.bk J06 .fl S914mKB.j .fd cylinder seals description .rd S914 .ri mKB i 17 df se tc si f101 is figure seated in a boat, crossed lion and caprid. The boat has a bow sprit, a high prow that is thicker than the vertical extension of the stern. The side of the hull ispatterned with short diagonal lines in a herring bone pattern joined along a central rib (oars and oar locks?). Extending from the front of the hull are two short straight lines that are positioned above one another but may have been side by side on an actual boat. Beneath the boat is a ladder pattern which is narrower in the front of the boat widening as it extends toward the rear. On the seal the stool of the seated figure is barely visible. The seated figure is facing right and is positioned at the back of the boat. It is unclear what the figure is wearing but one arm is extended forward and possibly the other is extended back. The hand portion of the extended arm is divided in three with one part going toward the mouth of the figure, perhaps indicating that the figure is eating (?). In front of the figure is perhaps a jar with 2 straws extending from the top (?) and a loop at the base. In front of the boat is a crossed pair consisting of a lion facing left in front of a caprid facing right. In both cases there is a prominent hair pattern on the neck. st heads are outlined in heavy lines which form in the case of the human and caprid an oval interior void. The lion head is outlined to indicate a rectangle perhaps to show a profile lion's head with an open mouth and teeth. ns iconography and style are ED, probably late ED II or early ED III this uncertainty is due to the fact that the animal lower bodies, legs and hoofs are more modeled than any of the ED II seals and yet the details of the carving of the animal hair patterns, the hand of the seated figure, the heads are all quite linearwhich is characteristic of ED II. ht 2.3 w1 1.2 K1 hard white stone with some small gray and tan striations, probably limestone wm cl cn complete except for some minor abrasions along the bottom edge co yellowish white i 18 df se tc si f167 is presentation/greeting scene showing a seated figure on a camp-type stool with a prominent x-shape facing right. In back of this figure is a stylized tree with a spade-type top, next to this is a standing figure facing right holding a long pole with a pointed top. In front of the seated figure stands a figure with one arm raised in greeting wearing a long garment which may only start at the waist.It is not clear if this figure is wearing a hat or if the figure is bearded. The seated figure is wearing a long striated garment the top of which is unclear; this figure holds a short weapon-thpe implement that may be a mace. st Figures are elongated and details are not well carved. Because of several elements including the composition it must be concluded that it was recut. These elements include the fact that the figure behind the seated figure (usually a servant) is separated from the main figure by two full height pole-like elements positioned next to each other.There are four short but deeply carved horizontal lines between the two subordinate figures that make no sense in the composition. An added fact is that the lines of the tree-like element overlap the seated figure. I think that in the original scene there were only two figures and that the space behind the seated figure was left blank for an inscription to be added later (possibly at the time of purchase). ns The style of carving is Ur III and the subject is a very popular one in the Ur III period. ht 2.2 w1 1.0 wm black stone cn complete but worn in some places co dark grayish black .ei mKB .ed S916 .rd S916 .ri mKB f 151 I11 Mittani ns we may have a pattern here similar to one we see in J1, that is that Phase h33 is just below Phase h67 and a number of sherds come up in various ways from immediately below. This is my interpretation of why there are a number of early third millennium and Late Chalcolithic sherds in both Mittani strata and mid-third millennium strata. q 260 K99 Mittani shapes: body sherds from 2 vessels with ribbing on large parts of the body (Mittani?), straight sided deep bowl with applied "rope" decoration, bowl with wide depression below the rim, "pie crust" stand, gray ware body sherd. Phase 3 shapes and decoration: body sherd with combed decoration with very thick applied "rope" decoration (in the Mittani period incisions are done by a template not a comb but the thickness of the applied decoartion is unusual for Phase 3 so this may possibly be a Phase 6 imitation of a Phase 3 design, jar shoulder with two lines of combed decoaation (in Phase 3 this pattern usually has a combed wavy line between the horizontal combed lines, again an imitation?), jar with double rim typical for Phase 3 q 258 K99 Mittani shapes: 2 small and fine grit tempered bowls, jar with thick rounded rim, bowl with wide rim that is rounded on top, wide flat rim bowl Phase 3 or 4 shape: jar rim with interior groove .rd S921 .ri mKB q 44.3 df si tc si 26 is skirt of a standing figure facing right?, unclear figures ds somewhat flat on the bottom with slightly rounded surface on the top where it was sealed, no impressions on the reverse that would indicate what it sealed pv very fragile because red clay from the surrounding fields containing much calcite nm measures with flat side down ht 3.0 w1 2.2 th 1.3 c# 2.5YR5/6 cn red