.bk J06 .fl U809pC.j .ri pC .rd U809 .fd view despription v 238 e gk73,^wall10 ^wall10 is a east-west stone wall. The wall was reused as basement for bin a7 239 n gf201,100,129,130,177 ^wall10 is perpendicular to ^wall6: possibly ^wall10 is a screen wall 240 n gf300,100,129,130,177,64,76,164,183,187,227 ^wall11 is perpendicular to ^wall6 and is probably contemporary to ^glacis7, whereas ^glacis3 is later 241 n gf218,219,324,100,129,130,177 ^wall12 is the eastern end of the revetment wall which continues behind ^wall6. ^wall13 is located under ^wall6 and ^wall12 242 nw gf100,129,130,177,218,219,227,164,183,187 ^wall6 is the staircase wall abutting^the revetment wall ^wall12. ^glacis3 is layed later than the construction of ^wall6, as well ^wall11 is built slightly later than ^wall6 243 w gf218,219,256,324 The staircase is located on top of mudbricks which are layed on top of ^wall14, which is a repair of ^wall6.^mudbrick ^wall13 is before ^wall6 and ^wall12 244 nw g^wall14,^wall12,^wall6,^wall13 ^wall13 is the mudbrick construction located under ^wall6 and ^wall12. It is clearly a previous building of the main phase of the temple terrace, here represented by ^wall6 and ^wall12 245 w g^wall6,^wall15,^glacis3 ^wall15 consists only of 2 stones, and probably another stone located 1 meter to the east at the same elevation. It could be a screen wall 246 e g^wall12,^glacis7,^dump2,^glacis8 ^glacis8 is layed south of the base of ^wall12. It is a bricky escarpment sloping down, probably contemporary to ^glacis3. ^glacis7 is earlier and connected to ^wall10 247 ne g^glacis5,^glacis4,^wall12 ^glacis4 is layed east of ^wall12, protecting the base of it. ^glacis5 comes later in mittani 248 w g^glacis6,^wall10,^wall6 a compacted surface ^glacis6 is layed east of ^wall6. On top of ^glacis6 was found ^wall10 249 oh g^wall6,^wall11,^dump2 ^dump2 was found north of ^wall11 and east of ^wall6: it is a dump mostly of pottery badly fired (mostly green in colour with many kilin waste and kilin waster) 250 oh g^glacis9,^wall6 is a hard compact layer sloping south east: it continues under ^wall6 251 w g^glacis11,^wall6 ^wall6 is built on top of the mound which slopes in this area toward south east: one of the mound surfaces is ^glacis11 252 w g^glacis10,^wall6 ^glacis10 is one of the surfaces of the mound, on top of which also ^wall6 was built 253 ne g^floor8,^wall12 ^wall12 is the revetment wall, which in this area bends toward north. A ^floor8 was found to the south: during mittani this area was used 254 n g^floor6,^wall6 ^floor6 is one of several floors, mostly pebble and sherds, located to the south of ^wall6, the staircase wall to the east 255 n g^floor9,^wall6 ^floor9 is one of several floors, mostly pebble and sherds, located to the south of ^wall6, the staircase wall to the east 256 w g^floor10,^floor11 in front of the staircase in J2 were found several floors, dated to the mid of the 3rd millennium. The same floors were found also in front of ^wall6. ^floor11 is the salmon colorated floor same as J2f358 257 n g^ab1,^wall11,^wall6,^glacis3 āb1 is a gray compact accumulation layed south of ^wall11. It was found during different stages of excavation and is not found continuosly: f232,f296,f280