.bk J6 .fd description and date of ceramics .ei mKB .ed U819 .rd U819 .ri mKB ;revisited on ZJ115 pC: removed A99, istead put f nr (A99 f310, instead f 310) f 287 K82 This feature was dated to the Ninevite V period but on reviewing the shape sherds it is clear that they are later than Ninevite V and date to ED III (Phase 1 d,e,f). At this point it is not clear where in ED III this stratum belongs. I82 Phase 1 d,e,f f 284 K82 This feature was dated to the Ninevite V period but on reviewing the shape sherds it is clear that they are later than Ninevite V and date to ED III (Phase 1 d,e,f). At this point it is not clear where in ED III this stratum belongs. I82 Phase 1 d,e,f f 290 K82 This feature was dated to the Ninevite V period but on reviewing the shape sherds it is clear that they are later than Ninevite V and date to ED III (Phase 1 d,e,f). At this point it is not clear where in ED III this stratum belongs. I82 Phase 1 d,e,f f 289 K82 This feature was dated to the Ninevite V period but on reviewing the shape sherds it is clear that they are later than Ninevite V and date to ED III (Phase 1 d,e,f). At this point it is not clear where in ED III this stratum belongs. I82 Phase 1 d,e,f f 192 K82 When the shape sherds from all this feature were seen together it is clear that the majority of the sherds are to be dated to late in Phase 4 (old Phase 4b). The feature contains jars with double rims with bitumen covering the rim and neck. One pot has the typical row of bitumen dots on the upper body above a line of a herring bone patern made with a pointed instrument. The feature also included many double rim jars without a bitumen coating. Other typical shapes for this period in the feature include medium pots with a folded over rim, vestigial ribs on the top of a jar rim, small sharply carinated bowls. Round sided bowls reflect the type of bowl common in old Phase 3. The reason I think that the feature is late in the old Phase 4b is the lack of ribbing on the bowl and jar rims and the number of double rim jars including ones with a bitumen coated rim and neck. I82 late in Phase 4 f 310 K82 On reviewing the ceramics from this feature I now think that it is to be dated to ED III, although early or late in this phase cannot be determined from the few shape sherds found in the feature. The feature contained one pointed base, dating to Ninevite V, a bowl rim and a jar rim dating to ED III, and a small handle from a Fine Pebble Tempered ware cooking pot, date unknown because these cooking pots were made and used over at least from ED III into the early second millennium. I82 Phase 1 e,f,or g f 310 K82 On reviewing the ceramics from this feature I now think that it is to be dated to ED III, although early or late in this phase cannot be determined from the few shape sherds found in the feature. The feature contained one pointed base, dating to Ninevite V, a bowl rim and a jar rim dating to ED III, and a small handle from a Fine Pebble Tempered ware cooking pot, date unknown because these cooking pots were made and used over at least from ED III into the early second millennium. I82 Phase 1 e,f,g