJC 3 98 85 173 4 108 84 188 a-bone skull of an animal 5 98 85 173 sm the soil inside the jar 5.1 98 85 173 shells and bones from the sol inside the jar 6 119 75 197 ma 0.6 2.5 coroded small piece of bronze 7 63 84 pi 0 6.2 0.1 bronze pin 8 123 74 201 si 1.8 4 2 seal impression 9 123 74 201 si 2.5 4.5 2 seal impression 10 124 86 203 ma 0.1 4 1 1.3 ma green it is a metal artefact (scraper?) 11 142 84 231 ja 4.5 3.5 3 small jar 12 142 84 231 si 8 6 2.5 cl Impression of map in clay? .rd S818 .ri eA 13 146 86 239 vs 4.2 6.8 5 cl is a small vessel decorated and painted q 223 p,b 132 84 m4987 312cm E 230cm N m4929 117 155 224 p,b 136 86 r306 370cm N 227cm W m4973 0 163 225 p 131 87 r306 650cm N 220cm W m4975 57 167 226 p 131 87 r306 650cm N 220cm W m4976 57 167 new, because the bag is full 227 p 131 87 r306 650cm N 220cm W m4977 57 167 new, because the bag is full 228 p 131 87 r306 650cm N 220cm W m4978 57 167 new, because the bag is full 229 p 131 87 r306 650cm N 220cm W m4979 57 167 new, because the bag is full 230 p 143 87 r306 650cm N 220cm W m4975 57 167 beginning of bf 231 p 142 84 m4975 49 158 removed the ash 232 p 139 86 r306 370cm N 227cm W m4995 91 157 233 p 141 84 m4988 140cm E 230cm N m4987 133 144 .rd S818 .ri pC 234 p,b 145 85 m4807 100w 330S m4936 99 160 40 West baulk k85 brickfall 235 p,b 136 86 m4936 66 160 brickfall 236 p,b 143 87 m4975 18 160 .ri eA 237 p,b 140 84 m4988 140E 230N m4987 133 156 238 p,b 140 84 m4988 140E 230N m4987 133 156 239 p,b 146 86 240 p 147 87 r300 222w 500S qi .ri eA .rd S815 172.1 kw 2 2.5 1.5 cl a fragment of kiln waste 170.1 kw 18 12 13 cl brown and green very large pieces of kiln waste. Found togehter in sw corner of K74 169.1 sp 4.5 4.2 2.5 cl brown a fragment of a spout 173.1 kw 9 12 brown a large piece of kiln waste 172.2 bl 1.5 1.5 black is a fragment of a blade 170.2 shell 1.9 4.5 white it is a fragment of a shell 174.1 la 6 13 5.5 li grey/reddish it is a pestle 172.3 la 15 22 12 li grey it is one piece of mortar 170.3 cl 4 4.5 1.8 kw grey it is a fragment of kiln waste 175.1 gr 10 15 3 li grey it is a fragment of a grind stone 164.5 la 27 3.5 2.2 ob black it is one piece of obsidian 176.1 20 12 5 li grey it is one piece of door socket 181.1 sm carbon sample .rd S806 179.1 6 10 3.5 cl brown it is one small doorsocket ;179.2 kw 1.5 3.1 1 cl very brown it is a fragment of kiln waste 181.2 kw cl brown/green six pieces of kiln waste 177.1 kw 3.2 3.5 2 cl light green unknown 178.1 fg 3.5 8.2 3.5 cl grey it is a fragment of an animal figurine 182.1 uk 4.5 10 3 li grey 182.2 kw 4 6.5 2.5 cl green three pieces of kiln waste 182.3 la 3 2.5 1.6 ob black it is a fragment of obsidian 182.4 uk 1.5 3 white/black unknown 178.2 uk 7 3 cl brown/red unknown clayartifact, it has also a shape with a base .rd S807 184.1 gr 6.5 10 7 li grey it is one pestle 184.2 la 2 7.5 5 li black it is a lithic artifact 184.3 uk 4.5 9 2 brown unknown 188.1 ls 0.8 0.9 0.6 li yellow a fragment of amber 187.1 uk 8 8 cl brown with black patches fragment of unknown perforated shape with one flat wide edge .rd S809 191.1 bl 3 4 0.8 ob black it is a fragment of one blade 193.1 kw 7 16 big piece of kiln waste 194.1 la 4 6 li square stone rounded edges 194.2 gr 4 10 li grind stone 194.3 bt 6 7 cl top of a bottle 192.1 bd 0.7 3 cl pale green perforated disk with one flat surface 195.1 ca 7.3 3.2 2.9 cl olive two fragments of ? 195.2 bt 24 cl reddish a fragment of decorated rimbowl 224.1 uk 4 1.5 cl black it is a fragment of ? 223.1 bl 4.1 3.3 0.5 flint brown oit is a fragment of one blade 227.1 gr 10 9.5 4 li grey it is a piece of one grind stone 227.2 gr 15 li grey it is a piece of one grind stone 227.3 gr 3.5 9 8 li grey it is a piece of one grind stone 227.4 kw 5 6 5 cl black it is a piece of kiln waste 223.3 wh 3.5 4 1.5 cl brown it is a fragment of one wheel 227.5 gr 11.5 10 4 cl brown it is a piece of one grind stone 223.2 uk 7.5 4.5 2 li black a fragment very polished 230.1 gr 10 10 li grey a piece of a grind stone 231.1 bl 4.2 1.4 ob black a piece of an obsidian blade 232.3 sm 3.2 3.1 carbon black a lots of piece of carbon 233.1 sm 3 1.4 10 carbon black one piece of carbon 232.4 uk 3 8 lithic stone tool f .rd S816 .ri pc 138 86 glacis m4995 85 151 139 86 ly m4995 91 157 140 84 pc m4987 133 156 141 84 aa m4987 124 144 soft 142 84 fi m4989 115 158 m4989 30 100 grey 5YR 5/1 soft 143 87 bf m4975 49 158 m4975 5 51 .rd S818 .ri pC 144 87 w m4976 10 155 S819 145 85 bf m4936 95 36 m4982 125 156 S818 146 86 bf m4936 95 63 m6019 194 146 S818 147 87 fb m4975 5 151 f 135 el 8929@top P1 removed S819 v 46 ds Western section of k85 when the lower half was drawn.This view is without the section string. Dump f37 on the top and then the brickfall f75 and f86. v 57 ds This view shows the glacis f118 (f63,f107,f110) which covers k84, k85, part of k75 and k74. In k74 is still visible some of the brickfall f103, which is in part covering it and slopes in the same direction as the glacis. The glacis abuts the stones f127, or it goes under them. The wall f127 and f101, f152 makes a boundary between the glacis to the East and the staircase J2f130 to the West.It shows also the oblique stone f100, which is the same construction phase as wall f130 and f129. v 9 ds the north section in k85 without string v .ri cJC 46 w gk85 gf86,75,37 Western section ok k85: on the top f37 which is ^dump1 and under it the brickfall 46a w w gk85 gf37,70,75,86 Western section of k85 when the bottom half was drawn. This view is with the section string. 9 n gk85 gf2,3,4,8,12 9a t n gk85 gf2,3,4,8,12 the north section in k85 with string. 3 w gk84 gf127 Wide shot fom East: all J2 is visible and part of J6; this view was taken at the beginning of the excavation to show J2 with all the monumental stone entrance to the temple from the East and wall f127. 11 e gk85,84,75,74 wide shot forom east: visible all J2, J4 and J6 (see also v10, v3, v8): here the high section of k200 is visible. For the template see v8, which is the same shot taken some days before 29 W gk84 gf55,56 View showing brickfall (f55) with defined bricks and its relationship to stone (f56) ;29a ov w gk84 gf55,56 Overhead view showing defined brickfall (f55) .ri pC 48 ne gk84,85,200 gf100,130,101,127,63,152,62,55,152 The first of a series of view taken to show the removal of the western baulk of k84: the purpose was to show the different moments of the same area from the same point of view. The first picture shows the brickfall f55 to the south in section and f63 the glacis. To the North the walls f130, f101, f127, the oblique stone f100 and the staircase on the bottom 48a w e the west baulk of k85 showing the brickfall on the top and the wall f152 48b w se the west baulk of k85: on the top the brickfall 48c w ne similar shot to v48 48d w e similar shot to v48a 48e w e 48f w e 48g w ne 48h w e 48i w e 48j w e 49 n gk74 gf107,123,76 View of the brickfall f123 covering the glacis f107 in k75. Itis also visible in the background the wall f76 and the bin J4f93 49a gk74 gf107,123,76 View of the brickfall f123 covering the glacis f107 in k75 50 t e gk84 gf55,63,46,38 View showing the eastern section of k84 without section string. 50a t e gk84 gf55,63,46,38 View showing the eastern 2 meter section of J06 k84 with section string for drawing. 51 n gk75 gf68,71,78,82,93 North section of k75 51a n gk75 gf68,71,78,82,93 North section of k75 with section string in place. .ri hQ 52 e gk85 gf86,75,70,46 View showing the Eastern section of k85, specifically highlighting the bricks visible in the brickfall 52a e gk85 gf86,75,81 View showing the Eastern section of k85, with section string in place. 53 s gk85,84,200 gf63,90,110,127,62 View showing the glacis covering k84 and k85 with the ash layer in the South section and the links with the memory stones f127 .ri pC .rd S818 54 n gk85,84 gf62,127,63,91,135,110 This view shows the glacis f110 and the glacis f63, the memory stones f127 which probably are located above the glacis. The stones f81 are located above the glacis f110 which covers the sherd floor f135 54a t ov gk85 gf110,135,91 View of the glacis and the floor f135 54b t ov gk85 gf135,110 particuar of floor f135 .rd S811 55 s gk85 gf86 This view shows the nothern section of k85 and the bricks inside with out the string. 55a sw gk85 gf86 This view shows the nothern section of k85 and the bricks inside with the string. 56 s gk86 gf104,105 this view shows the nothern section of k86 with out the string. 56a n gk86 gf104,105 this view shows the nothern section of k86 with the string. 57 se gk84,85,74,75,86 gf90,97,107,63,110,152,62,127,130,103,129,100,101 57a t e gk84,85,74,75 gf63,127,129,130,103,100,101 This view shows a closer picture of the wall f129 and f127: probably the glacis was covering wall f129 and on top of it were laid stones f127 in mittani time 57b t s gk84,85,86,74,75 gf110,90,97 this view shows the details of the glacis in the loci, and the ash layer in the southern corner of k75 and in the southern section of k85 57c t se gk84 gf110,97 This view shows a close up of the ash f97: the glacis seems broken and the ash goes above it and also under it: probably we have two different ashes 57d t ov gk85 gf135,110 a close up of the floor f135 coming out under glacis f110 57f t s gk85 gf90,gf110,135 the glacis in two loci and the component of the glacis.The ash layer abuts the glacis in k75. 57e t s gk75,85,74 gf90,97,118,123,110 This view shows the glacis in the loci and the brickfall which is covering it in k74 .the ash in the southern section in k85,k75 which are going towred each others but they don’t meet in any point . 58 n gk75,74,85,84,73 gf118,76,123,127 ga7 This view shows the glacis f118 which continues to the North in J4 North of the bin a7 (J4f93).The bin is located above the glacis. 58a t n gk84 gf63 This view shows a close picture to the glacis and its component. 58b t n gk85 gf110 particular of the glacis 59 w gk74,84,73 gf127,118,123,76 This view shows the glacis in k74 and k84, the bin a7 (J04f93). The glacis f118 is located under a7 (J4f93) but abuts the memory stones f127. 59a t w gk75,84 gf123,63,127 This view shows the glacis f63 in k84 and the brickfall f123 in k74 to show the relation between them. The glacis in k84 going under the brickfall f123. 59b t w gk75,85 gf90,110,86 This view shows the glacis in k75,k85 and the ash f97 which overlays the glacis; in section the brickfall f86 and the ash layer f90. 59c w w gk74,84 gf123,63,127 This view shows the glacis f63 in k84 and the brickfall f123 in k74: the glacis is covered by stones f127. In the background the apron J2f131 .rd S818 .ri pC -dy Today we continued to excavate in k84 f140, in k86 we removed all the brickfall f136 and the ash f139 which covered the glacis f138, in k85 we removed the West baulk wich is almost composed of brickfall and the ash, which is f145. In k87 was excavated f143 which is the brickfall. Before breakfast we spend the morning cleaning all the excavation k 85 dy today we removed the west baulk f145 which is in The upper and northern half brickfall same as f86, in the Southern and lower part is the ashy layer same as f90. It was decided to remove it all as one feature, since the ash was mixed to the brickfall in the middle and was difficolt to distinguish them k 86 dy Today was removed all the brickfall f136 which overlayed the ashy layer f139. Once removed all it was compleatly exposed the glacis f138, which is similar to the glacis f118. We then begin to remove the northern baulk after drawing it. It is f146 and is the brickfall same as f136. We had at the end of the day another shaffat in k86 to remove the dirt coming from this area. k 87 dy Today was removed all the brickfall f143, except for the presumed wall f144. Under the brickfall was found f147, which is a compact surface with some sherds and small pebbles. Tomorrow i will check it better. -eq Today the crane was working well, removing the dirt in k200. We get also another shaffat to remove the dirt in k86, being half of k200 full of dirt.