.bk J06 .fl T802pC2.j .fd view log .ed T802 .ei pC v .ri yM .rd T719 139 e gf177,100,189,164 gk84,85,200 view showing k84 and k85 before cleaning. It shows oblique stones f100 and f177 with the east section of k200 and the east section of k84, k85 143a s gk84,85 gf129,127,188,189 view showing k84 and k85 with wall f127 before excavation 143 s gk84 gf127,199,189,188 view showing f127 and f188 before starting excavation 140 n gk104,84,85 gf177,100,129 view showing k84 and k85 with ^glacis3, the oblique stones f100 and f177, wall f129 and f130 east of the staircase and part of the staircase and apron in J2 141 n gk104,83 gf164,197,192,199,190,191,193 this view shows the north and east section of k83 before scraping and cleaning the section and stones f197 on top of it. It shows also the pit cut f199 and its fill f192 and glacis f164 142 n gk83,84 gf164,129,177,190,189,191 this view shows the north section left for seafty reasons east of wall f129 with the brickfall f190 and glacis f164 same as f193 144 w ga7 gk104 gf129,197,201 this views shows bin a7, which was exposed in season 2006. This view was taken with the purpose of showing the stones f197 and f201, part of the bin which will be removed in the following days. f201 bilds a line running east-west, which we presume is the top stones of the revetment wall .rd T723 .ri sD 146 n gf129,100,177 145 w gk85 gf189 k85 after cleaning 147 n gk84,104 gf100,177,129,192,164,189 ga7,4 this view shows k84 and k104: at the moment of the picture pit f192 was found, which cuts glacis f164. The pit is located east of wall f129 and do not remove stones of wall f129. On top of the pit there is the bin a7 148 w gk84,104 gf129,177,189,193,164,192,197,211 this view showsthe pit f192 wich cuts f164, located east of wall f129. The purpose of this view is to show stones f197 before their removal 148a t n gk84,104 gf129,164,192 pit fill f192 and glacis f164 .ri yM .rd T725 149 ne gk85,84,104,82,73,72,71,74 gf189,164,224,192 ga7 this view shows all J6 and the ^glacis1, ^glacis2, ^glacis3, the oblique stones f177 and f100 in front of wall f129. The pit located under the bin a7 cuts f164. f224 are floating stones 149a t n gk85,84,104,82,73,72,71,74 gf189,164,224 ga7 150 nw gk84,104 gf164,192,129,189,197,211 ga7 this view shows the glacis f164 cut by pit f192, wich is the fill of cut f199. The pit is located under the bin a7 151 nw gk104 gf129,164,192,197,189 this view shows the pit fill f192 which cuts f164 but not removes stones of wall f129. On top of the pit stones of the bin a7 f197 151a t gf129,164,199,192 gk84,104 .ri yM .rd T725 152 w ga7 gk104,84 gf129,201,197 this view shows the presumable wall f201 which is also part of bin a7 153 n gk84,104,82,73,72,71,74 gf129,164,199,192,184,218,219,212 ga7 this view shows the bin a7 which sits on top of pit fill f192: pit cuts f164 to the east of wall f129. Also visible different levels of glacis to the east 153a t n gk84,104,73,84,85 gf129,164,199,192 ga7 detail of pit 154 s gk82,104,84,85,73 gf129,201,197,212 ga7 this view shows bin a7 with stones f201, which are the presumable revetment wall. This picture was done before the removing of the stones f201. in k92 are floating stones f212 154a t w gk104,84,73 gf129,201,197 detail of bin a7 with line of stone f201 155 this view has never been assigned 156 w gk104,73 gf129,164,197,201 ga7 this view is similar to v154, taken before the removal of stones of the bin f197 and f201 157 e gk104,73 gf197,201,129 ga7 this view was taken as v154 and v157 before the removal of stones f197 and f201 158 n gk104 gf164,199,129,201,204 this view shows the floor level f204 located directly under stones f201 and on top of pit f192. It shows also the pit cult f199 and red glacis f164 158a t ne gk84,104 gf201,199,164 this view shows floor f204 under stones f201 158b t e gk84,104 gf201,199,164 detail of floor f204 .rd T726 .ri sD 159 n gk104 gf129,201,204,192,164,199,203 this view was taken to show the bottom of the pit in this portion of the square and its cut f199. The fill f192 is seen in section. Directly above it floor f204 (the glacis?) located under accumulation f203. On top the stones f201. The pit abuts f129 and do not remove the stones 160 nw gk84,104 gf129,199,164,201,192,204,203,211 this view is similar to v159, but taken from south-east 160a t n gk84,104 gf129,199,164,201,192,204 this view is similar to v159, but taken from south-east 160b ne 161 stone removal from bin a7 .rd T727 .ri yM 162 n gf129,100,177,164,201,199,192,224,218,219,225,218,219,224,212,225 ga7 gk84,104,73,82,72,71 this view shows all J6 and expecially the situation in k104 after the stone removal f197. f197 was sitting on top of 10 cm of natural accumulation and under it floor f204. In the north section ok k104 is the pit fill f192 and under it the bottom of the cut f199 which removed partly f164 163 n gk104,82 gf129,164,199,192,204,201 this view was taken to show floor f204 uncovered under the accumulation f203 and above fill of pit f192, aganist wall f129 163a t w gk104 gf204,201,199,129 floor f204 under stones f201 and above the pit f192 164 n gk104 gf129,201,192,204 gq318.1 this view shows the founding of q318.1 in pit fill f192 164a t n gk104 gf192 gq318.1 detail of q318.1 164b t n gk104 gf192 gq318.1 detail of q318.1 .rd T730 .ri yM 165 nw gk104,84,82,74,73 gf129,164,199,192,201,212,189,177 ga7 this view was thaken to show the situation in J6 after the removal of the fill pit f192, still to see in section under stones f201 and the pit cut f199 165a w w gk104,84,82,74,73,72 gf129,164,199,192,212,224 ga7 this view was thaken to show the situation in J6 after the removal of the fill pit f192 under stones f201 of bin a7 and the pit cut f199 166 ne gk72,71 gf222,223,219,225 view taken before the cleaning of the north section of k72 f222 and before f223 was removed 166a n gk72,71 gf222,223,219,225 view taken before the cleaning of the north section of k72 f222 and before f223 was removed 166b w ne gk72,71 gf222,223,219,225 view taken before the cleaning of the north section of k72 f222 and before f223 was removed 167 w gk104 gf204,221,199,201 view to document floor f204 under stones f201 .rd T801 .ri yM 168 w gk104 gf129,192,220,221 view to show the founding of f220, a tannur in many broken pieces, sitting in pit fill f192 168a w w gk104 gf129,192,221,220 view to show the founding of f220 a tannur in many broken pieces, sitting in pit fill f192 169 n gk71,72 gf222,223,230,238,225,219,242,219 north section of k72 showing natural accumulations and floating stones f225, without section string 169a n gk71,72 gf222,223,230,238,225 north section of k72 showing natural accumulations and floating stones f225, with section string .rd T802 .ri yM 170 nw gk71 gf225,219,223,228,218 view taken before the removal of floating stone f225.2 170a nw gk72,71 gf225,219,223,228 view taken after stone removal f225.2 and showing accumulation under it f228 171 w gk72,71 gf225,219,223,228 view taken before the removal of floating stone f225 .rd T803 .ri sD 172 n gk84,104,82 gf129,227,164,199,231,192,200,206 view showing k104 after removing the last fill of pit cut f199 and showing wall f227 east of wall f129. In the eastern portion of the locus is still 10cm of the pit fill f231. In the section above wall f227 pit fill f192. In the southern section of k104 glacis f164. 173 n gk84,104,82 gf129,227,164,235,236,199,200,224,206,192,177 view showing k104 after removing the last fill of pit f199 and showing wall f227 east of wall f129. In the eastern portion of the locus is still 10cm of the pit fill f231, same as f200. In the section above wall f227 pit fill f192. In the southern section of k104 glacis f164 on top of glacis f232, which is seen also in front of wall f227 174 n gk104,82 gf129,227,199,192,164,232,235 view showing the bottom of pit f199, which cuts f164. Under f164 glacis f232 same as f235 (but still to clear if the same) abutting wall f227 174a t ne gk104 gf129,227,199,164,192,229 view showing wall f227 abutting wall f129. Glacis f164 here not reaches wall f227 175 ne gk71 gf219,225,228,218,230 view taken to dokument the stones f225 before their removal 175a ne gk71 gf219,225,228 view taken to dokument the stones f225 after their removal 176 w gk104 gf129,227,199,164,232,231 view showing wall f227 abutting wall f129. Glacis f164 here not reaches wall f227, but glacis f232. 177 n gk71 gf219,225,238,218 southern face of f219 stone structure is showing, floating stone f225 and the accumulation f238 177a ne gk71 gf219,225,228 detail of floating stone f225 177b t nne gk71 gf238 detail of stone in f238 177c t n gk71 gf225,219 view showing the removal of floating stone f225