.bk J06 .fl S902hq.j .fd q-item description .ed S803 .ei hQ .rd S902 .ri hQ q 153.2 df door socket ds a piece of door socket with an oval shape. wm li ht 20 lg 26 w1 8 co light brown q 153.3 df gr ds a piece of grinding stone. wm li ht 9.7 lg 20 w1 10.3 co brown cn broken q 284.4 df fg ds a fragment of the back part of an animal figurine, with two legs in the back one is broken and the other is complete. wm cl ht 2.5 lg 3 w1 3 co olive c# 5Y 5/4 cn broken q 172.4 df kw ds They are three pieces of kiln waste very very cooked wm cl ht 2.1 lg 1.5 w1 1.3 co black cn They are broken q 196.1 df fg ds a fragment of a human figurine, it could be the right leg with the upper part. wm cl ht 3.2 lg 2.8 w1 1.6 co pale yellow c# 2.5YR 8/4 cn broken. q 196.2 ct ca df di ds a small circular complete disk, one face is flat and the other is incised with parallel lines. wm cl ht 0.6 w1 1.2 co pale yellow c# 5Y 8/3 cn broken q 197.1 df bl ds small fragment of obsidian blade. wm ob ht 1.2 w1 0.4 co black cn broken q .rd S826 .ri eA 275 p,b 168 85 m4982 100e 430n m4982 134 145 n baulk 276 p 170 84 pottry inside wall f101 277 p b 169 84 infront of f101 278 p 176 74 m4908 33 141 279 p 170 84 280 p 171 84 281 p 164 84 m4988 0 174 N baulk 282 p 172 84 mix 283 p 164 84 the red layer 284 p 173 200 from shaffat .rd S827 .ri hQ 285 p 168 85 m6030 81 140 286 p 174 84 m6030 72 140 287 p 175 87 m4974 10 78 N baulk 288 p 167 74 a small sounding to check the wall. 289 p 176 84 m6030 95 138 290 p 170 87 291 p 164 74 m4988 0 174 292 p 174 84 m6030 72 140 293 p 179 84 294 p 180 84 m4688 96 135 295 p 181 84 m4688 44 138 296 p 164 84 m4988 0 174 297 p b 182 84 298 p 183 84 299 p 185 84 mix