STUDIES \ BIBLIOGRAPHY \ Abstracts \ 913Goetze
1953 | An Old Babylonian Itinerary, JCS 7:2, pp. 51-72. Webpage
In this paper, Goetze presents the edition of two tablets kept in the Oriental Museum of the University of Urbana, Ill. (UIOM 2134, 2370), reporting texts describing itineraries of the Akkadian period; the itineraries have been reconstructed by the author as divided in four sections: 1) from Larsam to Aššur(?); 2) from Apqum to Šubat-Enlil and Ašnakkum; 3) from the Euphrates via Ḫarrān to Šubat-Enlil; 4) from Šubat-Enlil to Sippar and Larsam (p. 55). Because of the mention of the toponym Dūr-Apil-Sin (I 13), a terminus post quem can be established, after the reign of Apil-Sin, king of Babylon, second predecessor of Ḫammurapi (p. 70). [Marco De Pietri – July 2019] |