; File processed on 2025-02-25 ; A9a1 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-15_H620JO-3.j jo doorway A35 1997-06-22_H626JO.j !! v3 B10 1997-06-15_H617JO.j jo doorway B11 1997-06-15_H620JO-3.j jo originaly A6f217 B11 1997-06-15_H620JO.j jo Doorway in the E-W wall A6f78, an access between A9 (sector G) and A6 (sector D) . Same as A6f217. C99 1997-06-15_H617JO.j jo aggregate a1 is a doorway in northern A6 , it was geven the description A6f217 . We are assigning an A9 aggregate no. to this doorway because of its direct relation to A9 ( sector G ) , therefor we would be able to refer to it with an A9 definition whenever we refer to it along our excavation . D1 1997-06-15_H620JO-3.j jo k1 G11 1997-06-15_H620JO-3.j jo A6f16 G11 1997-06-15_H620JO-3.j jo A6f78 O11 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo v3 ; A9a2 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo tannur B11 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo tannur B11 1997-06-22_H627JO-2.j jo A 1/4 of a circler pit at the NW corner of k3 , the remainder of the circle laies extends into the N baulk and to the W of k3 . The pit is only 18cm deep , contains ashy accumulation f13 and fragments of a tannur f19 , the pit might have functuned as a boundery for the tannur area D1 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo k3 G11 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo f13 G11 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo f16 G11 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo f19 G13 1997-06-21_H626JO.j !! q4 ; A9a3 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo tannur B11 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo tannur B11 1997-06-22_H627JO-2.j jlw Tannur along eastern edge of k2 and the soil contained within, only bottom 24cm remain C1 1997-06-23_H707JO.j jlw Tannur f20 has only been partially preserved. It is just to the east of f12, an accumulation of brick-like material that runs generally N-S and another , f23 that runs generally E-W. The stratigraphic relationship between the bricksmaterial and the tannur is unclear.Kiln slag on the west side of f12 would indicate that the brick was deposited affter the kiln was abundoned. On the other hand, there is no clear evidence that there is abundonment accumulation below the brick. Kiln wall was about 6cm thick. C1 1997-06-23_H707JO.j jo a3 (tannur) was removed after it was described by JLW and a view was taken (v4) D1 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo k2 D3 1997-06-22_O109JW-R.j jw r17 (43688 36417 - 8604 / Relay location: center with radius of 23cm) G11 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo f20 G11 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo f22 G13 1997-06-21_H626JO.j !! q11 G13 1997-06-21_H626JO.j !! q15 ; A9a4 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo structure B11 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo (sketch 3) C1 1997-06-23_H707JO.j jo 40cm of f27 was dug to the N, E and W of a4 to loke at the bricks of a4 from the sides, The bricks turn out to be formed of only one lyer, no evidence of any type of construction is formed by a4,s bricks. The only possible interpetation at this time is it could be brick-fall, allthough no determenation was made of which wall was it (the closest possible wall is f15). Three relatervelly large stones were found at the northern end of f12, more worke will be done tomorow around a4 fore a better understanding of its nature C1 1997-06-24_H707JO.j jm Plan to remove a4. We see only one layer of brick no continuation, after having cleand the area. The accumulation runs N-W D1 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo k2 G11 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo f12 G11 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo f23 ; A9a5 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo burial A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V10p9002 A9a5 x x cv MZL_V10-C2903.jpg B10 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo grave B11 1997-06-28_H708JO.j jo a5 construction is at an angle with AK building, the walls were built of 40x40x8cm bricks, the best preserved brick is the one on the SE corner of a5. only 2 or 3 layers of bricks were preserved in the build up grave construction, the bricks were stacked on top of each other (the layers of bricks are not offset from each other as it is the ussual case in building walls). The fallen bricks inside the grave are mainly pieces, only two pieces are relatevely larger thn others, these two almost complete bricks are fallen vertically they might hve fallen from the collapsed roof of a5, bothe bricks are fallen facing N-S which is the opposite direction of what would be expected in comparison to A8's MZ9 burial B11 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo pit grave lined with brickes. Cuts f15. C1 1997-06-25_H707JO.j jo Appeares to be 2nd mil. tomb, maybe semelar toto A8 MZ9 tomb, f33 1st uncovered then f37 and f38, f36 is the fill in between the walls f33,f37 and f38 C1 1997-06-26_H708JO.j jo the SW corner of the a5 (gv) is cuting into f15 C1 1997-06-28_H708JO.j jo A small lense of ashy materials below some of the fallen bricks in the SW corner of a5. The remainder of the wall f43 of a5 was exposed after excavating the A6k217 northern baulk from top. The western half of f43 was intruding inside f15. a vessel i4 was found in the NW corner of a5 within f36 C1 1997-06-28_H708JO.j jo The bricks turned not to be surounding the shaft of the grave all the way to the buttom of the grave a5, the shaft below the bricks was used as the burial chamber, where i4, i6,i7 and i8 were found one in each corner of a5. The bones were highly dis integrated, only few fragments were recoverd, it was collected along with the frageled bones as i C1 1997-07-01_H728JO.j jo the width of the chaft bellow the bricks is 85cm NS, the hight from the top of the bricks to the buttom of the chaft is 60cm. the destance from k2's eastern baulk and the NE corner is 120cm and 100cm from the SE corner of a5. the bones were removed and were collected as i9. the sides and the buttom of a5 were scrabed further to insure the collection of all contenents of a5 D1 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo k2 D3 1997-06-28_O109JW2R.j jw r32 (43527 36171 - 8568 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1997-06-28_O109JW2R.j jw r33 (43394 36148 - 8576 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1997-06-28_O109JW2R.j jw r34 (43563 35988 - 8557 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1997-06-28_O109JW2R.j jw r35 (43426 35956 - 8576 / Relay location: SW corner) G11 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo f33 G11 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo f36 G11 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo f37 G11 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo f38 G11 1997-06-25_H709JLW1.j jo f43 G12 1997-06-25_H626JO.j !! i9 G12 1997-06-25_H626JO.j !! i11 G12 1997-06-25_H626JO.j !! i13 G12 1997-06-25_H709JLW1.j jo i4 G12 1997-06-25_H709JLW1.j jo i6 G12 1997-06-25_H709JLW1.j jo i7 G12 1997-06-25_H709JLW1.j jo i8 G12 1997-06-25_H709JLW1.j jo i10 G12 1997-06-25_H709JLW1.j jo i12 G13 1997-06-25_H626JO.j !! q28 G13 1997-06-25_H626JO.j !! q32 G13 1997-06-25_H626JO.j !! q39 G13 1997-06-25_H626JO.j !! q43 G13 1997-06-25_H626JO.j !! q53 G13 1997-06-25_H626JO.j !! q59 O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V10p9002 A9a5 x x cv MZL_V10-C2903.jpg O11 1997-06-29_H709JLW3.j jlw v6 O11 1997-06-30_H709JLW3.j jlw v7 ; A9a6 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-28_H709JLW1.j jo pit B11 1997-06-28_H708JO.j jo aA circled pit 120cm in dimmention 8cm deep, filled with light grey loos accumulation (f44), a plastered floor (f47) was found at the buttom of a6 D1 1997-06-28_H709JLW1.j jo k2 D3 1997-06-28_O109JW2R.j jw r36 (43646 36231 - 8554 / Relay location: circle point 1) D3 1997-06-28_O109JW2R.j jw r37 (43724 36216 - 8554 / Relay location: circle point 2) D3 1997-06-28_O109JW2R.j jw r38 (43638 36147 - 8554 / Relay location: circle point 3) G11 1997-06-28_H709JLW1.j jo f42 G11 1997-06-28_H709JLW1.j jo f44 G13 1997-06-28_H709JLW1.j !! q42 ; A9a7 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-01_H709JLW1.j jo pit B11 1997-07-01_H728JO.j jo rectangular cut at the far western end of k3, the mesurement of the exposed portion of the pit is 90cm NS x 55cm EW, the starting hight of the cut is at the buttom of f49, and it is filled with ashy accumulation f50, a 1/4 circl of bricks f51 was noteced inbetween f50 D1 1997-07-01_H709JLW1.j jo k3 D3 1997-07-05_O114JW-R.j jw r58 (44320 35990 - 8566 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1997-07-05_O114JW-R.j jw r59 (44229 35950 - 8566 / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1997-07-05_O114JW-R.j jw r60 (44216 36002 - 8566 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1997-07-05_O114JW-R.j jw r61 (44304 36029 - 8566 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1997-07-07_H707JLWR.j jlw r58 (44320 35990 - 8566 / Relay location: k3) D3 1997-07-07_H707JLWR.j jlw r59 (44229 35950 - 8566 / Relay location: k3) D3 1997-07-07_H707JLWR.j jlw r60 (44216 36002 - 8566 / Relay location: k3) D3 1997-07-07_H707JLWR.j jlw r61 (44304 36029 - 8566 / Relay location: k3) G11 1997-07-01_H709JLW1.j jo f50 G11 1997-07-01_H709JLW1.j jo f51 G11 1997-07-01_H709JLW1.j jo f52 G13 1997-07-01_H709JLW1.j !! q57 G13 1997-07-01_H709JLW1.j !! q77 ; A9a8 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-02_H709JLW1.j jo burial A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V10p9001 A9a8 x x cv MZL_V10-C2900.jpg B11 1997-07-02_H728JO.j jo a big burial jar i14 contains humman chiled bones i16, i15 abowl was found resting in a rim-body sherd of i14 it myight be fallen in there or could have been placd originaly in side i14 C1 1997-07-02_H728JO.j jo after photographing a8 all three items were collected. D1 1997-07-02_H709JLW1.j jo k3 G12 1997-07-02_H709JLW1.j jo i14 G12 1997-07-02_H709JLW1.j jo i15 G12 1997-07-02_H709JLW1.j jo i16 O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V10p9001 A9a8 x x cv MZL_V10-C2900.jpg O11 1997-07-02_H709JLW3.j jlw v8 ; A9a9 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo pit B10 1997-07-06_O119JW.j jw pit B11 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo W of a10 B11 1997-07-05_H728JO-2.j jo a small square pit 40cm x 40cm and 16cm deep the sides are lined with plastered bricks, the filling does not contain ash, it might have been used as storge pit B11 1997-07-06_O119JW.j jw 40 x 40 cm pit lined with bricks to a depth of 22 cm. Bricks about 10cm thick. gb suggests that this is the form of a foundation box, resembling a modern cornerstone. There was no evidence of associated walls and there was nothing in the contents (bones, sherds, ashes) to indicate such a use, but it may have been disturbed in antquity. D1 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo k1 D3 1997-07-06_O114JW-R.j jw r62 (44019 35665 - 8538 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1997-07-06_O114JW-R.j jw r65 (43999 35695 - 8538 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1997-07-07_H707JLWR.j jlw r62 (44019 35665 - 8538 / Relay location: k1) D3 1997-07-07_H707JLWR.j jlw r65 (43999 35695 - 8538 / Relay location: k1) G11 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo f56 G11 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo f58 G11 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo f60 G13 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j !! q76 ; A9a10 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo pit B10 1997-07-06_O119JW.j jw pit B11 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo E of a9 B11 1997-07-06_O119JW.j jw when fully excavated, pit was round with a flattened hemispherical bottom. When excavations began, the opening was rectangular (described by relays 53,54,55 and 56). Later as the true shape was revealed, it has been described as a circle (relays 71,72 and 73) with an approximate diameter of 65cm. 36cm depth measured at 8525(surface) and 8489 (bottom). D1 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo k1 D3 1997-07-05_O114JW-R.j jw r53 (43925 35761 - 8530 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1997-07-05_O114JW-R.j jw r55 (43914 35783 - 8530 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1997-07-05_O114JW-R.j jw r56 (43872 35776 - 8530 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1997-07-06_O114JW-R.j jw r72 (43893 35804 - 8525 / Relay location: circumference point) D3 1997-07-07_H707JLWR.j jlw r53 (43925 35761 - 8530 / Relay location: k1) D3 1997-07-07_H707JLWR.j jlw r55 (43914 35783 - 8530 / Relay location: k1) D3 1997-07-07_H707JLWR.j jlw r56 (43872 35776 - 8530 / Relay location: k1) D3 1997-07-07_H707JLWR.j jlw r72 (43893 35804 - 8525 / Relay location: k1) D3 1997-07-12_H712JLWR.j jlw r83 (43796 35560 - 8524 / Relay location: k1) D3 1997-07-12_H712JLWR.j jlw r84 (43872 35529 - 8524 / Relay location: k1) D3 1997-07-12_O114JW1R.j jw r83 (43796 35560 - 8524 / Relay location: E point on circle) D3 1997-07-12_O114JW1R.j jw r84 (43872 35529 - 8524 / Relay location: W point on circle) G11 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo f57 G11 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo f59 G13 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j !! q75 G13 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j !! q84 G13 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j !! q87 ; A9a11 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo pit B11 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo SE corner B11 1997-07-05_H728JO-2.j jo a circled pit at the far SE corner of k2, only about 1/4 of its full extend is excavated the rest willbe excavated ubon the removal of the eastern baulk and A6k217 northern baulk D1 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo k2 D3 1997-07-06_O114JW-R.j jw r68 (43387 36174 - 8495 / Relay location: end of arc) D3 1997-07-06_O114JW-R.j jw r69 (43421 36200 - 8495 / Relay location: middle of arc) D3 1997-07-06_O114JW-R.j jw r70 (43432 36261 - 8495 / Relay location: end of arc) D3 1997-07-07_H707JLWR.j jlw r68 (43387 36174 - 8495 / Relay location: k2) D3 1997-07-07_H707JLWR.j jlw r69 (43421 36200 - 8495 / Relay location: k2) D3 1997-07-07_H707JLWR.j jlw r70 (43432 36261 - 8495 / Relay location: k2) G11 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo f61 G11 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo f62 G11 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo f64 G13 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j !! q78 ; A9a12 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-14_H728JO-4.j jo pit B11 1997-07-14_H728JO-4.j jo NNW k4 r88 to 91 B11 1997-07-19_H728JO-3.j jo a 170cm diameter circled pit, 90cm deep, filled with soft loos ashy accumulation mixed wityh large number of sherds and tannur fragments (no tannur structure was found), the remaining of the pit extend in the northern baulk D1 1997-07-14_H728JO-4.j jo k4 D3 1997-07-14_O114JW3R.j jo r88 (43899 35768 - 8448 / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-14_O114JW3R.j jo r89 (43827 35742 - 8441 / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-14_O114JW3R.j jo r90 (43842 35641 - 8440 / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-14_O114JW3R.j jo r91 (43911 35652 - 8437 / Relay location: perimeter) G11 1997-07-14_H728JO-4.j jo f68 G11 1997-07-14_H728JO-4.j jo f69 G11 1997-07-14_H728JO-4.j jo f77 G12 1997-07-14_H728JO-4.j !! i23 G13 1997-07-14_H728JO-4.j !! q116 G13 1997-07-14_H728JO-4.j !! q117 G13 1997-07-14_H728JO-4.j !! q121 G13 1997-07-14_H728JO-4.j !! q122 G13 1997-07-14_H728JO-4.j !! q141 G13 1997-07-14_H728JO-4.j !! q145 ; A9a13 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j jo conflation of floors A35 1997-07-26_H728JO-4.j !! v11 B11 1997-07-24_H728JO-3.j jo features 80-86, to levels of floors, the hiest is the stone paved floor f80, the secound is the brick paved floor f84, the two floors are seprated by a paking f82 B11 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j jo paved floor C2 1997-07-25_H728JO-3.j jo will expand the exposure of a13 to the south by diging extra 80cm to the south of the deep portion of k5 340cm long E-W, the choice of the southern exposure is because the northern portion is below the northern baulk, to the west f84 does not extend and to the east f84 goes below f80 which we have no intention to remove it at this time without exposing it combletly. the stratgraph of the southern expantion as allredy knwn thrw the excavation of k5 and seenon the section, that will unable us to dig the extra 80cm in a short time D1 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j jo k5 G11 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j jo f80 G11 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j jo f81 G11 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j jo f82 G11 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j jo f83 G11 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j jo f84 G11 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j jo f85 G11 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j jo f86 G12 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j !! i31 G13 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j !! q152 G13 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j !! q153 G13 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j !! q502 O11 1997-07-26_H728JO-4.j jo v11 ; A9a14 A20 !!_!! !! other features A21 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl mixed features B11 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl pile of stones, sherds, occasional bronze D1 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl k3 G11 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl f103 G13 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j !! q223 G13 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j !! q224 G13 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl q221 G13 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl q222 ; A9a15 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl burial A35 1999-06-23_J806JL2.j !! v18 D1 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl k3 D3 1999-06-23_J625JL-R.j jl r133 (44156 36292 - 2155) G11 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl f108 G12 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl i37 G12 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl i38 G13 1999-06-23_J625JL.j !! q242 G13 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q248 G13 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q272 G14 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q242.1 O11 1999-06-23_J806JL2.j jl v18 O11 1999-06-23_J806JL2.j jl v18a ; A9a16 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl burial B11 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl infant burial D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k3 G11 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f111 G12 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl i43 G12 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl i44 G13 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q258 ; A9a17 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl doorway A35 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j !! v25 B10 1999-06-28_J628JLW.j jlw doorway B11 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl doorway between Rooms B1 and F1 B11 1999-06-28_J628JLW.j jlw doorway connecting sectors B and F of building AK. Specifically, formed from major EW brick walls f124 and f125, it is a key passageway between what is likely to have been parts of the building with separate functions. Unexcavated layers of accumulations within the boundaries are visible from the south and are expected to provide insight as to how the parts were functionally related. C1 1999-06-30_J630JLW1.j jlw began to excavate highest level of accumulation in doorway that was indistinguishable from surface soil. Then we excavated the highest threshold, which had an elevation of ???, stopping at the second highest, which had an elevation of ???. The contrast between the south face where the thresholds were clearly visible and the north face where it was all but impossible to distinguish any layers (except for narrow bands of ash) alerted us to the opportunity to learn more about the history of the building's occupation. (See gb discussions M2 and -sr of this date on a17.) Cleaned and straightened sections in preparation for a group discussion of this topic on J701. C4 1999-06-30_J630JLW1.j gb we will leave a section NS to show how door sills consist of a single brick against the southern door jambs (where door panel was). D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k6 D3 1999-07-31_J731JLWR.j jlw r364 (43770 34632 - 8349 / Relay location: k6) D3 1999-07-31_J731JLWR.j jlw r365 (43705 34775 - 8343 / Relay location: k6) G11 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f124 G11 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f125 M2 1999-06-30_J630JLW1.j gb There is a sequence of interesting pairing surfaces just N of doorway a17 which may be related in time as serving all similar functions in relation to the doorway. M2 1999-06-30_J630JLW1.j gb the excavation shows a very interesting pattern that clarifies the use of the building. On the Northern (F1) side there is no stratigraphic distinction at all between floor accumulations, and no trace of floor surfaces. This is in marked contrast with the door sills clearly visible on the Southern (B1) side. There are two important consequences to be drawn from this. (1) The doorway was used as a doorway with a door panel and a door sill all the way through the mid to late strata of AK occupation. This demonstrates that the building was indeed used as a building, i.e., it was not abandoned. (2) on the other hand, the very gradual accumulation on the Northern side shows that there was no carry over of floor surfaces visible in the deposition. In other words, the very uniform accumulation we have witnessed espedcially in areas A6 and A10 does correspond to a gradual build-up within the building, even though there id no visible trace of successions of floors. Such an accumulation is rather deep(up to 2.5 ms in A6) which implies a long time lapse. It should be noted that the distinction between mid and high floors has always been based on absolute elevation only. O11 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25 O11 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25a O11 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25d O11 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v27 O11 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v27a O11 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v35 O11 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v36 O11 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v37 O11 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v42 O11 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v43 O11 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v53 ; A9a18 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl doorway A35 1999-07-29_J807JL.j !! v46 B10 1999-06-28_J628JLW.j jlw doorway B11 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl doorway between Rooms F2 and D1 B11 1999-06-28_J628JLW.j jlw doorway connecting sectors D and F of building AK. Specifically, formed from major EW brick walls f97 and f125, it is a major passageway between what is likely to have been parts of the building with separate functions. It marks the transition from the kitchen area (So) to what we believe may be a more formal ceremonial and residential area to the No. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k4 D3 1999-07-27_J727JLWR.j jlw r330 (43419 35580 - 8299 / Relay location: k4) D3 1999-07-27_J727JLWR.j jlw r331 (43236 35499 - 8295 / Relay location: k4) D3 1999-07-27_J727JLWR.j jlw r332 (43207 35618 - 8295 / Relay location: k4) D3 1999-07-27_J727JLWR.j jlw r333 (43371 35710 - 8292 / Relay location: k4) D3 1999-07-31_J731JLWR.j jlw r372 (43420 35583 - 8290 / Relay location: k4) G11 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f97 G11 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f124 O11 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v46 O11 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v53 ; A9a19 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl tannur B10 1999-06-28_J630JLW1.j jlw tannur B11 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl tannur B11 1999-06-28_J630JLW1.j jlw aggregate of tannur, f119, and the modest amount of pottery within, q293. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k8 G11 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl f119 G13 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q293 ; A9a20 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl burial B10 1999-07-20_J723JLW.j jlw room B11 1999-07-20_J723JLW.j jlw room, contained to the north and west by wall, f152. Contains a large tannur, f150, and a smaller one, f161. The ashy accumulation around the tannurs suggests a commercial purpose to the space. The floor has not yet been reached. B11 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl child burial D1 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl k8 G11 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl f137 G13 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j !! q330 G13 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl q329 ; A9a21 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl doorway B10 1999-07-08_J709JLW1.j jlw doorway B11 1999-07-08_J709JLW1.j jlw consists of a step-up threshold and an in-situ door socket in the NE corner of locus k9. The socket is located on the SE corner of the threshold, below the sill. so it is likely that the door opened to the south, out of the presumed house it went with, which is still covered in the next square to the north. B11 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl entrance to house in baulk D1 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl k9 G11 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl f146 G12 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl i46 ; A9a22 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl room B11 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl room D1 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl k9 G11 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j !! f162 G11 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl f150 G11 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl f152 G11 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl f161 G12 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j !! i74 G13 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j !! q494 G13 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j !! q501 G13 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j !! q524 ; A9a23 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw tannur B11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw tannur with adjacent bones, jar and pot. D1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw k10 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f215 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f216 G12 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw i103 G12 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw i104 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q703 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw q662 ; A9a24 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw pit A35 2001-06-24_L924JW.j !! v57 B11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw pit with brickfall sealing contents, which include a Khabur sherd. D1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw k11 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f221 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f222 G12 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw i107 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q723 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw q669 O11 2001-06-24_L924JW.j jlw v57 ; A9a25 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw wall A35 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j !! v80 B10 2001-07-11_L711JLW.j jlw wall B11 2001-07-11_L711JLW.j jlw layer of bricks extending N-S along the west edges of k21 and k31. It is about 4 meters wide as measured in k21. B11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw retaining wall, pise foundation and mudbricks forming a 4.5 meter-wide N-S wall that extends at least 13 meters north from k21 to k41, where it disappears into the west baulk. D1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw k21 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f204 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f208 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f273 M99 2001-07-11_L711JLW.j jlw gb visited and after close inspection, concluded that it probably was a wall rather than a platform, primarily because of its length, 10 meters of which is now exposed with no signs of a corner or north face. jlw had favored interpreting the structure as a platform, not having seen a wall of that thickness before. It could have served some security functions for an important building or helped emphasize the size and position on the tell when viewed from the plain to the west or the mountains to the north. O11 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v80 O11 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v81 O11 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v82 O11 2001-08-02_L930JW.j jlw v84 ; A9a26 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw tannur A35 2001-07-11_L925JW.j !! v59 B11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw tannur with well-preserved shell. D1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw k10 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f226 O11 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v59 ; A9a27 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw tannur B11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw duplicate of a23. D1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw k10 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f215 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q703 ; A9a28 A20 !!_!! !! other features A21 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw mixed features B11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw group of artifacts that may be related, including a strainer, animal horn and pottery. D1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw k11 G12 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw i113 G12 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw i114 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw q682 ; A9a29 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw pit A35 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j !! v80 B11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw very large, dirty pit in NE corner. Cut by wall, f225. D1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw k11 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f240 G12 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! i115 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q680 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q710 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q711 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q712 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q720 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw q683 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw q687 O11 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v60d O11 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v60e O11 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v61 O11 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v80 ; A9a30 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw burial A35 2001-08-02_L927JW.j !! v71 B11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw suspected grave due to style of bricks in 4-wall enclosure and orientation. However, no bones were found, probably because we stopped digging down to move to another locus. D1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw k10 D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r634 (44611 35338 - 8737 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r635 (44568 35324 - 8737 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r636 (44567 35422 - 8732 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r637 (44481 35430 - 8727 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r638 (44488 35468 - 8726 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r639 (44568 35461 - 8730 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r640 (44606 35457 - 8735 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r641 (44421 35476 - 8721 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r642 (44435 35436 - 8722 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r643 (44649 35454 - 8729 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r644 (44483 35583 - 8724 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r645 (44507 35490 - 8721 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r646 (44563 35465 - 8727 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r647 (44399 35287 - 8727 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r648 (44382 35336 - 8725 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r649 (44377 35383 - 8730 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r650 (44362 35386 - 8730 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r651 (44379 35442 - 8729 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-15_L715VP-R.j vp r652 (44356 35454 - 8729 / Relay location: k10) G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f211 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f230 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f235 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f270 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f271 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q709 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw q731 O11 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v71 ; A9a31 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw burial A35 2001-08-02_L929JW.j !! v82 B11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw burial in cut into large E-W wall, f282. D1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw k31 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f282 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f283 G12 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw i132 O11 2001-08-02_L929JW.j jlw v82 ; A9a32 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw burial A35 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j !! v82 B10 2001-07-11_L711JLW.j jlw grave B11 2001-07-11_L711JLW.j jlw two intersecting lines of baked bricks in the NW corner of k31 that define the outline of a vaulted tomb that was excavated as part of A3 in MZ6. B11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw grave that was excavated, documented and then re-covered during the MZ6 step trench excavations. We re-covered it since we did not intend to dig deeper in the locus in MZ14. D1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw k31 D3 2001-07-11_L711VP-R.j vp r600 (45793 36188 - 9047 / Relay location: k31) D3 2001-07-11_L711VP-R.j vp r601 (45877 36195 - 9064 / Relay location: k31) D3 2001-07-11_L711VP-R.j vp r602 (45905 36359 - 9084 / Relay location: k31) D99 2001-07-11_L711JLW.j jlw relayed the NW corner and points to the east and south of it along the definable perimeter for future reference. G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f281 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f289 O11 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v62 O11 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v82 P2 2001-07-11_L711JLW.j jlw photographed it, v62, filled in the vaults and covered the entire structure with plastic sheeting and a thin covering of backfill to preserve it for future study in subsequent seasons. ; A9a33 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw platform B11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw platform across the southern edge of locus. It consists of vertical brick courses to the south, internal fill behind to the north, which is in turn capped by horizontal courses of bricks. D1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw k11 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f229 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f238 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f243 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f253 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f295 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q698 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q705 ; A9a34 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw pit B11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw dark ashy material once believed to be fill for a pit. Later inspection of sections in the middle and north baulks of the locus revealed that this may be an ash layer that appears everywhere. D1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw k22 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f301 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q799 ; A9a35 A20 !!_!! !! other features A21 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw mixed features B11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw collection of artifacts, including one seal around a disorganized patch of baked and unbaked bricks. D1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw k15 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! f302 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f300 G12 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! i141 G12 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! i142 G12 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! i143 G12 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw i137 G12 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw i138 G12 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw i140 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q797 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q801 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q806 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q807 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q811 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q813 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q815 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q816 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! q819 ; A9a36 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw burial A35 2001-08-01_L926JW.j !! v64 B10 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw burial B11 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw we originally discovered a large jar, i139, in what apperared to be accumulation along the west edge of k24. It now appears that the jar was in pit fill, f317. When the jar was emptied, we found a few human bones, a small pot, a hand-made bowl, and two tiny shell beads. Several teeth were included: an incisor, a premolar and a crown of a molar, probably a third molar. There was negligible wear on the incisor and premolar. We can tentatively conclude that this was a burial of an adolescent girl, but a more complete analysis must await a specialist. B11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw child burial in jar. D1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw k24 G12 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw i139 G12 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw i146 G12 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw i147 G13 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw q825 O11 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v64 ; A9a37 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw doorway A35 2001-08-02_L929JW.j !! v83 B10 2001-07-23_L723JLW.j jlw grave B11 2001-07-23_L723JLW.j jlw three associated walls, f332, f333, f334, in the middle of k41, forming a small enclosed space typical of burials seen in this unit. B11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw possible entrance from south into room in House 1. Includes 2 wall stubs, floor/foundation, and door socket. Includes parts of k52 also D1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw k51 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f321 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f323 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f339 G12 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw i154 O11 2001-08-02_L929JW.j jlw v83 O11 2001-08-02_L930JW.j jlw v84 ; A9a38 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw room A35 2001-08-02_L929JW.j !! v83 B11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw remnants of NE corner of late reuse room in House 1. D1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw k52 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f322 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f324 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f341 O11 2001-08-02_L929JW.j jlw v83 ; A9a39 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw room A35 2001-08-02_L929JW.j !! v83 B11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw SW corner of room in House 2. D1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw k52 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f322 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f339 O11 2001-08-02_L929JW.j jlw v83 ; A9a40 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw burial A35 2001-08-02_L929JW.j !! v83 B11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw simple, modern grave not excavated this season. D1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw k52 G11 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw f340 O11 2001-08-02_L929JW.j jlw v83 ; A9a41 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw installation B11 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw possible facility for processing grain D1 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw k24 G11 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw f345 G12 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw i153 ; A9a42 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j jw working surface B11 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j jw E-W working surface extending over 13 meters. Extends into k22 and k23. D1 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j jw k51 G11 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j jw f196 G11 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j jw f278 G11 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j jw f347 G12 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j !! i131 G13 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j !! q749 G13 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j !! q750 G13 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j !! q752 G13 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j !! q753 G13 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j !! q754 G13 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j !! q755 G13 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j !! q756 G13 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j !! q784 ; A9a99 C1 2000-07-25_K725JLW.j jlw sketched (A9s____) the south face of doorway. It has an interesting stratigraphy which should be explored in multiple sections next year