.bk J06 .fl T801sG.j .fd object descriptions .ei sG .ed T801 .rd T801 .ri sG ;q 851.1 ;nt According to mKB, sherd may be from Ninevite V pot stand. q 317.1 df kw wm cl c# 5G3/1 co dark greenish gray lg 7.8 w1 5 ht 5.6 ds Kiln waste in shape of truncated pyramid, coarsely porous surface. q 339.1 df cb wm cb ds Untouched carbon lump. q 339.3 df ta wm cl c# 2.5YR6/2 co pale red lg 10.5 w1 6 ht 4.5 ds Irregularly shaped piece of tannur, crumbly surface. q 315.5 df kw wm cl c# 5GY4/1 co dark greenish gray lg 7 w1 5.7 ht 2.4 ds Three irregularly shaped pieces of kiln waste with many small crumbly fragments, surface coarsely porous; measurements of largest piece given. q 317.2 df ta wm cl c# 2.5YR6/6 co light red lg 9.6 w1 5.6 ht 4.5 ds Two irregularly shaped pieces of tannur, surface crumbly; measurements of largest piece given. q 251.2 ct la df ds wm li c# 10YR2/1 co black lg 13.8 w1 9.5 ht 6.4 ds One corner of roughly square-shaped door socket with layer of bitumen on top surface; this can be removed when scratched with dental tools. Surface of stone uneven and rough. q 344.2 df bl wm li co black lg 1.8 w1 1.2 ht 0.3 ds Fragmentary obsidian blade, flat on one surface and beveled at both edges on other surface; edges notched. q 333.1 df bd wm gl co white w1 0.3 ht 0.2 ds Tiny disc-shaped bead of opaque white vitrified material, unglazed. q 315.8 df ta wm cl c# 7.5YR7/3 co pink lg 8 w1 5 ht 5.5 ds Three irregularly shaped pieces of tannur, surface crumbly; measurements of largest piece given. q 344.1 df bd wm li co blue lg 0.6 w1 0.4 ds Tiny barrel-shaped lapis lazuli bead. q 339.2 df cl wm cl c# 10B4/1 co dark bluish gray lg 2.6 w1 1.6 ht 2.5 ds Small clay lump and several smaller fragments; irregular shape, surface very finely porous, no discernible impressions. q 315.6 ct la df uk wm li c# 2.5YR5/1 co reddish gray lg 7.5 w1 4.6 ht 3.2 ds Rectangular polishing stone, rounded at one end, surface smooth and fine-grained.