Ausgrabungen der Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft in der zentralen Oberstadt von Tall Mozan/Urkeš.
Bericht über die in Kooperation mit dem IIMAS durchgeführte Kampagne 1999,
MDOG 132, pp. 185-228.
Pagina Web
Final report on the 1999 excavation season of the DOG and IIMAS (10th August-30th September) at Tell Mozan/Urkesh.
The purpose of the mission as a whole was to investigate the urban development in the region, analysing faunal and vegetal remains, investigating structures, routes and public places; the present campaign focused on the last phase of occupation of the site, i.e. from the end of the Early to Middle Bronze Age, because during the Late Bronze Age (the Mittanian period), the site was no more inhabitated.
The attention was focused on the organization of space and structures within the residential area, uncovering places similar to squares and alleys on the zentrale Oberstadt of the site. Different structures were brought to light, such as a temple terrace (excavation site B6), an open space and a residential area (excavation site C2).
Urkesh excavation team addressed many questions about the layout, the function and the development of the residential area: Das Interesse dabei galt insbesondere der Frage, wie sich das Wohnviertel an diesem prägnanten Epochenübergang baulich und functional entwickelte (p. 186).
[Marco De Pietri – July 2019]