.bk J06 .fl S820pc.j .fd daily .ri pC .rd S820 .ei pc .ed S820 -dy Today we excavated in k85 f148 which is a natural soft accumulation. Under it there is f154 which is a surface compacted naturally. In k84 we removed all the ash f142 and the small corner f150. We then excavated in all the square with f151, a natural accumulation k 85 dy Today we excatated in all the square f148, same feature as yesterday: it is a brown soft accumulation, wet and with lot of organic material, bones and few pottery. Under it we found a surface compacted naturally, where some sherds were lying flat and some small pebbles were on the surface. We called it floor but excavating it was the same accumulation as f148, only was more compact. .ri lC i 3 wm RC sh j ;w jn.f2 .ri pC w1 4.2 w2 8.1 w3 3.3 .ri eA i 7 df pi ds A copper-alloy pin wm copper-alloy lg 6.1 ht 0.6 co green co complete ct ma P99 cons lab i 3 A12 L_V21d5924 J6i3 S816 dM cv f98.jpg i 7 A12 L_V21d5796 J6i7 S813 dM ma f63.jpg i 10 A12 L_V21d5965 J6i10 S820 dM ma f124.jpg i 11 A12 L_V21d5961 J6i11 S820 dM cv f142.jpg i 13 A12 L_V21d5958 J6i13 S820 dM cv f146.jpg i 14 A12 L_V21d5951 J6i14 S820 dM pi f251.jpg q 42.3 A12 L_V21d5711 J6q42.3 S804 dM fg f29.jpg q 121.3 A12 L_V21d5750 J6q121.3 S804 dM cv f60.jpg q 128.3 A12 L_V21d5755 J6q128.3 S804 dM fg f70.jpg q 131.2 A12 L_V21d5741 J6q131.2 S804 dM se f72.jpg q 218.2 A12 L_V21d5952 J6q218.2 S820 dM f129.jpg .ed S820 .ei cVP .rd S820 .ri cVP f 142 pr We excavate the rest of this feature, the ashy layers, that goes deeper in the centre of the shallow pit or dump. Reaching the bottom, we relay and photograph. tc ov f151 f 150 pr After finishing f142 we remove this triangular space that remained of the soil under glacis f132. tc ov f151 f 141 tc ov f151 f 151 ds After removing the remains of f150 and f142, we considered that the entire square is now the new f151. The soil is dark brown, hard, with small specks of carbon. It is covered by f150, f142 and f141. f 158 el 8770@top el 8735@bottom nr the elevation taken in the field is wrong: 8828@top is too high for feature f158. The correct elevation is 8770@top, taken from the section qi .rd S810 .ri cJC 196.1 fg 4 2.5 3.5 cl yellowish/brown legs of an animal figurine 196.2 uk 0.5 1.2 cl reddish/yellow possible gamepiece a bead w/out hole 197.1 bl 0.3 1 black fragment of obsidian blade 200.1 bl 1.6 0.4 black fragment of obsidian blade .ri pC 201.1 shell 0.2 1.5 201.2 sl 2 3 sealing 201.3 bd 3 1.5 azzurow fragment of bead 201.4 bl 5.3 4.5 black a fragment of a blade 203.1 la 10 6.5 4 brown a fragment of very polished stone 201.5 la 0.8 yellow a very small fragment of quartz 201.6 charcoal 2 - 3 2 - 3 black pieces of charcoal 201.7 ca 3.5 6 5 grey part of a figurine .rd S814 .ri eA 205.1 kw 7.1 5 grey fragments of kiln waste 207.1 wh 7 brown a wheel