.bk J06 .fl TX04pC.j .fd q items .ed T830 .ei yM .rd T825 .ri yM qi 479.1 cs carbon black untouched sample 479.2 sm soil sample from f324 480.1 kw 1 2 1.2 cl green 480.2 cs carbon untouched sample 480.3 ls 1.2 3.2 0.9 quartz piece of quartz 390.9 sherd 0.4 3.3 1.6 cl gray incised sherd 389.12 a-bone 0.3 3.5 1.3 bone dark gray burnt piece of bone. Probably a bone artifact 399.13 ca 4.8 4 2 cl dark gray possibly a polishing tool 69.3 ds 4.5 14 10 cl brown piece from a door soket 166.1 ca 5 3 li bluish gray half of a weight of a grinding stone 160.3 ta 3.5 10 6 cl brown piece from a tannur 243.1 ca 2.5 6.5 6.5 cl gray probably piece of a taiel 200.2 la 1.5 4.8 3.5 li gray probably a tablet eraser 57.1 fg 5 2.3 cl light brown broken animal figurine 45.3 sherd 1 6.5 3 cl gray and white 207.3 ca 2.5 10 5.5 cl brown piece from a taiel 103.2 ca 3.2 3 cl light brown probably a piece from a figurine 74.1 ca 7.5 4.5 cl light brown probably a piece from a figurine 252.1 ta 4.3 15 6 cl brown piece of a tannur. .rd T825 .ri yM v 212 nw gf324,326,129,256,328,218 gk82 view showing the bricks in the north-western corner of k82 between walls f129 and f218 after removing about 20cm of the bricks. 212a t nw gf324,326,129,256,329 gk82 same as v212 but in diffrent light to see better the colors of the bricks. 213 w gf324,129,329,327,328,218 gk82 view showing the small sounding in k82, next to the bricks f324 and f327 which is the surface under f328. it also showes the bricks that goe under the wall f218. 213a t n gf324,326,129,256,329,327,328 gk82 subview showing the bricks f324 under wall f218. 214 w gf324,326,129,327,328 gk82 view showing the bricks after the nail test that was done to see if there is an empty space behind the bricks f324. 215 w gf324,129,327 gk82 last view taken for the bricks this season, after cleaning. it also showes the bricks inside f327. 216 e gf214,206,192,164 gk104 east section of k104 without the string. 216a e gf214,206,192,164 gk104 east ssection of k104 with the string. 217 e gf192,200,300,314,275,243,315,199 gk82 east section of k82 without the string. 217a e gf192,200,300,314,275,243,315,199 gk82 east section of k82 with the string. 218 e gf243,275,314 gk82 east section of k82 without the string. f314 is directly layed at the base of wall f218 and is a bricky packyng, which can be interpreted as an escarpment protecting the wall 218a e gf243,275,322 gk82 east section of k82 with the string. 219 w gf164,177,296,297,305,308,311,313,317,318,320,325,129 gk84 west section or the safety baulk against wall f129 without the string 219a w gf164,296,297,305,308,311,313,317,318,320,325 gk84 west section or the safety baulk against wall f129 with the string. 220 e gf164,296,297,308,284,289,290 gk105 east section of k105 without the string. 220a e gf192,164,296,297,308,284,289,290 gk105 east section of k105 with the string. 221 n gf199,164,297,296,308,284,289,290 gk105 north section of k105 without the string. 221a n gf199,192,164,297,296,308,284,289,290 gk105 north section of k105 with the string. 222 e gf260,253,251,248,262,248 gk71 east section of k71 without the string 223 e gf260,253,251,248 gk71 east section of k71 without the string 224 e gf260,253,251,262,219,258,248 gk71 showing all east section of k71 225 e gk104 gf201,192,199,200,214,227 ga7 east section of k104 without the string: clear the walls f201 and f227 having the same orientation. 226 n gf260,253,251,258,218,262 gk71 north section of k71 without the string