STUDIES \ REFERENCES \ Abstracts \ 913Braun-Holzinger2013
2013 |
Frühe Götterdarstellungen in Mesopotamien. Ihre Beziehungen im Spiegel der Archäologie und der Literatur des Alten Testaments und seiner Umwelt. OBO 261, Fribourg, Göttingen: Academic Press, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht. See full text
The scholar presents a study on the first attested representations of gods in Mesopotamia. Nine chapters are devoted to explaining this topic: 1) an introduction about cultic statues, cultic symbols and their attributes leading to the identification of specific gods; 2) foundation figurines; 3) statuettes; 4) representations of gods in scenes from reliefs and seals; 5) early mythology; 6) themes related to vegetation and farming; 7) the role of the gods represented on glyptic; 8) general summary on the topics of the horned-crown and the denominations of the deities; 9) conclusions. At the end, a catalogue of all the quoted materials is attached. [Marco De Pietri – November 2019] |