.bk J06 .fl U806mS2.j .fd object description .ei mS2 .rd U806 .ri mS2 .ed U806 q 193.2 ct ca df loom weight ds Small loom weight made of clay its only preserved for one third and originally in round shape it also have a hole in the middle lg 3.51 ht 6.53 w1 3.06 wm cl co light reddish brown cn fragmented c# 2.5YR7/3 q 399.5 df cl ds clay lump irregular shape lg 3.05 w1 2.05 ht 1.05 co light gray c# 10YR7/2 cn fragmented q 31.1 df si ds burnt clay with the chaf and there maybe a seal impression co very dark gray c# 10YR3/1 cn fragmented q 389.6 df cl ds clay lump irregular shape with rigid surfaces lg 6 w1 4.1 ht 2.7 co dark gray c# 10YR4/1 cn fragmented q 39.3 df cl ds burnt clay no clear figure lg 2.6 w1 2.1 ht 1.4 co dark gray c# 2.5Y421 cn fragmented q 392.7 df cl ds burnt clay lg 1.65 w1 1.32 ht 1.15 co gray c# 2.5Y6/1 cn fragmented q 399.9 df cl ds burnt clay lg 2.58 w1 2.3 ht 1.09 co very pale brown c# 10YR7/4 cn fragmented q 388.1 df cl ds burnt clay lg 2.82 w1 2.5 ht 1.8 co gray c# 2.5YR5/1 cn fragmented q 387.3 df cl ds probably a piece of sling ball lg 3.11 w1 2.82 ht 2.12 co pale brown c# 10YR6/3 cn fragmented q 387.1 df cl ds burnt clay lg 2.7 w1 2 ht 1.69 co brown c# 10YR5/3 cn fragmented q 357.1 df cl ds burnt clay lg 2.65 w1 1.8 ht 1.3 co very pale brown c# 10YR7/3 cn fragmented q 466.1 df bd ds bead with circular shape and one regular circolar hole in the middle the edges are regular and it's almost complete and the surfaces are not very rigid lg 2.2 w1 2.2 ht 0.51 co very pale brown c# 10YR7/4 cn complete q 330.1 df cl ds Part of a very big ceramic vessel probably have been reused again as a tool since the out side surface is very regular lg 7.57 w1 3.4 ht 4.32 co very pale brown c# 10YR7/3 cn fragmented q 22.1 df kw ds kiln waste seems to be painted and polished by a light green color lg 6.71 w1 3.9 ht 2.6 co very pale brown c# 10YR8/3 cn fragemented q 332.1 df loom weight ct la ds loom weight with irregular shape and a regular hole in the middle lg 4.3 w1 3.29 ht 2.2 co black q 342.1 df bl ds a small black blade with irregular shape lg 1.7 w1 1.6 ht 0.6 co black q 340.2 df kw ds kiln waste lg 0.65 w1 0.65 ht 1.45 co very pale brown c# 10YR8/2 q 386.2 ct la df uk ds polish stone with two smooth surfaces lg 4.12 w1 3.5 ht 1.3 co black q 367.1 df fg ds probably an animal figurine(horse neck) or human figurine decorated with small circles ordered in two lines crossing each other ,just a small fragment preserved lg 5.92 ht 3.92 w1 4.656 wm cl co pinkish white c# 7.5YR8/2 cn fragmented q 236.1 df gr ct la ds fragment of a tool possibly grinding stone irregular rectangular shape ,made of Basalt lg 7.61 ht 4.31 w1 4.64 cn broken q 133.8 df bk ds a small rectangular backed brick lg 7.43 ht 3.87 w1 5.69 wm cl co light greenish gray c# 10Y8/1 cn broken q 321.1 ct ca df uk ds a piece made of clay seems to be the angle of some rectangular hollow shape like a frame and it have a cylinder hole going through the round angle with circular endings lg 3.86 ht 3.36 w1 1.73 wm cl co pale yellow c# 2.5Y7/3 cn fragmented q 57.1 df fg ds probably an animal figurine seems to have two small legs and small tail ,perhaps a dog figurine ,there is a hole beside one of the legs with regular circular shape (made on purpose),was found in the top soil lg 5.65 ht 3.43 w1 3.32 wm cl co very pale brown c# 10YR7/3 cn broken q 23.1 ct ca df uk ds curved shape clay object with 5 faces, the smallest face is decorated by small circles ordered in horizontal short lines separated from each other by another horizontal short straight lines (andiron?) lg 9.21 ht 3.11 w1 2.98 wm cl co light brownish gray c# 10YR6/2 cn fragmented q 389.12 df a-bone ds small fragment of bone half cylinder left and hollow from inside black color wm bn lg 3.45 ht 0.85 w1 1.27 cn fragmented q 252.1 df uk ct ca ds irregular shape clay object perhaps it was a part from something much bigger like a roofing piece, one face is very smooth and the other face is burned with traces of straw lg 14.6 ht 5.6 w1 6.69 wm cl co light yellowish brown c# 10YR6/4 cn fragmented q 299.2 ct ca df uk ds piece of clay lg 4.94 ht 2.47 w1 3.18 wm cl co brown c# 7.5YR cn fragmented .rd T804 .ri yM q 466.7 df sm ds untouched sample of Carbon q 466.4 ds small spiral shell df shell lg 1.5 w1 0.7 ht 0.3 co red with white wm shell q 461.6 df kwr lg 5.3 w1 4.8 ht 1.5 co yellow c# 10YR5/1 wm cl q 455.3 df cl lg 2 w1 1.2 ht 1 co dark reddish gray c# 10R4/1 wm cl q 466.5 lg 4 w1 2.5 df cl ht 2 co dark reddish gray c# 2.5YR4/1 wm cl q 462.2 df rf lg 2.8 w1 2.5 ht 1.2 co brown c# 7.5YR4/2 wm cl q 465.1 df cl lg 4 w1 2.5 ht 1.5 co dark gray c# 10YR4/1 wm cl q 455.1 df cl lg 4 w1 3 ht 1.5 co very pale brown c# 10yr7/3 wm cl q 399.2 df cl lg 3.2 w1 2.5 ht 1 co gray c# 10YR6/1 wm cl ds burnt clay q 455.2 ds 3 pieces from a roof top or surface df rf lg 5.5 w1 2 ht 1.5 co very pale brown c# 10YR7/3 wm cl q 392.8 ds not incrusted kiln waste df kw lg 3.5 w1 2 ht 1 co gray c# 10YR6/1 wm cl q 351.2 ds pieces of wheel the middle part is complete df wh lg 7.5 w1 5 ht 4.5 co very pale brown c# 10YR7/4 wm cl q 466.6 df ls ds big pieces of gypsum lg 12.5 w1 9.5 ht 5 co pale yellow c# 2.5Y7/4 wm gypsum q 443.2 ds white sand stone df ls lg 5.5 w1 4 ht 2.5 co yellow c# 10YR8/6 wm li q 399.12 df ls ds pieces of gypsum lg 7.5 w1 5.5 ht 4.5 co light red c# 2.5 YR6/6 wm gypsum q 477.1 ds probably a human figurine, broken in half maybe because we have the bottomn half, it maybe a prist due to the fact he is wearing a long dress that has stripes. df fg lg 4.5 w1 2.8 ht 1.5 co very pale brown c# 10YR7/3 wm cl q 470.1 ds lithic blade flat bottom surface rough and worked top surface and edges shape is rectangular df bl lg 4 w1 3 ht 0.5 co light gray wm li q 392.5 ds pieces of unworked quartz df ls lg 3.5 w1 2 ht 1.5 co pale yellow wm li q 415.3 df cl lg 5 w1 3.5 ht 2.5 co light brown c# 7.5YR7/4 wm cl q 456.1 ds teared shaped kiln waste df kw lg 4.5 w1 2 ht 1.5 co gray c# 5YR5/1 wm cl q 408.3 df rf lg 8 w1 7 ht 3 co pinkish gray c# 7.5YR7/2 wm cl q 439.2 df a-bone ds it is an animal molar or maxellarg it is fosilized lg 2 w1 1.2 ht 1 co white with red q 424.3 ds round clay bead bottom flat but surface is not df bd w1 1.2 ht 0.4 co pink c# 5YR7/3 wm cl q 392.1 ds clay lump df cl lg 2 w1 1 ht 1.5 co light reddish brown wm cl q 352.3 df cl tc si f230 lg 3 w1 2 ht 1.5 co dark gray c# 2.5Y4/1 wm cl q 353.3 df cl lg 2 w1 1.5 ht 1.2 co gray c# 10YR5/1 wm cl q 470.5 ds small snail shell only small part of the edge is broken df shell lg 1.2 w1 1 ht 0.3 co white wm shell q 471.2 ds polishing stone cubed shape 4 smooth surfaces and 2 surfaces are broken df to ct la lg 4.5 w1 3.5 ht 3 co very pale brown c# 10YR7/3 wm li q 390.5 ct cv lg 16.5 w1 9 ht 6.5 co reddish yellow c# 5YR7/6 wm cl q 461.3 ds a piece of a roof top df rf lg 5 w1 4 ht 1.5 co very pale brown c# 10YR7/4 wm cl q 461.4 lg 1.5 w1 1.2 ht 0.4 co black q 461.5 ds it is a piece of a broken mud brick df bk lg 7 w1 11 ht 7 co pink c# 7.5YR7/4 wm cl q 473.1 df cl lg 4.5 w1 3 ht 1.5 co grayish brown c# 10YR5/2 q 474.5 df cl lg 2 w1 2 ht 1 co gray c# 7.5YR5/1 q 421.1 df rf ht 4.5 lg 12 w1 6 wm cl co pink c# 7.5YR8/3 q 430.3 df rf ht 3.5 lg 10.5 w1 3 wm cl co pink c# 7.5YR7/3 q 461.1 df rf ht 4 lg 8.5 w1 6 wm cl co pinkish gray c# 7.5YR7/2 q 408.3 df rf ht 2.5 lg 8 w1 7 co pinkish gray c# 7.5YR7/2 wm cl q 474.8 ds burnt clay in unusual shape df bk ht 3 lg 5 w1 3.5 wm cl co gray c# 7.5YR6/1 q 466.2 df rf ht 2 lg 7.5 w1 5.5 wm cl co pinkish gray c# 7.5YR7/2 q 310.1 df cl wm cl co gray c# 5YR5/1 lg 2 w1 2 ds burnt clay q 342.2 df cl wm cl co dark gray c# SYR4/1 lg 5 w1 4 ht 2 ds burnt clay q 474.2 df cl wm cl ds burnt clay q 399.11 df cl wm cl ds clay lump lg 5 w1 5 ht 3.5 co dark gray c# 5Y3/1 q 405.6 df cl wm cl lg 3 w1 2.3 ht 1.8 c# 5YR4/1 co dark gray ds burnt clay q 473.1 df cl lg 4.5 w1 2.5 ht 1 co gray c# 5Y5/1 wm cl q 434.2 df cl lg 2.5 w1 2 ht 1.5 co dark gray wm cl c# 5Y4/1 q 461.4 ds burnt clay df cl lg 1.5 w1 1 co black wm cl q 353.3 ds burnt clay df cl lg 2 w1 1.5 ht 1 co dark gray c# 5Y4/1 wm cl q 474.7 ds clay lump df cl w1 5 lg 8 ht 3 co dark gray c# 2.5Y4/1 wm cl q 457.1 ct cv lg 5.6 w1 5 ht 0.8 co pale yellow c# 5Y7/3 wm cl ds it is a sherd inscribed with a horse; the animal has been incised on the wed clay a thick pointed tool. It si obvious that it was not polished afterwards because we can still see the edges of the incision that remained rough. The horse was drawn in a schematic way without paying attention to the details. The piece has a gritty texture, calcite inclusions and a thick slip q 390.5 df cv wm cl c# 2.5YR6/6 co light red lg 16 w1 9 ht 2 ds large piece of a ceramic vessel q 479.2 df sm ds soil sample from bricks between wall f129 and wall f218 q 445.1 df cv wm cl co light red c# 2.5YR6/6 lg 18 w1 10.6 ht 1.2 ds encrusted sherd q 399.4 df kw wm cl co green lg 3.7 w1 3 ht 1 ds three pieces of klin waste the biggest piece has a square shape in crushed with soil q 415.4 df sm wm gypsum co white ds gypsum sample q 414.1 df kw wm cl co green lg 5 w1 2.5 ht 1.5 ds irregular shaped klin waste has smooth surface accept some spots q 392.3 df bl wm li lg 2.2 w1 1.2 ht 0.1 co black ds An almost square in shape blade, with curvey leaves on both surfaces and the edges are very sharp q 405.6 df cl wm cl lg 2 w1 1.7 ht 1.1 co very pale brown c# 10YR7/3 ds burnt clay lump q 439.1 df sm ds Soil sample ;q 399.11 ;df sm ;ds regardless it was badly backed piece of vessel q 480.3 df ls wm quartz co transparent pale yellow lg 3.2 w1 1 ht 0.6 ds rectangular shaped piece of quartz cut from both ends has oblique angles q 390.3 df bd wm cl lg 1.6 w1 0.5 co dark greenish gray c# 10YR3/1 ds cylindrical shaped bead slightly damaged at the end the surface cn is incrushed with soil q 480.1 df kw wm cl co light green lg 2 w1 1.3 ht 1 ds triangular shaped kiln waste; the botton is broken while all of the other sides and the top are coplete q 390.2 df kw wm cl co dark gray lg 2.1 w1 0.6 ds coin shaped kiln waste only the ends are damaged , but the surface is smooth q 408.4 df ta wm cl co dark gray c# 2.5Y4/1 lg 19 w1 8 ht 3.5 ds large piece from a tannur q 310.3 df cl wm cl co brown c# 7.5YR5/4 lg 2.1 w1 2.1 ht 1.1 q 342.2 df cl wm cl co light gray c# 10YR7/1 lg 5 w1 3.4 ht 2 ds burnt clay q 412.6 df cl wm cl co dark gray c# 7.5YR4/1 lg 5 w1 2.5 ht 1.7 q 443.1 df kwr wm cl lg 10 w1 5.5 ht 0.5 co green ds kiln waster(bowl base) q 428.1 df kwr wm cl co grayish green ds kiln waster from a necked jar q 479.1 df sm wm carbon ds untouched sample q 480.2 df sm wm carbon ds untouched sample q 351.3 df cl wm cl c# 2.5Y5/1 lg 3.5 w1 3 ht 0.9 ds burnt clay q 315.7 df rf wm cl co pinkish gray c# 7.5YR7/2 lg 6.5 w1 5 ht 2 ds roofing piece q 405.5 df rf wm cl co pinkish gray c# 7.5YR7/2 lg 7.3 w1 5 ht 2.5 ds roofing piece q 405.2 df bk wm cl co black c# 2.5/N lg 10 w1 4.5 ht 2.5 ds burnt clay lumps q 405.1 df sling ball ct ca ds sling ball wm cl lg 6 w1 3.3 co gray c# 7.5YR5/1 q 358.1 df cl q 350.1 df cl q 407.1 df wh wm cl lg 4.3 w1 3.2 ht 1.5 co pink c# 7.5YR7/4 ds half a clay wheel surfacesa are damaged and it only have one hole in the middle q 389.8 df ta wm cl ds piece of burnt clay and piece of tanour frame q 353.4 df cl wm cl ds burnt clay lump q 389.2 df cl ds jar stopper q 390.6 df cl wm cl ds burnt clay with wood impressions on it q 390.4 df cl wm cl ds burnt clay q 390.8 ct ca df sling ball wm cl ds broken sling ball q 382.1 df bl wm li lg 3.3 w1 2.6 ht 0.7 co gray ds piece of a broken lithic blade; the surfaces are very smooth and the bottom is very flat the top has 2 surfaces and it is thicker in the middle the edges are rough and sharp q 389.10 df shell wm shell lg 1.5 w1 1 co black ds black shell with a hole in the middle the top part has a rough form q 389.7 df ta wm cl co brown ds small pieces of a broken tannour q 394.3 df fg wm cl co pale brown c# 10YR6/3 lg 2.8 w1 3.8 ht 4 ds part of an animal figurine one of the legs is more broken than the others and a very small part of the tail is still visible there are two lines parallel at the place of genitals. The surface is smooth and it looks like it have a thin tail. q 383.1 df fg wm cl lg 4.1 w 3.6 ht 3.6 co pale brown c# 10YR6/3 ds legs of a broken animal figurine, one of the legs is complete. The surface is smooth and it is very hard to tell the animal that the figurine belongs to q 416.1 df shell wm shell co pink c# 5YR8/4 lg 2 w1 1.1 ht 0.1 ds pieces from a shell witch have some pink decorations on it that have the shape of waves q 421.2 df sm wm carbon ds untouched sample of carbon q 436.2 df a-bone lg 0.7 w 0.3 ht 0.1 ds very small piece of a burned animal bone q 378.3 ct la df uk wm quartz lg 2.1 w1 1.5 ht 1.1 co ivory transparent white ds two pieces of quartz irregular shape and the surfaces are slightly damaged q 440.1 df kw wm cl lg 5 w1 3 ht 1.9 co green ds piece of kiln waste with very fine pores q 466.5 df cl lg 4 w1 2.5 ht 3 co dark grayish brown c# 10YR4/2 wm cl ds burnt clay q 465.1 df cl lg 4 w1 3 ht 1 co dark gray c# 4YR6/2 wm cl ds burnt clay q 455.1 df cl lg 4 w1 2.5 ht 1 co pinkish gray c# 5YR6/2 wm cl ds burnt clay q 462.2 df cl lg 2.5 w1 2.5 ht 1 co very drak gray c# 5YR3/1 wm cl ds clay lump q 455.3 df cl lg 2 w1 1.2 ht 0.5 ds clay lump co very dark gray c# 10YR4/1 wm cl q 474.5 df cl lg 2.5 w1 1.5 ht 1 co gray c# 2.5YR5/1 ds clay lump q 412.2 df cl lg 3.5 w1 2.5 ht 2 co gray c# 2.5Y6/1 wm cl ds burnt clay with depression q 392.4 df cl lg 2 w1 1 ht 0.5 co dark gray c# 2.5Y4/1 wm cl ds burnt clay q 352.3 ds burnt clay df cl lg 3 w1 2 ht 1.5 co dark gray c# 5Y3/1 wm cl q 415.3 ds burnt clay df cl lg 5 w1 3 ht 2 co gray c# 2.5Y5/1 wm cl q 474.3 ds burnt clay one flat side df cl lg 3 w1 2 ht 1 co dark grayish brown c# 2.5Y4/2 wm cl q 438.1 df sm wm carbon ds untouched sample of carbon q 392.6 df sm wm carbon ds untouched sample of carbon q 415.5 df sm wm carbon ds untouched sample odf carbon q 394.1 df sm wm carbon ds untouched sample of carbon q 399.8 ct la df gr wm li co black lg 6.1 w 3.2 ht 3 ds piece of what appears to be once a round grinding stone the worked edge is smooth while thw broken edges are rough and sharp the surface is porous q 432.2 df shell wm shell co pale white lg 0.7 w 0.6 ht 0.4 ds small snail shell q 449.1 df shell wm shell co ivory pale white lg 2.3 ht 2.5 ds broken snail shell q 413.1 df bl wm li co black lg 3.5 w1 1.3 ht 0.4 ds a lithic blade, the tips are broken and the edges are slightly damaged; the bottom surface is flat and very smooth while the top consists of three smooth surfaces; there is a light gray stripe that is visible on the blade surface as a different color q 242.2 df sm wm carbon ds untouched sample of carbon q 452.2 df sm wm carbon ds untouched sample of carbon q 415.1 df gr wm li co black lg 7.6 w1 5.5 ht 3 ds half of a grinding stone, bottom is flat, top is curvy thick in the middle and the edges are thin and sharp; the surface is porous .rd U825 .ri pC i 22 df a-bone dy in the field was interpreted as a sealing, but looking carefully it came out to be a bone i 23 df ar ds A bronze arrowhead, preserved only the point cn encrusted and corroded i 25 df cl ds burnt clay in 2 pieces, no particular impression to see i 27 ct ma df to-m ds A metal spatula (bronze) cn encrusted and corroded i 30 df pi ds Complete pin circular in section shaft and spherical head. The shaft is perforated. cn Pin is corroded and encrusted q 47.1 ct la df gr ds a portion of a basalt grinding stone, flat on one side, the other convex q 80.2 df fg ds leg of an animal figurine q 94.1 df fg q 113.2 ct la q 153.1 df sm q 161.1 df kwr q 161.4 ct la df door socket q 161.6 ct la df flake q 164.4 ct la df flake ds a flint core q 172.3 ct la q 175.1 ct la df gr q 177.1 df kw q 181.2 df kw q 187.1 df uk ct ca ds Clay object with a hole, one side is polished q 188.1 df uk q 193.1 df kw q 194.1 ct la df pestle ds complete stone basalt pestle, round shape cn complete q 200.1 ds a fragment of an obsidian blade, triangular in section, edges sharp cn broken q 210.1 wm cl ds human male figurine: head, legs and arms missing. The neck is painted? with bitumen cn broken q 223.3 df wh wm cl ds a fragment of a wheel (chariot) cn broken q 227.2 ct la df gr q 235.1 df ls q 243.1 ct ca q 254.3 df bd wm li ds a complete stone tiny bead, round shape and flat in section co green cn complete q 255.1 df sm q 255.2 df sm q 258.1 df sm q 261.2 df a-bone q 266.1 df cl q 276.1 df ls ds a stone from wall f101. Taken as sample because polished on one side q 276.2 df ls ds a stone from wall f101. Taken as sample because polished on one side q 276.3 df ls ds a stone from wall f101. Taken as sample because polished on one side q 286.1 ct ca df uk q 292.1 df bd co green ds a complete small stone bead, flat in section and round shape wm li cn complete q 302.1 df kw q 304.1 df sm q 304.2 df cl q 304.3 df kw q 304.4 ct la ds An unknown gypsum obkect, concave on one side, the other flat. cn broken df uk q 304.5 ct la df gr q 304.6 df sm q 304.7 df fg q 305.1 df sm q 306.1 df ta q 307.2 df gr ct la ds a fragment of a basalt gringing stone cn broken q 307.1 ct la df pestle ds round basalt pestle, only half preserved cn broken q 307.3 df kw q 307.4 df ta q 308.1 df sm q 310.2 df sm q 310.4 ct ca df uk ds a small piece of clay, no particular remerks q 311.1 df kw q 311.2 ct la df door socket ds complete lime stone door socket q 312.1 df bl q 312.2 df kw q 315.1 df bk q 315.2 df cl q 315.4 df kw q 316.1 df kw q 317.3 df sm q 318.1 df cv q 318.2 df sm q 318.3 df ta q 327.1 df fg q 329.1 ct la df door socket ds half of a basalt door socket (hole in the middle) q 340.3 df sm q 340.4 df ls q 341.1 df ta q 342.4 df fg q 342.5 df bd ds a clay bead, round shape, flat section q 342.6 df ls q 350.2 df sm q 351.1 ct la df gr ds a portion of a basalt grinding stone, flat on one side, the other convex cn broken q 351.4 ct la df bl ds obsidian blade cn fragment q 352.2 df fg q 353.1 df sm q 353.2 df fg q 354.1 ct la df uk q 378.2 df sm q 380.1 df sl ds a jar stopped wm cl q 386.1 ds burnt piece of clay, flat on one side with incisions: incidental? df sl q 389.3 df cl ds burnt clay q 389.4 ct ca df uk q 390.9 ct cv q 394.2 df sm q 394.4 df sm q 394.5 df cv q 399.7 df cl q 402.1 df cl q 402.2 df cl q 402.3 df cl q 403.1 df sm q 403.2 df sm q 405.3 df cl q 405.4 df ta q 412.3 df ta q 415.2 ct la df uk q 424.1 df sm q 430.1 df sm q 430.2 ct ca df uk q 436.1 df sm q 437.1 df sm q 450.1 df cl q 452.1 df sl ds sealing without impression q 456.2 df sm q 461.2 df sm q 461.7 df sm q 466.3 df shell q 466.4 df shell q 466.7 df sm q 467.1 df shell q 470.2 df sm q 470.3 df rf q 470.4 df cl q 471.1 df cl q 474.4 ct ca df uk q 305.1 df sm q 308.1 df sm q 304.6 df sm q 310.2 df sm q 307.1 lg 7.2 w1 3.6 ht 4.3 q 304.4 lg 9.4 w1 8 ht 6.3 q 307.2 lg 11.2 w1 9.6 ht 5.4 q 329.1 lg 13.2 w1 9.5 ht 5.7 q 194.1 lg 4.7 w1 5.2 ht 4.6 q 164.4 lg 3.3 w1 3 ht 1.6 q 380.1 lg 3.7 w1 3.3 ht 2.5 co reddish gray c# 2.5YR 6/1 q 223.3 lg 3.6 w1 2.3 ht 2.7 co light red c# 2.5YR 7/8 q 351.4 lg 1.3 w1 1.1 ht 0.3 q 310.4 lg 1.6 w1 1.3 ht 1.2 q 389.3 lg 3.2 w1 2.7 ht 1.3 co pinkish gray c# 7.5YR 7/2 i 25 lg 3.3 w1 2.1 ht 0.6 co dark gray c# 2.5Y 4/1 i 22 lg 4.6 w1 4.5 ht 2 co gray c# 2.5Y 6/1 q 386.1 lg 2.8 w1 2.7 ht 2 co reddish brown c# 5YR 5/3 q 201.1 lg 5 w1 3.5 ht 1.9 co light grey c# 5YR 7/1 q 342.5 lg 2.5 w1 2.2 ht 1.2 co light reddish brown c# 5YR 6/3 q 187.1 lg 9 w1 9.4 ht 3.7 co light reddish brown c# 5YR 6/4 q 452.1 lg 3.4 w1 3.2 ht 2.1 co black c# 5YR 2.5/1 q 292.1 lg 0.7 w1 0.7 ht 0.2 co light greenish gray c# 5GY 7/1 q 254.3 lg 0.7 w1 0.6 ht 0.2 co light greenish gray c# 5GY 7/1 q 304.5 lg 17.2 w1 14.1 ht 8.1 q 47.1 lg 13.4 w1 14.3 ht 6.4 q 200.1 lg 1.6 w1 1.5 ht 0.4 q 351.1 lg 13.2 w1 9.3 ht 3.81 q 188.1 lg 0.8 w1 0.7 ht 0.7 co pale red c# 10R 7/3 i 27 lg 3.5 w1 0.7 ht 0.3 i 30 lg 7.6 w1 0.5 ht 0.5 q 284.5 lg 2.8 w1 0.5 ht 0.4 i 23 lg 2.8 w1 0.6 ht 0.5 i 19 lg 7.8 w1 0.7 ht 0.7 q 276.1 lg 30.5 w1 15.5 ht 12.3 q 342.3 df sm q 350.1 ht 1.4 lg 3 w1 2 wm cl co gray q 358.1 ht 1.4 lg 3.4 w1 1.7 co grey q 361.1 df cl q 384.1 df cl q 387.2 df cl q 390.7 df cl q 392.2 df cl q 399.10 df cl q 404.1 df cl q 408.1 df cl q 408.2 df cl q 412.1 df sl q 412.4 df cl q 412.5 df cl q 433.2 df rf q 412.5 df cl q 422.1 df sl q 424.2 df cs .rd U829 .ri pC q 352.2 df fg ds First half of an animal figurine ht 7 lg 5.5 w1 1.6 cn broken c# 10YR 8/3 co very pale brown q 94.1 df fg ds a portion of an human figurine: it is preserved only the upper part, no head or arms preserved. Painted with ocra tones c# 10YR 7/3 co very pale brown ht 6 lg 5.1 w1 3 cn broken q 312.1 df flake ds obsidian flake ht 0.3 lg 0.2 q 353.2 df fg ds half of an animal figurine, two legs and the tail preserved ht 3.5 lg 4.6 w1 2.8 c# 7.5YR 8/2 co pinkish white cn broken q 22.2 df fg ds Half of an animal figurine, the neck is decorated with incisions cn broken and incrusted co pinkish white c# 7.5YR 8/2 ht 5.6 lg 6 w1 2.9 q 304.7 df fg ds animal figurine, head and legs missing lg 6 ht 3.8 w1 3.2 cn broken q 24.1 df ls .rd U922 .ri pC q 36.1 df loom weight ct ca ds a big clay loom weight. Half preserved, it has almost a rectangular form with rounded edges and a hole in the middle wm cl w1 5.6 lg 10.7 ht 4.2 c# 7.5YR 6/4 co light brown cn broken