.bk J06 .fl T818 .fd daily and strategy .ed T818 .ei pC .rd T817 .ri pC k 82 dy Yesterday was removed the top part of f265, which is a reddysh accumulation mixed with soft soil. It abuts wall f218. Under f265 was found f309 which is a brown, wet and soft soil in the northern portion of the square. In f309 was found the seal impression i29 and some roofing pieces. Under f309 was found on the western part of the square f315 which is a gray soft accumulation and in the eastern part of k82 a red accumulation f314. On the surface those two features were good recognizable and the boundary between them was sharp. While scraping f315 was possible to see that it was covering f314 and looking in section I thougt was still the fill of pit f199. The soil was soft and ashy including some pebbles, lot of sherds and some backed bricks. This fill was only 10 cm deep and thinner on the western part. I think it is a part of the fill of the hollow pit, which seems partly be formed by water erosion. f315 covered f314, which then was excavated in all the northern k82 and defined by relays r570 and r571. In the center portion of the square was removed a soft brown accumulation which is f310 with few sherds, probably same as f314. Yesterday we excavated also in the afternoon for 3 hours, removing f315 and then f314 f 310 =l f314 co light brown c# 7.5YR 6/4 ds a soft brown accumulation located in the northern half of k82, same as f314, which covers an ashy lens and glacis f300 tc ov f300 f 309 co brown c# 7/5YR 5.4 ds a brown wet accumulation located in the north-west corner next to walls f218 and f129 tc ov f315 tc ov f314 f 315 ds a gray soft accumulation in the north eastern part of k82. On the surface f315 had sharp boundaries. The soil is soft and ashy including some pebbles, lot of sherds and some backed bricks and roofing pieces. f315 was only 10 cm deep and thinner on the western part. ar I think f315 it is a part of the fill of the hollow pit, which seems partly be formed by water erosion. tc ov f300 f 314 =l f309 ds f314 covers the northern portion of k82 and abuts f218. It is a reddish brown and wet accumulation, compact in surface and with some dark red lenses, may be bakaya, expecially in the east. While was removed with the big pick was softer and sticky. There where few pottery sherds liyng flat and a large sherd. ar at first seemed to me very similar to f164, for the color and consistence, and also because abuts wall f218. It is possible that the glacis/escarpment f164 (^glacis3) was cut also in the north in k82 from the hollow pit f199. tc ov f300 f 265 tc co f309 f 304 tc ov f227 tc ov f306 f 306 =l f200 ds is a small portion of the dump above wall f227 same as f200: it was full of pottery. f 300 ds a hard and compact layer located in k82, which was labeled during the excavation 'glacis'. It has a very characteristic hard and compact surface with samll pebble inclusions and few sherds lying flat. In the center of k82 is almost flat and approximatly 150cm north of wall f227 it slopes sharply south-east (30°) until it stops against wall f227 tc ab f227 dy Yesterday was the last day of excavation and we were not able to expose all f300. It seems broken in the western part of k82 where is a large ash lens. In the eastern portion of k82 f300 slopes sharply and therefore it was not possible to expose it all while lot of accumulations cover it. On the north should be instead abutting wall f218 and on the west wall f129 f 322 ds f322 was assigned to the northern baulk of k82 which abuts wall f218. It is a very mixed soil and while it was drawn the section no particular feature was distinguished. It is mixed between red soil same as f265 and f275, then a soft natural accumulation. The lower part of f322 had many bricks and a very intense red layer, which is probably same as f314 tc ab f218 .ed T819 .rd T818 k 82 dy Yesterday was the last day of excacation. f314 was removed and under it is f300. f314 was not completely removed while it is very deep in the eastern portion of k82: under it is glacis f300 which slopes sharply to the south-east. This slope gives an indication that the revetment wall f227 should change direction under the bin in k73 and goes toward north. The northern section of k82 was drawn and all the rest of the morning was removed the northern baulk of k82 f322 which is a mixed feature. West section of k82 and k104 was fotographed and removed (f323) f 323 ds f323 has been assigned to all the western section of k82 and k104, left for check the features expecially for pit f199. It was only 10 cm deep and ca. 50 cm high. It is mixed. tc ab f129 -ny It will be interesting to dig in k84 and k85 to see the continuation to the east of the lower staircase, excavating it together with J2 on the western side, following the same stratigraphy. Under wall f129 was made a sounding to see the fondations of the wall and was possible to see stones which seems to be not part of the foundations of f129: they have a different orientation. If this line is continued to the south-east it would reach the possible end of the lower staircase. Another area to excavate in J6 is k73 under the bin a7. Here is the eastern continuation of wall f227. glacis f300 is not completely exposed. To expose it all one should start from k73 and k72 and go down finding wall f227 and f300. Interesting is k70 and to its north for the continuation of wall f218. On the other hand should be interesting to dig in k81 and k80: here should be the terrace mudbrick surface. In k82 were found lot of floating stones coming probably from a structure north of f218 and probably connected to f219. Also the large quantity of sealings and roofing pieces found in all k82 let hypothize that there is a structure fallen from k81 and k82. A dump of pottery was found under hollow pit f199 and the large presence of badly fried sherds together with kilnwaster let hypothezise the presence of a kiln on the east, may be in k72 f 269 ar The water channel comes from wall f219 or from east of wall f218 (see v191) f 199 tc cu f276