STUDIES \ BIBLIOGRAPHY \ Abstracts \ 913Dolce
2002 | “Political Supremacy and Cultural Supremacy. A Hypothesis of Symmetrical Alternations between Upper Mesopotamia and Northern Syria in the Fourth and Third Millennia BC,” in L. Milano, S. de Martino, F. M. Fales, G. B. Lanfranchi (eds.), Landscapes, Territories, Frontiers and Horizons in the Ancient Near East. Papers presented to the XLIV Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Venezia 7-11 July 1997. Vol. 2. Geography and Cultural Landscapes. History of the Ancient Near East/Monographs. Padova 1999, pp. 103-121.
P. 108b: the new excavations at Tell Mozan raise questions about the territorial and ideological borders of its expansion (i.e., of the kingdom of Urkesh). The first main issue is the significance of Urkesh for state formation in the 'Land of Subartu', particularly considering the lack of any Hurrian components in Beydar and the Southern Khabur. The second issue is that of the relationships between Ebla and Urkesh (never mentioned in the texts found in the Palace G archives). [Giorgio Buccellati – June 2002] |