.bk J06 .fl T208 .fd notes on objects .ed T208 .ei pC .rd T208 .ri pC q 17.1 ds The neck is probably painted q 17.2 ds a fragment of an islamic pipe, decorated with incised lines q 66.1 ds a stone tool, rounded on the edges, possibly a pestle q 69.2 ds a fragmentary wheel q 90.1 ar these pieces of unknown material, which we call cement, found in the feature during the excavation with other pieces of the same kind of thing q105.1 in a dump. We suppose is ancient cement, while is very havy and is not a stone or clay and is man made. There is still the option that theese pieces are coming from above,were is modern cement, and it could be coming through an animal hole (option difficult, while some pieces are too big and they are too much different from modern cement) q 105.1 ar as fot q90.1 these pieces are possibly cement; the form is amorphous but on the bottom is flat q 119.1 df door socket ct la q 137.1 ds a fragment of smooth white stone, possibly alabaster. It looks like a fragment of a vase. q 154.3 ds a piece of a bone, which is worked on one side where there are tooth-shaped projections. From the shape i suppose it is a comb q 174.1 ds A stone tool: one side is polished, the opposite is triangular shaped, its surface is rounded. Probably a pestle q 184.1 ct la df pestle ds A stone granite pestle, smoothed edges, one side is larger q 184.2 df uk ct la ds a stone, probaly basalt ax, triangular shaped and very smoothed; one side is larger and has a shallow wedge angle, the other is pointed q 184.3 ct ca df bk ds a backed brick with a hole in the middle, the original shape is square q 182.1 ct la df door socket q 182.2 df kw q 182.3 df bl q 184.1 ct la q 188.1 ct la q 191.1 ct la df bl ds flint blade, triangular section, sides are splinted q 192.1 df bd ct ca ds a clay bead, circular in shape and flat, the hole in the middle q 194.2 df gr ds a piece of a grinding stone q 194.3 ct cv q 195.1 ct ca df uk q 200.1 df bl q 213.1 ds a sealing with an impression of a basket, in the other side there are uncertain figures, more geometric shaped, but too difficolt to distinguish q 227.3 df gr q 66.1 ct la df pestle