; File processed on 2025-02-25 ; A9f1 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-15_H620JO-3.j jo wall A35 1997-07-26_H728JO-4.j !! v10 B10 1997-06-15_H617JO.j jo wall B11 1997-06-15_H620JO.j jo N-S wall, same as A6f39 C6 1999-06-18_J618JL.j jl On j617, while cleaning one of the AK walls in k4 in preparation for a major photograph, one of the workmen accidentally cut into the wall and removed a small part of a brick in his cleaning efforts. C99 1997-06-15_H617JO.j jo this feature was originally discovered in A6 and was defined as A6f39 , we are assigning an A9 feature no. to this feature because the uncovered portion of this wall in A6 is very small and the remaining part of this wall is presomed to be extended to the north in A9 area ( sector G ). D1 1997-06-15_H620JO-3.j jo k2 D3 1999-07-27_J727JLWR.j jlw r334 (43330 35835 - 8287 / Relay location: k4) D3 1999-07-27_J727JLWR.j jlw r335 (43445 35876 - 8458 / Relay location: k4) D3 1999-07-27_J727JLWR.j jlw r336 (43387 36034 - 8321 / Relay location: k4) D3 1999-07-27_J727JLWR.j jlw r337 (43305 36030 - 8474 / Relay location: k4) D3 1999-07-28_J728JLWR.j jlw r338 (43390 36052 - 8316 / Relay location: k4) D3 1999-07-31_J731JLWR.j jlw r369 (43441 35872 - 8289 / Relay location: k4) D3 1999-07-31_J731JLWR.j jlw r370 (43345 35855 - 8215 / Relay location: k4) D99 1997-06-15_H620JO-3.j jo S-N wall , originally A6f39. Bonds with A6f78 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f163 (platform) abuts f1 (wall) F51 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f1 (wall) bonds with f97 (wall) F99 1997-06-15_H620JO.j jo Bonds with wall A6f78, which shoud have been assigned an A9 feature number O12 1997-07-26_H728JO-4.j jo v10 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28 ; A9f2 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-17_H620JO-3.j jo topsoil D1 1997-06-17_H620JO-3.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-17_H620JO-3.j jo topsoil k2 F52 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo f2 (topsoil) covers f3 (accumulation) ; A9f3 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo accumulation A35 1997-06-23_H626JO.j !! v5 B11 1997-06-18_H620JO-2.j jm soft brownesh accumulation below topsoil . It contains small stons and sherds . f3 seems to be gully wash ( wadi accumulation ) . D1 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo wadi accumulation, belaw topsoil western hafe of k2 F50 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo f2 (topsoil) covers f3 (accumulation) F52 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo f3 (accumulation) covers f6 (stone installation) F52 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo f3 (accumulation) covers f7 (stone installation) O12 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jo v5 O12 1997-06-26_H626JO.j jlw v5a ; A9f4 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo topsoil B11 1997-06-18_H620JO-2.j jo topsoil f4 is a mixture of topsoil and a dirt leaked from the sandbags used as a dam . D1 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo k3 D99 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo topsoil k3 F52 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo f4 (topsoil) covers f5 (accumulation) ; A9f5 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo accumulation D1 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo k3 D99 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo wadi accumulation ,belaw topsoil (f4) in k3 F50 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo f4 (topsoil) covers f5 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j !! q1.1 (jar) sits in f5 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j !! q572.1 (figurine) sits in f5 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j !! q572.2 (soil sample) sits in f5 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo q1 (pottery) sits in f5 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q572 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f5 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f6 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jm stone installation A35 1997-06-20_H626JO.j !! v2 C4 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jm Uncovered pile of small-medium stones and sherd in SW k2 . We plan to dig it up because we belive it has no stratigraphic or functunal signifiqance . D1 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jm k2 D99 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jm pile of small to mediumstones SW k2 F50 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo f3 (accumulation) covers f6 (stone installation) F52 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo f6 (stone installation) sits in f8 (accumulation D) O12 1997-06-20_H626JO.j jm v2 ; A9f7 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo stone installation A35 1997-06-20_H626JO.j !! v2 B11 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo Four large stons in same level , they might form a unit . They are located at the edge of k2 close to the eastern bulk , so it might have a remaining number of stons inside the bulk . The stons are serounded and sit in the same accumulation ( f5 ) . [jo note is erroneous. These stones have to sit in f8 since f5 is a k3 accumulation (jw on O120).] D1 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo stones NE k2 night be an aranged group F50 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo f3 (accumulation) covers f7 (stone installation) O12 1997-06-20_H626JO.j jm v2 ; A9f8 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo accumulation D B11 1997-06-21_H627JO-2.j jo Wadi accumulation f8 is different from f3 wadi accumulation in texture and color , but both are ununiformed type of accumlation contains stones , differently stratigraphied sherds and plants roots, suggesting two different times of wadi depositioning C1 1997-06-21_H627JO.j jo To make a determenation of the nature of the layer below f6, f10 and f11 , we dug f8 in k2 locus for allmost the entier day with the small picks, no difference of the type of accumulation was occured, thus we started again to dig with big picks D1 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo below f3, wadi accumulation, different from f3 F50 1997-06-22_H627JO-3.j jo f20 (tannur (feature)) intrudes f8 (accumulation D) F50 1997-06-18_H620JO-3.j jo f6 (stone installation) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F50 1997-06-19_H627JO.j jo f10 (group of stones) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F50 1997-06-19_H627JO.j jo f11 (group of stones) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 1997-06-19_H620JO-3.j !! q2.1 (bead) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 1997-06-22_H630JO.j !! q10.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 1997-06-22_H630JO.j !! q10.2 (wheel) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 1997-06-22_H630JO.j !! q10.3 (clay artifact) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 1997-06-19_H620JO-3.j jo q2 (pottery) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 1997-06-21_H630JO.j jm q5 (pottery) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 1997-06-21_H630JO.j jm q6 (bones, pottery) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 1997-06-22_H630JO.j jm q9 (pottery) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 1997-06-22_H630JO.j jo q10 (pottery) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-20_H729JLW.j jO q130 (pottery) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q2-p1 (jar) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q2-p94 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q2-p95 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q2-p96 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q2-p97 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q2-p98 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q2-p99 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q5-p93 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q5-p94 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q5-p95 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q5-p96 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q5-p97 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q5-p98 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q5-p99 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP mKB q6-p17 (bowl) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q6-p93 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q6-p94 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q6-p95 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q6-p96 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q6-p97 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q6-p98 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q6-p99 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q9-p94 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q9-p95 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q9-p96 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q9-p97 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q9-p98 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q9-p99 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q10-p94 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q10-p95 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q10-p96 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q10-p97 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q10-p98 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q10-p99 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q130-p92 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q130-p93 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q130-p94 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q130-p95 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q130-p96 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q130-p97 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q130-p98 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q130-p99 (body sherd) sits in f8 (accumulation D) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f9 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo accumulation D D1 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo k3 D99 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo below f5, wadi accumulation, different from f5 F51 1997-06-19_H620JO-3.j thy q3.1 (bead) sits in f9 (accumulation D) F51 1997-06-19_H620JO-3.j !! q3.2 (pot) sits in f9 (accumulation D) F51 1997-06-22_H630JO.j !! q8.1 (clay artifact) sits in f9 (accumulation D) F51 1997-06-22_H630JO.j !! q8.2 (clay artifact) sits in f9 (accumulation D) F51 1997-06-19_H620JO-3.j jo q3 (pottery) sits in f9 (accumulation D) F51 1997-06-22_H630JO.j jm q8 (pottery) sits in f9 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q8-p95 (body sherd) sits in f9 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q8-p96 (body sherd) sits in f9 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q8-p97 (body sherd) sits in f9 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q8-p98 (body sherd) sits in f9 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q8-p99 (body sherd) sits in f9 (accumulation D) F52 1997-06-22_H627JO-3.j jo f9 (accumulation D) covers f24 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f10 A21 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo group of stones A35 1997-06-20_H626JO.j !! v2 B11 1997-06-19_H627JO.j jo Assemblage of medium size stones D1 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo stones in the middle of k2, 40cm from the southern end F52 1997-06-19_H627JO.j jo f10 (group of stones) sits in f8 (accumulation D) O12 1997-06-20_H626JO.j jm v2 ; A9f11 A21 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo group of stones A35 1997-06-20_H626JO.j !! v2 B11 1997-06-19_H627JO.j jo Assemblage of small stones D1 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo stonesin the center of k2, 90cm from the eastern baulk, 160cm from the northern baulk F52 1997-06-19_H627JO.j jo f11 (group of stones) sits in f8 (accumulation D) O12 1997-06-20_H626JO.j jm v2 O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25 O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25a O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25d ; A9f12 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo accumulation A35 1997-06-23_H626JO.j !! v4 B11 1997-06-21_H627JO.j jo Hared compacted accumulation extends to the south into A6k217 northern baulk C3 1997-06-22_H627JO-3.j jo the deposit of these bricks/bricky materials had occurred following the time of the use of the tannur a3, because of the apperance of slag chanks below f123 in same level as for a3 and most likely assuciated with D1 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo k2 D3 1997-06-22_O109JW-R.j jw r19 (43486 36158 - 8632 / Relay location: highest point on east edge of wall at intersection with f26) D99 1997-06-19_H626JO.j jo compacted reddish layer, southern k2, west of f6 F50 1997-06-22_H627JO-3.j jo f23 (group of bricks) abuts f12 (accumulation) G1 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo a4 O12 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jlw v4 O12 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jlw v4a ; A9f13 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo accumulation A35 1997-06-22_H626JO.j !! v3 B11 1997-06-21_H627JO.j jo Ashy material layer f13 in NW corner D1 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo k3 D99 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo ashy material, NW corner of k2 F51 1997-06-21_H630JO.j jm q4 (pottery) sits in f13 (accumulation) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP mKB q4-p3 (bowl) sits in f13 (accumulation) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q4-p4 (bowl) sits in f13 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q4-p93 (body sherd) sits in f13 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q4-p94 (body sherd) sits in f13 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q4-p95 (body sherd) sits in f13 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q4-p96 (body sherd) sits in f13 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q4-p97 (body sherd) sits in f13 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q4-p98 (body sherd) sits in f13 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q4-p99 (body sherd) sits in f13 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo a2 O12 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo v3 ; A9f14 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo topsoil D1 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo k1 F52 1997-06-22_H627JO-3.j jo f14 (topsoil) covers f21 (accumulation D) ; A9f15 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo wall A35 1997-06-23_H626JO.j !! v5 B11 1997-06-22_H706JO.j jo Brickwall on top of the wall f1. At this point only the southern end is is seen throw the section on top of f1. f15 could be the same wall as f1 or a secundery wall built in top of the original f1 wall. f15 formed of three offset portions on top of each other and all together are offset in respect to the original f1, the cose of the offset position is not understod at this time untill the reminder of the wall be excavated in k2, anyhow it could be the effect of the the wadi errogen as it follw E to W slop semelar to the rest of k2 features (v5) D1 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo in A6k217 northern section, top of f1 F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f43 (wall) cuts f15 (wall) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q584 (bones, pottery) sits in f15 (wall) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q584-p1 (cup) sits in f15 (wall) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hh q584-p2 (other shape sherd) sits in f15 (wall) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q584-p3 (base) sits in f15 (wall) F52 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f15 (wall) caps f92 (wall) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O12 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jo v5 O12 1997-06-26_H626JO.j jlw v5a O12 1997-06-26_H626JO.j jlw v5b ; A9f16 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo pit cut A35 1997-06-22_H626JO.j !! v3 D1 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo k3 D3 1997-06-21_O109JW-R.j jm r13 (44248 35970 - 8684 / Relay location: S endpoint of a1) D3 1997-06-21_O109JW-R.j jm r14 (44232 36029 - 8688 / Relay location: S midpoint of a1) D3 1997-06-21_O109JW-R.j jm r15 (44256 36101 - 8699 / Relay location: N midpoint of a1) D3 1997-06-21_O109JW-R.j jm r16 (44303 36150 - 8700 / Relay location: N endpoint of a1) D99 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo a cut of a pit, serrounding f13, 1/4 circle G1 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo a2 O12 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo v3 ; A9f17 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo accumulation A35 1997-06-23_H626JO.j !! v5 B11 1997-06-22_H706JO.j jo Hard light broen accumulation below f3 seen throw the A6k217 northern section to the west of f15. It might tern out to be the same as f8 or f27 in k2 D1 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo in A6k217 nortthern section, below f3 O12 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jo v5 O12 1997-06-26_H626JO.j jlw v5a ; A9f18 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo burial B11 1997-06-22_H706JO.j jo The remaining portion of the burial A6f25, at the NE corner of A6k217, appeared during cuting and screabing the northern section of A6k217. Few human bones were recoverd q7 D1 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo in A6k217 northern section, equal A6f25 F51 1997-06-21_H630JO.j jo q7 (bones) sits in f18 (burial) ; A9f19 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo tannur (feature) A35 1997-06-22_H626JO.j !! v3 D1 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo k3 D99 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo bricks from a tannur, inside f16 G1 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo a2 O12 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo v3 ; A9f20 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jlw tannur (feature) A35 1997-06-23_H626JO.j !! v4 B11 1997-06-22_H627JO-2.j jlw lower side and bottom of a tannur that was about 46cm in diameter . Walls are of brick-like material about 3cm thick. Accumulated soil surrounds tannur , but it is unclear whether it was originally free-standing or cut into a surfuce . Interier shows evidance of heating , but there was no ash surrounding the tannur . The eastern or uphill side was the best preserved , possibly indicating the western part had been eroded by wash down the wadi . Pottery and bone from soil within f22 bagged separatelly D1 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jlw k2 D99 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jlw SE corner of k2 F52 1997-06-22_H627JO-3.j jo f20 (tannur (feature)) intrudes f8 (accumulation D) G1 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo a3 O12 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jlw v4 O12 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jlw v4a O12 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jlw v4b ; A9f21 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo accumulation D B11 1997-06-22_H627JO-3.j jo Loose accumulation , brownish , concest mostely of wadi wash materials (stones, sherds) C1 1997-07-02_H714JLW1.j jlw small lens of ashy material along W baulk, 250 cm south of N baulk. Elevation is 85.43 D1 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo k1 D99 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo wadi accumulation, below topsoil f14 F50 1997-06-22_H627JO-3.j jo f14 (topsoil) covers f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-03_H708JLW1.j jm i17 (figurine) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j !! q56.1 (clay artifact) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-02_H708JLW2.j !! q61.1 (clay artifact) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-07_H708JLW2.j !! q89.1 (wheel) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q27 (pottery) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-06-30_H701JO-2.j jlw q49 (bones, pottery) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-06-30_H701JO-2.j jlw q52 (pottery) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j jlw q56 (bones, pottery) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-02_H708JLW2.j jlw q61 (bones, pottery) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-03_H708JLW2.j jlw q67 (bones, pottery) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-07_H708JLW2.j jlw q88 (pottery) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-07_H708JLW2.j jlw q89 (pottery) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-07_H708JLW2.j jlw q90 (pottery) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-07_H708JLW2.j jlw q91 (pottery) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-07_H708JLW2.j jlw q92 (pottery) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-13_H729JLW.j jO q106 (bones, pottery) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-13_H729JLW.j jO q107 (pottery) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-13_H729JLW.j jO q108 (pottery) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-13_H729JLW.j jO q109 (pottery) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-13_H729JLW.j jO q110 (pottery) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 1997-07-13_H729JLW.j jO q111 (pottery) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP mKB q27-p3 (other shape sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q27-p95 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q27-p96 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q27-p97 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q27-p98 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q27-p99 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q49-p3 (jar) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q49-p95 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q49-p96 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q49-p97 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q49-p98 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q49-p99 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q52-p1 (jar) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q52-p97 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q52-p98 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q52-p99 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP mKB q56-p1 (pitcher) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q56-p95 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q56-p96 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q56-p97 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q56-p98 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q56-p99 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q61-p3 (jar) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q61-p90 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q61-p91 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q61-p92 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q61-p93 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q61-p94 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q61-p95 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q61-p96 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q61-p97 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q61-p98 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q61-p99 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q67-p96 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q67-p97 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q67-p98 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q67-p99 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q88-p1 (jar) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q88-p6 (bowl) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q88-p93 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q88-p94 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q88-p95 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q88-p96 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q88-p97 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q88-p98 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q88-p99 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q89-p94 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q89-p95 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q89-p96 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q89-p97 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q89-p98 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q89-p99 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q90-p94 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q90-p95 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q90-p96 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q90-p97 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q90-p98 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q90-p99 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q92-p95 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q92-p96 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q92-p97 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q92-p98 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q92-p99 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q106-p95 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q106-p96 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q106-p97 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q106-p98 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q106-p99 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q107-p9 (bowl) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q107-p95 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q107-p96 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q107-p97 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q107-p98 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q107-p99 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q108-p1 (bowl) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q108-p93 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q108-p94 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q108-p95 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q108-p96 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q108-p97 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q108-p98 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q108-p99 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q109-p95 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q109-p96 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q109-p97 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q109-p98 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q109-p99 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q110-p94 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q110-p95 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q110-p96 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q110-p97 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q110-p98 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q110-p99 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q111-p94 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q111-p95 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q111-p96 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q111-p97 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q111-p98 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q111-p99 (body sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation D) F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f21 (accumulation D) covers f54 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f22 A21 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jlw soil within feature B11 1997-06-22_H627JO-2.j jlw soil within tannur f20 . Packed and same basic color as surrounding accumulation . No apparent ash deposit . Small quantity of bone and pottery bagged separately D1 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jlw k2 D99 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jlw contents of f20 F51 1997-06-23_H630JO.j !! q15.1 (sample) sits in f22 (soil within feature) F51 1997-06-22_H630JO.j jlw q11 (bones, pottery) sits in f22 (soil within feature) F51 1997-06-23_H630JO.j jlw q15 (items) sits in f22 (soil within feature) G1 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo a3 ; A9f23 A21 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo group of bricks A35 1997-06-23_H626JO.j !! v4 B11 1997-06-22_H627JO-3.j jo A 160x18cm line of bricky material in an angle with AK building orientation , randumely fallen brecks are to the N and to the S of f23 , f23 is too narrow to be concedered a wall and also it dos not contenu to the W . The eastern end of f23 is attached to f12, bothe features in addition to f25 might be all together bricks fall from top of a wall , propably the extention of the wall f15 D1 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo line of pieces of bricks at an angle to Ak, oriented NE to SW, with other pieces falling to the northe and to the southe of it F52 1997-06-22_H627JO-3.j jo f23 (group of bricks) abuts f12 (accumulation) G1 1997-06-21_H626JO.j jo a4 O12 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jlw v4 O12 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jlw v4a ; A9f24 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo accumulation B11 1997-06-22_H627JO-3.j jo Wadi accumulation below f9 in k3, it is more denced from f9 and contains less amount of stones and sherds D1 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo k3 D99 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo hard compactwd accumulation, below f9 F50 1997-06-22_H627JO-3.j jo f9 (accumulation D) covers f24 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-22_H630JO.j jo q12 (pottery) sits in f24 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-23_H630JO.j jlw q14 (pottery) sits in f24 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q12-p96 (body sherd) sits in f24 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q12-p97 (body sherd) sits in f24 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q12-p98 (body sherd) sits in f24 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q12-p99 (body sherd) sits in f24 (accumulation) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q14-p3 (other shape sherd) sits in f24 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q14-p97 (body sherd) sits in f24 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q14-p98 (body sherd) sits in f24 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q14-p99 (body sherd) sits in f24 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f25 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo floorsurface in general D1 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo floor below f8, on top of f27. might be associated with a3 ; A9f26 A21 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo group of bricks B11 1997-06-22_H706JO.j jo Laid flat one raw of bricks east of f15, the remaining of the extention of f26 could be seen in A6k217 eastern section D1 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-22_H626JO.j jo flat laid red bricks at the eastern end of A6k217 northern baulk section, the reminder of f25 can be seen also in A6k217 eastern baulk section ; A9f27 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jo accumulation B11 1997-06-24_H707JO.j jlw Some burned animal bones in the vicinity of where tannur f20 was removed suggest it was for cooking. A piece of fused light green material also found near by, originally belived to be glaze slag, may insted be over heated tannur brick D1 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jo below f25 F51 1997-06-23_H630JO.j !! q13.1 (bead) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j !! q23.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-23_H630JO.j jo q13 (pottery) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-23_H630JO.j jlw q17 (pottery) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q19 (bones, pottery) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jm q21 (pottery) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q23 (pottery) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-20_H729JLW.j jO q131 (pottery) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q13-p93 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q13-p94 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q13-p95 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q13-p96 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q13-p97 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q13-p98 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q13-p99 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP mKB q17-p2 (jar) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP mKB q17-p3 (bowl) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q17-p99 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q19-p1 (jar) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP mKB q19-p3 (jar) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q19-p96 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q19-p97 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q19-p98 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q19-p99 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q21-p97 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q21-p98 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q21-p99 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q131-p94 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q131-p95 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q131-p96 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q131-p97 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q131-p98 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q131-p99 (body sherd) sits in f27 (accumulation) F52 1997-06-25_H708JO.j jo f27 (accumulation) covers f32 (group of stones) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f28 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jo accumulation D1 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jo k3 D99 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jo below f24. gray, less compacted than f24 F51 1997-06-24_H626JO.j jlw i2 (jar) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j !! q25.1 (jar) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-23_H630JO.j jlw q16 (pottery) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H630JO.j jlw q18 (pottery) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q25 (pottery) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q30 (pottery) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-23_H630JO.j !! q16-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q16-p92 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q16-p93 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q16-p94 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q16-p95 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q16-p96 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q16-p97 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q16-p98 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q16-p99 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP mKB q18-p2 (jar) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q18-p91 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q18-p92 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q18-p93 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q18-p94 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q18-p95 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q18-p96 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q18-p97 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q18-p98 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q18-p99 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q25-p96 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q25-p97 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q25-p98 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q25-p99 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q30-p95 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q30-p96 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q30-p97 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q30-p98 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q30-p99 (body sherd) sits in f28 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f29 A21 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jo group of bricks D1 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jo k3 D99 1997-06-23_H626JO.j jo 3 vertical bricks in the NW corner of k3 ; A9f30 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-24_H626JO.j jm accumulation D1 1997-06-24_H626JO.j jm k2 D99 1997-06-24_H626JO.j jm in A6k217 northern section. below f17 F51 1997-06-24_H626JO.j jm i1 (seal impression) sits in f30 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H626JO.j jo i3 (ceramic vessel) sits in f30 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j !! q20.1 (wheel) sits in f30 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j !! q20.2 (clay artifact) sits in f30 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j !! q20.3 (clay artifact) sits in f30 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j !! q20.4 (bead) sits in f30 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jm q20 (pottery) sits in f30 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f31 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-24_H626JO.j jm accumulation B11 1997-06-24_H707JO.j jlw A thin rectangular black of hard packed soil immediately to the south of bricks f29 in NW corner of k3. Although slightly more red than the surounding soil it contained a moderate number of sherds, Indicating it was probably not directly associated with the bricks D1 1997-06-24_H626JO.j jm k3 D99 1997-06-24_H626JO.j jm red-gray below f23 near f29 F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j !! q22.1 sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jm q22 (pottery) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q24 (pottery) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q29 (pottery) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-26_H701JO.j jlw q34 (pottery) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 1999-06-19_J620JL.j jl q214 (pottery) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q22-p93 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q22-p94 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q22-p95 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q22-p96 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q22-p97 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q22-p98 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q22-p99 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q24-p92 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q24-p93 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q24-p94 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q24-p95 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q24-p96 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q24-p97 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q24-p98 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q24-p99 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q29-p95 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q29-p96 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q29-p97 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q29-p98 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q29-p99 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q34-p95 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q34-p96 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q34-p97 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q34-p98 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q34-p99 (body sherd) sits in f31 (accumulation) F51 1999-06-19_J620JL.j !! q214-p1 (cup) sits in f31 (accumulation) F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f31 (accumulation) covers f40 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f32 A21 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo group of stones B11 1997-06-25_H707JO.j jo Tree stones sizes 33x54cm, 42x20cm and 38x30cm, located at the NW corner of a5, stone 2 is 120cm from the southern end of k2, and stone 3 is 144cm from also the southern end of k2. f32 leans againest a5's bricks but niot associated with (sketch 4) D1 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo large stones, in the middle of k2 (see sketch 4) F50 1997-06-25_H708JO.j jo f27 (accumulation) covers f32 (group of stones) F52 1997-06-25_H708JO.j jo f32 (group of stones) sits in f34 (accumulation) ; A9f33 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo wall A35 1997-06-29_H709JLW3.j !! v6 B11 1997-06-25_H707JO.j jo Eastern wall of a5 formed of two rowes of bricks, f33 is the widest wall in combarison to f37 and f38 D1 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo k2 D3 1997-06-25_O109JW-R.j jw r22 (43395 36145 - 8582 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1997-06-25_O109JW-R.j jw r23 (43420 36150 - 8580 / Relay location: E midpoint) D3 1997-06-25_O109JW-R.j jw r24 (43403 36100 - 8579 / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1997-06-25_O109JW-R.j jw r25 (43493 36167 - 8569 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1997-06-25_O109JW-R.j jw r26 (43492 36133 - 8567 / Relay location: NW corner) D99 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo an a5 eastern wall, directed N to S F51 1997-06-25_H708JO.j jo f33 (wall) bonds with f37 (wall) F51 1997-07-01_H708JLW1.j jo i11 (brick) sits in f33 (wall) F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f33 (wall) rests on f45 (accumulation C) G1 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo a5 O12 1997-06-29_H709JLW3.j jlw v6 O12 1997-06-29_H709JLW3.j jlw v6b ; A9f34 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo accumulation B11 1997-06-25_H708JO.j jo Hard red grey accumulation lemeted to the eastern portion of k2, east and north of a5 D1 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo k2 D3 1997-06-25_O109JW-R.j jw r27 (43353 36225 - 8585 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1997-06-25_O109JW-R.j jw r28 (43707 36344 - 8578 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 1997-06-25_O109JW-R.j jw r29 (43396 36149 - 8575 / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1997-06-25_O109JW-R.j jw r30 (43755 36189 - 8567 / Relay location: NW corner) D99 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo below f27 F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f42 (pit) cuts f34 (accumulation) F50 1997-06-25_H708JO.j jo f32 (group of stones) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-28_H701JO-2.j !! q40.1 (clay artifact) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-28_H701JO-2.j !! q40.2 (sealing) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-28_H701JO-2.j !! q40.3 (lithic artifact) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q26 (bones, pottery) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q31 (pottery) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-26_H701JO.j jlw q33 (bones, pottery) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-28_H701JO-2.j jm q40 (pottery) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-02_H708JLW2.j jlw q63 (pottery) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-06_H708JLW2.j jlw q83 (pottery) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-21_H729JLW.j jO q134 (pottery) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q26-p97 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q26-p98 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q26-p99 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q63-p95 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q63-p96 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q63-p97 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q63-p98 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q63-p99 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q83-p95 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q83-p96 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q83-p97 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q83-p98 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q83-p99 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q134-p94 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q134-p95 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q134-p96 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q134-p97 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q134-p98 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q134-p99 (body sherd) sits in f34 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f35 A21 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo group of bricks D1 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo k2 D3 1997-06-25_O109JW-R.j jw r31 (43374 36233 - 8575 / Relay location: NE corner) D99 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo one red brick in SE corner of k2 ; A9f36 A21 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jlw soil within feature A35 1997-06-29_H709JLW3.j !! v6 D1 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jlw k2 D99 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jlw soil withion brick wall f33 F51 1997-06-29_H708JLW1.j jm i4 (jar) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 1997-06-29_H708JLW1.j jo i6 (jar) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 1997-06-29_H708JLW1.j jo i7 (metal bowl) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 1997-06-29_H708JLW1.j jo i8 (jar) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 1997-06-29_H708JLW1.j jlw i9 (human body) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 1997-06-30_H708JLW1.j jlw i10 (metal pin) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 1997-07-01_H708JLW1.j jlw i12 (metal blade) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 1997-07-01_H708JLW1.j jlw i13 (cup) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 1997-06-30_H701JO-2.j !! q53.1 (bead) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 1997-06-30_H701JO-2.j !! q53.2 (bead) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j !! q59.1 (wheel) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 1997-06-24_H701JO.j jlw q28 (pottery) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 1997-06-26_H701JO.j jlw q32 (pottery) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 1997-06-28_H701JO-2.j jm q39 (bones, pottery) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 1997-06-29_H701JO-2.j jlw q43 (bones, pottery) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 1997-06-30_H701JO-2.j jlw q53 (pottery) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j jo q59 (pottery) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q28-p93 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q28-p94 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q28-p95 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q28-p96 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q28-p97 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q28-p98 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q28-p99 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 1997-06-28_H701JO-2.j !! q39-p16 (other shape sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q43-p95 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q43-p96 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q43-p97 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q43-p98 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q43-p99 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q53-p99 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q59-p94 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q59-p95 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q59-p96 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q59-p97 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q59-p98 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q59-p99 (body sherd) sits in f36 (soil within feature) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo a5 O12 1997-06-29_H709JLW3.j jlw v6 O12 1997-06-29_H709JLW3.j jlw v6a O12 1997-06-30_H709JLW3.j jlw v7 ; A9f37 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo wall A35 1997-06-29_H709JLW3.j !! v6 D1 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo an a5 northern wall, directed E to W F51 1997-06-25_H708JO.j jo f37 (wall) bonds with f33 (wall) F51 1997-06-25_H708JO.j jo f37 (wall) bonds with f38 (wall) F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f37 (wall) rests on f45 (accumulation C) G1 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo a5 O12 1997-06-29_H709JLW3.j jlw v6 ; A9f38 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo wall A35 1997-06-29_H709JLW3.j !! v6 D1 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo an a5 western wall, directed N to S F51 1997-06-25_H708JO.j jo f38 (wall) bonds with f37 (wall) F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f38 (wall) rests on f45 (accumulation C) G1 1997-06-25_H626JO.j jo a5 O12 1997-06-29_H709JLW3.j jlw v6 ; A9f39 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-26_H626JO.j jlw accumulation D1 1997-06-26_H626JO.j jlw k2 D99 1997-06-26_H626JO.j jlw soft soil just to outside of burial a5 W/E f34 F51 1997-06-26_H701JO-2.j jlw q35 (bones, pottery) sits in f39 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q35-p95 (body sherd) sits in f39 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q35-p96 (body sherd) sits in f39 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q35-p97 (body sherd) sits in f39 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q35-p98 (body sherd) sits in f39 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q35-p99 (body sherd) sits in f39 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f40 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-26_H626JO.j jlw accumulation D1 1997-06-26_H626JO.j jlw k3 D99 1997-06-26_H626JO.j jlw softer, light brown soil, below f31 F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f31 (accumulation) covers f40 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j !! q58.1 (wheel) sits in f40 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j !! q58.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f40 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-26_H701JO-2.j jlw q36 (pottery) sits in f40 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-26_H701JO-2.j jlw q37 (pottery) sits in f40 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j jlw q58 (bones, pottery) sits in f40 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q36-p93 (body sherd) sits in f40 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q36-p94 (body sherd) sits in f40 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q36-p95 (body sherd) sits in f40 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q36-p96 (body sherd) sits in f40 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q36-p97 (body sherd) sits in f40 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q36-p98 (body sherd) sits in f40 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q36-p99 (body sherd) sits in f40 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q37-p97 (body sherd) sits in f40 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q37-p98 (body sherd) sits in f40 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q37-p99 (body sherd) sits in f40 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f41 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-26_H626JO.j jlw accumulation D1 1997-06-26_H626JO.j jlw k3 D99 1997-06-26_H626JO.j jlw harder red-gray below f40 F51 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j !! q60.1 (metal artifact) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-02_H708JLW2.j !! q62.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-28_H701JO-2.j jm q38 (pottery) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-28_H701JO-2.j jlw q41 (pottery) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j jlw q60 (pottery) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-02_H708JLW2.j jlw q62 (bones, pottery) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-03_H708JLW2.j jlw q68 (pottery) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q38-p99 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q41-p93 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q41-p94 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q41-p95 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q41-p96 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q41-p97 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q41-p98 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q41-p99 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q60-p96 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q60-p97 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q60-p98 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q60-p99 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q62-p11 (bowl) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q62-p97 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q62-p98 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q62-p99 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q68-p94 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q68-p95 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q68-p96 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q68-p97 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q68-p98 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q68-p99 (body sherd) sits in f41 (accumulation) F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f41 (accumulation) covers f46 (accumulation C) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f42 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-24_H709JLW1.j jo pit D1 1997-06-24_H709JLW1.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-24_H709JLW1.j jo N k2, circle F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f42 (pit) cuts f34 (accumulation) F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f42 (pit) covers f45 (accumulation C) G1 1997-06-28_H709JLW1.j jo a6 ; A9f43 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-24_H709JLW1.j jo wall A35 1997-06-29_H709JLW3.j !! v6 D1 1997-06-24_H709JLW1.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-24_H709JLW1.j jo a5 S wall, EW direction F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f43 (wall) cuts f15 (wall) F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f43 (wall) rests on f45 (accumulation C) G1 1997-06-25_H709JLW1.j jo a5 O12 1997-06-29_H709JLW3.j jlw v6 ; A9f44 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1997-06-24_H709JLW1.j jo fill B11 1997-06-28_H714JLW1.j jo loose, soft accumulation fills the pit a6. Does not contain any mixture of depositional or cultural material other than few number of pottery sherds. D1 1997-06-24_H709JLW1.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-24_H709JLW1.j jo fill of pit a6 F51 1997-06-28_H701JO-2.j !! q42.1 (bead) sits in f44 (fill) F51 1997-06-28_H701JO-2.j jlw q42 (pottery) sits in f44 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q42-p97 (body sherd) sits in f44 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q42-p98 (body sherd) sits in f44 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q42-p99 (body sherd) sits in f44 (fill) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 1997-06-28_H709JLW1.j jo a6 ; A9f45 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo accumulation C B11 1997-06-28_H714JLW1.j jo hard dense accumulation varies from light reddish to gray. Does not follow any pattern in color variation. D1 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo below f34, harder, reddish gray F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f61 (pit) cuts f45 (accumulation C) F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f33 (wall) rests on f45 (accumulation C) F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f37 (wall) rests on f45 (accumulation C) F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f38 (wall) rests on f45 (accumulation C) F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f43 (wall) rests on f45 (accumulation C) F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f42 (pit) covers f45 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-30_H701JO-2.j !! q48.1 (clay artifact) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-30_H701JO-2.j !! q48.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-30_H701JO-2.j !! q48.3 (lithic artifact) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H708JLW2.j !! q81.1 (clay artifact) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-29_H701JO-2.j jlw q45 (bones, pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-30_H701JO-2.j jlw q48 (pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j jlw q55 (pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-03_H708JLW2.j jlw q66 (bones, pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j jlw q74 (bones, pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-06_H708JLW2.j jm q81 (bones, pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-07_H708JLW2.j jm q86 (pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-08_H729JLW.j jO q94 (bones, pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-22_H729JLW.j jO q135 (pottery) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q45-p95 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q45-p96 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q45-p97 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q45-p98 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q45-p99 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q48-p94 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q48-p95 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q48-p96 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q48-p97 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q48-p98 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q48-p99 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q66-p96 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q66-p97 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q66-p98 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q66-p99 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q79-p92 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q79-p93 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q79-p94 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q79-p95 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q79-p96 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q79-p97 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q79-p98 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q79-p99 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q81-p93 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q81-p94 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q81-p95 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q81-p96 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q81-p97 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q81-p98 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q81-p99 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q86-p1 (base) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q86-p2 (jar) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q86-p3 (jar) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q86-p5 (bowl) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q86-p6 (base) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q86-p94 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q86-p95 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q86-p96 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q86-p97 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q86-p98 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q86-p99 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q94-p99 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q135-p96 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q135-p97 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q135-p98 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q135-p99 (body sherd) sits in f45 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f45 (accumulation C) covers f66 (accumulation) F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f45 (accumulation C) covers f67 (accumulation) F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f45 (accumulation C) overlays f47 (floorsurface in general) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f46 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo accumulation C B11 1997-06-28_H714JLW1.j jo gray inconsistent accumulation covers all the excavated W half of k3 D1 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo k3 D99 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo gray, below f41 F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f41 (accumulation) covers f46 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-29_H708JLW1.j jo i5 (jar) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H708JLW1.j jo i14 (jar) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H708JLW1.j jo i15 (bowl) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H708JLW1.j jo i16 (human body) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-29_H701JO-2.j !! q44.1 (pot) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-29_H701JO-2.j !! q44.2 (human body) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-29_H701JO-2.j !! q44.3 (strainer) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H708JLW2.j !! q64.1 (bone artifact) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H708JLW2.j !! q64.2 (clay artifact) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H708JLW2.j !! q64.3 (clay artifact) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-29_H701JO-2.j jlw q44 (bones, pottery) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1997-06-29_H701JO-2.j jlw q46 (pottery) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-02_H708JLW2.j jlw q64 (pottery) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q44-p95 (body sherd) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q44-p96 (body sherd) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q44-p97 (body sherd) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q44-p98 (body sherd) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q44-p99 (body sherd) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q64-p98 (body sherd) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q64-p99 (body sherd) sits in f46 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f46 (accumulation C) covers f49 (accumulation) F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f46 (accumulation C) covers f54 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f47 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo floorsurface in general B11 1997-06-28_H714JLW1.j jo a plastered floor of the pit a6 D1 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo k2 D99 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo perhaps a6 floor. Elevation using M1650 is 8529 F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f45 (accumulation C) overlays f47 (floorsurface in general) ; A9f48 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo accumulation B11 1997-06-28_H714JLW1.j jo gray accumulation contains several spots of ash. In the NW corner of k3, 95 cm fron the W end and 188 cm NS from the N baulk. D1 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo k3 D99 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo hard gray in NW corner of k3 F51 1997-06-29_H701JO-2.j jlw q47 (pottery) sits in f48 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q47-p97 (body sherd) sits in f48 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q47-p98 (body sherd) sits in f48 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q47-p99 (body sherd) sits in f48 (accumulation) F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f48 (accumulation) overlays f49 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f49 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo accumulation A35 1997-07-21_H728JO-4.j !! v9 B11 1997-06-28_H714JLW1.j jo below f46 and f48. Red, highly dense. Might be the effect of wadi water wash. At first, it thought to be bricks. C1 1997-07-03_H716JLW2.j jlw transition between accumulations f41 and f49 very clear in NE quarter of square. Adherence f f41 to f49 and its response to picking almost resembles a floor, but no walls or other surfaces are available to confirm this. Also f49 accumulation was very dense along the east baulk. Hrd throws of pick needed to loosen. Sometimes looked like brick, but there were sherds mixed in. D1 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo k3 D99 1997-06-29_H709JLW1.j jo hard, dense, red. Below f46 and f48 F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f52 (pit) cuts f49 (accumulation) F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f46 (accumulation C) covers f49 (accumulation) F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f48 (accumulation) overlays f49 (accumulation) F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f53 (floorsurface in general) overlays f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW1.j jo i18 (figurine) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-06_H708JLW1.j jo i19 (jar) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-30_H701JO-2.j !! q51.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-03_H708JLW2.j !! q65.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-03_H708JLW2.j !! q65.2 (clay artifact) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-03_H708JLW2.j !! q65.3 (clay artifact) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-30_H701JO-2.j jlw q50 (bones, pottery) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-06-30_H701JO-2.j jlw q51 (pottery) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j jlw q54 (bones, pottery) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-03_H708JLW2.j jlw q65 (bones, pottery) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-03_H708JLW2.j jlw q69 (pottery) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-03_H708JLW2.j jlw q70 (pottery) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j jlw q73 (bones, pottery) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j jlw q79 (pottery) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-06_H708JLW2.j jm q80 (bones, pottery) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-08_H729JLW.j jO q95 (bones, pottery) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-09_H729JLW.j jO q97 (pottery) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q50-p94 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q50-p95 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q50-p96 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q50-p97 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q50-p98 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q50-p99 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q51-p96 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q51-p97 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q51-p98 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q51-p99 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q54-p96 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q54-p97 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q54-p98 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q54-p99 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q65-p95 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q65-p96 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q65-p97 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q65-p98 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q65-p99 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q69-p94 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q69-p95 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q69-p96 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q69-p97 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q69-p98 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q69-p99 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q70-p93 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q70-p94 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q70-p95 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q70-p96 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q70-p97 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q70-p98 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q70-p99 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q73-p97 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q73-p98 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q73-p99 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j !! q79-p92 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j !! q79-p93 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j !! q79-p94 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j !! q79-p95 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j !! q79-p96 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j !! q79-p97 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j !! q79-p98 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j !! q79-p99 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q80-p92 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q80-p93 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q80-p94 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q80-p95 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q80-p96 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q80-p97 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q80-p98 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q80-p99 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q95-p93 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q95-p94 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q95-p95 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q95-p96 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q95-p97 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q95-p98 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q95-p99 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q97-p97 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q97-p98 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q97-p99 (body sherd) sits in f49 (accumulation) F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f49 (accumulation) covers f63 (stone installation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O12 1997-07-21_H728JO-4.j jo v9 ; A9f50 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1997-06-30_H709JLW1.j jlw fill D1 1997-06-30_H709JLW1.j jlw k3 D99 1997-06-30_H709JLW1.j jlw gray, soft. Part of a7 in NW corner of k3 F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f51 (group of bricks) sits in f50 (fill) F51 1997-07-01_H701JO-2.j jlw q57 (bones, pottery) sits in f50 (fill) F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j jlw q77 (bones, pottery) sits in f50 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q57-p98 (body sherd) sits in f50 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q57-p99 (body sherd) sits in f50 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q77-p92 (body sherd) sits in f50 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q77-p93 (body sherd) sits in f50 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q77-p94 (body sherd) sits in f50 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q77-p95 (body sherd) sits in f50 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q77-p96 (body sherd) sits in f50 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q77-p97 (body sherd) sits in f50 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q77-p98 (body sherd) sits in f50 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q77-p99 (body sherd) sits in f50 (fill) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 1997-07-01_H709JLW1.j jo a7 ; A9f51 A21 1997-06-30_H709JLW1.j jo group of bricks D1 1997-06-30_H709JLW1.j jo k3 D99 1997-06-30_H709JLW1.j jo circle of bricks. Part of a7. Elevation using M1650 is 8568 F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f51 (group of bricks) sits in f50 (fill) G1 1997-07-01_H709JLW1.j jo a7 ; A9f52 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-06-30_H709JLW1.j jo pit D1 1997-06-30_H709JLW1.j jo k3 D99 1997-06-30_H709JLW1.j jo square shape. Part of a7 F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f52 (pit) cuts f49 (accumulation) G1 1997-07-01_H709JLW1.j jo a7 ; A9f53 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1997-07-02_H709JLW1.j jo floorsurface in general B11 1997-07-02_H728JO.j jo an irregullar shape of a lemeted 170cm x 140cm area in the middle of k3 on the top of f49, f53 could have been a not well defined floor surfec D1 1997-07-02_H709JLW1.j jo k3 D99 1997-07-02_H709JLW1.j jo surface F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f53 (floorsurface in general) overlays f49 (accumulation) ; A9f54 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-03_H709JLW1.j jlw accumulation C1 1997-07-03_H716JLW2.j jlw floor surface transitioned from moderately dense soil with soft pockets (f21) to red gry with hard surface. May have missed change by one pick run in NW corner. D1 1997-07-03_H709JLW1.j jlw k1 D99 1997-07-03_H709JLW1.j jlw red-brown. Below f21 F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f58 (pit) cuts f54 (accumulation) F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f59 (pit) cuts f54 (accumulation) F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f21 (accumulation D) covers f54 (accumulation) F50 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f46 (accumulation C) covers f54 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-03_H708JLW2.j jlw q71 (pottery) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j jlw q72 (pottery) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-08_H729JLW.j jO q93 (bones, pottery) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-12_H729JLW.j jO q101 (pottery) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-12_H729JLW.j jO q102 (pottery) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-12_H729JLW.j jO q103 (bones, pottery) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-13_H729JLW.j jO q104 (pottery) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q72-p94 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q72-p95 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q72-p96 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q72-p97 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q72-p98 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q72-p99 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q79-p98 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q79-p99 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q93-p96 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q93-p97 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q93-p98 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q93-p99 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q101-p95 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q101-p96 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q101-p97 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q101-p98 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q101-p99 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q102-p93 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q102-p94 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q102-p95 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q102-p96 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q102-p97 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q102-p98 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q102-p99 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q103-p91 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q103-p92 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q103-p93 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q103-p94 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q103-p95 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q103-p96 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q103-p97 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q103-p98 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q103-p99 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q104-p94 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q104-p95 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q104-p96 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q104-p97 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q104-p98 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q104-p99 (body sherd) sits in f54 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f55 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-03_H709JLW1.j jlw accumulation C1 1997-07-03_H716JLW2.j jlw first appeared as thin, circular area of burned soil in SW corner of k2. Now apperars to be a thin layer of burned material that rises and falls as it proceeds north out of the south baulk. Thickness about 5 cm. Black and white ash. D1 1997-07-03_H709JLW1.j jlw k2 D99 1997-07-03_H709JLW1.j jlw in far SE corner ; A9f56 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo fill B11 1997-07-05_H728JO-2.j jo filling of a9, light gray ashy accumulation D1 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo k1 D99 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo fill of a9 F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j !! q76.1 (clay artifact) sits in f56 (fill) F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j jlw q76 (bones, pottery) sits in f56 (fill) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q76-p96 (body sherd) sits in f56 (fill) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q76-p97 (body sherd) sits in f56 (fill) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q76-p98 (body sherd) sits in f56 (fill) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q76-p99 (body sherd) sits in f56 (fill) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo a9 ; A9f57 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo fill B11 1997-07-05_H728JO-2.j jo filling of the pit a10, ashy accumulation containes large ammount of small pieces of burned animal bones and shered indication of constent burning activetes D1 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo k1 D99 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo fill of a10 F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j !! q75.1 (clay artifact) sits in f57 (fill) F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j !! q75.2 (clay artifact) sits in f57 (fill) F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j jlw q75 (bones, pottery) sits in f57 (fill) F51 1997-07-06_H708JLW2.j jlw q84 (bones, pottery) sits in f57 (fill) F51 1997-07-07_H708JLW2.j jm q87 (bones, pottery) sits in f57 (fill) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q75-p95 (body sherd) sits in f57 (fill) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q75-p96 (body sherd) sits in f57 (fill) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q75-p97 (body sherd) sits in f57 (fill) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q75-p98 (body sherd) sits in f57 (fill) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q75-p99 (body sherd) sits in f57 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q84-p97 (body sherd) sits in f57 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q84-p98 (body sherd) sits in f57 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q84-p99 (body sherd) sits in f57 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q87-p96 (body sherd) sits in f57 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q87-p97 (body sherd) sits in f57 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q87-p98 (body sherd) sits in f57 (fill) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q87-p99 (body sherd) sits in f57 (fill) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo a10 ; A9f58 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo pit D1 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo k1 D99 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo cut of a9 F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f58 (pit) cuts f54 (accumulation) G1 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo a9 ; A9f59 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo pit B11 1997-07-05_H728JO-2.j jo a cut of small circled pit a10 D1 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo k1 D99 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo cut of a10 F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f59 (pit) cuts f54 (accumulation) G1 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo a10 ; A9f60 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo brick installation B11 1997-07-05_H728JO-2.j jo plasterd red bricks lining the four sides of the cutf58 of the pit a9. the bricks are 40cm x 40cm x 6cm D1 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo k1 D99 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo bricks lining a9 G1 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo a9 ; A9f61 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo pit B11 1997-07-05_H728JO-2.j jo a circuled cut of the pit a11 D1 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo k2 D99 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo cut of a11 F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f64 (floor, type a) abuts f61 (pit) F52 1997-07-06_H728JO-2.j jo f61 (pit) cuts f45 (accumulation C) G1 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo a11 ; A9f62 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo fill B11 1997-07-05_H728JO-2.j jo filling of a11, a loos ashy accumulation, only few sherds were found D1 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo k2 D99 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo ash fill of a11 F51 1997-07-05_H708JLW2.j jlw q78 (bones, pottery) sits in f62 (fill) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q78-p97 (body sherd) sits in f62 (fill) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q78-p98 (body sherd) sits in f62 (fill) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q78-p99 (body sherd) sits in f62 (fill) F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f62 (fill) covers f64 (floor, type a) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo a11 ; A9f63 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-06_H709JLW1.j jo stone installation A35 1997-07-21_H728JO-4.j !! v9 B10 1999-06-22_J622JLW2.j jlw stone installation B11 1999-06-22_J622JLW2.j jlw typical of those used for foundations, but completely isolated and out of place. Approximately rectangular (70x45x20cm). Inspected for man-made designs, etc. on back, but found none. D1 1997-07-06_H709JLW1.j jo k3 D99 1997-07-06_H709JLW1.j jo below f 49. Red with ash pockets F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f49 (accumulation) covers f63 (stone installation) F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f65 (stone installation) sits in f63 (stone installation) F50 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f102 (lens type c) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 1997-07-06_H708JLW1.j jo i20 (clay lump) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 1999-06-19_J620JL.j !! q213.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 1999-06-20_J620JL.j !! q218.1 (clay lump) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 1997-07-06_H708JLW2.j jo q82 (pottery) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 1997-07-07_H708JLW2.j jm q85 (bones, pottery) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 1999-06-19_J620JL.j jl q213 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 1999-06-20_J620JL.j jl q218 (bones, pottery) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q232 (pottery) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2004-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q82-p1 (jar) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2004-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q82-p2 (rim) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2004-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q82-p3 (jar) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q82-p96 (body sherd) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q82-p97 (body sherd) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q82-p98 (body sherd) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q82-p99 (body sherd) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q85-p94 (body sherd) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q85-p95 (body sherd) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q85-p96 (body sherd) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q85-p97 (body sherd) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q85-p98 (body sherd) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q85-p99 (body sherd) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q213-p1 (bowl) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q213-p2 (bowl) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q213-p3 (jar) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q213-p4 (rim) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q213-p5 (base) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q213-p6 (rim) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q213-p7 (base) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q213-p8 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q213-p9 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q213-p10 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q218-p2 (bowl) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q218-p3 (bowl) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q218-p4 (rim) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q218-p5 (base) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q218-p6 (base) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q218-p7 (base) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q218-p8 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q218-p9 (base) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q218-p10 (base) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q218-p11 (jar) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q218-p12 (bowl) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q218-p13 (jar) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q218-p14 (jar) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q218-p15 (jar) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q218-p16 (jar) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q218-p17 (jar) sits in f63 (stone installation) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q232-p1 (base) sits in f63 (stone installation) F52 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f63 (stone installation) covers f101 (lens type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O12 1997-07-21_H728JO-4.j jo v9 ; A9f64 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1997-07-06_H709JLW1.j jo floor, type a D1 1997-07-06_H709JLW1.j jo k2 D99 1997-07-06_H709JLW1.j jo plastered floor of a9 F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f62 (fill) covers f64 (floor, type a) F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f64 (floor, type a) abuts f61 (pit) G1 1997-07-05_H709JLW1.j jo a11 ; A9f65 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1997-07-06_H709JLW1.j jo stone installation A35 1997-07-21_H728JO-4.j !! v9 B11 1997-07-08_H728JO-2.j jo 42cm E-W x 50cm N-S the northern end remains below the baulk D1 1997-07-06_H709JLW1.j jo k3 D3 1997-07-09_H712JLWR.j jlw r75 (44274 36247 - 8562 / Relay location: k3) D3 1997-07-09_H712JLWR.j jlw r76 (44234 36245 - 8562 / Relay location: k3) D3 1997-07-09_H712JLWR.j jlw r77 (44258 36297 - 8562 / Relay location: k3) D3 1997-07-09_H712JLWR.j jlw r78 (44258 36297 - 8562 / Relay location: k3) D3 1997-07-09_O114JW1R.j jw r75 (44274 36247 - 8562 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 1997-07-09_O114JW1R.j jw r76 (44234 36245 - 8562 / Relay location: SW corner) D3 1997-07-09_O114JW1R.j jw r77 (44235 36276 - 8562 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 1997-07-09_O114JW1R.j jw r78 (44258 36297 - 8562 / Relay location: NE corner) D99 1997-07-06_H709JLW1.j jo large stones in SE corner F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f65 (stone installation) sits in f63 (stone installation) O12 1997-07-21_H728JO-4.j jo v9 ; A9f66 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-08_H709JLW1.j jo accumulation D1 1997-07-08_H709JLW1.j jo k4 D99 1997-07-08_H709JLW1.j jo below f45 in east part F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f45 (accumulation C) covers f66 (accumulation) F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f70 covers f66 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-13_H728JO-4.j jo i21 (figurine) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-13_H728JO-4.j jo i22 (seal impression) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-13_H729JLW.j !! q105.1 (figurine) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-13_H729JLW.j !! q105.2 (bead) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-14_H729JLW.j !! q112.1 (figurine) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-14_H729JLW.j !! q112.2 (figurine) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-14_H729JLW.j !! q112.3 (figurine) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-14_H729JLW.j !! q112.4 (bead) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-14_H729JLW.j !! q112.5 (figurine) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-12_H729JLW.j jO q99 (pottery) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-13_H729JLW.j jO q105 (pottery) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-14_H729JLW.j jO q112 (pottery) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q99-p1 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q99-p2 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q99-p3 (cup) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q99-p4 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q99-p5 (rim) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q99-p6 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q99-p7 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q99-p93 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q99-p94 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q99-p95 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q99-p96 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q99-p97 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q99-p98 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q99-p99 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q105-p92 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q105-p93 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q105-p94 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q105-p95 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q105-p96 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q105-p97 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q105-p98 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q105-p99 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q112-p1 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q112-p2 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q112-p3 (platter or plate) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q112-p4 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q112-p5 (cup) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q112-p6 (cup) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q112-p7 (cup) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q112-p8 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q112-p9 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q112-p10 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q112-p11 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q112-p12 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q112-p13 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q112-p92 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q112-p93 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q112-p94 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q112-p95 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q112-p96 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q112-p97 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q112-p98 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q112-p99 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f67 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1997-07-09_H709JLW1.j jo accumulation D1 1997-07-09_H709JLW1.j jo k4 D99 1997-07-09_H709JLW1.j jo below f45 in E and below f54 in west F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f68 cuts f67 (accumulation) F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f45 (accumulation C) covers f67 (accumulation) F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f70 covers f67 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-09_H729JLW.j jO q96 (pottery) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-09_H729JLW.j jO q98 (pottery) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 1997-07-12_H729JLW.j jO q100 (pottery) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q96-p1 (bowl) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q96-p2 (base) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q96-p3 (pot) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q96-p4 (base) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q96-p5 (jar) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q96-p6 (rim) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q96-p7 (base) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q96-p8 (cup) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q96-p9 (rim) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q96-p10 (rim) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q96-p95 (body sherd) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q96-p96 (body sherd) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q96-p97 (body sherd) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q96-p98 (body sherd) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q96-p99 (body sherd) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q98-p1 (base) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q98-p2 (base) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q98-p3 (cup) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q98-p4 (bowl) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q98-p5 (bowl) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q98-p6 (base) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q98-p7 (cup) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q98-p8 (bowl) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q98-p9 (cup) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q98-p10 (cup) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q98-p11 (jar) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q98-p12 (bowl) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q98-p13 (jar) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q98-p14 (bowl) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q98-p15 (rim) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q98-p94 (body sherd) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q98-p95 (body sherd) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q98-p96 (body sherd) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q98-p97 (body sherd) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q98-p98 (body sherd) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q98-p99 (body sherd) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q100-p1 (bowl) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q100-p2 (bowl) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q100-p3 (jar) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q100-p4 (cup) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q100-p5 (rim) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q100-p95 (body sherd) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q100-p96 (body sherd) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q100-p97 (body sherd) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q100-p98 (body sherd) sits in f67 (accumulation) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q100-p99 (body sherd) sits in f67 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f68 F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f69 intrudes f68 F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f77 abuts f68 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f68 cuts f67 (accumulation) F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f68 cuts f70 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f68 cuts f73 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f68 cuts f74 (accumulation C) G1 1997-07-14_H728JO-4.j jo a12 ; A9f69 F51 1997-07-15_H728JO-4.j jo i23 (metal artifact) sits in f69 F51 1997-07-15_H729JLW.j !! q116.1 (figurine) sits in f69 F51 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j !! q121.1 (wheel) sits in f69 F51 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j !! q121.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f69 F51 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j !! q121.3 (jar shoulder) sits in f69 F51 1997-07-23_H729JLW.j !! q141.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f69 F51 1997-07-15_H729JLW.j jO q116 (bones, pottery) sits in f69 F51 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j jO q117 (bones, pottery) sits in f69 F51 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j jO q121 (pottery) sits in f69 F51 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j jO q122 (pottery) sits in f69 F51 1997-07-23_H729JLW.j jO q141 (bones, pottery) sits in f69 F51 1997-07-24_H729JLW.j jO q145 (pottery) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q116-p93 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q116-p94 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q116-p95 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q116-p96 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q116-p97 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q116-p98 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q116-p99 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q117-p93 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q117-p94 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q117-p95 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q117-p96 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q117-p97 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q117-p98 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q117-p99 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q121-p92 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q121-p93 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q121-p94 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q121-p95 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q121-p96 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q121-p97 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q121-p98 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q121-p99 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q122-p94 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q122-p95 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q122-p96 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q122-p97 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q122-p98 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q122-p99 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q141-p95 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q141-p96 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q141-p97 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q141-p98 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q141-p99 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q145-p94 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q145-p95 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q145-p96 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q145-p97 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q145-p98 (body sherd) sits in f69 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q145-p99 (body sherd) sits in f69 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f69 intrudes f68 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f69 covers f77 F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 1997-07-14_H728JO-4.j jo a12 ; A9f70 F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f68 cuts f70 F51 1997-07-16_H728JO-4.j jo i24 (seal) sits in f70 F51 1997-07-16_H728JO-4.j jo i25 (seal impression) sits in f70 F51 1997-07-15_H729JLW.j !! q113.1 (figurine) sits in f70 F51 1997-07-15_H729JLW.j !! q114.1 (clay artifact) sits in f70 F51 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j !! q119.1 (clay lump) sits in f70 F51 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j !! q119.2 (clay lump) sits in f70 F51 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j !! q119.3 (lithic artifact) sits in f70 F51 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j !! q119.4 (clay lump) sits in f70 F51 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j !! q120.1 (bead) sits in f70 F51 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j !! q120.2 (clay lump) sits in f70 F51 1997-07-15_H729JLW.j jO q113 (pottery) sits in f70 F51 1997-07-15_H729JLW.j jO q114 (pottery) sits in f70 F51 1997-07-15_H729JLW.j jO q115 (pottery) sits in f70 F51 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j jO q118 (pottery) sits in f70 F51 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j jO q119 (pottery) sits in f70 F51 1997-07-16_H729JLW.j jO q120 (pottery) sits in f70 F51 1997-07-19_H729JLW.j jO q123 (pottery) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q113-p93 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q113-p94 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q113-p95 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q113-p96 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q113-p97 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q113-p98 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q113-p99 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q114-p97 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q114-p98 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q114-p99 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q115-p92 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q115-p93 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q115-p94 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q115-p95 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q115-p96 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q115-p97 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q115-p98 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q115-p99 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q118-p92 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q118-p93 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q118-p94 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q118-p95 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q118-p96 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q118-p97 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q118-p98 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q118-p99 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q119-p92 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q119-p93 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q119-p94 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q119-p95 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q119-p96 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q119-p97 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q119-p98 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q119-p99 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q120-p96 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q120-p97 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q120-p98 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q120-p99 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q123-p95 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q123-p96 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q123-p97 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q123-p98 (body sherd) sits in f70 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q123-p99 (body sherd) sits in f70 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f70 covers f66 (accumulation) F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f70 covers f67 (accumulation) F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f70 covers f71 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f70 covers f72 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f70 covers f73 F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f71 B11 1997-07-16_H728JO-3.j jo a circled plastered floor withe several faces, the plaster seames clear from any traces of ash, acuumulation f70 tops the floor f71 and surounds it. the highest plaster elevation is 8406 and the lowest is 8391 C1 1997-07-23_H728JO-2.j jo 80cm of the eastern portion of f71 was removed as part of the proces of diging k5 D3 1997-07-19_O114JW3R.j jo r101 (43713 35928 - 8398 / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-19_O114JW3R.j jo r102 (43684 35847 - 8404 / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-19_O114JW3R.j jo r103 (43762 35784 - 8412 / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-19_O114JW3R.j jo r104 (43802 35877 - 8402 / Relay location: perimeter) F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f70 covers f71 ; A9f72 B11 1997-07-16_H728JO-3.j jo redbricks laied flat, sits on f73, not in clear specific structure, some form a line 9relays 96-100), other bricks are scatered in the general area around the main group of the bricks C1 1997-07-24_H728JO-3.j jo scatered isolated red bricks seams to appear in different elevations in the same general area D3 1997-07-19_O114JW3R.j jo r100 (43681 36019 - 8420 / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-19_O114JW3R.j jo r96 (43801 36041 - 8415 / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-19_O114JW3R.j jo r97 (43815 36009 - 8419 / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-19_O114JW3R.j jo r98 (43645 35991 - 8423 / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-19_O114JW3R.j jo r99 (43685 36034 - 8421 / Relay location: perimeter) F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f70 covers f72 ; A9f73 A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7038 -TP_A9f73 O826 mkb.jpg B11 1997-07-19_H728JO-3.j jo brown-redish accumulation, not hard compacted, covers the entier locus. It is the highest accumulation containd within the Ak walls f1, A6f16 and A6f78 F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f68 cuts f73 F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f70 covers f73 F51 1997-07-19_H728JO-4.j jo i26 (seal impression) sits in f73 F51 1997-07-19_H728JO-4.j jo i27 (seal impression) sits in f73 F51 1997-07-19_H729JLW.j !! q124.1 (clay artifact) sits in f73 F51 1997-07-19_H729JLW.j !! q125.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f73 F51 1997-07-19_H729JLW.j !! q125.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f73 F51 1997-07-19_H729JLW.j !! q127.1 (clay artifact) sits in f73 F51 1997-07-19_H729JLW.j !! q127.2 (clay artifact) sits in f73 F51 1997-07-19_H729JLW.j !! q127.3 (clay artifact) sits in f73 F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q570.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f73 F51 1997-07-19_H729JLW.j jO q124 (pottery) sits in f73 F51 1997-07-19_H729JLW.j jO q125 (pottery) sits in f73 F51 1997-07-19_H729JLW.j jO q126 (pottery) sits in f73 F51 1997-07-19_H729JLW.j jO q127 (pottery) sits in f73 F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q570 (pottery) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q124-p1 (bowl) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q124-p2 (bowl) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q124-p3 (bowl) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q124-p4 (cup) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q124-p5 (cup) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q124-p6 (base) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q124-p7 (rim) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q124-p8 (rim) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hh q124-p9 (other shape sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q124-p93 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q124-p94 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q124-p95 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q124-p96 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q124-p97 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q124-p98 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q124-p99 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q125-p1 (bowl) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q125-p2 (base) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q125-p3 (bowl) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q125-p4 (jar) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q125-p5 (jar) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q125-p6 (rim) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q125-p7 (rim) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q125-p8 (other shape sherd) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q125-p9 (rim) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q125-p96 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q125-p97 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q125-p98 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q125-p99 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q126-p1 (jar) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q126-p2 (bowl) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q126-p94 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q126-p95 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q126-p96 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q126-p97 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q126-p98 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q126-p99 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q127-p1 (cup) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q127-p2 (cup) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q127-p3 (base) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q127-p4 (cup) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q127-p5 (jar) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q127-p6 (rim) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q127-p7 (handle) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q127-p95 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q127-p96 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q127-p97 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q127-p98 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q127-p99 (body sherd) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q570-p1 (base) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q570-p2 (cup) sits in f73 F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q570-p3 (rim) sits in f73 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f73 covers f74 (accumulation C) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7038 -TP_A9f73 O826 mkb.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7039 -TP_A9f73 O826 mkb.jpg ; A9f74 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j !! accumulation C A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7016 -TP_A9f74 O825 mkb.jpg B10 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw accumulation C B11 1997-07-21_H728JO-3.j jo hard compacted light brown accumulation below f73 in k5, contains few sherds and no other contenents B11 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw brickmelt, formed by trapped sediment washed down the wadi. Dense, fine grains with pottery and stone inclusions. C1 1997-07-21_H728JO-3.j jo dug only in the lamination of k5d espite its appearent extention to the rest of k4 below f73, E and W k5 were assigned different q-lots C1 1999-06-15_J615JLW.j jlw Q3 lies between the f84 floor the door way to the A6 kitchen to the south. At a depth of 30 cm below the starting 1999 surface, began to find clay lumps. May be a sign that we are seeing less influence from the wadi to the north and more direct accumulation from the original deposit since we would normally only expect to find stones and sherds, the only thing to survive immersion in the brickmelt generated by water trapped behind the north kitchen wall A6f78. C1 1999-06-15_J615JLW.j jlw began to notice scattered reddish blocks of deteriorated brick. Similar in color to those seen in the north kitchen wall, A6f78. No apparent organization, but there is an increasingly high concentration of these in the NE corner of Q1. Designated this concentration as f87. My first impression is that these are bricks from a fallen wall. D3 1997-07-20_O114JW3R.j jo r107 (43766 36161 - / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-20_O114JW3R.j jo r108 (43673 36120 - / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-20_O114JW3R.j jo r109 (43800 35773 - / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-20_O114JW3R.j jo r110 (43892 35818 - / Relay location: perimeter) F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f68 cuts f74 (accumulation C) F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f73 covers f74 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-20_H728JO-4.j jo i28 (clay lump) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-22_H728JO-4.j jo i29 (seal impression) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-14_J620JL.j jl i32 (metal artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-15_J620JL.j jl i33 (seal impression) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j jl i35 (seal) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-17_J620JL.j jl i36 (metal artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-17_J806JL2.j jl i66 (figurine) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-17_J806JL2.j jl i68 (seal impression) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-22_J806JL2.j jl i90 (figurine) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-22_J806JL2.j jl i92 (metal artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-20_H729JLW.j !! q129.1 (clay artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-20_H729JLW.j !! q129.2 (clay artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H729JLW.j !! q132.1 (wheel) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H729JLW.j !! q133.1 (clay artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H729JLW.j !! q133.2 (wheel) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-22_H729JLW.j !! q137.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j !! q147.1 (figurine) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-14_J620JL.j !! q200.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-14_J620JL.j !! q200.2 (clay artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-14_J620JL.j !! q201.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-14_J620JL.j !! q201.2 (clay lump) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-14_J620JL.j !! q202.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-14_J620JL.j !! q202.2 (clay lump) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-15_J620JL.j !! q203.1 (clay lump) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-15_J620JL.j !! q203.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-15_J620JL.j !! q203.3 (shell artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-15_J620JL.j !! q204.1 (clay lump) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-15_J620JL.j !! q204.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-15_J620JL.j !! q205.1 (clay lump) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j !! q208.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j !! q208.2 (clay lump) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j !! q209.1 (clay lump) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j !! q209.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j !! q209.3 (sealing) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j !! q209.4 (sample) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j !! q211.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j !! q226.1 (clay artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j !! q226.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j !! q226.3 (clay lump) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j !! q229.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j !! q238.1 (clay lump) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j !! q238.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j !! q238.2L sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j !! q240.1 (slag) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j !! q240.2 (shell artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j !! q240.3 (lithic artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j !! q248.1 (clay lump) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j !! q259.1 (bead) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j !! q324.1 (clay lump) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j !! q334.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j !! q416.1 (bead) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q484.1 (figurine) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q597.1 (slag) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-20_H729JLW.j jO q128 (pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-20_H729JLW.j jO q129 (pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H729JLW.j jO q132 (pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-21_H729JLW.j jO q133 (pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-22_H729JLW.j jO q136 (pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-22_H729JLW.j jO q137 (pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-22_H729JLW.j jO q138 (pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j jO q147 (pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-14_J620JL.j jl q200 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-14_J620JL.j jl q201 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-14_J620JL.j jl q202 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-15_J620JL.j jl q203 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-15_J620JL.j jl q204 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-15_J620JL.j jl q205 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j jl q208 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j jl q209 (items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j jl q211 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl q226 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q229 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q231 (bones, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q238 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q240 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q248 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q250 (bones, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q259 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-03_J703JL.j jl q322 (pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j jl q324 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q334 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q416 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q474 (bones, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q479 (bones, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q484 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q556 (bones, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q574 (bones, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q586 (pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q588 (pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q597 (pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q610 (bones, pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q629 (pottery) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q128-p1 (other) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q128-p94 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q128-p95 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q128-p96 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q128-p97 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q128-p98 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q128-p99 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q129-p93 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q129-p94 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q129-p95 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q129-p96 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q129-p97 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q129-p98 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q129-p99 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q132-p1 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q132-p2 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q132-p3 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q132-p4 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q132-p5 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q132-p6 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q132-p7 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q132-p95 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q132-p96 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q132-p97 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q132-p98 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q132-p99 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q133-p1 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q133-p2 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q133-p92 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q133-p93 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q133-p94 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q133-p95 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q133-p96 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q133-p97 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q133-p98 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q133-p99 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q136-p92 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q136-p93 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q136-p94 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q136-p95 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q136-p96 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q136-p97 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q136-p98 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q136-p99 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q137-p1 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q137-p2 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q137-p3 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q137-p98 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q137-p99 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q138-p93 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q138-p94 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q138-p95 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q138-p96 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q138-p97 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q138-p98 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q138-p99 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q147-p1 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q147-p2 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q147-p91 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q147-p92 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q147-p93 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q147-p94 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q147-p95 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q147-p96 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q147-p97 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q147-p98 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q147-p99 (body sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p1 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p2 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p3 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p4 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p5 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p6 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p7 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p8 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p9 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p10 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p11 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p12 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p13 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p14 (platter or plate) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p15 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p16 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p17 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p18 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p19 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p20 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p21 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p22 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p23 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p24 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p25 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p26 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p27 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q200-p28 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p1 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p2 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p3 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p4 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p5 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p6 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p7 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p8 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p9 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p10 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p11 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p12 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p13 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p14 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p15 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p16 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p17 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p18 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p19 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p20 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p21 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p22 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p23 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p24 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p25 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p26 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p27 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q201-p28 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p1 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p2 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p3 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p4 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p5 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p6 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p7 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p8 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p9 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p10 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p11 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p12 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p13 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p14 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p15 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p16 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p17 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p18 (platter or plate) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p19 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p20 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p21 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p22 (handle) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p23 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p24 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p25 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p63 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p64 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p65 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p66 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p67 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p68 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q202-p69 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p1 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p2 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p3 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p4 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p5 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p6 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p7 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p8 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p9 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p10 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p11 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p12 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p13 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p14 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p15 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p16 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p17 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p18 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p19 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p20 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p21 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p22 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p23 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p24 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p25 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p26 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p27 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p28 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p29 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p30 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p31 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p32 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p33 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q203-p34 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p1 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p2 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p3 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p4 (bottle) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p5 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p6 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p7 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p8 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p9 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p10 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p11 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p12 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p13 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p14 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p15 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p16 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p17 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p18 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p19 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p20 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p21 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p22 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p23 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p24 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p25 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p26 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p27 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p28 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p29 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p30 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q204-p31 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q205-p1 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q205-p2 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q205-p3 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q205-p4 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q205-p5 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q205-p6 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q205-p7 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q205-p8 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q205-p9 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q205-p10 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q205-p11 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q205-p12 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q205-p13 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q205-p14 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q209-p1 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q209-p2 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q209-p3 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q209-p4 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q209-p5 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q209-p6 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q209-p7 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q209-p8 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q209-p9 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q209-p10 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q209-p11 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q209-p12 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q209-p13 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q209-p14 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q209-p15 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q209-p16 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p1 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p2 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p3 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p4 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p5 (strainer) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p6 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p7 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p8 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p9 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p10 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p11 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p12 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p13 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p14 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p15 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p16 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p17 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p18 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q211-p19 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p1 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p2 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p3 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p4 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p5 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p6 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p7 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p8 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p9 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p10 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p11 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p12 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p13 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p14 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p15 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p16 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p17 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p18 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p19 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p20 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q226-p21 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p1 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p2 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p3 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p4 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p5 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p6 (bottle) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p7 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p8 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p9 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p10 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p11 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p12 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p13 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p14 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p15 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p16 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p17 (strainer) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p18 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p19 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p20 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p21 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p22 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p23 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p24 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p25 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p26 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q229-p27 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q231-p1 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q231-p2 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q231-p3 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q231-p4 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q238-p1 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q238-p2 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q238-p3 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q238-p4 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q238-p5 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q238-p6 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p1 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p2 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p3 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p4 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p5 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p6 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p7 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p8 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p9 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p10 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p11 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p12 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p13 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p14 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p15 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p16 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p17 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p18 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p19 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p21 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p22 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p23 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q240-p24 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q248-p1 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q248-p2 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q248-p3 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q248-p4 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q248-p5 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q248-p6 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q248-p7 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q248-p8 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q248-p9 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q248-p10 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q248-p11 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q250-p1 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q250-p2 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q250-p3 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q250-p4 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q250-p5 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p1 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p2 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p3 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p4 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p5 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p6 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p7 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p8 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p9 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p10 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p11 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p12 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p13 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p14 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p15 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p16 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p17 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p18 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q259-p19 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q324-p1 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q324-p2 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q334-p1 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q334-p2 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q334-p3 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q334-p4 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q334-p5 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q334-p6 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q416-p1 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q416-p2 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q416-p3 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q416-p4 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q416-p5 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q416-p6 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q416-p7 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q416-p8 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q416-p9 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q416-p10 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q416-p11 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q416-p12 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q416-p13 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q416-p14 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q416-p15 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q416-p16 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q416-p17 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p1 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p2 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p3 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p4 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p5 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p6 (strainer) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p7 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p8 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p9 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p10 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p11 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p12 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p13 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p14 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p15 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p16 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p17 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p18 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p19 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p20 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p21 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p22 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p23 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p24 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p25 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p26 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q474-p27 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q479-p1 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q479-p2 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q479-p3 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q479-p4 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q479-p5 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q479-p6 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q479-p7 (strainer) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q479-p8 (platter or plate) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q479-p9 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q479-p10 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q479-p11 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q479-p12 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q479-p13 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q479-p14 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q484-p1 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q484-p2 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q484-p3 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q484-p4 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q484-p5 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q484-p6 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q484-p7 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q484-p8 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q484-p9 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q484-p10 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q484-p11 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q484-p12 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q556-p1 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q556-p2 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q556-p3 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q556-p4 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q556-p5 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q556-p6 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q556-p7 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q556-p8 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q574-p1 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q574-p2 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q574-p3 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q574-p4 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q574-p5 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q586-p1 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q586-p2 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q586-p3 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q586-p4 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q586-p5 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q586-p6 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q586-p7 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p1 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p2 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p3 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p4 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p5 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p6 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p7 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p8 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p9 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p10 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p11 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p12 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p13 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p15 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p16 (jar) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p17 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p18 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p19 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p20 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p21 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p22 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p23 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q588-p24 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q597-p1 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q597-p2 (cup) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q597-p3 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q610-p1 (rim) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q610-p2 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q610-p3 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q629-p1 (bowl) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q629-p2 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q629-p3 (base) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q629-p4 (other shape sherd) sits in f74 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f74 (accumulation C) covers f75 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f74 (accumulation C) covers f76 (accumulation C) F52 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f74 (accumulation C) covers f87 (lens type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw light gray K6 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw 10YR7/2 O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7016 -TP_A9f74 O825 mkb.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7017 -TP_A9f74 O825 mkb.jpg O12 1999-06-24_J806JL2.j jl v19 O12 1999-06-24_J806JL2.j jl v19a O12 1999-06-24_J806JL2.j jl v19b O12 1999-06-24_J806JL2.j jl v19c O12 1999-07-04_J806JL2.j jl v22 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28 O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v34 ; A9f75 B11 1997-07-22_H728JO-2.j jo same as f71 below it by 15cm, f75 is the lower floor of the same pit D3 1997-07-20_O114JW3R.j jo r111 (43798 35783 - 8362 / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-20_O114JW3R.j jo r112 (43827 35876 - 8368 / Relay location: perimeter) D3 1997-07-20_O114JW3R.j jo r113 (43747 35918 - 8362 / Relay location: perimeter) F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f74 (accumulation C) covers f75 ; A9f76 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j !! accumulation C A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7002 -TP_A9f76 O825 mkb_phase_4a.jpg B10 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw accumulation C B11 1997-07-23_H728JO-2.j jo very hard and compacted brown accumulation with red lenses B11 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw a mixture of f74 accumulation and large pieces of reddish brick, Munsell 7.5YR6/6, reddish yellow. Found in k5, a probe deeper into the north part of k4. D3 1997-07-23_O114JW3R.j jo r120 (43783 35830 - 8349 / Relay location: east section NW) D3 1997-07-23_O114JW3R.j jo r121 (43685 35790 - 8349 / Relay location: east section SW) D3 1997-07-23_O114JW3R.j jo r122 (43740 35588 - 8347 / Relay location: west section SE) D3 1997-07-23_O114JW3R.j jo r123 (43849 35627 - 8348 / Relay location: west section NE) F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f74 (accumulation C) covers f76 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H728JO-4.j jo i30 (seal impression) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j !! q148.1 (figurine) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H729JLW.j jO q139 (pottery) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-23_H729JLW.j jO q140 (pottery) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-24_H729JLW.j jO q146 (pottery) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j jO q148 (pottery) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q139-p95 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q139-p96 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q139-p97 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q139-p98 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q139-p99 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q140-p1 (jar) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q140-p2 (bowl) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q140-p3 (jar) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q140-p4 (base) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q140-p5 (jar) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q140-p6 (rim) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q140-p7 (jar) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q140-p8 (rim) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q140-p9 (base) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q140-p10 (base) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q140-p11 (jar) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q140-p94 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q140-p95 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q140-p96 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q140-p97 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q140-p98 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q140-p99 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q146-p1 (jar) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q146-p2 (jar) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q146-p3 (bowl) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q146-p97 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q146-p98 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q146-p99 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q148-p1 (cup) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q148-p2 (cup) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q148-p3 (jar) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q148-p4 (bowl) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q148-p5 (bowl) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q148-p95 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q148-p96 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q148-p97 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q148-p98 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q148-p99 (body sherd) sits in f76 (accumulation C) F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f76 (accumulation C) covers f78 F52 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f76 (accumulation C) covers f98 (lens type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw light gray K6 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw 10YR7/2 O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7002 -TP_A9f76 O825 mkb_phase_4a.jpg O12 1999-07-04_J806JL2.j jl v22 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28 ; A9f77 B11 1997-07-23_H728JO-2.j jo a plasterd floor of pit a12, the northern portion is withen the northern baulk C1 1997-07-23_H728JO-2.j jo the floor of the pit a12 is reached at a semeler elevation as the buttom of f76 F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f69 covers f77 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f77 abuts f68 G1 1997-07-14_H728JO-4.j jo a12 ; A9f78 A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7048 -TP_A9f78 O826 mkb.jpg B11 1997-07-23_H728JO-2.j jo dark gray accumulation, some spots are harder than others. F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f76 (accumulation C) covers f78 F51 1997-07-24_H729JLW.j !! q143.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f78 F51 1997-07-24_H729JLW.j !! q143.2 (clay artifact) sits in f78 F51 1997-07-23_H729JLW.j jO q142 (pottery) sits in f78 F51 1997-07-24_H729JLW.j jO q143 (pottery) sits in f78 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q142-p1 (platter or plate) sits in f78 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q142-p2 (base) sits in f78 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q142-p98 (body sherd) sits in f78 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q142-p99 (body sherd) sits in f78 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q143-p1 (rim) sits in f78 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q143-p2 (jar) sits in f78 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q143-p91 (body sherd) sits in f78 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q143-p92 (body sherd) sits in f78 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q143-p93 (body sherd) sits in f78 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q143-p94 (body sherd) sits in f78 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q143-p95 (body sherd) sits in f78 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q143-p96 (body sherd) sits in f78 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q143-p97 (body sherd) sits in f78 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q143-p98 (body sherd) sits in f78 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q143-p99 (body sherd) sits in f78 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q149-p96 (body sherd) sits in f78 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q149-p97 (body sherd) sits in f78 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q149-p98 (body sherd) sits in f78 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q149-p99 (body sherd) sits in f78 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f78 covers f79 F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7048 -TP_A9f78 O826 mkb.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7049 -TP_A9f78 O826 mkb.jpg ; A9f79 B11 1997-07-24_H728JO-3.j jo hard pinkish-red accumulation below f78 in k5 F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f78 covers f79 F51 1997-07-24_H729JLW.j !! q144.1 (jar shoulder) sits in f79 F51 1997-07-24_H729JLW.j !! q144.2 (specimen) sits in f79 F51 1997-07-24_H729JLW.j !! q144.3 (lithic artifact) sits in f79 F51 1997-07-24_H729JLW.j jO q144 (bones, pottery) sits in f79 F51 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j jO q149 (bones, pottery) sits in f79 F51 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j jO q150 (pottery) sits in f79 F51 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j jO q151 (pottery) sits in f79 F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q144-p1 (cup) sits in f79 F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q144-p2 (base) sits in f79 F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q144-p3 (base) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q144-p95 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q144-p96 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q144-p97 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q144-p98 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q144-p99 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j !! q149-p96 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j !! q149-p97 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j !! q149-p98 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j !! q149-p99 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q150-p1 (bowl) sits in f79 F51 2004-07-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q150-p2 (jar) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q150-p93 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q150-p94 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q150-p95 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q150-p96 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q150-p97 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q150-p98 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q150-p99 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q151-p1 (base) sits in f79 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q151-p2 (base) sits in f79 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q151-p3 (base) sits in f79 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q151-p4 (base) sits in f79 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q151-p5 (bowl) sits in f79 F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q151-p6 (rim) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q151-p92 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q151-p93 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q151-p94 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q151-p95 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q151-p96 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q151-p97 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q151-p98 (body sherd) sits in f79 F51 2016-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q151-p99 (body sherd) sits in f79 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f79 covers f80 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f79 covers f81 (fill) F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f79 covers f83 F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f80 A35 1999-07-04_J806JL2.j !! v22 B11 1997-07-24_H728JO-3.j jo leveled small stones form a stone paved floor, uncovered below f79 next to f81, it is lemeted to the eastern portion of the deep exposed part of the trunch C1 1997-07-25_H728JO-3.j jo the stone paved floor does extend to the south forming a U shpe facing west f82 fills the space between the two angles. f80 elevation is 8298 F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f81 (fill) abuts f80 F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f82 abuts f80 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f124 (wall) abuts f80 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f163 (platform) abuts f80 F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f79 covers f80 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f80 covers f82 G1 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j jo a13 O12 1999-07-04_J806JL2.j jl v22 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30a O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31a O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v48b O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v48c O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v51 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v51c ; A9f81 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j !! fill A35 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j !! v28 B10 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw fill B11 1997-07-24_H728JO-3.j jo bricks to the west of f80, surounded by f82 B11 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw fill or accumulation atop baked brick floor, f84, and under pebble floor, f80, discovered in trench 194. Analyzed from test trench. Probably described in season H report, not available here. Very fine grains, hard packed near the level of the brick floor. 5 non-diagnostic sherds and one large stone as inclusions. F50 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw f194 (trench, trough) cuts f81 (fill) F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f79 covers f81 (fill) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q502 (pottery) sits in f81 (fill) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q502-p1 (jar) sits in f81 (fill) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q502-p2 (jar) sits in f81 (fill) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q502-p3 (base) sits in f81 (fill) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q502-p4 (base) sits in f81 (fill) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q502-p5 (base) sits in f81 (fill) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q502-p6 (bowl) sits in f81 (fill) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q502-p7 (rim) sits in f81 (fill) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q502-p8 (bowl) sits in f81 (fill) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q502-p95 (body sherd) sits in f81 (fill) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q502-p96 (body sherd) sits in f81 (fill) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q502-p97 (body sherd) sits in f81 (fill) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q502-p98 (body sherd) sits in f81 (fill) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q502-p99 (body sherd) sits in f81 (fill) F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f81 (fill) abuts f80 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f81 (fill) covers f82 F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j jo a13 K5 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw brown K6 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw 10YR5/3 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30a O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31a O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v51a ; A9f82 A35 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j !! v28 B11 1997-07-24_H728JO-3.j jo hard red paking inbetween bricks f81 and to the south of the uncoverd portion of f80 F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f80 covers f82 F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f81 (fill) covers f82 F51 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j jO q152 (pottery) sits in f82 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q152-p97 (body sherd) sits in f82 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q152-p98 (body sherd) sits in f82 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q152-p99 (body sherd) sits in f82 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f82 abuts f80 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f82 covers f84 F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j jo a13 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30a ; A9f83 A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7046 -TP_A9f83 O826 mkb.jpg B11 1997-07-24_H728JO-3.j jo ashy accumulation at the SW corner of the deep exposed k5, it might suggest a burning activete have taken place and have some thing to do with the trace of burning on top some of the bricks of f84 F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f79 covers f83 F51 1997-07-25_H729JLW.j jO q153 (bones, pottery) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p1 (cup) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p2 (bowl) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p3 (bowl) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p4 (bowl) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p5 (cup) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p6 (bowl) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p7 (bowl) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p8 (bowl) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p9 (bowl) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p10 (base) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p11 (base) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p12 (base) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p13 (base) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p14 (pot) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p15 (bowl) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p16 (base) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p17 (handle) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p18 (cup) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p19 (jar) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p20 (bowl) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p21 (rim) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p22 (rim) sits in f83 F51 2004-07-21_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q153-p23 (bowl) sits in f83 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q153-p97 (body sherd) sits in f83 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q153-p98 (body sherd) sits in f83 F51 2016-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q153-p99 (body sherd) sits in f83 F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j jo a13 O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7046 -TP_A9f83 O826 mkb.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7047 -TP_A9f83 O826 mkb.jpg ; A9f84 A35 1997-07-26_H728JO-4.j !! v11a B11 1997-07-24_H728JO-3.j jo 29cm x 29cm x 5cm backed bricks below features f81 and f82, slopes to the east below f80, traces of burning appear on top of some of the bricks C1 1997-07-25_H728JO-3.j jo bricks f84 expands more behined the excavated portion of k5 to the east ,north and to the south. the most western bricks seam to cover an opening because of the sound of an empty spase below them when they are hit with a hard object (pick) the sound is different in the other bricks C1 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo the 2nd brick from north at the western en of f84 is removed and it turnd out not to be covering an opning rather it sits on f85 clay layer covers f86 red paking C2 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo will remove one of the western bricks of f84 to detict the cause of the sound below F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f85 intrudes f84 F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f82 covers f84 F51 1997-07-26_H728JO-4.j jo i31 (brick) sits in f84 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f84 covers f85 G1 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j jo a13 O12 1997-07-26_H728JO-4.j jo v11a O12 1997-07-26_H728JO-4.j jo v11b O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30a O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31a O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v51 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v51b ; A9f85 B11 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo brown clay used to conect the bricks of f84 together and to level the packing f86 below F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f84 covers f85 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f85 intrudes f84 F52 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f85 covers f86 G1 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j jo a13 ; A9f86 B11 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo red paking mixed with chunks of gepsom, below f85. it was uncoverd only below the removed one brick of f84 F50 1997-07-26_H728JO-3.j jo f85 covers f86 G1 1997-07-25_H728JO-4.j jo a13 ; A9f87 A1 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f180 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl lens type c A35 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j !! v28 B10 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw accumulation C B11 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw a mixture of f74 accumulation and large pieces of reddish brick, at least one of which is partially burned. C2 1999-06-16_J625JLW3.j jlw we will attempt to define the extent of the concentration of brick material in the northern half of quadrant 1 by excavating from the south, level with the concentration as much as possible. D1 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl k4 D99 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl bricky layer of soil; quadrant 1 of k 4; may coincide with f 76 of season H (1997) F50 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f74 (accumulation C) covers f87 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j jl i34 (metal artifact) sits in f87 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-15_J620JL.j !! q206.1 (clay lump) sits in f87 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-15_J620JL.j !! q206.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f87 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j !! q207.1 (clay artifact) sits in f87 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j !! q207.2 (clay lump) sits in f87 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-15_J620JL.j jl q206 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f87 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j jl q207 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f87 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q604 (pottery) sits in f87 (lens type c) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q502-p95 (body sherd) sits in f87 (lens type c) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q502-p96 (body sherd) sits in f87 (lens type c) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q502-p97 (body sherd) sits in f87 (lens type c) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q502-p98 (body sherd) sits in f87 (lens type c) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q502-p99 (body sherd) sits in f87 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q604-p1 (rim) sits in f87 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q604-p2 (jar) sits in f87 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP cJC q604-p3 (other shape sherd) sits in f87 (lens type c) F52 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f87 (lens type c) covers f88 (lens type c) F52 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f87 (lens type c) covers f89 (lens type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v47 ; A9f88 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl lens type c A35 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j !! v28 B10 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw layer B11 1999-06-16_J625JLW3.j jlw ashy layer in SE corner of quadrant 1. Distinct boundaries on top and bottom in section. B11 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw ash layer between two accumulations, both reddish, the topmost of which (f87) has inclusions of brick. D1 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl k4 D99 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl ashy layer of soil; SE corner of quadrant 1 F50 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f87 (lens type c) covers f88 (lens type c) F52 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f88 (lens type c) covers f96 (lens type c) K5 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw light brownish gray K6 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw 10YR6/2 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30a ; A9f89 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl lens type c A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7036 V17v5 O826 mkb cv -TP_A9f89.jpg B10 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw brick scatter B11 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw a number of bricks, one burned, piled haphazardly. Edges eroded and not distinguishable. Possibly from fallen wall. D1 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl k4 D99 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl brick-like material; N half of quadrant 1 F50 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f87 (lens type c) covers f89 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j !! q418.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f89 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j !! q418.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f89 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j !! q418.3 (clay lump) sits in f89 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q418 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f89 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j jl q521 (bones, pottery) sits in f89 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q418-p1 (rim) sits in f89 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q418-p3 (jar) sits in f89 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q521-p3 (bowl) sits in f89 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q521-p4 (bowl) sits in f89 (lens type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw reddish yellow K6 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw 7.5YR7/2 O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7036 V17v5 O826 mkb cv -TP_A9f89.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7036 V17v5 O826 mkb cv -TP_A9f89.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7037 V17v5 O826 mkb cv -TP_A9f89 tamplate.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7037 V17v5 O826 mkb cv -TP_A9f89 tamplate.jpg O12 1999-06-16_J806JL2.j jl v15b O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30a O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30b O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31a O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31b ; A9f90 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl brick scatter B10 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw accumulation C B11 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw rubble and associated material surrounding stub wall f15. Includes material from tomb bricks and wadi accumulation. Seal came from here. D1 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl k4 D3 1999-06-18_O119JW2R.j jl r827 (43335 35997 - 8413) D3 1999-06-18_O119JW2R.j jl r828 (43379 36020 - 8413) D3 1999-06-18_O119JW2R.j jl r829 (43421 35923 - 8413) D3 1999-06-18_O119JW2R.j jl r830 (43373 35902 - 8413) D99 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl E-W stub wall rubble; on top of and surrounding f 92, probably associated with f 15 wall F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j !! q210.1 (bead (clay)) sits in f90 (brick scatter) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j !! q210.2 (clay lump) sits in f90 (brick scatter) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j !! q210.3 (figurine) sits in f90 (brick scatter) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j !! q210.4 (sherd) sits in f90 (brick scatter) F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j jl q210 (items, pottery) sits in f90 (brick scatter) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q561 (bones, pottery) sits in f90 (brick scatter) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q561-p34 (bowl) sits in f90 (brick scatter) F52 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f90 (brick scatter) caps f96 (lens type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f91 A20 !!_!! !! other features A21 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl volumetric material B10 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw accumulation C B11 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw soil, mostly brickmelt, in south baulk at eastern end. C1 1999-07-03_J703JLW.j jlw resumed removal of baulk to complete preparations for excavating the patio area. D1 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl k4 D99 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl soil in SE baulk; similar in texture to f 74 F51 1999-06-16_J620JL.j jl q212 (bones, pottery) sits in f91 (volumetric material) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q212-p1 (bowl) sits in f91 (volumetric material) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q212-p2 (cup) sits in f91 (volumetric material) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q212-p3 (base) sits in f91 (volumetric material) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q212-p4 (rim) sits in f91 (volumetric material) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q212-p5 (base) sits in f91 (volumetric material) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f92 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl wall A35 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j !! v28 B10 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw wall B11 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw small stub wall running east-west, under f15 and on top of f1. 106cm long x 55 cm wide x 50 cm high. 5 courses of 15 cm x 15 cm x 10 cm brown bricks. D1 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl k4 D99 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl EW wall stub; later wall on top of north end of AK wall f 1 F50 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f15 (wall) caps f92 (wall) F52 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f92 (wall) covers f93 (wall) O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28 O12 1999-07-20_J806JL2.j jl v32 ; A9f93 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl wall A35 1999-07-29_J807JL.j !! v48 B10 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw wall B11 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw north-south wall stub, 125 cm long by 165 cm wide, jutting from north kitchen wall, A6f78. Red brick. D1 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl k4 D99 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl continuation of A6 f 78 wall F50 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f92 (wall) covers f93 (wall) F51 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f93 (wall) bonds with f97 (wall) O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v48 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v48b O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v53 ; A9f94 A21 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl backfill1 B10 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw backfill1 B11 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw soil used to cover plastic sheeting protecting last surfaces excavated in 1997. C99 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw some sherds but no provenience. D1 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl k3 D99 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl backfill over stopping layer of season H f 63 F51 1999-06-19_J620JL.j jl q215 (pottery) sits in f94 (backfill1) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q215-p1 (jar) sits in f94 (backfill1) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q215-p2 (jar) sits in f94 (backfill1) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q215-p3 (jar) sits in f94 (backfill1) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f95 A20 !!_!! !! other features A21 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl volumetric material B10 1999-06-19_J620JLW.j jlw accumulation C B11 1999-06-19_J620JLW.j jlw surface soil and wadi accumulation forming south baulk of k3 B11 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw soil in higher regions of south baulk of k3. Mostly wadi wash and surface soil. C1 1999-06-19_J620JLW.j jlw at the suggestion of mkb, began to isolate sherds from this locus for special analysis at the house by ab. C6 1999-06-19_J620JLW.j jlw began excavating south baulk to expedite dirt removal from k3 by way of k4 to avoid high lift out of deep trench. Then, decided that at least temporarily, it would be better to remove dirt by direct lift using ladder. Until ladder arrived began using lowered baulk as a step to get in and out of square. (the distance from the "floor" of k3 to the surface is about 2 meters and the distance from the "floor" of k3 to the "floor" of k4 is an additional 2 meters. While clearing backdirt and inspecting the degree of preservation of surface, used baulk for access. Baulk partially collapsed with jlw on it. No injury, but used incident to alert all excavators to use extreme caution around eroded baulks and edges, particularly those with a high differential between top and bottom. Will maintain baulk (which is badly eroded) at a height of 50 cm to 100 cm above k3 for safety until k4 level is reached. D1 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl k3 D99 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl S baulk; soil in baulk between k 3 and k 4, principally wadi accumulation F51 1999-06-19_J620JL.j !! q216.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-19_J620JL.j !! q217.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j !! q243.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j !! q263.1 (shell artifact) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-19_J620JL.j jl q216 (items, pottery) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-19_J620JL.j jl q217 (pottery) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-20_J620JL.j jl q220 (bones, pottery) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl q227 (bones, pottery) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q243 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q263 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q273 (bones) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-28_J703JL.j jl q288 (bones, pottery) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q217-p1 (bowl) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q217-p2 (bowl) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q217-p3 (jar) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q217-p4 (base) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q217-p5 (base) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q227-p1 (bowl) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q227-p2 (bowl) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q227-p3 (rim) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q227-p4 (jar) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q227-p5 (base) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q227-p6 (base) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q227-p7 (bowl) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q243-p1 (jar) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q243-p2 (base) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q263-p1 (base) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q263-p2 (base) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q263-p3 (jar) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q263-p4 (cup) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q263-p5 (jar) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q263-p6 (jar) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q263-p7 (bowl) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q288-p1 (bowl) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q288-p2 (bowl) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q288-p3 (bowl) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q288-p4 (cup) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q288-p5 (bowl) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q288-p6 (bowl) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q288-p7 (bowl) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q288-p8 (rim) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q288-p9 (base) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q288-p10 (base) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q288-p11 (base) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q288-p12 (bowl) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q288-p13 (rim) sits in f95 (volumetric material) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f96 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl lens type c B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl accumulation C B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl reddish accumulation first glimpsed in SE corner of k4 quadrant 1. Further excavation revealed that it was the same layer as f99. D1 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl k4 D99 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl small lens of reddish soil in SE corner below ashy layer f 88 F50 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f88 (lens type c) covers f96 (lens type c) F50 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f90 (brick scatter) caps f96 (lens type c) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f96 (lens type c) covers f154 (layer) K5 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl brown K6 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl 7.5yr5/4 ; A9f97 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl wall A35 1999-07-29_J807JL.j !! v53 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl wall B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl major E-W brick wall, founded on large stones, dividing sectors D and F. Same as A6 f78. D1 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl k4 D99 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl E-W wall; redesignation of portion of A6 f 78 in A9 (E-W wall) to which N-S stub F 1 is attached F51 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f97 (wall) bonds with f1 (wall) F51 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f97 (wall) bonds with f93 (wall) G1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl a18 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v53 ; A9f98 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl lens type c A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7003 -TP_A9f98 O825 mkb_large_jars.jpg B10 1999-07-17_J717JLW.j jlw accumulation C B11 1999-07-17_J717JLW.j jlw ashy, hard gray layer appearing first in east section of k5, the deep probe from last year. Extends over much of k4 and exended into the east part of k6. Ranged in thickness from about 5 cm to nearly 15 cm in some places. C1 1999-07-07_J707JLW.j jlw lots of pottery and bone found in both k3 and k4 portions. One seal impression found in k 4 and 2 in k 3. One other clay sealing in k 3 seemed baked, perhaps evidence of a destructive fire. There were so many sherds and bones in the area within one meter of the north end of k 3 that we assumed it was a dump and assigned f 142 to it. Features 98 and 142 seemed to slope down toward the north in k 3 and to the south near the doorway, a 18, between sectors D and F. The boundary between f 98 and the accumulation below (f 99) was quite lumpy and uneven. D1 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl k5 D3 1999-07-05_J706JL-R.j jl r183 (43845 35961 - 8338 / Relay location: k 3) D3 1999-07-05_J706JL-R.j jl r184 (43896 35844 - 8338 / Relay location: k 3) D3 1999-07-05_J706JL-R.j jl r185 (44341 36005 - 8347 / Relay location: k 3) D3 1999-07-05_J706JL-R.j jl r186 (44299 36132 - 8408 / Relay location: k 3) D99 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl gray layer of soil below f 76, excavated in 1997 F50 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f76 (accumulation C) covers f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i45 (seal impression) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i47 (metal artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i48 (metal artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i49 (seal impression) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i50 (seal impression) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i51 (seal impression) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i53 (seal impression) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i56 (seal impression) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i57 (seal impression) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i58 (seal) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i59 (clay lump) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i60 (figurine) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i62 (seal impression) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j !! q344.1 (seal impression) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j !! q344.2 (unknown) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j !! q344.3 (sample) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j !! q346.1 (bead) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j !! q346.2 (seal impression) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j !! q347.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j !! q354.1 (clay artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j !! q354.2 (clay lump) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j !! q363.1 (clay lump) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j !! q373.1 (figurine) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j !! q376.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j !! q381.1 (seal impression) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j !! q381.2 (dish (small platter)) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j !! q384.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q386.3 sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q387.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q387.2 (seal impression) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q387.3 (sealing) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q387.4 (clay lump) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q387.5 (clay lump) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q387.6 (sealing) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q387.7 (clay lump) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q387.8 (sealing) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q387.9 (seal impression) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q387.10 (seal impression) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q387.11 (seal impression) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q387.12 (wheel) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j !! q425.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j !! q426.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j !! q426.2 (clay lump) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j !! q426.3 (slag) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j !! q427.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j !! q427.2 (clay lump) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j !! q434.1 (specimen) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j !! q436.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j !! q437.1 (metal artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j !! q437.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j !! q438.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j !! q440.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q453.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q466.1 (clay lump) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q488.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q528.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q528.2 (clay artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j !! q579.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q344 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q345 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q346 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q347 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q349 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q353 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q354 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q356 (pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q357 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q358 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q362 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q363 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q364 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q367 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q369 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q373 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q376 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q381 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q384 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q386 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q387 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q393 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q425 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q426 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q427 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q432 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q433 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q434 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q435 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q436 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q437 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q438 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q440 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q449 (items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q453 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q466 (items) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q486 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q488 (items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q492 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q507 (pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q528 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q573 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q579 (items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q599 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q612 (bones, pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q635 (pottery) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q344-p9 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q344-p11 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q346-p1 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q346-p17 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q346-p19 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q349-p5 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q349-p6 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q349-p19 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q354-p1 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q354-p4 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q354-p13 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q354-p18 (bottle) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q358-p10 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q358-p17 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q367-p12 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q373-p12 (rim) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q373-p16 (rim) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q373-p21 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q384-p1 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q384-p2 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q386-p10 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q387-p7 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q387-p9 (pot) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q387-p13 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q387-p20 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q387-p22 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q387-p46 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p1 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p2 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p3 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p4 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q426-p5 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p6 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p7 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p8 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p9 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p10 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q426-p11 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p12 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p13 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p14 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p15 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p16 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p17 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p18 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p19 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p20 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p21 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q426-p22 (handle) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p23 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q426-p24 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p1 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q427-p2 (pot) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p3 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p4 (pot) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p5 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p6 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p7 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p8 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p9 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p11 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q427-p12 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p13 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p14 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p15 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p16 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p17 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p18 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p19 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p20 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p21 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p22 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q427-p23 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p1 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p2 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p3 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p4 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p5 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p6 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q432-p7 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p8 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q432-p9 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p10 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p11 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p12 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP cJC q432-p13 (other shape sherd) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q432-p14 (rim) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p15 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p16 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p17 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p18 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p19 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p20 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p21 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p22 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p23 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q432-p24 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q433-p1 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q433-p2 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q433-p3 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q433-p4 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q433-p5 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q433-p6 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q433-p7 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q433-p8 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q433-p9 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q433-p10 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q433-p11 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q433-p12 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q433-p13 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q433-p14 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP cJC q433-p15 (other shape sherd) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q434-p9 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p1 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p2 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p3 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p4 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p5 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p6 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p7 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q435-p8 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p10 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p11 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p12 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p13 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p14 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p15 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p16 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p17 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p18 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p19 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p20 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p21 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p22 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q435-p23 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q436-p1 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q436-p2 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q436-p3 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q436-p4 (rim) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q436-p5 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q436-p6 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q436-p7 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q436-p8 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q436-p10 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q436-p11 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q436-p12 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q436-p13 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q436-p14 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q436-p15 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q436-p16 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q436-p17 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q436-p18 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q436-p19 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q438-p2 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q438-p3 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q438-p4 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q438-p5 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q438-p6 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP cJC q438-p7 (other shape sherd) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q438-p8 (pot) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q438-p9 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q438-p10 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q438-p11 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q438-p12 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q438-p13 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q438-p14 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q438-p15 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q440-p1 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q440-p2 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q440-p3 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q440-p4 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q440-p5 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q440-p6 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q440-p14 (rim) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q440-p20 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q440-p21 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q440-p22 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q440-p23 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q440-p24 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q440-p25 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q449-p1 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p2 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p3 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p4 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q449-p5 (rim) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p6 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p7 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p8 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p9 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p10 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p11 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p12 (pot) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p13 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p14 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p15 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p16 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p17 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p18 (pot) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p19 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p20 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p21 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p22 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p23 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p24 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p25 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p26 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p27 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p28 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p29 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p30 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q449-p31 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q453-p1 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q453-p2 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q453-p3 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p4 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q453-p5 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p6 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p7 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p8 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p9 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p10 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p11 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p12 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p13 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p14 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p15 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p16 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p17 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p18 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p19 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p20 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p21 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p22 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p23 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p24 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p25 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p26 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p27 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p28 (pot) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p29 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p30 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p31 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q453-p32 (base) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q466-p2 (other shape sherd) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q492-p11 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q499-p19 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q499-p21 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q507-p2 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q538-p2 (jar) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q538-p3 (cup) sits in f98 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q579-p1 (bowl) sits in f98 (lens type c) F52 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f98 (lens type c) covers f99 (lens type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-07-17_J717JLW.j jlw light gray K6 1999-07-17_J717JLW.j jlw 10YR7/2 O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7003 -TP_A9f98 O825 mkb_large_jars.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7004 -TP_A9f98 O825 mkb_medium_small_jars.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7005 -TP_A9f98 O825 mkb_bowls.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7006 -TP_A9f98 O825 mkb_bowls.jpg O12 1999-07-04_J806JL2.j jl v22 O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25 O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25a O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25d O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28a O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28b O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28c O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28d O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28e O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28f O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28g O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v34 O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v35 P1 1999-07-14_J714JLW.j jlw removed on J714. ; A9f99 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl lens type c A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7008 -TP_A9f99 O825 mkb.jpg B10 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw accumulation C B11 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw bright brown accumulation under ashy accumulation, f98. Clearly seen in section of east baulk of k5. Ranges in depth from 10 cm to about 20 cm as one proceeds to the east. Seems contained to the north by the south face of wall, f155. One reddish brick near wall. D1 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl k5 D99 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl red layer of soil below f 98 F50 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f98 (lens type c) covers f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i52 (figurine) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i54 (bead) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i70 (seal impression) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i71 (clay lump) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i73 (seal impression) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i75 (metal artifact) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i76 (seal impression) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i80 (figurine) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j !! q374.1 (clay artifact) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j !! q374.2 (wheel) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j !! q374.3 (lithic artifact) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j !! q378.1 (clay lump) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j !! q378.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j !! q403.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j !! q403.2 (seal) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j !! q410.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j !! q410.2 (wheel) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j !! q410.3 (bone artifact) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j !! q414.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j !! q414.2 (metal artifact) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j !! q417.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j !! q442.1 (bead) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j !! q477.1 (clay lump) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q487.1 (clay artifact) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q487.2 (clay lump) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q487.3 (metal artifact) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q503.1 (clay lump) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q504.1 (clay lump) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q511.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j !! q522.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q365 (bones, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q370 (bones, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q374 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q378 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j jl q403 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j jl q406 (bones, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j jl q407 (bones, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j jl q410 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j jl q412 (bones, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j jl q414 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q417 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q442 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q452 (bones, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q477 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q487 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q489 (bones, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q491 (bones, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q503 (bones, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q504 (pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q511 (items, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j jl q522 (items, pottery) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q370-p7 (bowl) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q403-p1 (bowl) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q407-p7 (rim) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q407-p17 (jar) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q410-p11 (jar) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q410-p12 (bowl) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q412-p10 (bowl) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q412-p14 (bowl) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q412-p20 (bowl) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q414-p8 (bowl) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q442-p3 (cup) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q442-p5 (cup) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q442-p6 (cup) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q442-p7 (base) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q442-p8 (cup) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q452-p1 (base) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q452-p3 (jar) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q487-p1 (jar) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q487-p2 (bowl) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q487-p4 (bowl) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q511-p3 (rim) sits in f99 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q522-p3 (jar) sits in f99 (lens type c) F52 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f99 (lens type c) covers f100 (lens type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw brown K6 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw 7.5YR5/4 O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7008 -TP_A9f99 O825 mkb.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7019 -TP_A9f99 O825 mkb_jars.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7050 A9q407-p17 O826 mkb cv -TP_A9f99.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7051 A9q407-p17 O826 mkb cv -TP_A9f99 .jpg O12 1999-07-04_J806JL2.j jl v22 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28a O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28b O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28c O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28d O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28e O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28f O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28g O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30a O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31a O12 1999-07-20_J806JL2.j jl v32 O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v34 ; A9f100 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl lens type c A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7022 -TP_A9f100 O825 mkb_jars.jpg B10 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw accumulation C B11 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw first accumulation overlaying pebble floor, f80. Fine grains and very dense. Possibly related to first phase abandonment. D1 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl k5 D99 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl brown layer of soil below f 99 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f189 (platform) rests on f100 (lens type c) F50 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f99 (lens type c) covers f100 (lens type c) F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f154 (layer) covers f100 (lens type c) F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f188 (pavement) sits in f100 (lens type c) F50 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw f193 (installation) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i69 (seal impression) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i72 (metal artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i77 (clay artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i78 (clay lump) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i79 (unknown) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J806JL2.j jl i91 (figurine) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j !! q480.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j !! q480.2 (clay lump) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q485.1 (unknown) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q505.1 (sealing) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q510.1 (specimen) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q513.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q513.2 (specimen) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q514.1 (clay lump) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q514.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q515.1 (clay lump) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q515.2 (shell artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j !! q516.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j !! q516.2 (clay lump) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j !! q523.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j !! q523.2 (clay lump) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q526.1 (metal artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q535.1 (clay lump) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536.1 (clay lump) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536.2 (specimen) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q538.1 (wheel) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q538.2 (clay artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q539.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q540.1 (wheel) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q542.1 (clay lump) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q549.1 (clay lump) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q549.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q549.3 (specimen) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q550.1 (clay artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q563.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q563.2 (clay lump) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j !! q582.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q596.1 (clay lump) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q596.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q601.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q603.1 (clay artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q603.2 (figurine) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q603.3 (figurine) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q611.1 (bone artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q614.1 (seal) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618.2 (seal impression) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q388 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J804JL3.j jl q400 (pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q467 (bones, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q480 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q485 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q493 (bones, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jlw q499 (bones, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q505 (bones, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q510 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q513 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q514 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q515 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j l q516 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j l q517 (bones, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j l q518 (bones, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j jl q523 (items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q526 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q532 (items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q535 (pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q536 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jlw q538 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jlw q539 (items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jlw q540 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jlw q542 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q549 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q550 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q551 (bones, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q560 (pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q563 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q567 (bones, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q571 (bones, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q575 (bones, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q582 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q589 (pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q591 (bones, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q596 (bones, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q598 (bones, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q600 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q601 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q603 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q606 (pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q607 (pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q609 (bones, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q611 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q613 (bones, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q614 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q617 (pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q618 (items, pottery) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p1 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p2 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p3 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p4 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p5 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p6 (pot) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q388-p7 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p8 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p9 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p10 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p11 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p12 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p13 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q388-p14 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p15 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p16 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p17 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p18 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p19 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p20 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p21 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p22 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q388-p23 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J804JL3.j !! q400-p1 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J804JL3.j !! q400-p2 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J804JL3.j !! q400-p3 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J804JL3.j !! q400-p4 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-10_J804JL3.j !! q400-p5 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q458-p33 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q467-p1 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q467-p2 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q467-p3 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q467-p5 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q480-p5 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q480-p7 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q480-p9 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q480-p11 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q480-p13 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q480-p14 (pot) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q480-p15 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q480-p16 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q480-p18 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q480-p19 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q480-p20 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q485-p1 (strainer) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q485-p2 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p4 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p5 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p6 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p7 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p10 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p11 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p12 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q485-p13 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q485-p14 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p15 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q485-p16 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p18 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p19 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p20 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p21 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p22 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p23 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p25 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p26 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p27 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p28 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p30 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p31 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p32 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p33 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p34 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p35 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p36 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p37 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p39 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p41 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p43 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q485-p45 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q493-p1 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q493-p2 (pot) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q493-p3 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q499-p1 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q499-p2 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q499-p3 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q499-p6 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q499-p9 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q499-p10 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q499-p11 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q499-p12 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q499-p14 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q499-p15 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q499-p19 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q499-p21 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q505-p4 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q505-p5 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q505-p6 (pot) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q505-p7 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q505-p8 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q505-p9 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q505-p10 (pot) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q505-p11 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q505-p12 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q505-p13 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q505-p15 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q505-p16 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q505-p17 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q505-p18 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q505-p19 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q505-p22 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q510-p2 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q510-p4 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q510-p5 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q510-p6 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q510-p7 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q510-p8 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q510-p9 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q510-p10 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q510-p12 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q510-p13 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p1 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p2 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q513-p3 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p4 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p5 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p6 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p7 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP cJC q513-p8 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p9 (pot) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p10 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p11 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p12 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p13 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p14 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p15 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p16 (pot) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p17 (pot) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p18 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p19 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p20 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q513-p21 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q514-p1 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q514-p4 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q514-p5 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q514-p7 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q514-p10 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q514-p12 (pot) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q514-p13 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q514-p14 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q514-p15 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q514-p16 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q514-p17 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q514-p21 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q514-p22 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q514-p23 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q514-p24 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q514-p25 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q514-p26 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q514-p69 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q515-p1 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q515-p2 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q515-p4 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q515-p5 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q515-p8 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q515-p9 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q515-p10 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q516-p1 (platter or plate) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q516-p2 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q516-p3 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q516-p4 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q516-p5 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q516-p6 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q516-p7 (pot) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q516-p8 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q516-p9 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q516-p10 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q516-p11 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q516-p12 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q516-p13 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q516-p14 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q516-p15 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q516-p16 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q516-p17 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q516-p18 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q516-p19 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q516-p20 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q516-p26 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q516-p28 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q516-p29 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q516-p32 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q516-p33 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q516-p35 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q516-p69 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q517-p5 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q517-p7 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q517-p9 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q517-p11 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q518-p1 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q518-p2 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q518-p3 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q518-p4 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q518-p5 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q518-p6 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q518-p7 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q518-p8 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q518-p9 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q518-p10 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q518-p11 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q518-p12 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q518-p13 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q518-p14 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q518-p15 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q523-p8 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q526-p9 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q526-p11 (platter or plate) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q526-p14 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q526-p17 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q526-p31 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p1 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p2 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p3 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q536-p4 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p5 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q536-p6 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p7 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p8 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p9 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p10 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p11 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p12 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p13 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p14 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p15 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q536-p16 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p17 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p18 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p19 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p20 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p21 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q536-p22 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q536-p69 (platter or plate) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q538-p2 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q538-p3 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q538-p4 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q539-p1 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q539-p2 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q539-p3 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q539-p4 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q539-p5 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q539-p6 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q540-p1 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q540-p3 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q540-p4 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q540-p5 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q540-p6 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q540-p7 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q540-p8 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q540-p9 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q540-p10 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q540-p11 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q540-p12 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q540-p13 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q540-p14 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q540-p15 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q540-p16 (pot) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q540-p18 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q540-p40 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q542-p11 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q542-p20 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q549-p1 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q549-p2 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q549-p3 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q549-p4 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q549-p6 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q549-p7 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q549-p8 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q549-p9 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q549-p10 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q549-p11 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q549-p12 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q549-p13 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q549-p14 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q549-p15 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q549-p16 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q549-p17 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q549-p18 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q549-p19 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q549-p20 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP cJC q549-p21 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q550-p2 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q550-p10 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q550-p24 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q551-p1 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q551-p2 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q551-p3 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q560-p2 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q560-p5 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q560-p7 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q560-p15 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q561-p34 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q563-p1 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q563-p2 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q563-p3 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q563-p4 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q563-p5 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q563-p6 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q563-p7 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q563-p8 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q567-p1 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q567-p2 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q567-p3 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q567-p4 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q567-p5 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q567-p6 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q567-p7 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q567-p8 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q567-p9 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q567-p10 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q567-p11 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q567-p12 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q567-p13 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q567-p14 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q567-p15 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q567-p16 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q567-p17 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q567-p18 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q567-p19 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q567-p20 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q567-p21 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q567-p22 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q571-p1 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q571-p2 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q571-p3 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q571-p5 (pot) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q575-p1 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q582-p1 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q582-p3 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q582-p5 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q582-p7 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q582-p8 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q582-p9 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q582-p10 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q582-p11 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q582-p12 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q582-p13 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q582-p14 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q582-p15 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q582-p17 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q582-p18 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP cJC q582-p19 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q582-p20 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q582-p21 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q582-p22 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q582-p32 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q590-p11 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q591-p1 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q591-p2 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q591-p3 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q591-p20 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q598-p1 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q598-p2 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q598-p3 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q598-p4 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q598-p5 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q598-p6 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q598-p7 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q598-p8 (pot) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q598-p9 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q598-p10 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q598-p11 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q598-p12 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q598-p13 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q598-p14 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q598-p15 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q600-p1 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p2 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p3 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p4 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p5 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p6 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p7 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p8 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p9 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p10 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p11 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p12 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p13 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p14 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p15 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p16 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p17 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p18 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p19 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q600-p20 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q601-p3 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q601-p4 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q601-p5 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q601-p6 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q603-p1 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q603-p2 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q603-p3 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q603-p4 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q603-p5 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q603-p6 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q603-p7 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q603-p8 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q603-p9 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q603-p10 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q603-p11 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q603-p12 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q603-p13 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q603-p14 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q603-p15 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q603-p16 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q603-p17 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q603-p18 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q603-p20 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q603-p21 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q603-p22 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q603-p24 (handle) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q606-p1 (platter or plate) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q606-p2 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q606-p3 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q606-p4 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q606-p5 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q606-p6 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q606-p7 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q606-p8 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q606-p9 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q609-p1 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q609-p2 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q609-p3 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q609-p4 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q609-p5 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q609-p6 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q609-p7 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q609-p8 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q609-p9 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q609-p10 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q609-p11 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q609-p12 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q609-p13 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q609-p14 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q609-p15 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q609-p16 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q609-p17 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q609-p18 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q609-p19 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q609-p20 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q611-p1 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q611-p2 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q611-p3 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q611-p4 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q611-p5 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q611-p6 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q611-p7 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q611-p8 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q611-p9 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q611-p10 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q611-p11 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q611-p70 (body sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q613-p1 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q613-p2 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q613-p3 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q613-p4 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q613-p5 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q613-p6 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q613-p7 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q613-p8 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q613-p9 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q614-p1 (rim) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q614-p4 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q614-p15 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q614-p29 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q617-p1 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q617-p2 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q617-p3 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q617-p7 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q617-p14 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q617-p15 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q617-p16 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q617-p17 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q617-p18 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q617-p19 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q618-p1 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q618-p2 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q618-p3 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q618-p4 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618-p5 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q618-p6 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618-p7 (jar) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618-p8 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618-p9 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618-p10 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618-p11 (bowl) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618-p12 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618-p13 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618-p14 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618-p15 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618-p16 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618-p17 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618-p18 (base) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618-p19 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618-p20 (cup) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618-p21 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q618-p22 (other shape sherd) sits in f100 (lens type c) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f100 (lens type c) covers f155 (foundation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw pale brown K6 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw 10YR6/3 O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7022 -TP_A9f100 O825 mkb_jars.jpg O12 1999-07-04_J806JL2.j jl v22 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28a O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28b O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28c O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28d O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28e O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28f O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v28g O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30a O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31a O12 1999-07-20_J806JL2.j jl v32 O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v34 O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v35 O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v36 O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v37 ; A9f101 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl lens type c B10 1999-06-20_J620JLW.j jlw accumulation B10 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw accumulation C B11 1999-06-20_J620JLW.j jlw distinct layer of soil with a small section of pebble floor, burned areas, a brown color (tending to some red near the eastern baulk), soft spots and a greasy texture (clumps into a ball when squeezed). B11 1999-06-20_J620JLW.j jlw there are many charcoal bits as well. Also, ash lenses have been noted, and some localized layers of pebbles and sherds 9up to about 50 cm square). This is incompatible with the wad melt deposition, which we assume to have existed elsewhere in A9. It appears to be related instead to living occupation. B11 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw moist, greasy (clumps when squeezed) soil with charcoal inclusions. Non-uniform hardness with some soft pockets. Large amounts of pottery suggests dump. C1 1999-06-20_J620JLW.j jlw less pottery from this feature than the one above, f63. Noticed a few sherds of metallic ware. C3 1999-06-20_J620JLW.j jlw we may have evidence of the tapering off to the east of the late 3rd millennium settlement on the hump corresponding to A7/A2. D1 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl k3 D2 1999-06-20_J620JLW.j jlw we are about 60 cm above top of wall to A8/A6: if there is an AK wall, we may come upon it soon, but f101 clearly overlaps it, if any. D99 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl brownish, greasy soil with soft pockets F50 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f63 (stone installation) covers f101 (lens type c) F50 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f103 (layer) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-20_J620JL.j !! q219.1 (metal artifact) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-20_J620JL.j !! q219.2 (clay lump) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-20_J620JL.j !! q219.3 (lithic artifact) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-20_J620JL.j !! q219.4 (clay lump) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j !! q221.1 (metal artifact) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j !! q221.2 (metal artifact) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j !! q221.3 (clay lump) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j !! q225.1 (clay artifact) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j !! q225.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j !! q225.3 (clay lump) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-20_J620JL.j jl q219 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl q221 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl q225 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p1 (cup) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p2 (cup) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p3 (platter or plate) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p4 (cup) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p5 (bowl) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p6 (bowl) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p7 (cup) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p8 (strainer) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p9 (bowl) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p10 (base) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p11 (base) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hh q219-p12 (other shape sherd) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p13 (rim) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p14 (jar) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p15 (jar) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p16 (rim) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p17 (jar) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p18 (rim) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p19 (jar) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p20 (rim) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p21 (jar) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p22 (rim) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q219-p23 (handle) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q225-p1 (base) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q225-p2 (base) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q225-p3 (base) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q225-p4 (base) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q225-p5 (base) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q225-p6 (base) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q225-p7 (base) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q225-p8 (bowl) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q225-p9 (cup) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q225-p10 (jar) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q225-p11 (jar) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q225-p12 (jar) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q225-p13 (jar) sits in f101 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q225-p14 (rim) sits in f101 (lens type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw pale brown (when dry, but darker when wet) K6 1999-06-21_J622JLW2.j jlw 10YR6/3 K8 1999-06-20_J620JLW.j jlw very greasy, by which I mean that soil is not only soft, but also somewhat sticky. K15 1999-06-20_J620JLW.j jlw the origin of f101 maybe the houses to the west in A2. A similar large dump outside the habitation area was found in A2. ; A9f102 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl lens type c B10 1999-06-19_J620JLW.j jlw floor, type d B10 1999-06-20_J620JLW.j jlw floor, type b B11 1999-06-19_J620JLW.j jlw small (45cm by 35 cm) section of sherd and pebble floor along north baulk (15 cm south of edge and 60 cm west of large stone, f65) Small patches of burned soil in general vicinity. gb believes that these may be associated with post AK houses excavated nearby in A2 last season. C1 1999-06-20_J620JLW.j jlw removed after measuring. No relays since markers not yet installed. D1 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl k3 D99 1999-06-15_J622JL1.j jl 50 cm X 50 cm sherd and pebble floor surface F52 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f102 (lens type c) sits in f63 (stone installation) ; A9f103 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl layer B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl layer B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl stone and sherd layer approximately 4 meters square in middle part of k3. Originally believed to be a floor, but now we believe that it was a natural accumulation of material washed down the wadi. May be associated with f102. A part of a14, which is probably a dump. D1 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl k3 D99 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl layer of stones, sherds, and occasional bronze artifact, = a 14 F51 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j !! q222.1 (metal artifact) sits in f103 (layer) F51 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl q222 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f103 (layer) F51 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl q223 (pottery) sits in f103 (layer) F51 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl q224 (pottery) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q222-p1 (base) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q222-p2 (base) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q222-p3 (base) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q222-p4 (bowl) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q222-p5 (rim) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q222-p6 (rim) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q222-p7 (bowl) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q222-p8 (jar) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q222-p9 (bowl) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q222-p10 (rim) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q222-p11 (jar) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q222-p12 (rim) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q222-p13 (bowl) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q222-p14 (rim) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q222-p15 (jar) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p1 (base) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p2 (base) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p3 (base) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p4 (base) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p5 (base) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p6 (bowl) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p7 (bowl) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p8 (jar) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p9 (jar) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p10 (bowl) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p11 (bowl) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p12 (rim) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p13 (jar) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p14 (bowl) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p15 (rim) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p16 (rim) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p17 (rim) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p18 (rim) sits in f103 (layer) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q224-p19 (rim) sits in f103 (layer) F52 1999-06-21_J622JL.j jl f103 (layer) sits in f101 (lens type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl a14 ; A9f104 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl lens type c B10 1999-06-22_J622JLW2.j jlw accumulation D B11 1999-06-22_J622JLW2.j jlw soil the color of f101 but with fewer soft spots and more brick chunks. When scraped, it comes off the trowel in very fine grains; however the surface still has the shiny, greasy texture just as it is scraped, probably due to the high moisture content. No discernible change in baulk section. D1 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl k3 D99 1999-06-21_J622JL1.j jl patches of bricky red material below f 101 F51 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j !! q228.1 (clay lump) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q228 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q228-p1 (bowl) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q228-p2 (base) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q228-p3 (base) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q228-p4 (base) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q228-p5 (base) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q228-p6 (bowl) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q228-p7 (bowl) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q228-p8 (cup) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q228-p9 (rim) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q228-p10 (cup) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q228-p11 (rim) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q228-p12 (rim) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q228-p13 (rim) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q228-p14 (rim) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q228-p15 (bowl) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q228-p16 (jar) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q228-p17 (jar) sits in f104 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q228-p18 (rim) sits in f104 (lens type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-06-22_J622JLW2.j jlw dark yellowish brown (when damp) K6 1999-06-22_J622JLW2.j jlw 10YR4/4 ; A9f105 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw pit A35 1999-06-24_J806JL2.j !! v19 B10 1999-06-22_J622JLW2.j jlw layer B11 1999-06-22_J622JLW2.j jlw rectangular patch (180 cm N-S by 110 cm E-W) of bricky material and packed earth covered with a thin coating of gypsum-like material. Originally, I believed this may have been a floor, but I now conclude it was more likely a patch of discarded building material. D1 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw k4 D3 1999-06-23_J625JL-R.j jl r134 (43959 35413 - 2146 / Relay location: N end (semicircle)) D3 1999-06-23_J625JL-R.j jl r135 (43851 35482 - 2146 / Relay location: middle of arc) D3 1999-06-23_J625JL-R.j jl r136 (43784 35351 - 2146 / Relay location: S end) D3 1999-08-04_J804JLWR.j jlw r404 (43917 35310 - 8302 / Relay location: k4/6) D3 1999-08-04_J804JLWR.j jlw r405 (43914 35477 - 8303 / Relay location: k4/6) D3 1999-08-04_J804JLWR.j jlw r406 (43768 35382 - 8305 / Relay location: k4/6) D99 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw refuse pit with large quantities of ash and bone F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j !! q239.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f105 (pit) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j !! q261.1 (clay artifact) sits in f105 (pit) F51 1999-06-26_J703JL.j !! q267.1 (shell artifact) sits in f105 (pit) F51 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q230 (bones, pottery) sits in f105 (pit) F51 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q234 (pottery) sits in f105 (pit) F51 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q235 (bones, pottery) sits in f105 (pit) F51 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q236 (pottery) sits in f105 (pit) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q239 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f105 (pit) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q244 (bones, pottery) sits in f105 (pit) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q245 (bones, pottery) sits in f105 (pit) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q246 (bones, pottery) sits in f105 (pit) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q249 (bones, pottery) sits in f105 (pit) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q256 (bones, pottery) sits in f105 (pit) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q261 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f105 (pit) F51 1999-06-26_J703JL.j jl q267 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q230-p1 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q230-p2 (rim) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q230-p3 (bowl) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q230-p4 (bowl) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q230-p5 (cup) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q230-p6 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q230-p7 (cup) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q230-p8 (base) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q230-p9 (base) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q230-p10 (bowl) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q230-p11 (bowl) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q234-p1 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q234-p2 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q234-p3 (base) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q234-p4 (base) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q234-p5 (base) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q234-p6 (rim) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q234-p7 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q234-p8 (rim) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q234-p9 (bowl) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q234-p10 (bowl) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q234-p11 (strainer) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q234-p68 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q234-p69 (base) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q244-p1 (rim) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q244-p2 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q244-p3 (rim) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q244-p4 (bowl) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q244-p5 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q244-p6 (rim) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q244-p7 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q244-p8 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q245-p1 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q245-p2 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q245-p3 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q245-p4 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q245-p5 (rim) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q245-p6 (rim) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q245-p7 (base) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q246-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q246-p2 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q246-p3 (rim) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q249-p1 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q249-p2 (bowl) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q249-p3 (other shape sherd) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q256-p1 (cup) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q256-p2 (base) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q256-p3 (bowl) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q256-p4 (strainer) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q256-p5 (rim) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q256-p6 (bowl) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q256-p7 (base) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q256-p8 (base) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q256-p9 (cup) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q256-p10 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q256-p11 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q256-p12 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q256-p13 (bowl) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q261-p1 (pot) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q261-p2 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q261-p3 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q261-p4 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q261-p5 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q261-p6 (bowl) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q261-p7 (bowl) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q261-p8 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q261-p9 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q261-p10 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q261-p11 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q261-p12 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q261-p13 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q261-p14 (bowl) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q261-p15 (bowl) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q267-p1 (base) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q267-p2 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q267-p3 (rim) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q267-p4 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q267-p5 (bowl) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q267-p6 (strainer) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q267-p7 (rim) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q267-p8 (base) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q267-p9 (rim) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q267-p10 (jar) sits in f105 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q267-p11 (bowl) sits in f105 (pit) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O12 1999-06-24_J806JL2.j jl v19 O12 1999-06-24_J806JL2.j jl v19a O12 1999-06-24_J806JL2.j jl v19b O12 1999-06-24_J806JL2.j jl v19c ; A9f106 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw floor, type c B10 1999-06-22_J622JLW2.j jlw accumulation C B10 1999-06-22_J622JLW2.j jlw pit B11 1999-06-22_J622JLW2.j jlw collection of ashy material and a large quantity of bone in the far NW corner of quadrant 4 of k4. It also extends farther to the west into A2. B11 1999-06-22_J622JLW2.j jlw mixture of soil and ash layers, particularly in NW corner. D1 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw k3 D99 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw brick and gypsum floor surface F51 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j !! q233.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f106 (floor, type c) F51 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q233 (items, pottery) sits in f106 (floor, type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q233-p1 (jar) sits in f106 (floor, type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q233-p2 (bowl) sits in f106 (floor, type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q233-p3 (base) sits in f106 (floor, type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q233-p4 (jar) sits in f106 (floor, type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q233-p5 (rim) sits in f106 (floor, type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f107 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw lens type c A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7052 -TP_A9f107 O826 mkb.jpg B10 1999-06-22_J622JLW2.j jlw pit B11 1999-06-22_J622JLW2.j jlw refuse pit, apparently shallow, cut into f74 at the west edge of quadrant 4, k4. Bottom is at about the same elevation as f76, the last full soil layer excavated in k5 in 1997. Found large quantities of ash, animal bone and pottery, particularly near the bottom. D1 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw k3 D99 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw soil mixed with thin band of ash F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f109 (pit) cuts f107 (lens type c) F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f108 (burial) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl i39 (metal artifact) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j !! q247.1 (clay artifact) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j !! q247.2 (clay lump) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-26_J703JL.j !! q269.1 (slag) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-26_J703JL.j !! q269.5 sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j !! q274.1 (clay lump) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j !! q274.2 (wheel) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j !! q274.3 (sample) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-22_J622JL1.j jlw q237 (bones, pottery) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q241 (bones, pottery) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q247 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q251 (bones, pottery) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q260 (bones, pottery) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-26_J703JL.j jl q266 (bones, pottery) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-26_J703JL.j jl q269 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-26_J703JL.j jl q271 (pottery) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q274 (items, pottery) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q237-p1 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q237-p2 (bowl) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q237-p3 (bowl) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q237-p4 (bowl) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q237-p5 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q237-p6 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q237-p7 (bowl) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q237-p8 (rim) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q247-p2 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q247-p3 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q247-p4 (bowl) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q247-p5 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q247-p6 (rim) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q247-p7 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q247-p8 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q247-p9 (bowl) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q251-p1 (bowl) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q251-p2 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q251-p3 (bowl) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q251-p4 (bowl) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q251-p5 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q251-p6 (rim) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q251-p7 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q251-p8 (bowl) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q251-p9 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q251-p10 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q251-p11 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q251-p12 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q251-p13 (rim) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q251-p14 (cup) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q251-p15 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q251-p16 (rim) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q251-p17 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q260-p1 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q260-p2 (bowl) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2016-08-18_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q260-p99 (body sherd) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p1 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p2 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p3 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p4 (bowl) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p5 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p6 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p7 (bowl) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p8 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p9 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p10 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p11 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p12 (rim) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p13 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p14 (rim) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p15 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p16 (rim) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p17 (rim) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p18 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q266-p19 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q269-p1 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q269-p2 (cup) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q269-p3 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q269-p4 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q269-p5 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q269-p6 (base) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q269-p7 (cup) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q269-p8 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q269-p9 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q269-p10 (rim) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q269-p11 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q269-p12 (bowl) sits in f107 (lens type c) F51 2004-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q269-p13 (jar) sits in f107 (lens type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7052 -TP_A9f107 O826 mkb.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7053 -TP_A9f107 O826 mkb.jpg ; A9f108 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl burial B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl burial B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl burial in k3, part of a15, NE corner of locus. i37, a bronze pin, and i38, a figurine, were discovered in the burial. Since most of the burial was in the baulk, the burial was pedestaled for a time and later removed. D1 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl k3 D99 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl against E baulk F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl i37 (metal artifact) sits in f108 (burial) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl i38 (figurine) sits in f108 (burial) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j !! q242.1 (bead) sits in f108 (burial) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j !! q242.2 (metal artifact) sits in f108 (burial) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j !! q272.1 (metal artifact) sits in f108 (burial) F51 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl q242 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f108 (burial) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q272 (bones, items) sits in f108 (burial) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f108 (burial) sits in f107 (lens type c) G1 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl a15 ; A9f109 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl pit B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl pit B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl refuse pit in S portion of k3, contained large quantities of ash, pottery, and bones. D1 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl k3 D99 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl refuse pit along south edge F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q252 (bones, pottery) sits in f109 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q252-p1 (base) sits in f109 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q252-p2 (rim) sits in f109 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q252-p3 (jar) sits in f109 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q252-p4 (bowl) sits in f109 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q252-p5 (other shape sherd) sits in f109 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q252-p6 (jar) sits in f109 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q252-p7 (bowl) sits in f109 (pit) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q252-p8 (base) sits in f109 (pit) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f109 (pit) cuts f107 (lens type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f110 A20 !!_!! !! other features A21 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl volumetric material A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7013 -TP_A9f110 O825 mkb_jars.jpg B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl accumulation C B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl alternating thin bands of red and black soil in k6. Originally A2, feature and locus unknown due to lack of proper records here at the site. Some seal impressions and bronze artifacts, including i89, an axe, found in lower levels. Many sherds from this feature have contributed immensely to dating this stratum. No single Munsell color possible due to alternating bands of soil. Likely the result of accumulation during post-palace occupation. C1 1999-07-02_J702JLW.j jlw excavating on the SW corner of the platform left over from the 1997 excavations, just above and to the north of sherd floor, f120. (We want to determine the extents of this floor.) Found some very red soil and just underneath, pieces of a large, broken jar. C1 1999-07-03_J703JLW.j jlw excavated the area north of f120 with small pick. A bronze pin was the principal find. No evidence of the continuation of what we believed to be a floor. D1 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl unexcavated W baulk of A2, unknown k or f# F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f120 (pavement, type c) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl i82 (wheel) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl i84 (metal artifact) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-22_J806JL2.j jl i86 (figurine) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-28_J806JL2.j jl i93 (seal impression) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j !! q253.1 (sealing) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j !! q255.1 (shell artifact) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j !! q255.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j !! q262.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j !! q264.1 (seal impression) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-26_J703JL.j !! q265.1 (seal impression) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-26_J703JL.j !! q265.2 (seal impression) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-26_J703JL.j !! q265.3 (seal) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-26_J703JL.j !! q265.4 (clay artifact) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-26_J703JL.j !! q265.5 (lithic artifact) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-26_J703JL.j !! q265.6 sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-28_J703JL.j !! q292.1 (clay artifact) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j !! q297.1 (clay artifact) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-03_J703JL.j !! q317.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-03_J703JL.j !! q317.2 (metal artifact) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q483.1 (specimen) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q483.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q534.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q534.2 (clay artifact) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q534.3 (clay lump) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q546.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q253 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q254 (bones, pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q255 (items, pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q257 (bones, pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q262 (pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q264 (items, pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-26_J703JL.j jl q265 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q276 (bones, pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q285 (pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q286 (bones, pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-28_J703JL.j jl q292 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q297 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-02_J703JL.j jl q314 (bones, pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-03_J703JL.j jl q317 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q483 (bones, pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q506 (bones, pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q534 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q546 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q548 (bones, pottery) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q255-p4 (rim) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q255-p9 (rim) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q257-p1 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q257-p10 (stand) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q262-p1 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q265-p2 (rim) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q265-p30 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q265-p32 (rim) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q276-p2 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q276-p3 (rim) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q276-p7 (rim) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q276-p17 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q276-p20 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q276-p25 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q276-p27 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q276-p36 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q276-p37 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q285-p9 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q286-p14 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q292-p2 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q292-p5 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q297-p8 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q317-p2 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p1 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p2 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p3 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p4 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p5 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p6 (pot) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p7 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p8 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p9 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p10 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP cJC q388-p11 (other shape sherd) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p12 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p13 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p15 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p16 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p17 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p18 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p19 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p20 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p21 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p22 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q388-p23 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q400-p1 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q400-p2 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q400-p3 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q400-p4 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q400-p5 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q483-p1 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q483-p2 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q483-p3 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q483-p4 (rim) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q483-p5 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q483-p6 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q483-p7 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q483-p8 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q483-p9 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q483-p10 (pot) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q483-p11 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q483-p12 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q483-p13 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q483-p14 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q483-p15 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q534-p1 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q534-p2 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q534-p3 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q534-p4 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q534-p5 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q534-p6 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q534-p7 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q534-p8 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q534-p9 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q534-p10 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q534-p11 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q534-p12 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p1 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p2 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p3 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p5 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p7 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p8 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p9 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p10 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p11 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p12 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p13 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p14 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p15 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p17 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p18 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p19 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p20 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p21 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q536-p22 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q539-p1 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q539-p4 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q539-p5 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q539-p6 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q546-p1 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q546-p2 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q546-p3 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP cJC q546-p4 (other shape sherd) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q546-p5 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q546-p6 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q546-p7 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q546-p8 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q546-p9 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q546-p10 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q546-p11 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q546-p12 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q546-p13 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q546-p14 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q546-p15 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q546-p16 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q546-p17 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q546-p18 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q546-p19 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q546-p20 (pot) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q548-p1 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q548-p2 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q548-p3 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q548-p4 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q548-p5 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q548-p6 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q548-p7 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q548-p8 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q548-p9 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q548-p10 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q548-p11 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q548-p12 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q548-p13 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q548-p14 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q548-p15 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q548-p16 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q548-p17 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q548-p18 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q548-p19 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q548-p20 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q548-p21 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q548-p22 (pot) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q548-p24 (rim) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q598-p1 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP cJC q598-p2 (other shape sherd) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q598-p3 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q598-p4 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q598-p5 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q598-p6 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q598-p7 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q598-p8 (pot) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP cJC q598-p9 (other shape sherd) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q598-p10 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q598-p11 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q598-p12 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q598-p13 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q598-p14 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q598-p15 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p2 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p3 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p4 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p5 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p6 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p7 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p8 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p9 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p10 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p11 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p12 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p13 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p14 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p15 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p16 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p17 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p18 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p19 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q600-p20 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q606-p3 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q606-p4 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q606-p5 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP cJC q606-p7 (other shape sherd) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q606-p8 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q609-p14 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q609-p15 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q609-p16 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q609-p17 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q609-p18 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q609-p20 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q611-p2 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q611-p3 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q611-p4 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q611-p5 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q611-p6 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q611-p7 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q611-p8 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q611-p9 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q611-p10 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q611-p11 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q617-p14 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q617-p15 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q617-p16 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q617-p17 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q617-p18 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q617-p19 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p1 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p2 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p3 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p4 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p5 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p6 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p7 (jar) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p8 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p9 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p10 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p11 (bowl) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p12 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p13 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p14 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p15 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p16 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p17 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p18 (base) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p19 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q618-p20 (cup) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP cJC q618-p21 (other shape sherd) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP cJC q618-p22 (other shape sherd) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f110 (volumetric material) covers f115 (floor, type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl light brown K6 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl 7.5yr6/4 O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7013 -TP_A9f110 O825 mkb_jars.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7014 -TP_A9f110 O825 mkb_bowls.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7015 -TP_A9f110 O825 mkb_cc_bases .jpg O12 1999-06-28_J806JL2.j jl v21 O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v35 O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v37 ; A9f111 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl burial B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl burial B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl child burial from k3 S baulk. Part of a16. i43, a bronze pin, and i44, a bronze ring, discovered in it. D1 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl k3 D3 1999-06-23_J625JL-R.j jl r142 (43953 36006 - 2199 / Relay location: k3) D99 1999-06-23_J625JL.j jl possible infant burial in S baulk F51 1999-06-24_J625JL.j jl q258 (bones) sits in f111 (burial) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f111 (burial) sits in f113 (lens type c) G1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl a16 ; A9f112 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j !! topsoil A35 1999-06-28_J806JL2.j !! v20 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl topsoil B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl k7 topsoil. Within it were found large quantities of pottery and emerging architecture. Taken over by A11. Type of contact unknown. F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl i41 (figurine) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 1999-06-26_J703JL.j !! q268.1 (unknown) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j !! q278.1 (clay artifact) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j !! q279.1 (clay artifact) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j !! q282.1 (figurine) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 1999-06-26_J703JL.j jl q268 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 1999-06-26_J703JL.j jl q270 (pottery) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q275 (pottery) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q277 (pottery) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q278 (items, pottery) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q279 (pottery) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q282 (items, pottery) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q283 (pottery) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q284 (pottery) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q287 (pottery) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q268-p1 (rim) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q268-p2 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q268-p3 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q268-p4 (platter or plate) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q268-p5 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q268-p6 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q268-p7 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q268-p8 (rim) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q268-p9 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q268-p10 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q268-p11 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q268-p12 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q268-p13 (base) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q268-p14 (rim) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q268-p15 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q268-p16 (rim) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q268-p17 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q268-p18 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q270-p1 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q270-p2 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q270-p3 (base) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q270-p4 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q270-p5 (base) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q270-p6 (cup) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q270-p7 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q270-p8 (platter or plate) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q270-p9 (base) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q275-p1 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q275-p2 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q275-p3 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q275-p4 (pot) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q275-p5 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q275-p6 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q275-p7 (pot) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q275-p8 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q275-p9 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q275-p10 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q275-p11 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q275-p12 (cup) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q275-p13 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q275-p14 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q275-p15 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q278-p1 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q278-p2 (base) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q278-p3 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q278-p4 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q278-p5 (rim) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q278-p6 (rim) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q278-p7 (base) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q278-p8 (other shape sherd) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q278-p9 (pot) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q278-p10 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q278-p11 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q279-p1 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q279-p2 (base) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q279-p3 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q279-p4 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q279-p5 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q279-p6 (base) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q282-p1 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q282-p2 (platter or plate) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q282-p3 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q282-p4 (base) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q282-p5 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q282-p6 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q282-p7 (base) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q282-p8 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q282-p9 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q282-p10 (base) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q282-p11 (rim) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q282-p12 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q282-p13 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q282-p14 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q282-p15 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q283-p1 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q283-p2 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q283-p3 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q283-p4 (rim) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q283-p5 (pot) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q283-p6 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q283-p7 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q283-p8 (base) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q283-p9 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q283-p10 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q283-p11 (base) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q284-p1 (base) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q284-p2 (bowl) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q284-p3 (base) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q284-p4 (base) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q284-p5 (platter or plate) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q284-p6 (handle) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q284-p7 (rim) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q284-p8 (base) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q284-p9 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q287-p1 (rim) sits in f112 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q287-p2 (jar) sits in f112 (topsoil) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl light gray K6 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl 10yr/2 O12 1999-06-28_J806JL2.j jl v20 O12 1999-06-28_J806JL2.j jl v20a O12 1999-07-10_J806JL2.j jl v24 ; A9f113 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl lens type c A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7018 -TP_A9f113 O825 mkb.jpg B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl accumulation C B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl reddish brown accumulation with brick chunks. Originally we thought that the brick chunks signalled the top of the wall to the north of wall f1. However, further excavation revealed that this was not the case. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k3 D99 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl bricky layer; possible wall top F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f114 (pit) cuts f113 (lens type c) F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f111 (burial) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl i40 (figurine) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl i43 (metal artifact) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl i44 (metal artifact) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-28_J703JL.j !! q291.1 (clay lump) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j !! q298.1 (unknown) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j !! q298.2 (seal impression) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j !! q305.1 (clay artifact) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j !! q305.2 (sample) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j !! q305.3 (sample) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q280 (bones, pottery) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-28_J703JL.j jl q291 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-28_J703JL.j jl q295 (pottery) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q298 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q305 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q280-p2 (cup) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q280-p4 (rim) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q280-p5 (bowl) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q280-p6 (jar) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q280-p11 (jar) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q280-p12 (jar) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q291-p1 (bowl) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q291-p3 (bowl) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q291-p6 (jar) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q291-p7 (handle) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q291-p9 (jar) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q298-p1 (cup) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q298-p2 (bowl) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q298-p3 (bowl) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q298-p4 (jar) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q298-p5 (rim) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q298-p6 (rim) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q298-p7 (rim) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q298-p8 (rim) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q298-p9 (rim) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q298-p11 (base) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q305-p1 (jar) sits in f113 (lens type c) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q305-p6 (jar) sits in f113 (lens type c) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f113 (lens type c) overlays f126 (accumulation C) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl dark brown K6 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl 10yr4/3 O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7018 -TP_A9f113 O825 mkb.jpg O12 1999-07-04_J806JL2.j jl v22 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31a ; A9f114 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl pit B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl pit B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl refuse pit that cuts the S half of k3 f113. The top layer had a lens of white material; underneath were many thick ash pockets. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k3 D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r171 (44017 36049 - 8394 / Relay location: center) D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r172 (44022 36039 - 8394 / Relay location: N edge) D99 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl ashy pit; possible pit f113 in k3 F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j !! q281.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f114 (pit) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j !! q281.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f114 (pit) F51 1999-06-28_J703JL.j !! q294.1 (sample) sits in f114 (pit) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j !! q299.1 (wheel) sits in f114 (pit) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j !! q299.2 (sample) sits in f114 (pit) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl q281 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f114 (pit) F51 1999-06-28_J703JL.j jl q294 (pottery) sits in f114 (pit) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q299 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f114 (pit) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q281-p1 (jar) sits in f114 (pit) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q281-p2 (jar) sits in f114 (pit) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q281-p3 (cup) sits in f114 (pit) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q281-p4 (base) sits in f114 (pit) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q281-p5 (other shape sherd) sits in f114 (pit) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q294-p1 (bowl) sits in f114 (pit) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q294-p2 (other shape sherd) sits in f114 (pit) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q299-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f114 (pit) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q299-p2 (base) sits in f114 (pit) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q299-p3 (stand) sits in f114 (pit) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f114 (pit) cuts f113 (lens type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f115 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl floor, type c A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7040 -TP_A9f115 O826 mkb.jpg B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl floorsurface in general B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl tamped earth floor extending N from doorway a17. Difficult to trace. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl tamped earth surface along N side of E-W wall F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f110 (volumetric material) covers f115 (floor, type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q553.1 (clay lump) sits in f115 (floor, type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q553 (bones, pottery) sits in f115 (floor, type c) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q553-p11 (other shape sherd) sits in f115 (floor, type c) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f115 (floor, type c) covers f116 (accumulation C) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f115 (floor, type c) covers f181 (accumulation) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f115 (floor, type c) covers f184 (layer) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7040 -TP_A9f115 O826 mkb.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7041 -TP_A9f115 O826 mkb.jpg O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25 O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25a O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25d ; A9f116 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl accumulation C A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7001 -TP_A9f116 O825 mkb_jars_bowls.jpg B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl accumulation C B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl ashy soil underneath k6 f115. Seal impressions found within it. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl under floor f115 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f115 (floor, type c) covers f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl i42 (seal impression) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-28_J806JL2.j jl i94 (animal bone) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-28_J703JL.j !! q289.1 (seal impression) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j !! q338.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q527.1 (clay lump) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q527.2 (clay artifact) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q527.3 (lithic artifact) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q527.4 (metal artifact) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j !! q628.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j !! q628.2 (clay lump) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j !! q633.1 (clay artifact) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j !! q634.1 (figurine) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j !! q634.2 (clay artifact) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-28_J703JL.j jl q289 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q338 (items, pottery) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q527 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q627 (bones, pottery) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q628 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q631 (pottery) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q632 (pottery) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q633 (pottery) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q634 (pottery) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-31_J805AO.j jl q636 (pottery) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q289-p8 (rim) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q338-p1 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q338-p2 (base) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q338-p3 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q338-p4 (base) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q338-p5 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q338-p6 (base) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q338-p7 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q338-p8 (rim) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q338-p9 (cup) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q338-p10 (rim) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q338-p11 (rim) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q338-p12 (base) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q338-p13 (base) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q338-p14 (base) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q527-p19 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q527-p24 (cup) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q527-p25 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q527-p28 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q527-p62 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q544-p4 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q544-p9 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q544-p10 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q544-p12 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q544-p14 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q544-p17 (base) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q544-p19 (base) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q545-p1 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q545-p4 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q545-p6 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q545-p13 (base) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q627-p1 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q627-p2 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q627-p3 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q627-p4 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q627-p11 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q627-p12 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q627-p13 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j !! q627-p16 (other shape sherd) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q627-p20 (base) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q628-p2 (rim) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q628-p3 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q628-p4 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q628-p5 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q628-p6 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q631-p8 (rim) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q631-p9 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q631-p11 (rim) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q631-p12 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q631-p15 (other shape sherd) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q631-p16 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q631-p19 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q631-p20 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j !! q631-p28 (other shape sherd) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q632-p1 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q632-p2 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q632-p7 (platter or plate) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q632-p8 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q632-p10 (rim) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q632-p12 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q632-p14 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q633-p4 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q633-p6 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q633-p8 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q633-p19 (base) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q633-p20 (base) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q634-p1 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q634-p3 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q634-p5 (rim) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q634-p6 (other shape sherd) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q634-p9 (rim) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q634-p14 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q634-p15 (bowl) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q634-p21 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q634-p25 (base) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q634-p32 (other shape sherd) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q636-p3 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q636-p5 (jar) sits in f116 (accumulation C) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f116 (accumulation C) covers f117 (wall) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl light brownish gray K6 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl 10yr6/2 O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7001 -TP_A9f116 O825 mkb_jars_bowls.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7009 -TP_A9f116 O825 mkb.jpg O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25 O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25a O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25d O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v35 O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v36 O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v37 O12 1999-07-29_J806JL2.j jl v40 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v39 ; A9f117 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl wall A35 1999-06-23_J806JL2.j !! v18 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl wall B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl a line of large stones extending N from the E edge of doorway a17. At the N end, one stone juts out west. Just beyond the N end of the line, another large stone, f189, sits alone, slightly NW of the wall. Parts of this wall were covered with a bricky material, however, no actual bricks were discovered. The stones appear to sit on top of a thin layer of packing or accumulation laid over pebble floor f80/150. B11 1999-08-06_J806JLW1.j jlw crude N-S stone wall/barrier perhaps constructed from stones robbed from wall that would have been the west counterpart of wall, f155. Wall runs N-S from a point just east of doorway, a18. It is 3.65 m long and averages about 60 cm wide. The largest stone is about 60 x 40 x 25 cm. The wall appears to be laid over a thin layer of packing atop pebble floor, f150. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k6 D3 1999-07-27_J730JLWR.j aj r345 (43664 34859 - 8328 / Relay location: k6) D3 1999-07-27_J730JLWR.j aj r346 (44006 34984 - 8310 / Relay location: k6) D3 1999-07-27_J730JLWR.j aj r347 (44027 34928 - 8314 / Relay location: k6) D3 1999-07-27_J730JLWR.j aj r348 (43940 34891 - 8316 / Relay location: k6) D3 1999-07-27_J730JLWR.j aj r349 (43955 34833 - 8312 / Relay location: k6) D3 1999-07-27_J730JLWR.j aj r350 (43911 34811 - 8315 / Relay location: k6) D3 1999-07-27_J730JLWR.j aj r351 (43881 34884 - 8324 / Relay location: k6) D3 1999-07-27_J730JLWR.j aj r352 (43689 34805 - 8350 / Relay location: k6) D99 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl under ac f116 on E side F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f116 (accumulation C) covers f117 (wall) F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f191 (pavement, type b) covers f117 (wall) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q555.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f117 (wall) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q562.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f117 (wall) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q335 (pottery) sits in f117 (wall) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q555 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f117 (wall) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q562 (items, pottery) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q555-p1 (bowl) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q555-p2 (jar) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q555-p3 (bowl) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q555-p4 (cup) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q555-p5 (base) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q555-p6 (cup) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q555-p7 (cup) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q555-p8 (bowl) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q555-p9 (rim) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q555-p10 (rim) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q555-p11 (bowl) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q555-p12 (cup) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q555-p13 (rim) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q562-p1 (bowl) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q562-p2 (bowl) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q562-p3 (rim) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q562-p4 (cup) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q568-p1 (bowl) sits in f117 (wall) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q568-p2 (base) sits in f117 (wall) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f117 (wall) overlays f150 (floorsurface in general) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O12 1999-06-23_J806JL2.j jl v18 O12 1999-06-23_J806JL2.j jl v18a O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25 O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25a O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25d O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v35 O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v36 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v44 ; A9f118 A20 !!_!! !! other features A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl volumetric material A35 1999-06-23_J806JL2.j !! v18 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl soil sample B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl backfill used to construct a berm to keep water from washing into the excavated portions of k4 and k5 at the end of season H. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k8 F51 1999-06-28_J703JL.j jl q290 (bones, pottery) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p1 (jar) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p2 (rim) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p3 (base) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p4 (pot) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p5 (bowl) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p6 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p7 (bowl) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p8 (base) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p9 (jar) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p10 (base) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p11 (base) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p12 (bowl) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p13 (bowl) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p14 (bowl) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p15 (rim) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q290-p16 (other shape sherd) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p17 (bowl) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p18 (base) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p19 (jar) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p20 (bowl) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p21 (rim) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p22 (bowl) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p23 (bowl) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p24 (bowl) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p25 (bowl) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p26 (bowl) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q290-p27 (bowl) sits in f118 (volumetric material) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f118 (volumetric material) covers f121 (topsoil) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl light gray K6 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl 10yr7/2 O12 1999-06-23_J806JL2.j jl v18 O12 1999-06-23_J806JL2.j jl v18a ; A9f119 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl tannur (feature) B10 1999-06-28_J630JLW1.j jlw tannur (feature) B11 1999-06-28_J630JLW1.j jlw bottom section of moderate-sized tannur. Inside diameter of 50cm with 13 cm thick walls. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k8 D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r168 (44476 36480 - 8749 / Relay location: k 8) D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r169 (44504 36456 - 8749 / Relay location: k 8) D3 1999-06-27_J701JL-R.j jl r170 (44516 36497 - 8734 / Relay location: k 8) D99 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl in f121 F51 1999-06-28_J703JL.j jl q293 (pottery) sits in f119 (tannur (feature)) G1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl a19 ; A9f120 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl pavement, type c A35 1999-06-28_J806JL2.j !! v21 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl layer B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl layer of large pot sherds laid flat found in the middle of f 110 at elevation m2015 95-93. It was measured to be 100 cm by 50 cm. Approximately 20 centimeters below it, a compressed layer of dirt was discovered that might have been a floor. C3 1999-07-03_J703JLW.j jlw mkb believes that the sherds do not form a floor, rather they are evidence of a pot smash. Parts of a large broken vessel were found to the north and a large quantity were found to the south, albeit at slightly higher elevations. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl floor surface made from large sherds F51 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j jl q411 (pottery) sits in f120 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q411-p1 (bowl) sits in f120 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q411-p2 (bowl) sits in f120 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q411-p3 (bowl) sits in f120 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q411-p4 (bowl) sits in f120 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q411-p5 (bowl) sits in f120 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q411-p6 (bowl) sits in f120 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q411-p7 (bowl) sits in f120 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q411-p8 (base) sits in f120 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q411-p9 (base) sits in f120 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q411-p10 (jar) sits in f120 (pavement, type c) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f120 (pavement, type c) sits in f110 (volumetric material) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O12 1999-06-28_J806JL2.j jl v21 O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25 O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25a O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25d ; A9f121 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl topsoil B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl topsoil B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl k8 topsoil. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k8 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f118 (volumetric material) covers f121 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-03_J703JL.j !! q320.1 (shell artifact) sits in f121 (topsoil) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q296 (bones, pottery) sits in f121 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-03_J703JL.j jl q320 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f121 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q296-p1 (jar) sits in f121 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q296-p2 (rim) sits in f121 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q296-p3 (jar) sits in f121 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q296-p4 (rim) sits in f121 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q296-p5 (jar) sits in f121 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q296-p6 (base) sits in f121 (topsoil) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j !! q296-p9 (other shape sherd) sits in f121 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q320-p1 (jar) sits in f121 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q320-p2 (jar) sits in f121 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q320-p3 (jar) sits in f121 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q320-p4 (bowl) sits in f121 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q320-p5 (handle) sits in f121 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q320-p6 (bowl) sits in f121 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q320-p7 (jar) sits in f121 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q320-p8 (bowl) sits in f121 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q320-p9 (jar) sits in f121 (topsoil) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f121 (topsoil) covers f122 (accumulation D) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl light gray K6 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl 10yr7/2 ; A9f122 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl accumulation D B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl accumulation B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl hard and water-compacted soil layer found just underneath the surface. Excavation halted in this feature due to a change in strategy. C1 1999-07-02_J702JLW.j jlw made three large pick runs. Slowed by dirt train overload. Dirt from last run not carried away by quitting time. Faint traces of a few courses of bricks found in west baulk. Bricks almost the color of the dirt with slightly darker mortar lines. No obvious architecture associated with them in the excavated portion. C1 1999-07-02_J702JLW.j jlw made two pick runs today, reaching the approximate elevation of k4 on the last run. Some leveling still needed. Still finding chunks of burned material and pieces of baked brick. Not much pottery, a few bones, a clay lump and a figurine leg are all the artifacts for about 8 cubic meters of volume removed. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k8 D99 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl hard, water-compacted soil F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f121 (topsoil) covers f122 (accumulation D) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j !! q300.1 (wheel) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j !! q303.1 (wheel) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j !! q303.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 1999-06-30_J703JL.j !! q308.1 (bead) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 1999-06-30_J703JL.j !! q308.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 1999-06-30_J703JL.j !! q308.3 (shell artifact) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 1999-07-02_J703JL.j !! q312.1 (figurine) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 1999-07-03_J703JL.j !! q319.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q300 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q301 (bones, pottery) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q303 (items, pottery) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q304 (pottery) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 1999-06-30_J703JL.j jl q306 (bones, pottery) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 1999-06-30_J703JL.j jl q308 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 1999-06-30_J703JL.j jl q311 (bones, pottery) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 1999-07-02_J703JL.j jl q312 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 1999-07-03_J703JL.j jl q319 (bones, pottery) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p1 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p2 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p3 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p4 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p5 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p6 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p7 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p8 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p9 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p10 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p11 (cup) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p12 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p13 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p14 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p15 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p16 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p17 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p18 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p19 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q300-p20 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q300-p92 (body sherd) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q300-p93 (body sherd) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q300-p94 (body sherd) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q300-p95 (body sherd) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q300-p96 (body sherd) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q300-p97 (body sherd) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q300-p98 (body sherd) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q300-p99 (body sherd) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p1 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p2 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p3 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p4 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p5 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p6 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p7 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p8 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p9 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p10 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p11 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p12 (other shape sherd) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p13 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p14 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p15 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p16 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p17 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p18 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p19 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q301-p20 (platter or plate) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q303-p1 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q303-p2 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q303-p3 (pot) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q303-p4 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q303-p5 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q303-p6 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q303-p7 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q303-p8 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q303-p9 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q303-p10 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q303-p11 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q303-p12 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q303-p13 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q304-p1 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q304-p2 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q304-p3 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q304-p4 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p1 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p2 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p3 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p4 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p5 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p6 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p7 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p8 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p9 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p10 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p11 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p12 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p13 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p14 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p15 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p16 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p17 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p18 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p19 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p20 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p21 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p22 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q306-p23 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p1 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p2 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p3 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p4 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p5 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p6 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p7 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p8 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p9 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p10 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p11 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p12 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p13 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p14 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p15 (cup) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p16 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p17 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p18 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q308-p19 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q308-p93 (body sherd) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q308-p94 (body sherd) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q308-p95 (body sherd) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q308-p96 (body sherd) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q308-p97 (body sherd) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q308-p98 (body sherd) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q308-p99 (body sherd) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q311-p1 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q311-p2 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q311-p3 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q311-p4 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q311-p5 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q311-p6 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q311-p7 (stand) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q312-p1 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q312-p2 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q312-p3 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q312-p4 (rim) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q312-p5 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q312-p6 (base) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q312-p7 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q312-p8 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q312-p9 (cup) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q312-p10 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q312-p11 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q312-p12 (jar) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q312-p13 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q312-p14 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q312-p15 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q319-p9 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q319-p14 (bowl) sits in f122 (accumulation D) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl light gray K6 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl 10yr7/2 ; A9f123 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl accumulation C B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl accumulation B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl highest layer in doorway a17. Accumulation over threshold f127. Perhaps signifies the first abandonment accumulation. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl highest layer of soil in doorway a17 F51 1999-06-29_J703JL.j jl q302 (pottery) sits in f123 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q302-p1 (rim) sits in f123 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q302-p2 (jar) sits in f123 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q302-p3 (rim) sits in f123 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q302-p4 (base) sits in f123 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hh q302-p5 (other shape sherd) sits in f123 (accumulation C) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f123 (accumulation C) covers f127 (floor, type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl light reddish brown K6 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl 5yr6/4 ; A9f124 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl wall A35 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j !! v27 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl wall B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl major E-W wall segment between f97 and f125. Separates sector F from sectors D and C. Mudbrick wall on a foundation of large stones. Probably described more fully in A1 notes, which are not available. Also forms the E side of doorway a17 and the W side of doorway a18. The S edge of the pebble floor, f150/80, runs directly along its northern base. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl principal E-W wall segment between f97 and f125 F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f124 (wall) abuts f80 F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f124 (wall) abuts f150 (floorsurface in general) G1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl a17 G1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl a18 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v27 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v27a O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v35 O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v36 O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v37 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v53 ; A9f125 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl wall A35 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j !! v25 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl wall B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl major E-W wall segment W of f124. It separates sector B1 from sector E1. Forms the W face of doorway a17. The westernmost portion of f150 runs along its base. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k6 D3 1999-07-31_J731JLWR.j jlw r359 (43871 34143 - 8357 / Relay location: k6) D99 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl principal E-W wall between Room B1 and Rooms F1 and E1 F51 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f125 (wall) bonds with f172 (wall) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f125 (wall) abuts f150 (floorsurface in general) G1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl a17 O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25 O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25a O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25d O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v27 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v27a O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v35 O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v36 O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v37 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v42 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v43 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v53 ; A9f126 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl accumulation C A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7067 -TP_A9f126 O829 mkb.jpg B10 1999-06-30_J630JLW1.j jlw accumulation C B11 1999-06-30_J630JLW1.j jlw brownish soil, somewhat damp and greasy. Contains a few sherds and bones along with some patches of black ash and burned brick, possibly from a roof, since there are reed impressions along one side. B11 1999-07-15_J716JLW.j jlw dark, gray-brown ashy material beneath brickfall layer, f113 in k3. Much of the clear stratigraphy apparent in the SE corner of k4 is lost as one moves north and west towards and through k3 and merges into this mixed accumulation. Tends to become dense and sticky as one approaches the depth of the pebble floor, f80, expected to be underneath in most of k3 and k4. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k3 D99 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl layer of ashy soil under bricky f113, burnt material F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f113 (lens type c) overlays f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-15_J806JL2.j jl i64 (seal impression) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-15_J806JL2.j jl i65 (figurine) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-30_J703JL.j !! q307.1 (clay lump) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-30_J703JL.j !! q307.2 (figurine) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-02_J703JL.j !! q313.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-02_J703JL.j !! q313.2 (clay lump) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-02_J703JL.j !! q313.3 (burnt material) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-03_J703JL.j !! q318.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-03_J703JL.j !! q318.2 (clay lump) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q454.1 (clay lump) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q454.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j !! q475.1 (clay lump) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-30_J703JL.j jl q307 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-30_J703JL.j jl q310 (bones, pottery) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-02_J703JL.j jl q313 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-03_J703JL.j jl q318 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q454 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q460 (pottery) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q475 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q307-p1 (jar) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q307-p2 (jar) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q307-p3 (bowl) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q307-p4 (jar) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q307-p11 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-06-30_J703JL.j !! q310-p11 (other shape sherd) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q313-p1 (bowl) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q313-p3 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q313-p6 (bowl) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q313-p7 (cup) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q313-p8 (rim) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q313-p9 (jar) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q313-p10 (platter or plate) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q313-p11 (bowl) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q313-p13 (bowl) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q313-p14 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q313-p16 (rim) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q313-p19 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q313-p20 (handle) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q313-p22 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q313-p25 (cup) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q318-p4 (jar) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q318-p5 (jar) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q318-p6 (jar) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q318-p8 (bowl) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q318-p9 (jar) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q318-p10 (jar) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q318-p13 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q318-p14 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2016-06-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q318-p15 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q454-p3 (other shape sherd) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q454-p4 (other shape sherd) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q454-p8 (other shape sherd) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q454-p11 (other shape sherd) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q460-p1 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q460-p2 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q460-p3 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q460-p4 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q460-p5 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q460-p6 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q460-p7 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q460-p8 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hh q460-p9 (other shape sherd) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q460-p10 (bowl) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q460-p11 (bowl) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q460-p12 (cup) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q460-p13 (bowl) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q460-p14 (rim) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q475-p1 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q475-p2 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q475-p3 (base) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q475-p4 (cup) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q475-p5 (cup) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q475-p6 (cup) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q475-p7 (rim) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q475-p8 (rim) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q475-p9 (rim) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q475-p10 (rim) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q475-p11 (rim) sits in f126 (accumulation C) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-06-30_J630JLW1.j jlw dark brown K6 1999-06-30_J630JLW1.j jlw 10YR4/3 O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7067 -TP_A9f126 O829 mkb.jpg P1 1999-07-03_J703JLW.j jlw finished excavating this feature on J703. ; A9f127 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl floor, type c A35 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j !! v27 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl layer B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl highest extant doorsill in doorway a17 and accumulation trapped to the N by it. Perhaps the last phase of building occupation before abandonment. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl red, bricky floor in a17 doorway F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f123 (accumulation C) covers f127 (floor, type c) F51 1999-06-30_J703JL.j !! q309.1 (bead) sits in f127 (floor, type c) F51 1999-06-30_J703JL.j !! q309.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f127 (floor, type c) F51 1999-06-30_J703JL.j !! q309.3 (unknown) sits in f127 (floor, type c) F51 1999-06-30_J703JL.j jl q309 (items, pottery) sits in f127 (floor, type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q309-p1 (base) sits in f127 (floor, type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q309-p2 (rim) sits in f127 (floor, type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q309-p3 (bowl) sits in f127 (floor, type c) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q309-p4 (base) sits in f127 (floor, type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v27 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v27a O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v35 ; A9f128 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl accumulation C B10 1999-07-02_J702JLW.j jlw accumulation C B11 1999-07-02_J702JLW.j jlw located on the eastern edge of a platform that was not completely excavated at the end of the 1997 season. The accumulation has a powder-like texture with hard lumps after picking. Likely to be brickmelt seen at about the same elevation in k4 in the 1997 season, but which has dried out. C1 1999-07-02_J702JLW.j jlw made two runs with large pick and one with small pick. Began to notice brick chunks throughout f128, which is about a 3 square meter platform on the eastern end of k6. Cleaned and leveled in preparation for a closer look on J703. A patch of burned soil appeared in the north baulk. Designated f129. It was higher in the west and sloped to the east. On top was a sliver of brick-like material. It conveyed the image of a layer of ash draped over a wall, but it is much too early to tell. There is one large brick chunk in the middle of the platform at about the same elevation. It is to the north of and above some large stones that we had previously believed could have founded a wall. C1 1999-07-03_J703JLW.j jlw excavated rapidly, as we did not expect to find any significant artifacts. Platform by removed by the end of the workday. C2 1999-07-02_J702JLW.j jlw tomorrow we will inspect the surface after it has dried. We will make one more small pick run to attempt to define bricks before we decide whether to resume excavating with the large pick. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl above f74 F51 1999-07-02_J703JL.j !! q315.1 (clay lump) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-02_J703JL.j !! q315.2 sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-03_J703JL.j !! q316.1 (clay artifact) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-03_J703JL.j !! q316.2 (sample) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-03_J703JL.j !! q321.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-02_J703JL.j jl q315 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-03_J703JL.j jl q316 (bones, pottery) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-03_J703JL.j jl q321 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j jl q325 (bones, pottery) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p1 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p2 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p3 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p4 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p5 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p6 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p7 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p8 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p9 (cup) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p10 (bowl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p11 (bowl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p12 (cup) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p13 (bowl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p14 (jar) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p15 (jar) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p16 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p17 (bowl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p18 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p19 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p20 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p21 (bowl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p22 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q315-p23 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p1 (bowl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p2 (cup) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p3 (cup) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p4 (bowl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p5 (cup) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p6 (bowl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p7 (bowl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p8 (cup) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p9 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p10 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p11 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p12 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p13 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p14 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p15 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p16 (strainer) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p17 (handle) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p18 (stand) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hh q316-p19 (other shape sherd) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hh q316-p20 (other shape sherd) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP h0 q316-p21 (bowl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p22 (bowl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p23 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p24 (bowl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hh q316-p25 (other shape sherd) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p26 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p27 (jar) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p28 (jar) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p29 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p30 (jar) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p31 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p32 (bottle) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p33 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p34 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p35 (jar) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q316-p36 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p1 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p2 (bowl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p3 (bowl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p4 (cup) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p5 (bowl) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p6 (cup) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p7 (cup) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p8 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p9 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p10 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p11 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p12 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p13 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p14 (base) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p15 (jar) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p16 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p17 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p18 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p19 (jar) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p20 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q321-p21 (handle) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q325-p1 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q325-p2 (cup) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q325-p3 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q325-p4 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q325-p5 (rim) sits in f128 (accumulation C) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-07-02_J702JLW.j jlw Brown K6 1999-07-02_J702JLW.j jlw 10YR5/3 ; A9f129 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl lens B10 1999-07-03_J703JLW.j jlw layer B11 1999-07-03_J703JLW.j jlw layer of black ashy material contained within f128 and seen principally in section of the north baulk of k6. Top defined by pieces of brick-like material while the bottom rests on f128. 30 cm thick at widest point and 90 cm long. Thickest in the west and trails off to the east. At first I thought it might be ash draped over a wall, but there is no evidence of bricks along the bottom. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl ashy lens visible in baulk ; A9f130 A1 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f180 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl brick scatter A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7028 V17v3 O825 mkb cv -TP_A9f130.jpg B10 1999-07-03_J703JLW.j jlw layer B11 1999-07-03_J703JLW.j jlw A very red band of mixed accumulation and pieces of deteriorated brick. B11 1999-07-03_J703JLW.j jlw layer of what appears to be reddish soil with imbedded pieces of brick in the NE corner of k3, perhaps residue from a collapsed wall, which we had expected to be nearby, but have not yet found. C3 1999-07-03_J703JLW.j jlw has many of the same characteristics as f89 in k3, which is also in the NE corner. D1 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl k3 D99 1999-06-27_J703JL.j jl bricky mass; similar to f89 in k4 F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j !! q359.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j !! q424.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q359 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q424 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q359-p1 (bowl) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q359-p2 (bowl) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q359-p3 (bowl) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q359-p4 (base) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q359-p5 (base) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q359-p6 (rim) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q359-p7 (rim) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q359-p8 (rim) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q424-p1 (jar) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q424-p2 (base) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q424-p3 (rim) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q424-p4 (base) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hh q424-p5 (other shape sherd) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q424-p6 (other shape sherd) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q424-p7 (bowl) sits in f130 (brick scatter) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7028 V17v3 O825 mkb cv -TP_A9f130.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7029 V17v3 O825 mkb cv -TP_A9f130 template.jpg O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v47 P1 1999-07-13_J713JLW.j jlw removed on J713 ; A9f131 A1 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f159 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl topsoil B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl topsoil B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl k9 topsoil D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl topsoil F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i46 (door socket) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j !! q323.1 (clay artifact) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j !! q331.1 sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j !! q342.1 (figurine) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j !! q342.2 (clay artifact) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j !! q355.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j !! q355.2 (clay lump) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j !! q355.3 (animal bone) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j !! q360.1 (clay lump) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j !! q360.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j !! q360.3 (sample) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j !! q360.4 (sample) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j !! q366.1 (clay lump) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j !! q380.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j !! q380.2 (specimen) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j !! q382.1 (figurine) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j !! q382.2 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j !! q383.1 (wheel) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q564.12 (lithic artifact) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j jl q323 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j jl q326 (bones, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q331 (bones, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q337 (bones, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q339 (bones, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q340 (bones, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q342 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q343 (bones, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q348 (bones, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q350 (bones, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q351 (bones, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q352 (bones, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-06_J717JL.j jl q355 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q360 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q366 (bones, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q371 (bones, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q375 (bones, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q377 (bones, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q379 (bones, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q380 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q382 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q383 (items, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q547 (bones, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q564 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q323-p1 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q323-p2 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q323-p3 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q323-p4 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q323-p5 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q323-p6 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q323-p7 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q323-p8 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q323-p9 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q323-p10 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q323-p11 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q323-p12 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q323-p13 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q323-p14 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q326-p1 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q326-p2 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q326-p3 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q326-p4 (cup) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q326-p5 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q326-p6 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q326-p7 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q326-p8 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q326-p9 (other shape sherd) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q326-p10 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q326-p11 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q326-p12 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q326-p13 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q326-p14 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q326-p15 (other shape sherd) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q326-p16 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q331-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q331-p2 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q331-p3 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q331-p4 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q331-p5 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q331-p6 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q331-p7 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q331-p8 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q331-p9 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p1 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p2 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p3 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p4 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p5 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p6 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p7 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p8 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p9 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p10 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p11 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p12 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p13 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p14 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p15 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p16 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p17 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p18 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p19 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p20 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p21 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p22 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q339-p23 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p1 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p2 (pitcher) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p3 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p4 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p5 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p6 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p7 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p8 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p9 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p10 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p11 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p12 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p13 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p14 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p15 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p16 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p17 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p18 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p19 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p20 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p21 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p22 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p23 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p24 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p25 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p26 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p27 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q340-p28 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q342-p1 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q342-p2 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q342-p3 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q342-p4 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q342-p5 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q342-p6 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q342-p7 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q342-p8 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q342-p9 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q342-p10 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q342-p11 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q342-p12 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q342-p13 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q342-p14 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q342-p15 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q342-p16 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q343-p1 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q343-p2 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q343-p3 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q343-p4 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q343-p5 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q348-p1 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q348-p2 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q348-p3 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q348-p4 (stand) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q348-p5 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q348-p6 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q348-p7 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q348-p8 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q348-p9 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q348-p10 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q348-p11 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q348-p12 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p1 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p2 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p3 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p4 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p5 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p6 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p7 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p8 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p9 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p10 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p11 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p13 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p14 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p15 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p16 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p17 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p18 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p19 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q350-p20 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p1 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p2 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p3 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p4 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p5 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p6 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p7 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p8 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p9 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p10 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p11 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p12 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p13 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p14 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p15 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p16 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p17 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p18 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p19 (handle) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p20 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p21 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q351-p22 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p1 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p2 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p3 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p4 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p5 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p6 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p7 (handle) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p8 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p9 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p10 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p11 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p12 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p13 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p14 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p15 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p16 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p17 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p18 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q352-p19 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q355-p1 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q355-p2 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q355-p3 (strainer) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q355-p4 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q355-p5 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q355-p6 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q355-p7 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q355-p8 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p1 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p2 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p3 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p4 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p5 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p6 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p7 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p8 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p9 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p10 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p11 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p12 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p13 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p14 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p15 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p16 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p17 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p18 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p19 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p20 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p21 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p22 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q360-p23 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q360-p24 (other shape sherd) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q366-p1 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q366-p2 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q366-p3 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q366-p4 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q366-p5 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q366-p6 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q366-p7 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q366-p8 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q366-p9 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q366-p10 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q366-p11 (other shape sherd) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q366-p12 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q366-p13 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q366-p14 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q366-p15 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q366-p16 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p1 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p2 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p3 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p4 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p5 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p6 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p7 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p8 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p9 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p10 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p11 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p12 (cup) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p13 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p14 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p15 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p16 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p17 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p18 (other shape sherd) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p19 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p20 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q371-p21 (other shape sherd) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p22 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p23 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p24 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p25 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p26 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p27 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p28 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p29 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p30 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p31 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p32 (cup) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p33 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p34 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q371-p35 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q375-p1 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q375-p2 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q375-p3 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q375-p4 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q375-p5 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q375-p6 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q375-p7 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q375-p8 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q375-p9 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q375-p10 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q375-p11 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q375-p12 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q375-p13 (cup) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q375-p14 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q375-p15 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q375-p16 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q375-p17 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-24_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q375-p18 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p1 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p2 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p3 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p4 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p5 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p6 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p7 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p8 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p9 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p10 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p11 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p12 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p13 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p14 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p15 (other shape sherd) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p16 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p17 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p18 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q377-p19 (cup) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p1 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p2 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p3 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p4 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p5 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p6 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p7 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p8 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p9 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p10 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p11 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p12 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p13 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p14 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p15 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p16 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p17 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p18 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p19 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p20 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p21 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p22 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p23 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p24 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p25 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q379-p26 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q380-p1 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q380-p2 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q380-p3 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q380-p4 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q380-p5 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q380-p6 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q380-p7 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q380-p8 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q380-p9 (pot) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q380-p10 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q380-p11 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q380-p12 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q380-p13 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p1 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p2 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p3 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p4 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p5 (strainer) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p6 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p7 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p8 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p9 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p10 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p11 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p12 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p13 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p14 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p15 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p16 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p17 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p18 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p19 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p20 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p21 (cup) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p22 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q382-p23 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q383-p1 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q383-p2 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q383-p3 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q383-p4 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q383-p5 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q383-p6 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q383-p7 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q383-p8 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q383-p9 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q383-p10 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q383-p11 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q383-p12 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q547-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q547-p2 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q547-p3 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q547-p4 (jar) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q547-p5 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q547-p6 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q547-p8 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q547-p9 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q547-p10 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q547-p11 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q547-p12 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q547-p13 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q547-p14 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q547-p15 (rim) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q547-p16 (base) sits in f131 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q547-p17 (bowl) sits in f131 (topsoil) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f131 (topsoil) covers f138 (wall) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f131 (topsoil) covers f139 (layer) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f131 (topsoil) covers f143 (doorway) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f131 (topsoil) covers f144 (accumulation) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f131 (topsoil) covers f149 (installation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f132 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl floor, type b A35 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j !! v25 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl floor, type b B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl a floor of hard, packed earth with striations along a mostly N-S orientation. May be the top of a wall foundation. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl floor in NE corner F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f135 (wall) abuts f132 (floor, type b) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f132 (floor, type b) abuts f135 (wall) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f132 (floor, type b) covers f133 (fill) O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25 O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25a O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25d ; A9f133 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl fill A35 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j !! v25 B10 1999-07-12_J712JLW1.j jlw fill B11 1999-07-12_J712JLW1.j jlw fill between tamped earth floor 132 and layer of sherds/stones, f134. Alternative interpretation is that this is the mud foundation for a wall. (The previous excavator of A2 believed there was an E-W retaining wall associated with house wall, f135.) A course of brick can be seen in section in the north baulk and there is a lense of ashy material just to the west in section that looks like it is piled up against it. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl fill below f132 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f135 (wall) abuts f133 (fill) F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f132 (floor, type b) covers f133 (fill) O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25 O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25a O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25d ; A9f134 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer A35 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j !! v25 B10 1999-07-12_J712JLW1.j jlw layer B11 1999-07-12_J712JLW1.j jlw layer of sherds and fist-sized stones between the fill/foundation, f133, and the accumulation below, f???. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl sherd and pebble layer below f133 F51 1999-07-22_J806JL2.j jl i87 (figurine) sits in f134 (layer) O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25 O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25a O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25d ; A9f135 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl wall A35 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j !! v25 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl wall B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl course of bricks laid to the W of f132, f133, f134. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl wall adjacent to f132, f133, f134 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f132 (floor, type b) abuts f135 (wall) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f135 (wall) abuts f132 (floor, type b) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f135 (wall) abuts f133 (fill) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f135 (wall) abuts f158 (accumulation) O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25 O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25a O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v25d ; A9f136 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl accumulation B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl accumulation B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl accumulation in k4, below f74 and f76, continued into k3 D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k3 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl accumulation below f74,76,126, found in both k3 and k4 F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j !! q327.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j !! q327.2 (pot) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j !! q327.3 (wheel) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j !! q327.4 (figurine) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j !! q328.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j !! q332.1 (shell artifact) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j !! q333.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j !! q341.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j jl q327 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j jl q328 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q332 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q333 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q336 (bones, pottery) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-05_J717JL.j jl q341 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q327-p1 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q327-p2 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q327-p3 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q327-p4 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q327-p5 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q327-p6 (cup) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q327-p7 (cup) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q327-p8 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q327-p9 (cup) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q327-p10 (cup) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q327-p11 (strainer) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p1 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p2 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p3 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p4 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p5 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p6 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p7 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p8 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p9 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p10 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p11 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p12 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p13 (cup) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p14 (cup) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p15 (jar) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p16 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p17 (rim) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p18 (jar) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p19 (rim) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p20 (jar) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p21 (rim) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p22 (rim) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p23 (jar) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q328-p24 (rim) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p1 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p2 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p3 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p4 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p5 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p6 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p7 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p8 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p9 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p10 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p11 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p12 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p13 (cup) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p14 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p15 (cup) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p16 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p17 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p18 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p19 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p20 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p21 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p22 (rim) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p23 (rim) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p24 (jar) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q332-p25 (rim) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p1 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p2 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p3 (cup) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p4 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p5 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p6 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p7 (cup) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p8 (cup) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p9 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p10 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p11 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p12 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p13 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p14 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p15 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p16 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p17 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p18 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p19 (jar) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p20 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p21 (rim) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q333-p22 (rim) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q336-p1 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q336-p2 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q336-p3 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q336-p4 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q336-p5 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q336-p6 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q336-p7 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q336-p8 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q336-p9 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q336-p10 (cup) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q336-p11 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q336-p12 (bottle) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q336-p13 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q336-p14 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q336-p15 (jar) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q336-p16 (jar) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q336-p17 (jar) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q336-p18 (rim) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p1 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p2 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p3 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p4 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p5 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p6 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p7 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p8 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p9 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p10 (base) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p11 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p12 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p13 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p14 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p15 (bowl) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p16 (jar) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p17 (rim) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p18 (jar) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p19 (jar) sits in f136 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q341-p20 (rim) sits in f136 (accumulation) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f136 (accumulation) covers f142 (layer) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl pale brown K6 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl 10yr6/3 ; A9f137 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl burial B10 1999-07-04_J704JLW.j jlw burial B11 1999-07-04_J704JLW.j jlw burial in east section of north baulk of k8. Appears to be that of a young person, based on size of bones recovered. Some of the remains and one pot were left in place. Recoverd one more or less intact small pot and a broken small bowl. Do not know if there is a tomb associated with this or not. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k8 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl human burial in north baulk F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j !! q329.1 (pot) sits in f137 (burial) F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j !! q329.2 (bowl) sits in f137 (burial) F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j !! q330.1 (figurine) sits in f137 (burial) F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j !! q330.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f137 (burial) F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j jl q329 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f137 (burial) F51 1999-07-04_J717JL.j jl q330 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q329-p1 (jar) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q329-p98 (body sherd) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q329-p99 (body sherd) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p1 (jar) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p2 (base) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p3 (jar) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p4 (jar) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p5 (bowl) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p6 (rim) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p7 (jar) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p8 (jar) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p9 (jar) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p10 (base) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p11 (base) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p12 (jar) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p13 (rim) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p14 (bowl) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p15 (base) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p16 (bowl) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p17 (other shape sherd) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p18 (jar) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p19 (bowl) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p20 (rim) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p21 (jar) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p22 (rim) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p23 (bowl) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p24 (jar) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p25 (rim) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p26 (jar) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p27 (bowl) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p28 (bowl) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p29 (base) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p30 (bowl) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p31 (base) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p32 (bowl) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p33 (jar) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p34 (bowl) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p35 (jar) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p36 (pot) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p37 (cup) sits in f137 (burial) F51 2008-08-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q330-p38 (bowl) sits in f137 (burial) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl a20 ; A9f138 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl wall A35 1999-07-08_J806JL2.j !! v23 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl wall B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl bricks, possibly a wall in NW corner of k8; appears to be the first course of bricks of a wall D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl bricks in NW corner F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f131 (topsoil) covers f138 (wall) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q428 (bones, pottery) sits in f138 (wall) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q429 (bones, pottery) sits in f138 (wall) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q430 (bones, pottery) sits in f138 (wall) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q431 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p1 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p2 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p3 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p4 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p5 (cup) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p6 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p7 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p8 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p9 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p10 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p11 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p12 (rim) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p13 (rim) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p14 (rim) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p15 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p16 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p17 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p18 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p19 (rim) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p20 (base) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p21 (base) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p22 (base) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p23 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p24 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q428-p25 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q428-p27 (rim) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p1 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p2 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p3 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p4 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p5 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p6 (rim) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p7 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p8 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p9 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p10 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p11 (rim) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p12 (rim) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p13 (rim) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p14 (base) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p15 (base) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p16 (base) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p17 (base) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p18 (base) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p19 (rim) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p20 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q429-p21 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q430-p1 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q430-p3 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q430-p4 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q430-p6 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q430-p7 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q430-p8 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q430-p10 (pot) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q430-p23 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q430-p25 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p1 (cup) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p2 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p3 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p4 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p5 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p6 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p7 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p8 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p9 (bowl) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p10 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p11 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p12 (rim) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p13 (rim) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p14 (base) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p15 (base) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p16 (base) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p17 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p18 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q431-p19 (jar) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q431-p94 (body sherd) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q431-p95 (body sherd) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q431-p96 (body sherd) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q431-p97 (body sherd) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q431-p98 (body sherd) sits in f138 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q431-p99 (body sherd) sits in f138 (wall) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O12 1999-07-08_J806JL2.j jl v23 O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v26 ; A9f139 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer A35 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j !! v26 B10 1999-07-07_J707JLW.j jlw layer B11 1999-07-07_J707JLW.j jlw layer of stones and sherds in central north sector of locus. May be associated with nearby wall (f 138) and doorway threshold (f143). D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl sherd and stone layer F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f131 (topsoil) covers f139 (layer) O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v26 ; A9f140 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7032 V17v8 O825 mkb cv -TP_A9f140.jpg B10 1999-07-07_J707JLW.j jlw layer B11 1999-07-07_J707JLW.j jlw group of sherds of large pots near doorway a 18. C1 1999-07-08_J709JLW1.j jlw completely excavated the small layer, which was less than one meter in diameter. All sherds in q372. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k4 D3 1999-07-08_J708JL-R.j jl r219 (43550 35543 - 8311 / Relay location: rim) D3 1999-07-08_J721JL-R.j jl r220 (43613 35500 - 8309 / Relay location: rim) D3 1999-07-08_J721JL-R.j jl r221 (43629 35567 - 8303 / Relay location: rim) D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl sherd layer in f98 near doorway a18 F51 1999-07-08_J717JL.j jl q372 (pottery) sits in f140 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q372-p1 (bowl) sits in f140 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q372-p2 (base) sits in f140 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q372-p3 (jar) sits in f140 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q372-p4 (bowl) sits in f140 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q372-p5 (bowl) sits in f140 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q372-p6 (base) sits in f140 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q372-p7 (base) sits in f140 (layer) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7032 V17v8 O825 mkb cv -TP_A9f140.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7033 V17v8 O825 mkb cv -TP_A9f140 template.jpg ; A9f141 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl accumulation C A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7020 -TP_A9f141 O825 mkb.jpg B10 1999-07-07_J707JLW.j jlw accumulation C B11 1999-07-07_J707JLW.j jlw reddish accumulation below f 116, which is just to the north of the west doorway (a 17) between sectors B and F. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl under f116, reddish F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j !! q361.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f141 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q361 (bones, pottery) sits in f141 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q361-p1 (bowl) sits in f141 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q361-p2 (base) sits in f141 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q361-p3 (rim) sits in f141 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q361-p4 (bowl) sits in f141 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q361-p5 (base) sits in f141 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q361-p6 (jar) sits in f141 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q361-p7 (jar) sits in f141 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q361-p8 (base) sits in f141 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q361-p9 (base) sits in f141 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q361-p10 (base) sits in f141 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q361-p11 (base) sits in f141 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q361-p12 (base) sits in f141 (accumulation C) F51 2004-08-15_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q361-p13 (base) sits in f141 (accumulation C) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP rL q361-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f141 (accumulation C) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7020 -TP_A9f141 O825 mkb.jpg ; A9f142 A1 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f183 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7023 V17v2 O825 mkb cv A9f142.jpg B10 1999-07-07_J707JLW.j jlw layer B11 1999-07-07_J707JLW.j jlw large quantity of bones and sherds in the far NW corner of k 3. Actually contained within f 98, but it was so rich we assigned a separate feature. Could possibly also have been handled with separate q-lots within f 98. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k3 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl large quantities of bones and sherds in NW corner F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f136 (accumulation) covers f142 (layer) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j !! q368.1 (metal artifact) sits in f142 (layer) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j !! q368.2 (clay artifact) sits in f142 (layer) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j !! q368.3 (sealing) sits in f142 (layer) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j !! q368.4 (lithic artifact) sits in f142 (layer) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j !! q368.5 (figurine) sits in f142 (layer) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q451.1 (clay lump) sits in f142 (layer) F51 1999-07-07_J717JL.j jl q368 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f142 (layer) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q451 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f142 (layer) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q459 (bones, pottery) sits in f142 (layer) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q464 (bones, pottery) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p1 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p2 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p3 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p4 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p5 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p6 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p7 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p8 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p9 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p10 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p11 (bowl) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p12 (bowl) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p13 (bowl) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p14 (bowl) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p15 (jar) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p16 (bowl) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p17 (bowl) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p18 (rim) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p19 (jar) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p20 (rim) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p21 (rim) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p22 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p23 (bowl) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p24 (rim) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q368-p25 (handle) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p1 (cup) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p2 (cup) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p3 (cup) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p4 (cup) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p5 (bowl) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p6 (bowl) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p7 (cup) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p8 (bowl) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p9 (rim) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p10 (cup) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p11 (rim) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p12 (bowl) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p13 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p14 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p15 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p16 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p17 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p18 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p19 (jar) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p20 (rim) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p21 (rim) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p22 (jar) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p23 (bowl) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p24 (rim) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p25 (rim) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p26 (rim) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q451-p27 (rim) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p1 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p2 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p3 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p4 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p5 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p6 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p7 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p8 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p9 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p10 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p11 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p12 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p13 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p14 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p15 (platter or plate) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p16 (bowl) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p17 (cup) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p18 (jar) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p19 (jar) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q459-p20 (jar) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hh q459-p21 (other shape sherd) sits in f142 (layer) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q464-p2 (base) sits in f142 (layer) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f142 (layer) covers f164 (layer) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7023 V17v2 O825 mkb cv A9f142.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7024 V17v2 O825 mkb cv A9f142 template.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7025 A9q368-p1 O825 mkb cv -TP_A9f142.jpg O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31a ; A9f143 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl doorway A35 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j !! v26 B10 1999-07-07_J707JLW.j jlw doorway B11 1999-07-07_J707JLW.j jlw stone threshold for doorway in the NE corner of the locus. Associated socket, i 46, in situ to the right, looking north. There is a faint suggestion of a path, leading to the south, perhaps outlined with stones on the west. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl doorway threshold associated with i46, an in-situ socket F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f131 (topsoil) covers f143 (doorway) O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v26 ; A9f144 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl accumulation A35 1999-07-08_J806JL2.j !! v23 B10 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw accumulation C B10 2004-08-18_O818JW1.j jw accumulation B11 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw light powdery soil under surface soil and housing area in k9. Resembles gully wash seen in other locii at this level. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl ac under house/living area F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f131 (topsoil) covers f144 (accumulation) F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f159 (volumetric material) covers f144 (accumulation) F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f166 (wall) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i55 (figurine) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i61 (figurine) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl i63 (metal artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl i81 (bead) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J806JL2.j jl i85 (figurine) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q385.1 (clay lump) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q390.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q390.2 (sample) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j !! q408.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j !! q409.1 (specimen) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j !! q409.2 (sample) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j !! q413.1 (clay lump) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j !! q415.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j !! q419.1 (specimen) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j !! q420.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j !! q421.1 (figurine) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j !! q422.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j !! q422.2 (clay artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j !! q422.3 (clay artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j !! q422.4 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j !! q423.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j !! q423.2 (clay artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j !! q439.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j !! q439.2 (specimen) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j !! q443.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q456.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q456.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q462.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j !! q473.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j !! q473.2 (clay artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j !! q473.3 (specimen) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q482.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q482.2 (clay lump) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q482.3 (bead) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q482.4 (shell artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q490.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q490.2 (clay lump) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q490.3 (specimen) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q497.1 (clay artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q500.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q500.2 (clay lump) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q500.3 (sample) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j !! q520.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j !! q520.2 (sample) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j !! q520.3 (shell artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q529.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q529.2 (bead) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q529.3 (specimen) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q537.1 (figurine) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q537.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q537.3 (carbon sample) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q385 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q390 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q392 (bones, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q395 (bones, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-10_J804JL3.j jl q399 (pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j jl q402 (bones, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j jl q408 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j jl q409 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-12_J804JL3.j jl q413 (bones, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q415 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q419 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q420 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q421 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q422 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-13_J804JL3.j jl q423 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q439 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q441 (bones, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q443 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q444 (pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q445 (pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q446 (pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q447 (pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j jl q448 (pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q450 (bones, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q456 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q458 (bones, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q462 (bones, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q465 (bones, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q468 (pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q473 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q482 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q490 (bones, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jlw q497 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q500 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j l q520 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q529 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jlw q537 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q385-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q385-p2 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q385-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q385-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q385-p5 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q385-p6 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q385-p7 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q385-p8 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q385-p9 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q385-p10 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q385-p11 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q385-p12 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q385-p13 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q385-p14 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q390-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q390-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q390-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q390-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q390-p5 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q390-p6 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q390-p7 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q390-p8 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q390-p9 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q390-p10 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q392-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q392-p2 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q392-p3 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q392-p4 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q392-p5 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q392-p6 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q392-p7 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q395-p1 (cup) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q395-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q395-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q395-p4 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q395-p5 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q395-p6 (pot) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q395-p7 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q395-p8 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q395-p9 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q395-p10 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q395-p11 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q395-p12 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q395-p13 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q395-p14 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q395-p15 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q395-p16 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q399-p1 (cup) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q399-p2 (cup) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q399-p3 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q399-p4 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q399-p5 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q399-p6 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q399-p7 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q399-p8 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q401-p5 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q402-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q402-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q402-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q402-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q402-p5 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q402-p6 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q402-p7 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q402-p8 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q402-p9 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q402-p10 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q402-p11 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q408-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q408-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q408-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q408-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q408-p5 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q408-p6 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q408-p7 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q408-p8 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q408-p9 (stand) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q408-p10 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q409-p1 (cup) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q409-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q409-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q409-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q409-p5 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q409-p6 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q409-p7 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q409-p8 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q409-p9 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q409-p10 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q409-p11 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q409-p12 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q409-p13 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q409-p14 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q409-p15 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q413-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q413-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q413-p3 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q413-p4 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q413-p5 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q413-p6 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q413-p7 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q413-p8 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q413-p9 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q413-p10 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q413-p11 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q413-p12 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q413-p13 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q413-p14 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q413-p15 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q415-p1 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q415-p2 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q415-p3 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q415-p4 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p5 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p6 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p7 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p8 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p9 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p10 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p11 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p12 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p13 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p14 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p15 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p16 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p17 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p18 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p19 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p20 (stand) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p21 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p22 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p23 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q419-p24 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p1 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p2 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p5 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p6 (pot) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p7 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p8 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p9 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p10 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p11 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p12 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p13 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p14 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p15 (strainer) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p16 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p17 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p18 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p19 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p20 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p21 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p22 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p23 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p24 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p25 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q420-p26 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p2 (cup) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p5 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p6 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p7 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p8 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p9 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p10 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p11 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p12 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p13 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p14 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p15 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p16 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p17 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p18 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p19 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p20 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p21 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p22 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p23 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p24 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p25 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p26 (strainer) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p27 (strainer) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p28 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p29 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p30 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p31 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p32 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p33 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q421-p34 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q422-p1 (cup) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q422-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q422-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q422-p4 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q422-p5 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q422-p6 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q422-p7 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q422-p8 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q422-p9 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q422-p10 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q422-p11 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q422-p12 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q422-p13 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q422-p14 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q422-p15 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q422-p92 (body sherd) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q422-p93 (body sherd) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q422-p94 (body sherd) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q422-p95 (body sherd) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q422-p96 (body sherd) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q422-p97 (body sherd) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q422-p98 (body sherd) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q422-p99 (body sherd) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q423-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q423-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q423-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q423-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q423-p5 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q423-p6 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q423-p7 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q423-p8 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q423-p9 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q423-p10 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q423-p11 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q423-p12 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q423-p13 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q423-p14 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q423-p15 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q439-p1 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q439-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q439-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q439-p4 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q439-p5 (pot) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q439-p6 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q439-p7 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q439-p8 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q439-p9 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q439-p10 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q439-p11 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-14_J804JL3.j !! q439-p13 (other shape sherd) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q441-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q441-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q441-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q441-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q441-p5 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q441-p6 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q441-p7 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q441-p8 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q441-p9 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q441-p10 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q443-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q443-p2 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q443-p3 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q443-p4 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q443-p5 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q443-p6 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q443-p7 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q444-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q444-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q444-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q444-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q444-p5 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q444-p6 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q444-p7 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q444-p8 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q444-p9 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q444-p10 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q444-p11 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q444-p12 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q444-p13 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q445-p1 (cup) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q445-p2 (cup) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q445-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q445-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q445-p5 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q445-p6 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q445-p7 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q445-p8 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q445-p9 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q445-p10 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q445-p11 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q445-p12 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q445-p13 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q445-p14 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q445-p15 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q446-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q446-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q446-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q446-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q446-p5 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q446-p6 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q446-p7 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q446-p8 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q446-p9 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q446-p10 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q446-p11 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q446-p12 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q446-p13 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q446-p14 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q446-p15 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q447-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q447-p2 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q448-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q448-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q448-p3 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q448-p4 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q448-p5 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q448-p6 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q448-p7 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q448-p8 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q448-p9 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q448-p10 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q448-p11 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q448-p12 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q450-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q450-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q450-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q450-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q450-p5 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q450-p6 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q450-p7 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q450-p8 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q450-p9 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q450-p10 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q450-p11 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q456-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q456-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q456-p3 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q456-p4 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q456-p5 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q456-p6 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q456-p7 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q456-p8 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q458-p33 (cup) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q462-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q462-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q462-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q462-p4 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q462-p5 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q462-p6 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q462-p7 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q462-p8 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q468-p1 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p5 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p6 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p7 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p8 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p9 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p10 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p11 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p12 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p13 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p14 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p15 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p16 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p17 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p18 (other shape sherd) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q473-p19 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p1 (cup) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p3 (cup) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p5 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p6 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p7 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p8 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p9 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p10 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p11 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p12 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p13 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p14 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p15 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p16 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p17 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p18 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p19 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q482-p20 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p1 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p2 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p5 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p6 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p7 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p8 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p9 (pot) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p10 (pot) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p11 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p12 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p13 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p14 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p15 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p16 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p17 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p18 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q490-p19 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q497-p1 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q497-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q497-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q497-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q497-p5 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q497-p6 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q497-p7 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q497-p8 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q497-p9 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q497-p10 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q500-p1 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q500-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q500-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q500-p4 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q500-p5 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q500-p6 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q500-p7 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q500-p8 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q500-p9 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q500-p10 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q500-p11 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q500-p12 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q500-p13 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q500-p14 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q500-p15 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q520-p1 (cup) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q520-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q520-p3 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q520-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q520-p5 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q520-p6 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q520-p7 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP vO q529-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p2 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p3 (cup) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p4 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p5 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p6 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p7 (cup) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p8 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p9 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p10 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p11 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p12 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p13 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p14 (bowl) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p15 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p16 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p17 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p18 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p19 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p20 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p21 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p22 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p23 (rim) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p24 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p25 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p26 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p27 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p28 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-07-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q529-p29 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q537-p1 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP vO q537-p2 (other shape sherd) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q537-p3 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q537-p4 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q537-p5 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q537-p6 (base) sits in f144 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q537-p7 (jar) sits in f144 (accumulation) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f144 (accumulation) covers f169 (layer) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature I1 2004-08-18_O818JW1.j jw s4a I99 2004-08-18_O818JW1.j jw Phase assignment based on pottery analysis by mkb. K5 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw light brownish gray K6 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw 10YR6/2 O12 1999-07-08_J806JL2.j jl v23 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v29 O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33 O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33c ; A9f145 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer A35 1999-07-08_J806JL2.j !! v23 B10 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw layer B11 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw layer of sherds in SW corner of k9. Heavy concentration on top with many more mixed with soil to a depth of about 35 cm. Concentration and flat orientation of sherds on top gives the impression of a working surface rather than a pot smash. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D3 1999-07-10_J721JL-R.j jl r225 (44681 36126 - 8777 / Relay location: k 9 NW corner) D3 1999-07-10_J721JL-R.j jl r226 (44661 36205 - 8774 / Relay location: k 9 NE corner) D3 1999-07-10_J721JL-R.j jl r227 (44503 36096 - 8765 / Relay location: k 9 SE corner) D3 1999-07-10_J721JL-R.j jl r228 (44500 36055 - 8766 / Relay location: k 9 SW corner) D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer/paving of broken sherds F51 1999-07-10_J804JL3.j !! q397.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f145 (layer) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q391 (bones, pottery) sits in f145 (layer) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q394 (bones, pottery) sits in f145 (layer) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q396 (pottery) sits in f145 (layer) F51 1999-07-10_J804JL3.j jl q397 (items, pottery) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q391-p1 (bowl) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q391-p2 (bowl) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q391-p3 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q391-p4 (rim) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q391-p5 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q391-p6 (base) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q391-p7 (base) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q391-p8 (base) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q391-p9 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q391-p10 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q391-p95 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q391-p96 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q391-p97 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q391-p98 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q391-p99 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q394-p1 (bowl) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q394-p2 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q394-p3 (bowl) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q394-p4 (bowl) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q394-p5 (bowl) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q394-p6 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q394-p7 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q394-p8 (pot) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q394-p9 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q394-p10 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q394-p11 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q394-p12 (base) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q394-p13 (base) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q394-p14 (handle) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q394-p15 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p1 (pot) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p2 (pot) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p3 (bowl) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p4 (bowl) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p5 (bowl) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p6 (bowl) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p7 (bowl) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p8 (bowl) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p9 (bowl) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p10 (bowl) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p11 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p12 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p13 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p14 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p15 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p16 (base) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p17 (base) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p18 (base) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p19 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p20 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p21 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p22 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q396-p23 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q396-p92 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q396-p93 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q396-p94 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q396-p95 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q396-p96 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q396-p97 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q396-p98 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q396-p99 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q397-p1 (bowl) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q397-p2 (bowl) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q397-p3 (bowl) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q397-p4 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q397-p5 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q397-p6 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q397-p7 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q397-p8 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q397-p9 (jar) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q397-p10 (bowl) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2007-07-25_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q397-p11 (base) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q397-p91 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q397-p92 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q397-p93 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q397-p94 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q397-p95 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q397-p96 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q397-p97 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q397-p98 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q397-p99 (body sherd) sits in f145 (layer) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O12 1999-07-08_J806JL2.j jl v23 O12 1999-07-11_J806JL2.j jl v26a P1 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw Started and finished excavation on J710. ; A9f146 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl pavement, type c B10 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw layer B11 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw layer of elipsoidal stones, larger than hen's eggs and smaller than fist-size, "cemented" into a clay base in the NW corner of k3. Strongly resemble those in floor, f80, in the adjacent locus, k5. However, the k3 stones are at a slightly higher elevation(18cm) than the k5 stones. Some parts of the floor are deteriorated and tracing it is difficult. Will excavate from k5 into k3 to resolve the issue. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k3 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl pebble floor in k3 G1 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl a21 ; A9f147 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7030 V17v4 O825 mkb cv -TP_A9f147.jpg B10 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw accumulation C B11 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw accumulation between accumulation, f98, and pebble floor, f80, below. Looks very red compared to f98 but actually is brown. Not quite the consistency of packing, but could have been used to level surface of patio which slopes down to the east and south. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k3 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl reddish soil under f98 and over f80 F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j !! q389.1 (figurine) sits in f147 (layer) F51 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j !! q404.1 (clay lump) sits in f147 (layer) F51 1999-07-10_J717JL.j jl q389 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f147 (layer) F51 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j jl q404 (bones, pottery) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q214-p1 (cup) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q389-p1 (base) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q389-p2 (base) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q389-p3 (base) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q389-p4 (base) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q389-p5 (base) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q389-p6 (base) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q389-p7 (base) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q389-p8 (base) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q389-p9 (base) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q389-p10 (cup) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q389-p11 (bowl) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q389-p12 (cup) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q389-p13 (cup) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q389-p14 (platter or plate) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hh q389-p15 (other shape sherd) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q389-p16 (rim) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q389-p17 (bottle) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q389-p18 (rim) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q389-p19 (rim) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q404-p1 (base) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q404-p2 (base) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q404-p3 (base) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q404-p4 (base) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q404-p5 (base) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q404-p6 (rim) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q404-p7 (rim) sits in f147 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q404-p8 (jar) sits in f147 (layer) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw brown K6 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw 7.5YR5/4 O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7030 V17v4 O825 mkb cv -TP_A9f147.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7031 V17v4 O825 mkb cv -TP_A9f147 template.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7031 V17v4 O825 mkb cv -TP_A9f147 template.jpg O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30a O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31a ; A9f148 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl pit B10 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw pit B11 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw ashy material discovered in the north part of the east baulk of k8 while clearing a sight line for a marker. Excavated about 1 cubic meter to protect workmen below in k3 from falling debris. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k8 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl pit in k8 E baulk, north 1/3 F51 1999-07-10_J804JL3.j !! q398.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f148 (pit) F51 1999-07-10_J804JL3.j !! q398.2 (wheel) sits in f148 (pit) F51 1999-07-10_J804JL3.j jl q398 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f148 (pit) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q398-p1 (jar) sits in f148 (pit) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q398-p2 (jar) sits in f148 (pit) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q398-p3 (bowl) sits in f148 (pit) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q398-p4 (rim) sits in f148 (pit) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q398-p5 (jar) sits in f148 (pit) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q398-p6 (jar) sits in f148 (pit) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q398-p7 (bowl) sits in f148 (pit) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q398-p8 (jar) sits in f148 (pit) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q398-p9 (bowl) sits in f148 (pit) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q398-p10 (bowl) sits in f148 (pit) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q398-p11 (base) sits in f148 (pit) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f149 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl installation B10 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw wall B11 1999-07-10_J710JLW1.j jlw tentative assignment for an organized collection of large stones now appearing along the southeastern edge of k9 accumulation f144 is being excavated. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D3 1999-07-11_J721JL-R.j jl r232 (44536 36468 - 8758 / Relay location: k 9 NW corner) D3 1999-07-11_J721JL-R.j jl r233 (44526 36526 - 8767 / Relay location: k 9 NE corner) D3 1999-07-11_J721JL-R.j jl r234 (44345 36489 - 8766 / Relay location: k 9 SE corner) D3 1999-07-11_J721JL-R.j jl r235 (44413 36450 - 8747 / Relay location: k 9 SW corner) D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl pile of stones in E of k9, perhaps a hearth F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f131 (topsoil) covers f149 (installation) F51 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j !! q405.1 (specimen) sits in f149 (installation) F51 1999-07-11_J804JL3.j jl q405 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f149 (installation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q405-p1 (rim) sits in f149 (installation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q405-p2 (rim) sits in f149 (installation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q405-p3 (bowl) sits in f149 (installation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q405-p4 (jar) sits in f149 (installation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q405-p5 (bowl) sits in f149 (installation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q405-p6 (base) sits in f149 (installation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q405-p7 (bowl) sits in f149 (installation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature P1 1999-07-11_J711JLW1.j jlw measured and removed on J711. ; A9f150 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl floorsurface in general B10 1999-07-11_J711JLW1.j jlw floorsurface in general B11 1999-07-11_J711JLW1.j jlw layer of elipsoidal stones, larger than hen's eggs and smaller than fist-sized, cemented into a clay base in the SW corner of k6. Almost certainly the same floor surface as f80 in k4 and k5 and f146 in k3. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl pebble floor in k6 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f124 (wall) abuts f150 (floorsurface in general) F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f125 (wall) abuts f150 (floorsurface in general) F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f192 (floorsurface in general) covers f150 (floorsurface in general) F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f117 (wall) overlays f150 (floorsurface in general) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j !! q524.1 (bone artifact) sits in f150 (floorsurface in general) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j jl q524 (items, pottery) sits in f150 (floorsurface in general) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q524-p2 (platter or plate) sits in f150 (floorsurface in general) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q524-p4 (cup) sits in f150 (floorsurface in general) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q524-p7 (bowl) sits in f150 (floorsurface in general) F51 2016-07-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q524-p9 (jar) sits in f150 (floorsurface in general) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl a22 ; A9f151 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl tannur (feature) A35 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j !! v29 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl tannur (feature) B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl tannur in center of k9, on top of stone platform f152, near f160 tannur, large quantities of ash surround both, leading to the possible conclusion that the two tannurs constituted an industrial facility of some kind, interior not fully excavated D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D3 1999-07-11_J721JL-R.j jl r236 (44640 36259 - 8724 / Relay location: k 9 E) D3 1999-07-11_J721JL-R.j jl r237 (44610 36204 - 8724 / Relay location: k 9 mid) D3 1999-07-11_J721JL-R.j jl r238 (44664 36179 - 8724 / Relay location: k 9 W) D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl tannur in center of square F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f161 (fill) sits in f151 (tannur (feature)) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f151 (tannur (feature)) rests on f152 (wall) O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v29 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v29b O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33 O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33a O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33b O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33c O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v54 ; A9f152 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl wall A35 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j !! v29 B10 1999-07-13_J713JLW.j jlw platform B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl wall B11 1999-07-13_J713JLW.j jlw large platform of worked stones, a one meter by two meter section of which is now exposed in k9. The west end continues into the west baulk of k9, while the north part continues under the portion of k9 that has not been excavated. Tannur, f151, sits atop the platform almost exactly half-hidden by the partially excavated north portion of k9 B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl wall foundation, originally described as platform C3 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl only approximately a quarter of f152 had been excavated when it was determined to be a platform. Now that more has been uncovered, it appears that the structure is probably the foundations of the S and E walls of a building. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D3 1999-07-24_J724JL-R.j jl r315 (44556 36077 - 8726 / Relay location: k 9) D3 1999-07-24_J724JL-R.j jl r316 (44527 36092 - 8726 / Relay location: k 9) D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl stone wall foundation F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f151 (tannur (feature)) rests on f152 (wall) F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f160 (tannur (feature)) rests on f152 (wall) F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f162 (fill) sits in f152 (wall) G1 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl a22 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v29 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v29a O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v29b O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33 O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33a O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33b O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33c O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v54 ; A9f153 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl floor, type b A35 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j !! v29a B10 1999-07-13_J713JLW.j jlw floor, type b B11 1999-07-13_J713JLW.j jlw packed earth floor in k6 containing traces of plaster flakes and perhaps a trace of plaster coating. It is at the same elevation as the pebble floor, f150, and in fact is a part of a single floor in this section of the plaza that had pebbles at the southern edge and then continued with this surface. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl tamped earth floor in k6 N of f100 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v29a ; A9f154 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7007 -TP_A9f154 O825 mkb.jpg B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl layer B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl ashy layer in SE corner of k4, along E baulk, gray on top with a very black lower edge, covered by brickfall f87; perhaps the destruction layer for this portion of the AK building. Inspection at the end of the season indicates that f154 may have been the layer that we called f98 throughout k4 and k6. In the E section of k4, f98 exists only in the SE, where it was piled up against the walls f1 and f93. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k4 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl ashy layer in SE corner under f87 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f96 (lens type c) covers f154 (layer) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q530.1 (metal artifact) sits in f154 (layer) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j !! q530.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f154 (layer) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q530 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f154 (layer) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q531 (pottery) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q530-p1 (bowl) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q530-p2 (platter or plate) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q530-p3 (base) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q530-p4 (bowl) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q530-p5 (base) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q530-p6 (bowl) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q530-p7 (base) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q530-p8 (bowl) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q530-p9 (cup) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q530-p10 (base) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q530-p11 (cup) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q530-p12 (bowl) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q530-p13 (cup) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q530-p14 (cup) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q530-p15 (base) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q530-p16 (base) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q530-p17 (rim) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q531-p1 (jar) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q531-p2 (jar) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q531-p3 (jar) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q531-p4 (bowl) sits in f154 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q531-p5 (base) sits in f154 (layer) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f154 (layer) covers f100 (lens type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature I99 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl Inspection at the end of the season indicates that f154 may have been the layer that we called f98 throughout k4 and k6. In the E section of k4, f98 exists only in the SE, where it was piled up against the walls f1 and f93. O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7007 -TP_A9f154 O825 mkb.jpg O12 1999-07-20_J806JL2.j jl v32 O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v34 ; A9f155 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl foundation A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7026 A9q519-p1 O825 mkb cv -TP_A9f155.jpg B10 1999-07-20_J729JLW.j gb wall B11 1999-07-20_J729JLW.j gb north-south stone wall in east portion of k3 and k4 B11 1999-08-06_J806JLW1.j jlw wall is 4.95 m long and 2.15 m wide. Largest stone approximately 70 cm square an at least 40 cm thick (bottom hidden by pebble floor, f80, and not yet probed to see its relationship with the baked brick floor, f84). Large stones are on the periphery and the interior seems filled with smaller stones, pebbles and sherds. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k3 D3 1999-08-03_J803JLWR.j aj r403 (43688 36199 - 8293 / Relay location: k4) D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl stone foundation for a large wall F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f171 (layer) abuts f155 (foundation) F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f100 (lens type c) covers f155 (foundation) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j l q591 (bones, pottery) sits in f155 (foundation) F51 2004-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q519-p1 (rim) sits in f155 (foundation) F51 2004-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q519-p2 (base) sits in f155 (foundation) F51 2004-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q519-p3 (rim) sits in f155 (foundation) F51 2004-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q519-p4 (cup) sits in f155 (foundation) F51 2004-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q519-p5 (base) sits in f155 (foundation) F51 2004-08-23_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q519-p6 (rim) sits in f155 (foundation) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j !! q591-p1 (base) sits in f155 (foundation) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j !! q591-p2 (bowl) sits in f155 (foundation) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j !! q591-p3 (cup) sits in f155 (foundation) F51 1999-07-20_J805AO.j !! q591-p20 (jar) sits in f155 (foundation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature H1 1999-07-20_J720GB.j GB An important consequence of the exposure of the stone wall , which shows how the stone substructure is substantially lower than the southern walls of sector F, is the fact that we may still expect to find the eastern wall of sector F which had eluded in all previous seasons. We have been removing steadily the mid to high floor accumulation in this portion of sector F, and we are about to come to the level which matches the stone substructure of f___ [same stone wall], so we may soon have an answer to this qeustion. We had given up on the existence of this wall because we had reached a level lower than the matching wall on the South.The effort at reaching the first floors in sector F, which at first was aimed purely at removing all the uneven steps left in previous seasons, may yet yield an important answer to the question of a screened access to the courtyard from the West. H1 1999-07-20_J729JLW.j gb An imortant consequence of the exposure of the stone wall, which shows how the stone substructure is substantially lower than the southern walls of sector F, is the fact that we may still expect to find the eastern wall of sector F which had eluded in all previous seasons. We have been removing steadily the mid to high floor accumulation in this portion of sector F, and we are about to come to the level which matches the stone substructure of f155, so we may soon have an answer to this question. We had given up on the existance of this wall because we had reached a level lower than the matching wall on the South. The effort at reaching the first floors in sector F, which at first was aimed at removing all the uneven steps left in previous seasons, may yet yield an important answer to the question of a screened access to the courtyard from the West. L1 1999-07-20_J720GB.j GB Why this wall should have a lower substructure than its counterparts to the South is an interesting question. Could it be that it had to be plastered and plastering bricks was easier than stones? Or else, was it on higher ground (as a result of terracing), and hence in lesser need of a stone base? L1 1999-07-20_J729JLW.j gb Why this wall should have a lower substrate than its counterparts to the South is an interesting question. Could it be that it had to be plastered and plastering bricks was easier than stones? Or else, was it on higher ground (as a result of terracing), and hence in lesser need of a stone base? M1 1999-07-14_J716JLW.j gb whether a wall or a raised platform, this seems to match the opening left by the "threshold" in k6. We may expect the continuation in k9 as projected, and similarly a matching "threshold" under areas A2/A7. Defining further (even within the limits of the season) the scope of this wall will provide a powerful argument for the palace interpretation of AK. O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7026 A9q519-p1 O825 mkb cv -TP_A9f155.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7027 A9q519-p1 O825 mkb cv -TP_A9f155.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7027 A9q519-p1 O825 mkb cv -TP_A9f155.jpg O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30a O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31a O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v34 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v49 ; A9f156 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl fill A35 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j !! v30 B10 1999-07-15_J716JLW.j jlw accumulation C B11 1999-07-15_J716JLW.j jlw accumulation (similar to f126) covering stones that form wall, f155. Separated because we expected to find a mortar-like covering on the wall, but did not. Kept a separate feature to segregate sherds and other artifacts that may have been emplaced at the time that the wall was in use. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k3 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl fill within f155 stones F51 1999-07-17_J806JL2.j jl i67 (figurine) sits in f156 (fill) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q455.1 (clay lump) sits in f156 (fill) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q455.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f156 (fill) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q463.1 (clay lump) sits in f156 (fill) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q463.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f156 (fill) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j !! q471.1 (clay lump) sits in f156 (fill) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j !! q471.2 (specimen) sits in f156 (fill) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j !! q472.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f156 (fill) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q455 (bones, pottery) sits in f156 (fill) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q457 (bones, pottery) sits in f156 (fill) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q463 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f156 (fill) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q469 (pottery) sits in f156 (fill) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q471 (items, pottery) sits in f156 (fill) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q472 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q455-p1 (base) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q455-p2 (rim) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q455-p3 (bowl) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q455-p4 (rim) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q455-p5 (rim) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q455-p6 (jar) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q455-p7 (base) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q455-p8 (base) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q455-p9 (jar) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q455-p10 (bowl) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q455-p11 (bowl) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q457-p1 (base) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q457-p2 (base) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q457-p3 (cup) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q457-p4 (jar) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q457-p5 (base) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q457-p6 (rim) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q457-p7 (cup) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q457-p8 (bowl) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q457-p9 (rim) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q457-p10 (cup) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q463-p1 (jar) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q463-p2 (base) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q463-p3 (bowl) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q463-p4 (jar) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q463-p5 (base) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2016-06-30_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q463-p16 (rim) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q469-p2 (rim) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q469-p3 (rim) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q469-p4 (rim) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q469-p5 (jar) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q469-p6 (pot) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q469-p7 (rim) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q469-p8 (rim) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q469-p9 (cup) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q472-p1 (rim) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q472-p2 (bowl) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q472-p3 (rim) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q472-p4 (base) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q472-p5 (base) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q472-p6 (base) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q472-p7 (base) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q472-p8 (bowl) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q472-p9 (base) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q472-p10 (bowl) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q472-p11 (rim) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q472-p12 (base) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q472-p13 (base) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q472-p14 (bowl) sits in f156 (fill) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q472-p15 (cup) sits in f156 (fill) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-07-15_J716JLW.j jlw dark brown K6 1999-07-15_J716JLW.j jlw 10YR4/3 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v30a O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31 O12 1999-07-12_J806JL2.j jl v31a ; A9f157 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl lens type b B10 1999-07-15_J716JLW.j jlw lens type b B11 1999-07-15_J716JLW.j jlw lense of reddish-brown accumulation/packing along the last meter of the southern end of the west face of wall, f155. Origin unknown, but similar in color to packing used elsewhere between floors. C5 1999-07-15_J716JLW.j jlw in the last few minuets of excavation on J716, while following f157 around the SW corner of wall, found evidence of deteriorated brickwork of the same approximate color. Bleedoff from this may have been the source of the lense, although I have no idea why it was located only in that place. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k3 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl lense of reddish-brown material below f 126 F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j !! q461.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f157 (lens type b) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j !! q476.1 (clay lump) sits in f157 (lens type b) F51 1999-07-15_J804JL3.j jl q461 (items, pottery) sits in f157 (lens type b) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q476 (items, pottery) sits in f157 (lens type b) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q461-p1 (rim) sits in f157 (lens type b) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q461-p2 (bowl) sits in f157 (lens type b) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q461-p3 (bowl) sits in f157 (lens type b) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q476-p1 (cup) sits in f157 (lens type b) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-07-15_J716JLW.j jlw reddish-brown K6 1999-07-15_J716JLW.j jlw 5YR4/4 P1 1999-07-15_J716JLW.j jlw finished excavating on J716 ; A9f158 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl accumulation B10 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw accumulation C B11 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw accumulation to west of wass, f135, and atop accumulation, f110, associated with the last use of the AK building. It is possible that wall foundations for Khabur period houses were dug into this accumulation and that the early floors were built upon it. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl earth west of f135 platform, wall F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f135 (wall) abuts f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl i83 (seal) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J806JL2.j jl i89 (ax(head)) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j !! q470.1 (pot) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j !! q470.2 (pot) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j !! q470.3 (specimen) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q569.1 (ceramic vessel) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q569.2 (ceramic vessel) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j !! q577.1 (clay artifact) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j !! q577.2 (sample) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j !! q577.3 (specimen) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j !! q577.4 (bitumen) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j !! q578.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j !! q583.1 (clay lump) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j !! q587.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j !! q587.2 (sample) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q470 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q525 (pottery) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-21_J805AO.j jl q533 (pottery) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q568 (bones, pottery) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q569 (bones, pottery) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q577 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q578 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q583 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q587 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q592 (bones, pottery) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q595 (bones, pottery) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q470-p1 (jar) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q470-p2 (stand) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q470-p3 (base) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q470-p4 (jar) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q470-p5 (base) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q470-p6 (bowl) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q470-p7 (base) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q470-p8 (rim) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q470-p9 (bowl) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q470-p10 (pitcher) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q470-p11 (base) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q470-p12 (jar) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q470-p13 (bowl) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q525-p3 (bowl) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q525-p9 (bowl) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q525-p10 (bowl) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q525-p13 (jar) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q568-p1 (bowl) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q568-p2 (base) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q569-p2 (base) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q569-p6 (bowl) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q569-p7 (base) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q577-p2 (bowl) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q577-p3 (jar) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q577-p9 (bowl) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q577-p15 (jar) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q578-p2 (rim) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q583-p4 (bowl) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q583-p9 (bowl) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q583-p18 (bowl) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q592-p2 (bottle) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q592-p4 (bowl) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q592-p6 (bowl) sits in f158 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q592-p7 (bowl) sits in f158 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw pale brown K6 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw 10YR7/3 ; A9f159 A1 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f131 A20 !!_!! !! other features A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl volumetric material B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl topsoil B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl topsoil in the S baulk of k9, equal to f131 D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl S baulk F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j !! q478.1 (specimen) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j !! q481.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j !! q481.2 (clay artifact) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q495.1 (clay artifact) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q478 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-17_J804JL3.j jl q481 (items, pottery) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q495 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jlw q496 (pottery) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q478-p1 (base) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q478-p2 (bowl) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q478-p3 (rim) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q478-p4 (base) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q478-p5 (bowl) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q478-p6 (rim) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q478-p7 (base) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q478-p8 (bowl) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q478-p9 (jar) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q478-p10 (jar) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q478-p11 (base) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q478-p12 (bowl) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q478-p13 (rim) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q481-p1 (cup) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q481-p2 (base) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q481-p3 (base) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q481-p4 (bowl) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q481-p5 (bowl) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q481-p6 (jar) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q481-p7 (base) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q481-p8 (cup) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q481-p9 (jar) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q495-p1 (bowl) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q495-p2 (bowl) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q495-p3 (bowl) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q495-p4 (jar) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q495-p5 (jar) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q495-p6 (base) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q495-p7 (base) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q495-p8 (bowl) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q495-p9 (jar) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q496-p1 (bowl) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q496-p2 (bowl) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q496-p3 (base) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q496-p4 (base) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q496-p5 (jar) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q496-p6 (jar) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q496-p7 (bowl) sits in f159 (volumetric material) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f159 (volumetric material) covers f144 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f160 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl tannur (feature) A35 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j !! v33 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl tannur (feature) B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl small tannur associated with tannur f151, on stone platform 152; large quantities of ash surround both tannurs, leading to the possible conclusion that the two tannurs constituted an industrial facility of some kind, interior not fully excavated D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl small tannur near f151 F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jlw q498 (pottery) sits in f160 (tannur (feature)) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q498-p1 (bowl) sits in f160 (tannur (feature)) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q498-p2 (base) sits in f160 (tannur (feature)) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f160 (tannur (feature)) rests on f152 (wall) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33 O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33a O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33c O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v54 ; A9f161 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl fill A35 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j !! v33 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl fill B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl fill within tannur f151 D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl fill in f151 tannur F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j !! q494.1 (bead) sits in f161 (fill) F51 1999-07-18_J805AO.j jl q494 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f161 (fill) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q494-p1 (bowl) sits in f161 (fill) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q494-p2 (bowl) sits in f161 (fill) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q494-p3 (jar) sits in f161 (fill) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f161 (fill) sits in f151 (tannur (feature)) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j jl a22 O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33 O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33a O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33b O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33c ; A9f162 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl fill A35 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j !! v33 B10 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw accumulation C B10 2004-08-18_O818JW1.j jw accumulation B11 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw gray, dusty accumulation, probably associated with tannurs, f151 and f160. Probably above a floor surface. Still seeing this accumulation 50 cm below the top of the tannurs, where it becomes hard with charcoal and brick-like inclusions. We will most likely suspend excavations for this season at this level. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl fill in f152 wall F51 1999-07-18_J806JL2.j jl i74 (metal artifact) sits in f162 (fill) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q501 (bones, pottery) sits in f162 (fill) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q501-p1 (bowl) sits in f162 (fill) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q501-p2 (bowl) sits in f162 (fill) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q501-p3 (cup) sits in f162 (fill) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q501-p4 (bowl) sits in f162 (fill) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q501-p5 (bowl) sits in f162 (fill) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q501-p6 (handle) sits in f162 (fill) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q501-p7 (jar) sits in f162 (fill) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q501-p8 (base) sits in f162 (fill) F51 2007-07-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q501-p9 (base) sits in f162 (fill) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f162 (fill) sits in f152 (wall) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 1999-08-06_J806JL2.j !! a22 I99 2004-08-18_O818JW1.j jw mkb attempted to designate a phase for this feature based on analysis of one lot (q501) of pottery. Unfortunately there were no diagnostic sherds among those examined. O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33 O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33a O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33b O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v33c ; A9f163 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl platform A35 1999-07-20_J806JL2.j !! v32 B10 1999-07-20_J723JLW.j jlw platform B11 1999-07-20_J729JLW.j gb platform on the north side of wall, f1, made of baked red and cream-colored bricks. B11 1999-07-20_J723JLW.j jlw low, multi-tiered platform made of two colors of baked brick (red and cream). Probably abuts north face of wall, f1. So far, north and west faces partially excavated. Tiers rise from west to east, while north face presents an unfinished appearance. Not yet clear whether this feature is associated with pebble floor, f80, or baked brick floor, f84. B11 1999-08-06_J806JLW1.j jlw platform is built of multiple layers of baked brick in the form of two steps. Founded just above the pebble floor, f80, its west face was clearly meant to be seen by those in the courtyard south of it. The south face is against wall, f93, while the profile of the north face just shows the layers of bricks laid on packing. The east face seems to be missing, causing gb to opine that it may be a retaining wall instead of a ceremonial platform. There are 3 courses of brick on the first step and two on the second step. The two top courses of brick are deteriorated and may not have been made of the same material. The bottom courses are well preserved and are made of 30cm by 30 cm baked bricks that are either red or cream colored. They are arranged in patterns. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k4 D3 1999-08-03_J803JLWR.j aj r395 (43427 35936 - 8300 / Relay location: k4) D3 1999-08-03_J803JLWR.j aj r396 (43564 35992 - 8303 / Relay location: k4) D3 1999-08-03_J803JLWR.j aj r397 (43506 36098 - 8314 / Relay location: k4) D3 1999-08-03_J803JLWR.j aj r398 (43486 36086 - 8314 / Relay location: k4) D3 1999-08-03_J803JLWR.j aj r399 (43524 36010 - 8315 / Relay location: k4) D3 1999-08-03_J803JLWR.j aj r400 (43416 35967 - 8315 / Relay location: k4) D3 1999-08-03_J803JLWR.j aj r401 (43578 35935 - 8288 / Relay location: k4) D3 1999-08-03_J803JLWR.j aj r402 (43442 35877 - 8286 / Relay location: k4) D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl baked brick platform near wall f1 F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f163 (platform) abuts f1 (wall) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f163 (platform) abuts f80 F99 1999-08-06_J806JLW1.j jlw originally, we had believed that the platform was associated with floor, f84, which was made of the identical bricks. However a small probe in the NE corner revealed that the platform is associated with the pebble floor, f80. H1 1999-07-20_J720GB.j GB The platform is important for dating the sequence of strata within AK. The erosion of the top bricks implies that they were exposed when no longer in use: hence this is most likely at the time when the mid floors begin. Earlier, it was in use during the second phase of the use of the courtyard, the pebble floor. At the beginning, it must have been in use during the baked brick pavement: this we have not tested yet, but we will as soon as we have clear the full pebble floor. H1 1999-07-20_J729JLW.j gb the platform is important for dating the sequence of strata within AK. The erosion of the top bricks implies that they were exposed when no longer in use; hence this is most likely at the time when the mid floors begin. Earlier, it was in use during the second phase of the use of the courtyard, the pebble floor. At the beginning, it must have been in use during the baked brick pavement: this we have not tested yet, but we will as soon as we have clear the full pebble floor. M2 1999-07-20_J720GB.j GB The high symbolic valence of the dorrway to which the platform is attached strenghens the opinion I have entertained all along that the portion of the palace to the East is the most improtant one. An imporytant new question is whether we have a connection between this access and a possible access from the South in A12. The monumentality of the access in A9 suggests that there should be a considerable amount of space to the East of this access. If so, one mught expect that the building extendes further East than the perimetral wall of AK. The extension to the south suggested by A12 may indeed provide such a space. We cannot prove that circulation between the two portions of the palace (AR and AK) did indeed exist, but we may be able to do so through our current excavations in A10 and A13. See new Projections floor plan dated J720. M2 1999-07-20_J729JLW.j gb the high symbolic valence of the doorway to which the platform is attached strengthens the opinion I have entertained all along that the portion of the palace to the East is the most important one. An important new question is whether we have a connection between this access and a possible access from the South in A12. The monumentality of the access in A9 suggests that there should be a considerable amounr of space to the East of this access. If so, one might expect that building extends further East than the perimetral wall of AK. The extension to the South suggested by A12 may indeed provide such a space. We cannot prove that circulation between the two portions of the palace (AR and AK) did indeed exist, but we may be able to do so through our current excavations in A10 and A13. See new Projections floor plan dated J720. M3 1999-07-20_J720GB.j GB It is clear that this platform places a great symbolic significance on this doorway (and probably its matching doorway to the North). What exactly it might have served for remains uncertain. As a pedestal for guards seems unlikely given the elaborate color pattern. For a statue? For a water jar to greet incoming visitors? Possibly also a statue with water like the one at the side of the throne room in the palace of Zimri-Lim, echoed on our seal k2. M3 1999-07-20_J729JLW.j gb it is clear that this platform places a great symbolic significance on this doorway (and probably its matching doorway to the North). What exactly it might have served for remains uncertain. As a pedestal for guards seems unlikely given the elaborate color pattern. For a statue? For a water jar to greet incoming visitors? Possibly also a statue with water like the one at the side of the throne room in the palace of Zimri-Lim, echoed on our seal k2. N1 1999-07-20_J723JLW.j jlw several bricks were cleaned and inspected by conservation specialists. They determined that the colors were quite bright and highly contrasting, adding impetus to the theory that this platform served some ceremonial function within the space. O12 1999-07-20_J806JL2.j jl v32 O12 1999-07-20_J806JL2.j jl v32a O12 1999-07-20_J806JL2.j jl v32b O12 1999-07-20_J806JL2.j jl v32c O12 1999-07-20_J806JL2.j jl v32d O12 1999-07-20_J806JL2.j jl v32e O12 1999-07-20_J806JL2.j jl v32f O12 1999-07-21_J806JL2.j jl v34 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v48 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v48a O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v48b O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v48c O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v51 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v51a O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v51b O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v51c ; A9f164 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer B10 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw layer B11 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw layer of material with brick color and texture. Seen in section in the north and east baulks of k3 in the far NE corner, north of and at the same elevation as the top of wall, f155. Layer is 5 cm thick. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k3 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl bright reddish layer in NE corner F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f142 (layer) covers f164 (layer) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q512.1 (clay lump) sits in f164 (layer) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q512.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f164 (layer) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j !! q512.3 (shell artifact) sits in f164 (layer) F51 1999-07-19_J805AO.j jl q512 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p1 (bowl) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p2 (cup) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p3 (bowl) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p4 (bowl) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p5 (bowl) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p6 (bowl) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p7 (bowl) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p8 (bowl) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p9 (bowl) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p10 (bowl) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p11 (jar) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p12 (jar) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p13 (rim) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p14 (base) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p15 (base) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p16 (base) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p17 (handle) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p18 (jar) sits in f164 (layer) F51 2007-07-26_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q512-p19 (jar) sits in f164 (layer) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f164 (layer) covers f165 (layer) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f165 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer B10 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw layer B11 1999-07-19_J719JLW4.j jlw layer of brown materal, typical of local soil mixed with a bit of brick color, seen under reddish layer, f164, in section in the NE corner of k3. Thickness uncertain because it has not been fully excavated. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k3 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl brown layer in NE corner below f164 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f164 (layer) covers f165 (layer) ; A9f166 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl wall B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl wall B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl possible mudbrick wall along E baulk of k9; the bricks, if any, were in such poor condition that it was impossible to determine whether it was indeed a wall or simply brickmelt. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl possible wall in E of k9 F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q387-p9 (pot) sits in f166 (wall) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f166 (wall) sits in f144 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f167 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer A35 1999-07-08_J806JL2.j !! v23 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl layer B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl layer of bones and sherds within pit f168, which cut wall f172 D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl bones and sherd layer F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q541.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f167 (layer) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q541.2 (seal impression) sits in f167 (layer) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q541.3 (seal impression) sits in f167 (layer) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jlw q541 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f167 (layer) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q554 (bones, pottery) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p1 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p2 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p3 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p4 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p5 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p6 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p7 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p8 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p9 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p10 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p11 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p12 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p13 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p14 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p15 (platter or plate) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p16 (cup) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p17 (bowl) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p18 (bowl) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p19 (cup) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p20 (cup) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p21 (cup) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p22 (cup) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p23 (cup) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p24 (cup) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p25 (bowl) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p26 (jar) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p27 (rim) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p28 (jar) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p29 (jar) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p30 (jar) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p31 (rim) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p32 (jar) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q541-p33 (rim) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q554-p1 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q554-p2 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q554-p3 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q554-p4 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q554-p5 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q554-p6 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q554-p7 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q554-p8 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q554-p9 (base) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q554-p10 (cup) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q554-p11 (bowl) sits in f167 (layer) F51 2004-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q554-p12 (rim) sits in f167 (layer) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f167 (layer) sits in f168 (pit) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O12 1999-07-08_J806JL2.j jl v23 ; A9f168 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl pit B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl pit B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl pit partially cutting E face of wall f172 D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D3 1999-07-24_J724JL-R.j jl r314 (43938 34555 - 8355 / Relay location: k 6) D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl from season H F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f167 (layer) sits in f168 (pit) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f168 (pit) cuts f172 (wall) ; A9f169 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl layer B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl floor surface in E of k9, overlaid with white decayed vegetable material, possibly roots or straw D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D3 1999-07-24_J724JL-R.j jl r318 (44674 36638 - 8619 / Relay location: k 9) D3 1999-07-26_J726JLWR.j jlw r318 (44674 36638 - 8619 / Relay location: k9) D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl white material under f144 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f144 (accumulation) covers f169 (layer) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f169 (layer) covers f170 (accumulation) ; A9f170 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl accumulation B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl accumulation B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl hard-packed accumulation under f169 D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl under f169 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f169 (layer) covers f170 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q552.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q559.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j !! q559.2 (figurine) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q552 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q558 (bones, pottery) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q559 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q565 (pottery) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q566 (bones, pottery) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q552-p1 (bowl) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q552-p2 (cup) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q552-p3 (cup) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q552-p4 (bowl) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q552-p5 (rim) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q552-p6 (bowl) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q552-p7 (bowl) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q552-p8 (rim) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q552-p9 (base) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q552-p10 (base) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q552-p11 (jar) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q558-p1 (cup) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q558-p2 (cup) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q558-p3 (bowl) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q558-p4 (bowl) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q558-p5 (jar) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q558-p6 (jar) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q558-p7 (rim) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q558-p8 (bowl) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q558-p9 (jar) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q558-p10 (bowl) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q558-p11 (rim) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q558-p12 (jar) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q558-p13 (jar) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q558-p14 (jar) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q558-p15 (rim) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q558-p16 (base) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q558-p17 (base) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q559-p1 (bowl) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q559-p2 (bowl) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q559-p3 (base) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q559-p4 (base) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q559-p5 (jar) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q565-p1 (bowl) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q565-p2 (jar) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q565-p3 (base) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p1 (cup) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p2 (cup) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p3 (cup) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p4 (cup) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p5 (cup) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p6 (bowl) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p7 (bowl) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p8 (bowl) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p9 (jar) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p10 (jar) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p11 (jar) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p12 (jar) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p13 (jar) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p14 (rim) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p15 (rim) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p16 (rim) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p17 (base) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p18 (base) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p19 (base) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p20 (base) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p21 (base) sits in f170 (accumulation) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q566-p22 (bowl) sits in f170 (accumulation) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f170 (accumulation) covers f175 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl pale brown K6 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl 10yr6/3 ; A9f171 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7034 -TP_A9f171 O825 mkb.jpg B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl layer B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl small pocket of red soil adjacent to wall f155 in NE corner of k4. Might be deteriorated brick. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k4 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl under f100 in NE corner, 5yr6/4, light reddish brown F51 1999-07-22_J805AO.j jl q557 (bones, pottery) sits in f171 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q557-p1 (cup) sits in f171 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q557-p2 (bowl) sits in f171 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q557-p3 (base) sits in f171 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q557-p4 (rim) sits in f171 (layer) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f171 (layer) abuts f155 (foundation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl light reddish brown K6 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl 5yr6/4 O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7034 -TP_A9f171 O825 mkb.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7035 V17v7 O825 mkb cv -TP_A9f171 template.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7035 V17v7 O825 mkb cv -TP_A9f171 template.jpg ; A9f172 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl wall A35 1999-07-29_J807JL.j !! v42 C3 1999-08-02_J806JL2.j gb We looked carefully for a matching wall to the N, digging a sounding trench below the level of the floor: the idea was that the stones may have been removed after the destruction of AR and might have left a trace. But there was nothing of sort. If a matching wall was there in a position similar to that of f155 (the curtain wall at the E end of the courtyard), it has vanished completely. There is no trace of postholes, either, at least not in the narrow sounding excavated. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D3 1999-07-31_J731JLWR.j jlw r360 (43830 34285 - 8335 / Relay location: k6) D3 1999-07-31_J731JLWR.j jlw r361 (43982 34348 - 8333 / Relay location: k6) D3 1999-07-31_J731JLWR.j jlw r362 (43923 34531 - 8337 / Relay location: k6) D3 1999-07-31_J731JLWR.j jlw r363 (43810 34479 - 8361 / Relay location: k6) D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl N-S wall stub in k6 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f168 (pit) cuts f172 (wall) F51 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f172 (wall) bonds with f125 (wall) O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v42 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v43 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v53 ; A9f173 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer B10 1999-07-25_J725JLW1.j jlw floor, type c B11 1999-07-25_J725JLW1.j jlw white floor surface first discovered at the end of the 1996 excavation season in A7 to the north of wall, f172. About 3 sq m in area. Coating is calcareous because it bubbled when lemon juice was poured onto a sample. gb mentioned that this kind of floor had occasionally been found in other parts of the AK building. There are no apparent walls to contain this surface. Accumulation underneath does not appear to be heavily compacted and the surface is bumpy. Slopes 8 cm down from N to S. Elevation of the center is m2209+183-90. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl ashy layer under f141 F51 1999-07-22_J806JL2.j jl i88 (wheel) sits in f173 (layer) ; A9f174 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl floor, type b B10 1999-07-25_J725JLW1.j jlw layer B11 1999-07-25_J725JLW1.j jlw ashy layer of soil, about 3 meters long, built up from north to south against doorway a17. Many small patches of nearly black material, including charcoal bits. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl gypsum floor K5 1999-07-25_J725JLW1.j jlw grayish brown K6 1999-07-25_J725JLW1.j jlw 10YR5/2 ; A9f175 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl accumulation B10 1999-07-25_J725JLW1.j jlw accumulation C B11 1999-07-25_J725JLW1.j jlw brownish soil throughout the entire 4 m N-S by 2 m E-W part of the locus being excavated. Relatively clean with occasional chunks of more red material, possibly related to deteriorated bricks. May be linked to accumulation, f104, in k3. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl reddish accumulation F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f170 (accumulation) covers f175 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j !! q576.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j !! q580.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j !! q585.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j !! q593.1 (bead) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q602.1 (pot) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q602.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q576 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q580 (bones, pottery) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j jl q581 (bones, pottery) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q585 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q590 (bones, pottery) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j jl q593 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q602 (bones, pottery) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-25_J805AO.j !! q576-p2 (other shape sherd) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q580-p1 (jar) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q580-p2 (bowl) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q581-p1 (base) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q581-p2 (base) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q581-p3 (bowl) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q581-p4 (bowl) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q581-p5 (jar) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q585-p1 (base) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q585-p2 (base) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q585-p3 (base) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q585-p4 (base) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q585-p5 (base) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q585-p6 (jar) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q585-p7 (jar) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q585-p8 (rim) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q585-p9 (jar) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q585-p10 (jar) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q585-p11 (bowl) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q585-p12 (jar) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q585-p13 (rim) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q585-p14 (rim) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q585-p15 (jar) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q590-p1 (base) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q590-p2 (base) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q590-p3 (base) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q590-p4 (bowl) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q590-p5 (jar) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-26_J805AO.j !! q590-p11 (cup) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q602-p1 (platter or plate) sits in f175 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-17_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q602-p2 (rim) sits in f175 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-07-25_J725JLW1.j jlw pale brown K6 1999-07-25_J725JLW1.j jlw 10YR6/3 K6 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl 10yr6/3 ; A9f176 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl pavement A35 1999-07-29_J807JL.j !! v46 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl pavement, type b B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl baked brick threshold in doorway a18, associated with pebble floor f80 and brick floor f190, laid over a thin layer of packing which rests on f190 B11 1999-08-06_J806JLW1.j jlw single raised line of baked bricks along the north end of doorway a18, separating the doorway from the pebble floor of the courtyard, f80. The bricks are 30cm square by 6cm thick and laid atop a thin layer of packing. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k4 D3 1999-07-27_J727JLWR.j jlw r326 (43419 35580 - 8299 / Relay location: a18) D3 1999-07-27_J727JLWR.j jlw r327 (43386 35568 - 8296 / Relay location: a18) D3 1999-07-27_J727JLWR.j jlw r328 (43336 35674 - 8294 / Relay location: a18) D3 1999-07-27_J727JLWR.j jlw r329 (43371 35710 - 8292 / Relay location: a18) D3 1999-07-28_J728JLWR.j jlw r339 (43345 35685 - 8293 / Relay location: k4) D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl baked brick in a18 threshold F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f176 (pavement) rests on f190 (pavement, type b) O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v46 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v46a ; A9f177 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl accumulation C B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl accumulation B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl reddish accumulation with brick chunks, linked to f113. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl reddish accumulation with brick chunks F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q594.1 (unknown) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q594.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q594.3 (clay lump) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q594.4 (specimen) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q594 (bones, pottery) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q594-p1 (bowl) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q594-p2 (cup) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q594-p3 (cup) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q594-p4 (bowl) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q594-p5 (cup) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q594-p6 (bowl) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q594-p7 (rim) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q594-p8 (bowl) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F51 2007-08-19_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q594-p9 (base) sits in f177 (accumulation C) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f177 (accumulation C) covers f180 (brickfall) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl pale brown K6 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl 10yr6/3 ; A9f178 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl doorway A35 1999-07-29_J807JL.j !! v38 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl installation B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl possible half sill to doorway a18, located approximately in the middle of the doorway on the western side. Photographed and removed. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k4 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl possible door sill in S of a18 doorway F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f178 (doorway) rests on f190 (pavement, type b) O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v38 ; A9f179 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl accumulation B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl accumulation B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl reddish brown accumulation in k9, probably the same as f177 D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl brown accumulation in S of square, baulk F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q605.1 (clay artifact) sits in f179 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q605 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f179 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q605-p1 (base) sits in f179 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q605-p2 (base) sits in f179 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q605-p3 (bowl) sits in f179 (accumulation) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q605-p4 (jar) sits in f179 (accumulation) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f179 (accumulation) covers f180 (brickfall) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f180 A1 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f87 A1 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f130 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl brickfall A35 1999-07-29_J807JL.j !! v47 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl brickfall B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl brickfall, equals f130 and f87, also appears in section in A11 k22 to the E of A9 k4 D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl brickfall under f179 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f177 (accumulation C) covers f180 (brickfall) F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f179 (accumulation) covers f180 (brickfall) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q608.1 (figurine) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q608.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q608.3 (shell artifact) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q608.4 (soil sample) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q608.5 (sample) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q608 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q619 (bones, pottery) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q608-p1 (base) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q608-p2 (base) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q608-p3 (base) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q608-p4 (base) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q608-p5 (base) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q608-p6 (base) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q608-p7 (handle) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q608-p8 (bowl) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q608-p9 (bowl) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q608-p10 (cup) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q608-p11 (rim) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q608-p12 (jar) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q608-p13 (rim) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2004-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q608-p14 (jar) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q619-p1 (rim) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q619-p2 (bowl) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q619-p3 (bowl) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q619-p4 (bowl) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q619-p5 (bowl) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q619-p6 (bowl) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q619-p7 (jar) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q619-p8 (jar) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q619-p9 (rim) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q619-p10 (rim) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q619-p11 (rim) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q619-p12 (rim) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q619-p13 (rim) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q619-p14 (rim) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q619-p15 (base) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q619-p16 (rim) sits in f180 (brickfall) F51 2007-08-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP vO q619-p17 (base) sits in f180 (brickfall) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f180 (brickfall) covers f183 (layer) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl reddish yellow K6 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl 7.5yr6/6 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v47 ; A9f181 A1 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f184 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl accumulation B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl accumulation B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl red soil with brick chunks, NW of doorway a18, covered by f191 D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl red soil underneath f115 in N half, brick chunks F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f182 (layer) cuts f181 (accumulation) F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f115 (floor, type c) covers f181 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q615.1 (wheel) sits in f181 (accumulation) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q615 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f181 (accumulation) F51 2016-07-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q615-p1 (bowl) sits in f181 (accumulation) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f181 (accumulation) covers f182 (layer) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl pinkish gray K6 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl 7.5yr7/2 ; A9f182 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer A35 1999-07-29_J807JL.j !! v52 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl layer B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl rectangular patch of dark soil within f181; we believed that this covered the stones of a western wall matching f155, but in digging down, we found no evidence of either the wall or the foundation. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl black rectangular patch in f181 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f181 (accumulation) covers f182 (layer) F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f184 (layer) covers f182 (layer) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q616 (pottery) sits in f182 (layer) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f182 (layer) cuts f181 (accumulation) K5 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl light brownish gray K6 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl 10yr6/2 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v52 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v52a ; A9f183 A1 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f142 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7042 -TP_A9f183 O826 mkb.jpg B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl accumulation B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl brown soil under brickfall f180, equals f142, large quantities of sherds and bones D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl brown layer under f150, maybe equal to f165 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f180 (brickfall) covers f183 (layer) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q620.1 (metal artifact) sits in f183 (layer) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q620.2 (wheel) sits in f183 (layer) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j !! q624.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f183 (layer) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j !! q624.2 (clay lump) sits in f183 (layer) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j jl q620 (bones, pottery) sits in f183 (layer) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q624 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p1 (bowl) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p2 (bowl) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p3 (cup) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p4 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p5 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p6 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p7 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p8 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p9 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p10 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p11 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p12 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p13 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p14 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p15 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p16 (bowl) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p17 (bowl) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p18 (bowl) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p19 (bowl) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p20 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p21 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p22 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p23 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p24 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p25 (rim) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hh q620-p26 (other shape sherd) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p27 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p28 (rim) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p29 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q620-p30 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 1999-07-27_J805AO.j !! q620-p99 (body sherd) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p1 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p2 (bowl) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p3 (bowl) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p4 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p5 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p6 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p7 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p8 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p9 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p10 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p11 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p12 (cup) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p13 (bowl) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p14 (cup) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p15 (rim) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p16 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p17 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p18 (rim) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p19 (rim) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p20 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p21 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q621-p22 (rim) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q622-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q622-p2 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q622-p3 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q622-p4 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q622-p5 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q622-p6 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q622-p7 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q622-p8 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q622-p9 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q622-p10 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q622-p11 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q622-p12 (bowl) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q622-p13 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q622-p14 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q622-p15 (rim) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q622-p16 (bowl) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q622-p17 (bowl) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q622-p18 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q623-p1 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q623-p2 (bottle) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q623-p3 (cup) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q623-p4 (bowl) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q623-p5 (rim) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q623-p6 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q623-p7 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q624-p1 (bowl) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q624-p2 (rim) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q624-p3 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q624-p4 (bowl) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q624-p5 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q624-p6 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q624-p7 (jar) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q624-p8 (rim) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q624-p9 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q624-p10 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q624-p11 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q624-p12 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F51 2004-07-20_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q624-p13 (base) sits in f183 (layer) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f183 (layer) covers f185 (layer) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl pale brown K6 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl 10yr6/3 O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7042 -TP_A9f183 O826 mkb.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7043 -TP_A9f183 O826 mkb.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7044 -TP_A9f183 O826 mkb.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7045 -TP_A9f183 O826 mkb.jpg ; A9f184 A1 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f181 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7010 -TP_A9f184 O825 mkb.jpg B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl layer B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl red layer in NW corner of k6, equals f181 D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl red layer in NW corner of k6 near column F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f115 (floor, type c) covers f184 (layer) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j !! q625.1 (bead) sits in f184 (layer) F51 1999-08-01_J805AO.j !! q643.1 (metal artifact) sits in f184 (layer) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q625 (bones, pottery) sits in f184 (layer) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q626 (bones, pottery) sits in f184 (layer) F51 1999-08-01_J805AO.j jl q643 (bones, pottery) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q625-p1 (bowl) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q625-p2 (cup) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q625-p3 (bowl) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q625-p4 (jar) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q625-p5 (cup) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q625-p6 (cup) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q625-p7 (bowl) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q625-p8 (rim) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q625-p9 (bowl) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q625-p10 (rim) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q625-p11 (bowl) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q625-p12 (base) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q625-p13 (base) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q625-p14 (base) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q625-p15 (base) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q625-p16 (base) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q625-p17 (base) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q625-p18 (base) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q626-p1 (bowl) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q626-p2 (base) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q626-p3 (bowl) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q626-p4 (base) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q626-p5 (rim) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q626-p6 (bowl) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q626-p7 (jar) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q626-p8 (rim) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q626-p9 (bowl) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q626-p10 (rim) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q626-p11 (base) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q626-p12 (bowl) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q626-p13 (base) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q626-p14 (base) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q626-p15 (base) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q643-p1 (jar) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q643-p2 (base) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q643-p3 (jar) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q643-p4 (bowl) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q643-p5 (base) sits in f184 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q643-p6 (base) sits in f184 (layer) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f184 (layer) covers f182 (layer) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl pinkish gray K6 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl 7.5yr7/2 O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7010 -TP_A9f184 O825 mkb.jpg ; A9f185 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer A35 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !! L_V17d7011 -TP_A9f185 O825 mkb.jpg B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl accumulation B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl brown soil under f183, may be the same as f183 except lacking the quantities of bones and sherds D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k9 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl brown layer under f183 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f183 (layer) covers f185 (layer) F51 1999-07-28_J806JL2.j jl i95 (seal impression) sits in f185 (layer) F51 1999-07-28_J806JL2.j jl i96 (seal impression) sits in f185 (layer) F51 1999-07-28_J806JL2.j jl i97 (seal impression) sits in f185 (layer) F51 1999-07-31_J805AO.j !! q639.1 (sample) sits in f185 (layer) F51 1999-08-01_J805AO.j !! q640.1 (seal impression) sits in f185 (layer) F51 1999-08-01_J805AO.j !! q641.1 (clay lump) sits in f185 (layer) F51 1999-08-01_J805AO.j !! q644.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f185 (layer) F51 1999-08-01_J805AO.j !! q644.2 (slag) sits in f185 (layer) F51 1999-08-01_J805AO.j !! q645.1 (figurine) sits in f185 (layer) F51 1999-07-29_J805AO.j jl q630 (bones, pottery) sits in f185 (layer) F51 1999-07-31_J805AO.j jl q637 (pottery) sits in f185 (layer) F51 1999-07-31_J805AO.j jl q639 (pottery) sits in f185 (layer) F51 1999-08-01_J805AO.j jl q640 (bones, pottery) sits in f185 (layer) F51 1999-08-01_J805AO.j jl q641 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f185 (layer) F51 1999-08-01_J805AO.j jl q644 (items, pottery) sits in f185 (layer) F51 1999-08-01_J805AO.j jl q645 (items, pottery) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p1 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p2 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p3 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p4 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p5 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p6 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p7 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p8 (platter or plate) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p9 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p10 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p11 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p12 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p13 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p14 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p15 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p16 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p17 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p18 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p19 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p20 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q630-p21 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p1 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p2 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p3 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p4 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p5 (cup) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p6 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p7 (cup) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p8 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p9 (cup) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p10 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p11 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p12 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p13 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p14 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p15 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p16 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p17 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p18 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p19 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p20 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p21 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p22 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p23 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p24 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p25 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p26 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p27 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p28 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p29 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p30 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p31 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p32 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p33 (cup) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p34 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p35 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p36 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p37 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p38 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p39 (other shape sherd) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p40 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p41 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p42 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p43 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p44 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p45 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p46 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q639-p47 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q640-p1 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q640-p2 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q640-p3 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q640-p4 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q640-p5 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q640-p6 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q640-p7 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q640-p8 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q640-p9 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q640-p10 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q640-p11 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q640-p12 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q640-p13 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p1 (cup) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p2 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p3 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p4 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hh q641-p5 (other shape sherd) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p6 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p7 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p8 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p9 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p10 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p11 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p12 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p13 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p14 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p15 (cup) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p16 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p17 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p18 (cup) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p19 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p20 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p21 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p22 (cup) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p23 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p24 (cup) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p25 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p26 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p27 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p28 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p29 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p30 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p31 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p32 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p33 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p34 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p35 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p36 (cup) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p37 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p38 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p39 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p40 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p41 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q641-p42 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q644-p1 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q644-p2 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q644-p3 (cup) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q644-p4 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q644-p5 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q644-p6 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q644-p7 (bowl) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q644-p8 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q644-p9 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q644-p10 (rim) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q644-p11 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q644-p12 (jar) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q644-p13 (cup) sits in f185 (layer) F51 2004-07-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q644-p14 (base) sits in f185 (layer) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl light brown K6 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl 7.5yr6/3 O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7011 -TP_A9f185 O825 mkb.jpg O2 2022-12-02_A09_VWX.j !!! L_V17d7012 -TP_A9f185 O825 mkb.jpg ; A9f186 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl layer B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl accumulation B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl soil above stone and sherd surface f187 D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl soil above f187 F51 1999-07-31_J805AO.j !! q638.1 (wheel) sits in f186 (layer) F51 1999-07-31_J805AO.j jl q638 (pottery) sits in f186 (layer) F51 1999-08-01_J805AO.j jl q642 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p1 (cup) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p2 (cup) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p3 (cup) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p4 (cup) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p5 (cup) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p6 (cup) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p7 (cup) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p8 (cup) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p9 (cup) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p10 (base) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p11 (base) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p12 (base) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p13 (base) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p14 (base) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p15 (base) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p16 (base) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p17 (base) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p18 (base) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p19 (bowl) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p20 (bowl) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p21 (bowl) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p22 (bowl) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p23 (bowl) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p24 (bowl) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p25 (bowl) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p26 (jar) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p27 (bowl) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p28 (jar) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p29 (rim) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q638-p30 (jar) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q642-p1 (bowl) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q642-p2 (base) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q642-p3 (jar) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q642-p4 (base) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q642-p5 (base) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q642-p6 (rim) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q642-p7 (rim) sits in f186 (layer) F51 2004-07-18_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hh q642-p8 (rim) sits in f186 (layer) F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f186 (layer) covers f187 (installation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl pale brown K6 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl 10yr6/3 ; A9f187 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl installation A35 1999-07-29_J807JL.j !! v42 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl layer B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl stone and sherd surface, arranged in an almost circular pattern around the N end of stub wall f172 in k 6 D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl stone and sherd pattern in SW corner F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f186 (layer) covers f187 (installation) O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v42 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v42a ; A9f188 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl pavement B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl floorsurface in general B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl gray brick paving in NE corner of k6, only partially visible because it extends into the N baulk, bricks are unbaked and are 35cm x 35cm B11 1999-08-06_J806JLW1.j jlw floor surface of sun-dried gray bricks, apparently associated with the pebble floor, f80/f150. Bricks are 35cm square and the visible portion runs E-W wtith two courses visible (extends into the north baulk). Area covered is about 3.8 m E-W and 1.15 m N-S. Found by brushing surface that had dried for about 2 weeks after having been excavated. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D3 1999-07-27_J730JLWR.j aj r353 (44165 34945 - 8314 / Relay location: k6) D3 1999-07-27_J730JLWR.j aj r354 (44203 34958 - 8315 / Relay location: k6) D3 1999-07-27_J730JLWR.j aj r355 (44250 34864 - 8318 / Relay location: k6) D3 1999-07-27_J730JLWR.j aj r356 (44206 34847 - 8312 / Relay location: k6) D3 1999-08-02_J802JLWR.j aj r384 (44095 35284 - 8307 / Relay location: k6) D3 1999-08-02_J802JLWR.j aj r385 (44033 35273 - 8303 / Relay location: k6) D3 1999-08-02_J802JLWR.j aj r386 (44147 34968 - 8303 / Relay location: k6) D3 1999-08-02_J802JLWR.j aj r387 (44204 35025 - 8303 / Relay location: k6) D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl brick floor against N baulk F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f188 (pavement) sits in f100 (lens type c) K5 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl light brownish gray K6 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl 10yr6/3 ; A9f189 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl platform A35 1999-07-29_J807JL.j !! v44a B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl platform B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl very large stone places about 3m N of and in line with doorway a17, perhaps associated with wall f117, gives the appearance of a bench B11 1999-08-06_J806JLW1.j jlw large, rectangular stone placed opposite doorway a17, 4.9 m to the north. Dimensions: 115 cm x 40 cm x 25 cm. Looks like a bench for someone watching the doorway D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl rock/platform in N of square F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f189 (platform) rests on f100 (lens type c) O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v44a ; A9f190 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl pavement, type b A35 1999-07-29_J807JL.j !! v46 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl floorsurface in general B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl brick floor in doorway a18, unfired bricks with a very smooth top surface, forms floor of doorway between sectors D1 and F1 B11 1999-08-06_J806JLW1.j jlw sun-dried reddish bricks laid as a floor to doorway a18. Bricks are 35cm square. There is no sign of a door socket or rabbiting which means that the passageway from the kitchen to the courtyard was probably open. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k4 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl brick floor in a18 F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f176 (pavement) rests on f190 (pavement, type b) F50 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f178 (doorway) rests on f190 (pavement, type b) O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v46 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v46a ; A9f191 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl pavement, type b A35 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j !! v36 B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl floorsurface in general B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl brick floor in k6, W of doorway a17, running N-S between a17 and wall f172, partially excavated by mistake in search for companion wall to wall f155 in the north. Perhaps it originally covered W half of k6, including a17 doorway. D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl brick floor F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f191 (pavement, type b) covers f117 (wall) K5 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl pale brown K6 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl 10yr6/3 O12 1999-07-24_J806JL2.j jl v36 O12 1999-07-29_J806JL2.j jl v43 O12 1999-07-29_J806JL2.j jl v43a O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v45 ; A9f192 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl floorsurface in general B10 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl floorsurface in general B11 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl stone and sherd floor N of a17 and laid over pebble floor f150 D1 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl k6 D99 1999-08-05_J806JL.j jl stone and sherd floor of a17 F52 1999-08-04_J804JL2.j jl f192 (floorsurface in general) covers f150 (floorsurface in general) ; A9f193 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw installation B10 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw pavement, type b B11 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw line of melon-sized stones extending south from the NW corner of large wall foundation, f155 to platform, f163. Partially hidden by accumulation, so function unknown. D1 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw k4 D42 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw line of stones between f155 and f163 F52 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw f193 (installation) sits in f100 (lens type c) ; A9f194 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j !! trench, trough A35 1999-07-29_J807JL.j !! v51 B10 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw trench, trough B11 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw small test trench, approximately 30 cm sq, dug at the NW corner of baked brick platform, f163, to determine with which floor surface the platform was associated (we had presumed that since the platform and floor bricks were similar, they were built at the same time). However, we found that the bottom course of brick was laid at the level of the pebble floor, f80, and conclude that the platform must be associated with it rather than the brick floor. B11 2001-06-19_L619JLW.j jlw A sounding was taken late in MZ12(1999-J) to determine whether the baked brick platform, f163, was associated with the pebble floor, f80 or the brick floor, f84. The sounding was made at the northeast corner of the baked brick platform f163 and was terminated when we encountered baked bricks similar to those in floor f84 in k5, about 2 meters away. We were also interested in the relative relationship between the elevations of the two surfaces, which we assume are the same paving. The bricks at the bottom of f194 are at an elevation of 8268, while the bricks at k5 are at an elevation of 8304. This is logical since there is an obvious slope downward in the k5 bricks toward the ones at the bottom of f194. Sketch 15 shows this relationship. D1 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw k4 D42 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw small test trench near NW cnr of f163; el=8296 at top and el=8268 at bottom; J802 F52 1999-08-06_J806JLW.j jlw f194 (trench, trough) cuts f81 (fill) O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v51 O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v51a O12 1999-07-29_J807JL.j jlw v51b ; A9f195 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw topsoil B10 2001-06-23_L704JLW.j jlw topsoil B11 2001-06-23_L704JLW.j jlw topsoil layer about 5cm deep in k22. Soil moist, with clumps and roots. D1 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw k22 D42 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw 9067 D52 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw 9046 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i98 (metal artifact) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i100 (figurine) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q646.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q649.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q650.1 (figurine) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q650.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q650.3 (figurine) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q650.4 (lithic artifact) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q646 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q647 (pottery) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q649 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q650 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q646-p93 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q646-p94 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q646-p95 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q646-p96 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q646-p97 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q646-p98 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q646-p99 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p1 (jar) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p2 (bowl) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p3 (bowl) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p4 (rim) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p5 (pot) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p6 (jar) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p7 (platter or plate) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p8 (rim) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p9 (rim) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p10 (bowl) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p11 (bowl) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p12 (base) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p13 (rim) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p14 (rim) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p15 (jar) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p16 (bowl) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p17 (bowl) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p18 (base) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p19 (jar) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p20 (rim) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q647-p21 (jar) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q647-p93 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q647-p94 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q647-p95 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q647-p96 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q647-p97 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q647-p98 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q647-p99 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q649-p1 (jar) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q649-p2 (jar) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q649-p3 (pot) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q649-p4 (rim) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q649-p5 (pot) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q649-p6 (jar) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q649-p7 (jar) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q649-p8 (bowl) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q649-p9 (base) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q649-p10 (jar) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q649-p11 (platter or plate) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q649-p93 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q649-p94 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q649-p95 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q649-p96 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q649-p97 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q649-p98 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q649-p99 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q650-p1 (bowl) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q650-p2 (rim) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q650-p3 (bowl) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q650-p91 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q650-p92 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q650-p93 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q650-p94 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q650-p95 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q650-p96 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q650-p97 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q650-p98 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q650-p99 (body sherd) sits in f195 (topsoil) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw brown K6 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw 10YR5/3 P1 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw L623 P2 2001-06-23_L704JLW.j jlw L623 ; A9f196 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw layer A35 2001-08-02_L928JW.j !! v79 B10 2001-06-23_L704JLW.j jlw layer B11 2001-06-23_L704JLW.j jlw layer of stones and sherds in NE corner of k22. Stones range from fist to melon size. D1 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw k22 D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r417 (45385 36583 - 8933 / Relay location: k22) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r418 (45349 36673 - 9063 / Relay location: k22) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r419 (45236 36623 - 9020 / Relay location: k22) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r421 (45292 36514 - 9022 / Relay location: k22) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r422 (45343 36479 - 9034 / Relay location: k22) D3 2001-06-27_L627VP-R.j vp r446 (45378 36425 - 9028 / Relay location: k22) D42 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw 9046 D52 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw 9023 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q784 sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p1 (cup) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p2 (bowl) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p3 (bowl) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p4 (jar) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p5 (bowl) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p6 (base) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p7 (jar) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p8 (rim) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p9 (base) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p10 (jar) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p11 (base) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p12 (bowl) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p13 (jar) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p14 (rim) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p15 (base) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p16 (jar) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p17 (base) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p18 (jar) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p19 (bowl) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p20 (rim) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p21 (rim) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p22 (jar) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p23 (jar) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p24 (bowl) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p25 (jar) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p26 (jar) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p27 (bowl) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p28 (jar) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p29 (bowl) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p30 (jar) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p31 (base) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p32 (rim) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q784-p33 (base) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q784-p94 (body sherd) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q784-p95 (body sherd) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q784-p96 (body sherd) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q784-p97 (body sherd) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q784-p98 (body sherd) sits in f196 (layer) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q784-p99 (body sherd) sits in f196 (layer) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j jw a42 K3 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw stones/sherds O12 2001-08-02_L928JW.j jlw v79 P1 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw L712 ; A9f197 A21 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw group of bricks B10 2001-06-23_L704JLW.j jlw group of bricks B11 2001-06-23_L704JLW.j jlw single layer of bricks in NW corner of k22. Function unknown. D1 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw k22 D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r414 (45382 36268 - 9021 / Relay location: k22) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r415 (45477 36298 - 9051 / Relay location: k22) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r416 (45432 36426 - 9059 / Relay location: k22) D42 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw 9039 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q786 sits in f197 (group of bricks) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q786-p1 (bowl) sits in f197 (group of bricks) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q786-p2 (rim) sits in f197 (group of bricks) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q786-p3 (bowl) sits in f197 (group of bricks) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q786-p4 (jar) sits in f197 (group of bricks) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q786-p5 (bowl) sits in f197 (group of bricks) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q786-p6 (base) sits in f197 (group of bricks) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q786-p7 (jar) sits in f197 (group of bricks) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q786-p98 (body sherd) sits in f197 (group of bricks) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q786-p99 (body sherd) sits in f197 (group of bricks) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K3 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw mud brick K5 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw light brownish gray K6 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw 10YR62 P1 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw L712 ; A9f198 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-06-23_L704JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-06-23_L704JLW.j jlw very dense and fine-grained E-W band across the middle third of k22, south of bricks, f197, and layer, f196 in k22. D1 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw k22 D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r413 (45273 36227 - 9052 / Relay location: k22) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r420 (45170 36603 - 9004 / Relay location: k22) D42 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw 9039 F50 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw f203 (accumulation) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i99 (jar) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q783.1 (unknown) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q785.1 (door socket) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q785.2 (grinding stone) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q648 (pottery) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q783 sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q785 sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q648-p1 (rim) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q648-p2 (rim) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q648-p92 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q648-p93 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q648-p94 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q648-p95 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q648-p96 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q648-p97 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q648-p98 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q648-p99 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p1 (jar) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p2 (bowl) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p3 (bowl) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p4 (rim) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p5 (bowl) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p6 (jar) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p7 (jar) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p8 (jar) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p9 (pot) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p10 (other shape sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p11 (bowl) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p12 (bowl) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p13 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p14 (rim) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p15 (bowl) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p16 (bowl) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p17 (jar) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q783-p18 (other shape sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q783-p19 (other shape sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p20 (base) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p21 (jar) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p22 (jar) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p23 (base) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p24 (base) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p25 (base) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p26 (base) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q783-p27 (jar) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q783-p94 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q783-p95 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q783-p96 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q783-p97 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q783-p98 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q783-p99 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q785-p1 (jar) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q785-p2 (jar) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q785-p3 (jar) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q785-p4 (bowl) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q785-p5 (base) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q785-p6 (base) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q785-p7 (bowl) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q785-p8 (rim) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q785-p93 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q785-p94 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q785-p95 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q785-p96 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q785-p97 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q785-p98 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q785-p99 (body sherd) sits in f198 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw light brownish gray K6 2001-06-23_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/2 ; A9f199 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-06-23_L704JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-06-23_L704JLW.j jlw accumulation below topsoil, f195, in southern third of k22. Soft in some places. D1 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw k22 D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r427 (44966 36547 - 8856 / Relay location: k22) D42 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw 8967 D52 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw 8947 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i101 (clay lump) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i102 (lithic artifact) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q652.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q651 (bones, pottery) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q652 (items, pottery) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q790 (pottery) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q651-p1 (bowl) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q651-p2 (base) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q651-p3 (jar) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q651-p4 (jar) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q651-p5 (jar) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q651-p6 (bowl) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q651-p7 (jar) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q651-p8 (base) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q651-p9 (other shape sherd) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q651-p10 (bowl) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q651-p11 (rim) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q651-p12 (base) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q651-p13 (base) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q651-p14 (v) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q651-p94 (body sherd) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q651-p95 (body sherd) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q651-p96 (body sherd) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q651-p97 (body sherd) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q651-p98 (body sherd) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q651-p99 (body sherd) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q652-p1 (bowl) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q652-p2 (pot) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q652-p3 (jar) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q652-p4 (jar) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q652-p96 (body sherd) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q652-p97 (body sherd) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q652-p98 (body sherd) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q652-p99 (body sherd) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q790-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q790-p2 (base) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q790-p3 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q790-p4 (rim) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-27_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q790-p5 (cup) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q790-p94 (body sherd) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q790-p95 (body sherd) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q790-p96 (body sherd) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q790-p97 (body sherd) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q790-p98 (body sherd) sits in f199 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q790-p99 (body sherd) sits in f199 (accumulation) F52 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw f199 (accumulation) covers f299 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw pale brown K6 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/2 K7 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw soft K8 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw granular P1 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw L624 ; A9f200 A20 !!_!! !! other features A21 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw volumetric material B10 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw backfill1 B11 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw a mixture of backfill and topsoil, not immediately recognized until plastic was found. D1 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw k21 D42 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw 8949 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q653.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f200 (volumetric material) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q653.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f200 (volumetric material) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q653 (pottery) sits in f200 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q653-p1 (base) sits in f200 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q653-p2 (bowl) sits in f200 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q653-p3 (jar) sits in f200 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q653-p4 (jar) sits in f200 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q653-p5 (jar) sits in f200 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q653-p6 (base) sits in f200 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q653-p7 (bowl) sits in f200 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q653-p8 (base) sits in f200 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q653-p9 (rim) sits in f200 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q653-p10 (rim) sits in f200 (volumetric material) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q657-p97 (body sherd) sits in f200 (volumetric material) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q657-p98 (body sherd) sits in f200 (volumetric material) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q657-p99 (body sherd) sits in f200 (volumetric material) F52 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw f200 (volumetric material) covers f204 (pavement, type b) F52 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw f200 (volumetric material) covers f212 (fill) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw yellowish brown K6 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/4 K7 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw soft K8 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw granular P1 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw L624 P2 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw L624 ; A9f201 A20 !!_!! !! other features A21 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw volumetric material B10 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw twenty-five cm wide wedge of accumulation in NE corner of k21 caused by the change in alignment between the 1990 excavation of the step trench and this season's work. Pottery lot q653 used for the entire feature since stratigraphy was masked by the small size. D1 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw k21 D42 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw 9073 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q654 (pottery) sits in f201 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q654-p1 (base) sits in f201 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q654-p2 (bowl) sits in f201 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q654-p3 (base) sits in f201 (volumetric material) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q654-p94 (body sherd) sits in f201 (volumetric material) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q654-p95 (body sherd) sits in f201 (volumetric material) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q654-p96 (body sherd) sits in f201 (volumetric material) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q654-p97 (body sherd) sits in f201 (volumetric material) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q654-p98 (body sherd) sits in f201 (volumetric material) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q654-p99 (body sherd) sits in f201 (volumetric material) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature P1 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw L624 P2 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw L624 ; A9f202 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw topsoil B10 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw topsoil B11 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw topsoil in the western half of k21. D1 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw k21 D42 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw 9005 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q655.1 (unknown) sits in f202 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q659.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f202 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q655 (pottery) sits in f202 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q659 (items, pottery) sits in f202 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q655-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f202 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q655-p97 (body sherd) sits in f202 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q655-p98 (body sherd) sits in f202 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q655-p99 (body sherd) sits in f202 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q659-p1 (base) sits in f202 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q659-p2 (jar) sits in f202 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q659-p3 (rim) sits in f202 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q659-p4 (jar) sits in f202 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q659-p5 (bowl) sits in f202 (topsoil) F52 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw f202 (topsoil) covers f205 (pavement) F52 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw f202 (topsoil) covers f208 (wall) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw light yellowish brown K6 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/4 K7 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw soft K8 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw clumps and granules P1 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw L624 P2 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw L624 ; A9f203 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw accumulation in a narrow block running NE to SW contained within accumulation, f198, in k22. We though it could possibly be a grave, but there was no indication of this in the pottery lot, q656. D1 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw k22 D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r423 (45358 36368 - 9025 / Relay location: k22) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r424 (45354 36303 - 9013 / Relay location: k22) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r425 (45294 36300 - 9000 / Relay location: k22) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r426 (45289 36367 - 9013 / Relay location: k22) D42 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw 9017 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q656 (pottery) sits in f203 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q656-p1 (jar) sits in f203 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q656-p2 (jar) sits in f203 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q656-p3 (base) sits in f203 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q656-p4 (base) sits in f203 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q656-p96 (body sherd) sits in f203 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q656-p97 (body sherd) sits in f203 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q656-p98 (body sherd) sits in f203 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q656-p99 (body sherd) sits in f203 (accumulation) F52 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw f203 (accumulation) sits in f198 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature P1 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw L624 ; A9f204 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw pavement, type b A35 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j !! v80 B10 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw layer B11 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw about a 1 square meter patch of melon-sized stones in the SE corner of k21. Reference elevation is 8947, about 50 cm higher than the stone path in the NE corner of A11. D1 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw k21 D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r431 (45297 36014 - 8948 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r432 (45407 36055 - 8953 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r433 (45387 36085 - 8948 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r434 (45341 36170 - 8948 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r435 (45290 36159 - 8942 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r436 (45241 36111 - 8836 / Relay location: k21) D42 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw 8947 F50 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw f200 (volumetric material) covers f204 (pavement, type b) G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a25 K3 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw stone O12 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v80 ; A9f205 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw pavement A35 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j !! v80 B10 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw pavement B11 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw horizontal layer of mud-brick in NW corner of expanded locus k21. Roughly square and over 6 square meters in size. Flat near the north baulk but slopes gradually from north to south, following the contour of the tell. Some parts are several courses high as it apperars to step down the slope to the south. It is laid over a mud foundation, f273. Reference elevation in the middle of the horizontal portion to the north is 9029. D1 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw k21 D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r428 (45571 36033 - 9031 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r429 (45466 35845 - 8977 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r430 (45342 35938 - 8966 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-06-27_L627VP-R.j vp r442 (45455 35541 - 8979 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-06-27_L627VP-R.j vp r443 (45719 35609 - 9024 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-06-27_L627VP-R.j vp r444 (45368 35952 - 8975 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-06-27_L627VP-R.j vp r445 (45418 35534 - 8972 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-07-06_L706VP-R.j vp r449 (45576 36000 - 9031 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-07-06_L706VP-R.j vp r450 (45371 35935 - 8980 / Relay location: k21) D42 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw 9027 F50 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw f205 (pavement) abuts f205 (pavement) F50 2001-06-25_L706JLW.j jlw f208 (wall) abuts f205 (pavement) F50 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw f202 (topsoil) covers f205 (pavement) F52 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw f205 (pavement) abuts f205 (pavement) F52 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw f205 (pavement) covers f272 (wall) K3 2001-06-24_L919JW.j jw mud brick O12 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v80 ; A9f206 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw topsoil B10 2001-06-25_L706JLW.j jlw topsoil B11 2001-06-25_L706JLW.j jlw topsoil covering the one meter westward extension of k11. D1 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw 8791 D52 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw 8801 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q657 (pottery) sits in f206 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q657-p1 (base) sits in f206 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q657-p2 (pot) sits in f206 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q657-p3 (pot) sits in f206 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q657-p4 (rim) sits in f206 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q657-p97 (body sherd) sits in f206 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q657-p98 (body sherd) sits in f206 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q657-p99 (body sherd) sits in f206 (topsoil) F52 2001-06-25_L706JLW.j jlw f206 (topsoil) covers f207 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw light yellowish brown K6 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/4 K8 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw clumps P1 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw L624 P2 2001-06-25_L706JLW.j jlw L625 ; A9f207 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-06-25_L706JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-06-25_L706JLW.j jlw accumulation under topsoil in the one meter westward extension of k11. D1 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw 8801 F50 2001-06-25_L706JLW.j jlw f206 (topsoil) covers f207 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q658.1 (brick) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q658.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q658 (pottery) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q658-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q658-p2 (base) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q658-p3 (pot) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q658-p4 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q658-p5 (bowl) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q658-p6 (jar) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q658-p7 (jar) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q658-p8 (jar) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q658-p9 (base) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q658-p10 (jar) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q658-p11 (base) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q658-p12 (base) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q658-p13 (rim) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q658-p14 (rim) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q658-p15 (pot) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q658-p16 (rim) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q658-p17 (rim) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q658-p18 (jar) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q658-p97 (body sherd) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q658-p98 (body sherd) sits in f207 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q658-p99 (body sherd) sits in f207 (accumulation) F52 2001-06-25_L706JLW.j jlw f207 (accumulation) covers f217 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/4 K8 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw smooth when scraped P1 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw L625 P2 2001-06-25_L706JLW.j jlw L625 ; A9f208 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw wall A35 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j !! v80 B10 2001-06-25_L706JLW.j jlw wall B11 2001-06-25_L706JLW.j jlw E-W retaining wall to the south of the brickwork surface, f205 in k21. It is composed of a single stack of bricks of which about 8 courses are visible in the east baulk of A7. It is reasonable to presume that originally the wall rose to the level of the horizontal part of the brick surface near the N baulk to keep the entire platform level. D1 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw k21 D42 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw 8981 F50 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw f202 (topsoil) covers f208 (wall) F52 2001-06-25_L706JLW.j jlw f208 (wall) abuts f205 (pavement) G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a25 K3 2001-06-25_L919JW.j jw mud brick O12 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v80 ; A9f209 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw topsoil B10 2001-06-26_L706JLW.j jlw topsoil B11 2001-06-26_L706JLW.j jlw a mixture of topsoil and backfill that covers k10. Did not recognize it as a mixture until we encountered plastic that covered the 1990 excavations. D1 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw k10 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q660.1 (clay lump) sits in f209 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q660 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f209 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q660-p1 (bowl) sits in f209 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q660-p2 (handle) sits in f209 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q660-p3 (base) sits in f209 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q660-p4 (base) sits in f209 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q660-p5 (base) sits in f209 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q660-p6 (bowl) sits in f209 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q660-p7 (bowl) sits in f209 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q660-p8 (jar) sits in f209 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q660-p9 (jar) sits in f209 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q660-p10 (jar) sits in f209 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q660-p11 (other shape sherd) sits in f209 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q660-p94 (body sherd) sits in f209 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q660-p95 (body sherd) sits in f209 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q660-p96 (body sherd) sits in f209 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q660-p97 (body sherd) sits in f209 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q660-p98 (body sherd) sits in f209 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q660-p99 (body sherd) sits in f209 (topsoil) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw light yellowish brown K6 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/4 P2 2001-06-26_L706JLW.j jlw L626 ; A9f210 A20 !!_!! !! other features A21 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw volumetric material B10 2001-06-26_L706JLW.j jlw backfill1 D1 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw k11 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q663.1 (clay artifact) sits in f210 (volumetric material) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q661 (bones, pottery) sits in f210 (volumetric material) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q663 (items) sits in f210 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q661-p1 (bowl) sits in f210 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q661-p2 (bowl) sits in f210 (volumetric material) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q661-p3 (jar) sits in f210 (volumetric material) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q661-p98 (body sherd) sits in f210 (volumetric material) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q661-p99 (body sherd) sits in f210 (volumetric material) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature P2 2001-06-26_L706JLW.j jlw L626 ; A9f211 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw wall A35 2001-07-11_L925JW.j !! v60a B10 2001-06-26_L706JLW.j jlw wall B11 2001-06-26_L706JLW.j jlw mudbrick wall running N-S in the western portion of k10. Top layer very eroded, perhaps from water that got underneath the plastic cover. C99 2001-06-26_L706JLW.j jlw in the NE corner of the locus, a yellow plastic disk with "f30" was attached to the top of the wall by a nail. We presume that it was placed there in 1990. D1 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw k10 D3 2001-07-04_L704VP-R.j vp r465 (44492 35578 - 8719 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-04_L704VP-R.j vp r466 (44493 35453 - 8718 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-04_L704VP-R.j vp r467 (44569 35464 - 8725 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-04_L704VP-R.j vp r468 (44646 35454 - 8725 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-04_L704VP-R.j vp r469 (44609 35459 - 8730 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-04_L704VP-R.j vp r470 (44613 35340 - 8736 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-04_L704VP-R.j vp r471 (44563 35331 - 8736 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-04_L704VP-R.j vp r472 (44408 35291 - 8721 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-04_L704VP-R.j vp r473 (44383 35338 - 8721 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-04_L704VP-R.j vp r474 (44384 35380 - 8721 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-04_L704VP-R.j vp r475 (44388 35429 - 8721 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-04_L704VP-R.j vp r476 (44361 35450 - 8721 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-04_L704VP-R.j vp r477 (44363 35388 - 8721 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-04_L704VP-R.j vp r478 (44411 35480 - 8716 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-04_L704VP-R.j vp r479 (44407 35435 - 8716 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP-R.j vp r483 (44569 35423 - 8723 / Relay location: k10) D42 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw 8765 D52 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw 8723 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q709 (pottery) sits in f211 (wall) G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a30 K3 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw mud brick O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v60a ; A9f212 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw fill B10 2001-06-26_L706JLW.j jlw fill B11 2001-06-26_L706JLW.j jlw fill in a pit whose northern edge just touches the north baulk of k2. Material had some ash and was a variety of colors. No Munsell taken. What remained of the pit was about 50 cm deep. C99 2001-07-08_L708JLW.j jlw red granular material found in the bottom of the pit. From marks along the N baulk, we estimate that the pit, mostly excavated in 1990 was 50 cm deep. D1 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw k21 D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r437 (45507 36120 - 8953 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r438 (45463 36158 - 8949 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-06-25_L626VP-R.j vp r439 (45478 36203 - 8949 / Relay location: k21) D42 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw 8982 D52 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw 8934 F50 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw f200 (volumetric material) covers f212 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q747 (pottery) sits in f212 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q747-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f212 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q747-p2 (jar) sits in f212 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q747-p3 (base) sits in f212 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q747-p4 (base) sits in f212 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q747-p5 (rim) sits in f212 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q747-p6 (bowl) sits in f212 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q747-p7 (jar) sits in f212 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q747-p8 (jar) sits in f212 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q747-p9 (pot) sits in f212 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q747-p10 (base) sits in f212 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q747-p94 (body sherd) sits in f212 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q747-p95 (body sherd) sits in f212 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q747-p96 (body sherd) sits in f212 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q747-p97 (body sherd) sits in f212 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q747-p98 (body sherd) sits in f212 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q747-p99 (body sherd) sits in f212 (fill) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature P1 2001-06-26_L919JW.j jw L708 P1 2001-07-08_L708JLW.j jlw removed L708 P2 2001-06-26_L706JLW.j jlw 709. ; A9f213 A21 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw backfill1 B10 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw backfill1 B11 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw backfill in k10 that had partially been converted to topsoil since the 1990 excavations. Did not keep qlots. D1 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw k10 ; A9f214 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw accumulation in the NE corner of k10. D1 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw k10 D42 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw 8780 F50 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw f215 (tannur (feature)) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i103 (pot) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i104 (jar) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i105 (clay artifact) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q667.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q667.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q722.1 (clay lump) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q662 (bones, pottery) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q667 (bones, pottery) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q707 (pottery) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q716 (bones, pottery) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q722 (pottery) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q662-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q662-p2 (bowl) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q662-p3 (rim) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q667-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q667-p2 (base) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q667-p3 (rim) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q667-p4 (base) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q667-p5 (bowl) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q667-p96 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q667-p97 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q667-p98 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q667-p99 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q707-p92 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q707-p93 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q707-p94 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q707-p95 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q707-p96 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q707-p97 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q707-p98 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q707-p99 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q716-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q716-p2 (bowl) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q716-p3 (base) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q716-p4 (bowl) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q716-p5 (bowl) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q716-p6 (jar) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q716-p7 (bowl) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q716-p8 (cup) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q716-p9 (strainer) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q716-p94 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q716-p95 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q716-p96 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q716-p97 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q716-p98 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q716-p99 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q722-p1 (base) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q722-p2 (jar) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q722-p3 (base) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q722-p4 (jar) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q722-p5 (bowl) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q722-p6 (rim) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q722-p95 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q722-p96 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q722-p97 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q722-p98 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q722-p99 (body sherd) sits in f214 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw light yellowish brown K6 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/4 P1 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw L704 ; A9f215 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw tannur (feature) A35 2001-07-11_L925JW.j !! v59 B10 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw tannur (feature) B11 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw clay body of a tanuur in the NE corner of k10. A part of a23. B11 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw clay shell of a relatively intact tannur, which is a part of a27. D1 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw k10 D3 2001-07-07_L707VP-R.j vp r463 (44622 35753 - 8778 / Relay location: k10) D42 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw 8802 D52 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw 8778 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q703.1 (clay artifact) sits in f215 (tannur (feature)) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q703 (items) sits in f215 (tannur (feature)) F52 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw f215 (tannur (feature)) sits in f214 (accumulation) G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a23 G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a27 O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v59 O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v59a P1 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw L702 P2 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw L702 ; A9f216 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw fill B10 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw fill B11 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw fill in tannur, a23. Soil was ashy, but no Munsell taken. D1 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw k10 D42 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw 8802 D52 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw 8778 G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a23 P1 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw L702 P2 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw L627. ; A9f217 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw accumulation in k11. D1 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw 8873 D52 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw 8840 F50 2001-06-25_L706JLW.j jlw f207 (accumulation) covers f217 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q664 (bones, pottery) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q675 (pottery) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q689 (pottery) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q715 (bones, pottery) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q721 (pottery) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q664-p1 (base) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q664-p2 (base) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q664-p3 (jar) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q664-p4 (jar) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q664-p5 (base) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q664-p6 (base) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q664-p7 (jar) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q664-p8 (jar) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q664-p9 (jar) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q664-p10 (jar) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q675-p1 (jar) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q675-p2 (base) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q675-p3 (base) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q675-p4 (rim) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q675-p5 (cup) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q675-p6 (cup) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q675-p7 (jar) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q675-p8 (rim) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q689-p1 (bowl) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q689-p2 (rim) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q689-p3 (cup) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q689-p4 (jar) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q715-p1 (jar) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q715-p2 (base) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q715-p3 (base) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q715-p4 (jar) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q721-p1 (base) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q721-p2 (jar) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q721-p3 (base) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q721-p4 (base) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q721-p96 (body sherd) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q721-p97 (body sherd) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q721-p98 (body sherd) sits in f217 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q721-p99 (body sherd) sits in f217 (accumulation) F52 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw f217 (accumulation) covers f218 (accumulation) F52 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw f217 (accumulation) covers f220 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw light yellowish brown K6 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/4 P1 2001-06-27_L919JW.j jw L627 P2 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw L628 ; A9f218 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw accumulation under accumulation, f217, and north of wall, f228, in k11. Texture is very hard and it powders when scraped. It also has charcoal inclusions, which are typically found in accumulations above floors. D1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8840 D52 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8826 F50 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw f217 (accumulation) covers f218 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q665 (pottery) sits in f218 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q673 (bones, pottery) sits in f218 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q665-p1 (jar) sits in f218 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q673-p1 (jar) sits in f218 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q673-p2 (rim) sits in f218 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q673-p3 (base) sits in f218 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q673-p4 (bowl) sits in f218 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q673-p5 (jar) sits in f218 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q673-p6 (base) sits in f218 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q673-p7 (rim) sits in f218 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q673-p8 (bowl) sits in f218 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q673-p9 (jar) sits in f218 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature I1 2004-08-18_O818JW1.j jw s4a I99 2004-08-18_O818JW1.j jw Phase assignment based on pottery analysis by mkb. K5 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw light yellowish brown K6 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/4 K7 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw very hard K8 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw powdery when scraped P1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw L701 ; A9f219 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw accumulation between wall, f211, and wall, f231 in k10. D1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw k10 D42 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8720 D52 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8806 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i106 (clay artifact) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q666.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q666 (items, pottery) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q666-p1 (bowl) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q666-p2 (base) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q666-p3 (strainer) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q666-p4 (jar) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q666-p5 (base) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q666-p6 (rim) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q666-p7 (cup) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q666-p8 (rim) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q666-p9 (jar) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q666-p10 (jar) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q666-p11 (cup) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q666-p12 (bowl) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q666-p13 (cup) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q666-p14 (bowl) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q666-p15 (base) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q666-p95 (body sherd) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q666-p96 (body sherd) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q666-p97 (body sherd) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q666-p98 (body sherd) sits in f219 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q666-p99 (body sherd) sits in f219 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw yellowish brown K6 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 10YR5/4 P1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw L628 ; A9f220 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw accumulation under accumulation, f217, and south of wall, f228 in k11. D1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8822 D52 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8816 F50 2001-06-27_L712JLW.j jlw f217 (accumulation) covers f220 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q668 (bones, pottery) sits in f220 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q668-p1 (jar) sits in f220 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q668-p2 (rim) sits in f220 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q668-p3 (jar) sits in f220 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q668-p4 (base) sits in f220 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw yellow K6 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/6 P1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw L701 ; A9f221 A21 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw group of bricks A35 2001-06-24_L924JW.j !! v57 B10 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw group of bricks B11 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw mudbricks that cap and seal pit, a24 in the NW corner of k11. D1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw k11 D3 2001-07-06_L706VP-R.j vp r451 (45187 35707 - 8862 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-06_L706VP-R.j vp r452 (45197 35688 - 8827 / Relay location: k11) D42 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8862 D52 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8820 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i107 (bowl) sits in f221 (group of bricks) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q669-p95 (body sherd) sits in f221 (group of bricks) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q669-p96 (body sherd) sits in f221 (group of bricks) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q669-p97 (body sherd) sits in f221 (group of bricks) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q669-p98 (body sherd) sits in f221 (group of bricks) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q669-p99 (body sherd) sits in f221 (group of bricks) F52 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw f221 (group of bricks) covers f222 (fill) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a24 O12 2001-06-24_L924JW.j jlw v57 O12 2001-06-24_L924JW.j jlw v57a P1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw L628 P2 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw L628 ; A9f222 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw fill B10 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j jlw fill B11 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw fill in pit, a24 in the NW corner of k11. Found Khabur sherd here, i107. B11 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j jlw found a thin layer of crumbly reddish brown material at the bottom of the pit. The fill was free of ash. Excavated by Suliman D1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8820 D52 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8809 F50 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw f221 (group of bricks) covers f222 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q669 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q723 (bones, pottery) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q669-p1 (bowl) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q669-p2 (bowl) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q669-p3 (base) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q669-p4 (cup) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q669-p5 (jar) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q669-p6 (rim) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q669-p7 (jar) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q669-p95 (body sherd) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q669-p96 (body sherd) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q669-p97 (body sherd) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q669-p98 (body sherd) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q669-p99 (body sherd) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q723-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q723-p2 (base) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q723-p3 (jar) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q723-p97 (body sherd) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q723-p98 (body sherd) sits in f222 (fill) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q723-p99 (body sherd) sits in f222 (fill) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a24 P1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw L628 P2 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw L628. P2 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j jlw L704. ; A9f223 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw topsoil B10 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw topsoil B11 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw topsoil in north baulk of k11. Soft and crumbly with lots of roots. D1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8948 D52 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8953 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q670.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f223 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q670 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f223 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q670-p1 (rim) sits in f223 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q670-p2 (base) sits in f223 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q670-p3 (jar) sits in f223 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q670-p93 (body sherd) sits in f223 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q670-p94 (body sherd) sits in f223 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q670-p95 (body sherd) sits in f223 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q670-p96 (body sherd) sits in f223 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q670-p97 (body sherd) sits in f223 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q670-p98 (body sherd) sits in f223 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q670-p99 (body sherd) sits in f223 (topsoil) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw light yellowish brown K6 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/4 K7 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw soft K8 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw crumbly P1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw L628 ; A9f224 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw accumulation to the east of platform, a25, in k21. C99 2001-07-08_L708JLW.j jlw lowest Khabur sherd to date, not in a pit, found in floor accumulation at elevation 8930. D1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw k21 D42 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8948 D52 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8930 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i129 (clay lump) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i130 (clay lump) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q671.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q671.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q671.3 (lithic artifact) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q751.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q671 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q672 (pottery) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q740 (bones, pottery) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q746 (bones, pottery) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q748 (bones, pottery) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q751 (items, pottery) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q671-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q671-p2 (base) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q671-p3 (pot) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q671-p4 (base) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q671-p5 (bowl) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q671-p6 (bowl) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q671-p7 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q671-p8 (bowl) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q671-p9 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q671-p10 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q671-p96 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q671-p97 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q671-p98 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q671-p99 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q672-p1 (bowl) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q672-p2 (cup) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q672-p3 (base) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q672-p4 (other shape sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q672-p5 (base) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q672-p6 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q672-p7 (bowl) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q672-p8 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q672-p9 (bowl) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q672-p10 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q672-p11 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q672-p96 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q672-p97 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q672-p98 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q672-p99 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p1 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p2 (bowl) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p3 (pot) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p4 (bowl) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p5 (pot) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p6 (bowl) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p7 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p8 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p9 (handle) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p10 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p11 (base) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p12 (bowl) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p13 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p14 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p15 (bowl) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p16 (base) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p17 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p18 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p19 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p20 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q740-p21 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q740-p91 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q740-p92 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q740-p93 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q740-p94 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q740-p95 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q740-p96 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q740-p97 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q740-p98 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q740-p99 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q746-p1 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q746-p2 (bowl) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q746-p3 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q746-p4 (base) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q746-p90 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q746-p91 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q746-p92 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q746-p93 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q746-p94 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q746-p95 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q746-p96 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q746-p97 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q746-p98 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q746-p99 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q748-p1 (bottle) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q748-p2 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q748-p3 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q748-p4 (bowl) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q748-p5 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q748-p6 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q748-p7 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q748-p8 (bowl) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q748-p9 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q748-p10 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q748-p11 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q748-p12 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q748-p13 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q748-p14 (other shape sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q748-p90 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q748-p91 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q748-p92 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q748-p93 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q748-p94 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q748-p95 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q748-p96 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q748-p97 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q748-p98 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q748-p99 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q751-p1 (cup) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q751-p2 (bowl) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q751-p3 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q751-p4 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q751-p5 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q751-p6 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q751-p7 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q751-p8 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q751-p9 (cup) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q751-p10 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q751-p11 (pot) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q751-p12 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q751-p13 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q751-p14 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q751-p15 (jar) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q751-p16 (rim) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q751-p93 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q751-p94 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q751-p95 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q751-p96 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q751-p97 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q751-p98 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q751-p99 (body sherd) sits in f224 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/3 P1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw L708 P2 2001-07-08_L708JLW.j jlw L708 ; A9f225 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw foundation A35 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j !! v80 B10 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw foundation B11 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw dried, very hard mud-like material running N-S, roughly through the middle of k11. It is one meter wide and close to two meters deep in some places. Furthermore, it appears as if it was poured into a trench that cut a number of earlier architectural features. D1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw k11 D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r513 (45230 35841 - 8933 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r514 (44864 36249 - 8932 / Relay location: k11) D42 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8939 F52 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw f225 (foundation) cuts f228 (wall) F52 2001-10-03_LX03JW2.j jlw f225 (foundation) cuts f240 (fill) F52 2001-10-03_LX03JW2.j jlw f225 (foundation) cuts f268 (foundation) K3 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw pise K5 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw light gray K6 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/2 K7 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw hard K8 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw dense O12 2001-06-24_L924JW.j jlw v58 O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v60b O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v60c O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v60d O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v60e O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v61 O12 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v70 O12 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v80 O12 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v81 ; A9f226 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw tannur (feature) A35 2001-07-11_L925JW.j !! v60a B10 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw tannur (feature) B11 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw mostly intact shell of a tannur in the center of the N baulk of k10. D1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw k10 D42 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8743 G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a26 O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v60a ; A9f227 A21 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw backfill1 B10 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw backfill1 B11 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw backfill that has been turned into topsoil after 12 years since the MZ6 excavations on the N baulk of k10. Not immediately recognized as such until plastic sheeting discovered. D1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw k10 D42 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8848 D52 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8866 K5 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw light yellowish brown K6 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/4 K7 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw soft K8 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw crumbly P1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw L628 P2 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw L728 ; A9f228 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw wall A35 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j !! v81 B10 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw wall B11 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw E-W mudbrick wall in the middle of k11. Gives the impression of a curtain wall separating two areas of the same space. Cut by foundation f225 on the east end. C3 2001-09-25_L925JW.j jlw this E-W wall appears to end in the SW quadrant of k11 and has a curious mudbrick structure, f258 attached at the western end. Inspection of the section formed by the east face of the eastern boundary of A7 reveals that there is brick work that would correspond to a continuation of that wall line further to the west. Therefore it is possible that the western end of wall, f229 and the brick structure, f258 form the eastern part of a doorway. D1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw k11 D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r518 (44904 35762 - 8837 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r519 (44938 35580 - 8850 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r520 (45003 35593 - 8854 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-09_L709VP-R.j vp r517 (44967 35773 - 8839 / Relay location: k11) D42 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8852 F50 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw f225 (foundation) cuts f228 (wall) K3 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw mud brick O12 2001-06-24_L924JW.j jlw v58 O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v60b O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v60c O12 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v70 O12 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v81 ; A9f229 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw wall B10 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw wall B11 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw N-S mudbrick wall along the east side of k11. Possibly associated with f228 wall, but this is difficult to verify because of the presence of the f225 foundation. B11 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw w B11 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw further excavation of accumulation, f219, in the vicinity of the foundation/fill, f225, revealed the north face of this wall. D1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw k11 D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r525 (44586 35363 - 8879 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r526 (45014 36017 - 8897 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r527 (44854 35956 - 8865 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r528 (44870 35858 - 8853 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r529 (44930 35867 - 8863 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r530 (44921 35906 - 8866 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-09_L709VP-R.j vp r560 (45027 35940 - 8879 / Relay location: k11) D42 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8879 G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a33 K3 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw mud brick ; A9f230 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw pavement A35 2001-07-11_L925JW.j !! v60a B10 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw pavement B11 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw pavement of pebbles and sherds to the east of the f211 wall in k10. Elevation is 8720. D1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw k10 D42 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8720 G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a30 K3 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw stone O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v60a O12 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v71 ; A9f231 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw wall A35 2001-07-11_L925JW.j !! v60a B10 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw wall B11 2001-06-28_L712JLW.j jlw N-S mudbrick wall running along the east edge of k10. The southern end was accidentally cut in MZ12 during the excavation of k7. B11 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw this feature was previously excavated in 1990 as part of A2 and the step trench. When uncovered and cleaned by us in MZ14, it was less than one brick high. D1 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw k10 D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r506 (44326 35635 - 8716 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r507 (44339 35669 - 8727 / Relay location: k10) D42 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw 8758 K3 2001-06-28_L919JW.j jw mud brick O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v60a ; A9f232 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw accumulation D1 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw k10 D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r508 (44684 35810 - 8741 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r509 (44801 35425 - 8809 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r510 (44908 35451 - 8828 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r511 (44810 35828 - 8831 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r512 (44839 35753 - 8833 / Relay location: k11) D42 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 8866 D52 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 8817 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q674.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q674.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q674 (items, pottery) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q684 (bones, pottery) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q674-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q674-p2 (jar) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q674-p3 (bowl) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q674-p4 (jar) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q674-p5 (jar) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q674-p6 (base) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q674-p7 (jar) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q674-p8 (jar) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q674-p9 (base) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q674-p10 (base) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q674-p11 (jar) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q674-p12 (bowl) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q674-p13 (cup) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q674-p14 (base) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q674-p15 (jar) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q674-p16 (jar) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q674-p17 (bowl) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q674-p96 (body sherd) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q674-p97 (body sherd) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q674-p98 (body sherd) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q674-p99 (body sherd) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q684-p91 (body sherd) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q684-p92 (body sherd) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q684-p93 (body sherd) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q684-p94 (body sherd) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q684-p95 (body sherd) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q684-p96 (body sherd) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q684-p97 (body sherd) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q684-p98 (body sherd) sits in f232 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q684-p99 (body sherd) sits in f232 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/4 P1 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw L701 ; A9f233 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw topsoil D1 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw k14 D42 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 8959 D52 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 8963 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i109 (clay artifact) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q676.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q676 (items, pottery) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p1 (base) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p2 (base) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p3 (base) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p4 (base) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p5 (base) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p6 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p7 (base) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p8 (base) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p9 (base) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p10 (base) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p11 (platter or plate) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p12 (jar) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p13 (platter or plate) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p14 (jar) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p15 (base) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p16 (jar) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p17 (bowl) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p18 (jar) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p19 (jar) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p20 (bowl) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p21 (jar) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p22 (pot) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p23 (rim) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p24 (rim) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p25 (platter or plate) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p26 (jar) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p27 (bowl) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p28 (jar) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p29 (jar) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p30 (rim) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p31 (rim) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p32 (jar) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p33 (jar) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p34 (jar) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p35 (rim) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p36 (bowl) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p37 (jar) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p38 (rim) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q676-p39 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q676-p91 (body sherd) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q676-p92 (body sherd) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q676-p93 (body sherd) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q676-p94 (body sherd) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q676-p95 (body sherd) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q676-p96 (body sherd) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q676-p97 (body sherd) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q676-p98 (body sherd) sits in f233 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q676-p99 (body sherd) sits in f233 (topsoil) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw pale brown K6 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/3 P1 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw L630 ; A9f234 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw accumulation D1 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 8849 D52 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 8853 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i108 (sealing) sits in f234 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q677.1 (unknown) sits in f234 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q677 (items) sits in f234 (accumulation) K5 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw light yellowish brown K6 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/4 P1 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw L630 ; A9f235 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw pavement, type b D1 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw k10 D42 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 8722 G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a30 K3 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw stone ; A9f236 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw accumulation D1 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 8953 D52 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 8918 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i119 (human body) sits in f236 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q678.1 (metal artifact) sits in f236 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q678 (pottery) sits in f236 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q725 (pottery) sits in f236 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q678-p1 (jar) sits in f236 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q678-p2 (jar) sits in f236 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q678-p3 (cup) sits in f236 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q678-p4 (jar) sits in f236 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q678-p94 (body sherd) sits in f236 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q678-p95 (body sherd) sits in f236 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q678-p96 (body sherd) sits in f236 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q678-p97 (body sherd) sits in f236 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q678-p98 (body sherd) sits in f236 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q678-p99 (body sherd) sits in f236 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q725-p1 (base) sits in f236 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q725-p96 (body sherd) sits in f236 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q725-p97 (body sherd) sits in f236 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q725-p98 (body sherd) sits in f236 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q725-p99 (body sherd) sits in f236 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/3 P1 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw L630 ; A9f237 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw accumulation D1 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw k14 D42 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 8963 D52 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 8895 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i110 (figurine) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q685.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q702.1 (figurine) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q679 (pottery) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q681 (bones, pottery) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q685 (pottery) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q688 (pottery) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q697 (pottery) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q700 (pottery) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q702 (items, pottery) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q679-p1 (platter or plate) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q679-p2 (platter or plate) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q679-p3 (base) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q679-p4 (rim) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q679-p5 (rim) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q679-p6 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q679-p7 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q679-p96 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q679-p97 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q679-p98 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q679-p99 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q681-p1 (rim) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q681-p2 (bowl) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q681-p3 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q681-p4 (bowl) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q681-p5 (bowl) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q681-p6 (other shape sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q681-p7 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q681-p95 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q681-p96 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q681-p97 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q681-p98 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q681-p99 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q685-p1 (platter or plate) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q685-p2 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q685-p3 (platter or plate) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q685-p4 (platter or plate) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q685-p5 (bowl) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q685-p6 (pot) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q685-p7 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q685-p8 (rim) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q685-p9 (bowl) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q685-p10 (bowl) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q685-p11 (bowl) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q685-p12 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q685-p13 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q685-p14 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q685-p15 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q685-p93 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q685-p94 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q685-p95 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q685-p96 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q685-p97 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q685-p98 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q685-p99 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q688-p1 (base) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q688-p2 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q688-p3 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q688-p4 (other shape sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q688-p99 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q697-p1 (bowl) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q697-p2 (base) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q697-p3 (bowl) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q697-p4 (base) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q697-p5 (base) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q697-p6 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q697-p7 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q697-p8 (bowl) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q697-p9 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q697-p10 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q697-p11 (base) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q697-p97 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q697-p98 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q697-p99 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q700-p1 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q700-p2 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-28_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q700-p3 (rim) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q700-p98 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q700-p99 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q702-p1 (rim) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q702-p2 (bowl) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q702-p3 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q702-p4 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q702-p5 (jar) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q702-p92 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q702-p93 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q702-p94 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q702-p95 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q702-p96 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q702-p97 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q702-p98 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q702-p99 (body sherd) sits in f237 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/3 P1 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw L702 ; A9f238 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw wall B10 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw believed it to be a N-S wall along the western edge of k11 and linked to the E-W wall, f228. Further investigation on L703 revealed it to be accumulation. D1 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 8853 G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a33 K3 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw mud brick P1 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw excavated as f256 on L703. ; A9f239 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw tannur (feature) A35 2001-06-24_L924JW.j !! v58 D1 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw k11 D3 2001-07-07_L707VP-R.j vp r461 (45058 35610 - 8820 / Relay location: k11) D42 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 8820 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i111 (bead) sits in f239 (tannur (feature)) K3 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw cl K5 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw yellowish red K6 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 5YR5/6 O12 2001-06-24_L924JW.j jlw v58 O12 2001-06-24_L924JW.j jlw v58a ; A9f240 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw fill B10 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw found that the accumulation was really the fill of a very large pit, a29, that was cut by the foundation/fill, f225, and appears to be well over 2 meters in diameter. This accounts for the ashy color and texture noted on L630. D1 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 8932 D52 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 8822 F50 2001-10-03_LX03JW2.j jlw f225 (foundation) cuts f240 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i115 (sealing) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q687.1 sits in f240 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q680 (bones, pottery) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q683 (bones, pottery) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q687 (bones, pottery) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q710 (bones, pottery) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q711 (pottery) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q712 (bones, pottery) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q720 (bones, pottery) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q680-p1 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q680-p2 (rim) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q680-p3 (base) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q680-p4 (base) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q680-p5 (base) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q680-p6 (base) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q680-p7 (base) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q680-p92 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q680-p93 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q680-p94 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q680-p95 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q680-p96 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q680-p97 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q680-p98 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q680-p99 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q683-p1 (base) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q683-p2 (bowl) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q683-p3 (rim) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q683-p4 (bowl) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q683-p5 (cup) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q683-p6 (rim) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q683-p7 (bowl) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q683-p8 (base) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q683-p9 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q683-p10 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q683-p11 (bowl) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q683-p12 (bowl) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q683-p90 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q683-p91 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q683-p92 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q683-p93 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q683-p94 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q683-p95 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q683-p96 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q683-p97 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q683-p98 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q683-p99 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p8 (base) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p9 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p10 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p11 (other shape sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p12 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p13 (rim) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p14 (rim) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p15 (rim) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p16 (bowl) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p17 (bowl) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p18 (pot) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q687-p1 (bowl) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q687-p2 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q687-p3 (base) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q687-p4 (pot) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q687-p5 (base) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q687-p6 (pot) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q687-p7 (base) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q687-p8 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q687-p9 (pot) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q710-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q710-p2 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q710-p3 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q710-p4 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q710-p5 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q710-p6 (bowl) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q710-p7 (bowl) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q710-p8 (bowl) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q710-p9 (cup) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q710-p92 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q710-p93 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q710-p94 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q710-p95 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q710-p96 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q710-p97 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q710-p98 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q710-p99 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q711-p1 (bowl) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q711-p2 (base) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q711-p3 (base) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q711-p4 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q711-p5 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q711-p93 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q711-p94 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q711-p95 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q711-p96 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q711-p97 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q711-p98 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q711-p99 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q712-p1 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q712-p2 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q712-p3 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q712-p4 (bowl) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q712-p5 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q712-p6 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q712-p7 (rim) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q712-p8 (base) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q712-p9 (cup) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q712-p93 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q712-p94 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q712-p95 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q712-p96 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q712-p97 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q712-p98 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q712-p99 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q720-p1 (base) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q720-p2 (pot) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q720-p3 (jar) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q720-p4 (base) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q720-p93 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q720-p94 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q720-p95 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q720-p96 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q720-p97 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q720-p98 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q720-p99 (body sherd) sits in f240 (fill) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a29 K5 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw light brownish gray K6 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/2 P1 2001-06-30_L919JW.j jw L630 ; A9f241 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw accumulation B10 2004-08-18_O818JW1.j jw accumulation A B11 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw accumulation between the N-S wall, f238 and E-W wall, f228 in k11. It shows evidence of living accumulations, with artifacts sherds, and small pieces of charcoal. Dug by Tariq. D1 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw 8880 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i112 (bone artifact) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i113 (clay strainer) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i114 (animal bone) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q682.1 (sealing) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q682 (bones, pottery) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q682-p1 (base) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q682-p2 (handle) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q682-p3 (jar) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q682-p4 (jar) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q682-p5 (bowl) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q682-p6 (base) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q682-p7 (base) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q682-p8 (rim) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q682-p9 (platter or plate) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q682-p10 (cup) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q682-p11 (rim) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q682-p12 (cup) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q682-p13 (cup) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q682-p14 (cup) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q682-p15 (bowl) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q682-p16 (cup) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q682-p17 (cup) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q682-p18 (cup) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q682-p94 (body sherd) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q682-p95 (body sherd) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q682-p96 (body sherd) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q682-p97 (body sherd) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q682-p98 (body sherd) sits in f241 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q682-p99 (body sherd) sits in f241 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature I1 2004-08-18_O818JW1.j jw s4a I99 2004-08-18_O818JW1.j jw Phase assignment based on pottery analysis by mkb. P1 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw L701 P2 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw L701 ; A9f242 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw pavement, type c B10 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw pavement, type c B11 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw pile of mixed stones, accumulation, and sherds about 170cm square in the NE corner of k14. Contained a doorsocket, i116. Dug by Mizer. D1 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw k14 D52 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw 9060 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i116 (lithic artifact) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q686 (pottery) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q690 (bones, pottery) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q691 (bones, pottery) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p1 (bowl) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p2 (base) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p3 (bowl) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p4 (base) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p5 (jar) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p6 (jar) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p7 (bowl) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q686-p8 (base) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q686-p9 (jar) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q686-p10 (jar) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q686-p11 (other shape sherd) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q686-p12 (jar) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q686-p13 (rim) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q686-p14 (rim) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q686-p15 (rim) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q686-p16 (bowl) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q686-p17 (bowl) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q686-p18 (pot) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q686-p96 (body sherd) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q686-p97 (body sherd) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q686-p98 (body sherd) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q686-p99 (body sherd) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q690-p1 (platter or plate) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q690-p2 (bowl) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q690-p3 (base) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q690-p4 (base) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q690-p5 (base) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q690-p6 (rim) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q690-p7 (bowl) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q690-p8 (jar) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q690-p9 (cup) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q690-p10 (rim) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q690-p96 (body sherd) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q690-p97 (body sherd) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q690-p98 (body sherd) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q690-p99 (body sherd) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q691-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q691-p2 (base) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q691-p3 (base) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q691-p4 (bowl) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q691-p5 (base) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q691-p6 (bowl) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q691-p7 (base) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q691-p8 (jar) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q691-p9 (bowl) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q691-p10 (jar) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q691-p94 (body sherd) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q691-p95 (body sherd) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q691-p96 (body sherd) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q691-p97 (body sherd) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q691-p98 (body sherd) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q691-p99 (body sherd) sits in f242 (pavement, type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K3 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw stones/sherds P1 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw L701 P2 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw L701 ; A9f243 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw brick installation A35 2001-07-11_L925JW.j !! v60a B10 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw brick installation B11 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw several distinct courses of bricks extending across the south face of the north baulk of k10. In some places in the west and center parts, the bricks appear to be one course wide. In other places to the east, there appears to be several courses to the north. gb suggested that this may be a retaining wall for a platform to support the walls and floors to the north in k11. Dug by Ali. D1 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw k10 D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r497 (44733 35510 - 8802 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r504 (44627 35747 - 8774 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r505 (44722 35508 - 8797 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-09_L709VP-R.j vp r497 (44727 35511 - 8802 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-09_L709VP-R.j vp r498 (44670 35754 - 8815 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-09_L709VP-R.j vp r499 (44640 35750 - 8814 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-09_L709VP-R.j vp r505 (44721 35509 - 8802 / Relay location: k10) D42 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw 8817 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q698 (pottery) sits in f243 (brick installation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q698-p1 (bowl) sits in f243 (brick installation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q698-p2 (base) sits in f243 (brick installation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q698-p3 (bowl) sits in f243 (brick installation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q698-p94 (body sherd) sits in f243 (brick installation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q698-p95 (body sherd) sits in f243 (brick installation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q698-p96 (body sherd) sits in f243 (brick installation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q698-p97 (body sherd) sits in f243 (brick installation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q698-p98 (body sherd) sits in f243 (brick installation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q698-p99 (body sherd) sits in f243 (brick installation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a33 K3 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw mud brick O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v60a ; A9f244 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw brick installation B10 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw brick installation B11 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw several courses of bricks about 1m below the surface in the east baulk of k14. More in less in line with the building walls in A11. Discovered by Anwar. D1 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw k14 D42 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw 9086 K3 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw mud brick K5 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw reddish yellow K6 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw 5YR6/8 ; A9f245 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw tannur (feature) B10 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw tannur (feature) B11 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw a number of pieces of the container, ashy material, and what looks like metal slag in the north baulk of k10. Appears to be sunk into the brick surface of f243. Dug by Ali. D1 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw k10 D42 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw 8800 K5 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw yellowish red K5 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw yellow red K6 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw 5YR5/8 P2 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw L701 ; A9f246 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw fill B10 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw fill B11 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw fill in the tannur container, f247. Dug by Ali. D1 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw k10 D42 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw 8800 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q692.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f246 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q692.2 (specimen) sits in f246 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q692.3 (slag) sits in f246 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q692 (pottery) sits in f246 (fill) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q692-p96 (body sherd) sits in f246 (fill) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q692-p97 (body sherd) sits in f246 (fill) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q692-p98 (body sherd) sits in f246 (fill) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q692-p99 (body sherd) sits in f246 (fill) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw light brown K6 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw 10YR6/4 K6 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw 7.5YR6/4 P2 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw L701 ; A9f247 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw floor, type b B10 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw floor, type b B11 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw floor surface in k11 bounded on the west by N-S wall, f238, and E-W wall 228. It is highly compacted and, although not plastered, does appear to have very small flakes of a gypsum like material as inclusions. The unfinished tannur and several sherds appear to rest on this floor. It is as of yet impossible to tell whether it is cut by the fill/foundtion, f225. Dug by Tariq. D1 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw 8803 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q693.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f247 (floor, type b) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q693.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f247 (floor, type b) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q693.3 (sealing) sits in f247 (floor, type b) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q693 (items) sits in f247 (floor, type b) K5 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw light brown K6 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw 7.5YR6/4 K8 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw white powder ; A9f248 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw pit A35 2001-07-11_L925JW.j !! v59 B10 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw pit B11 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw pit in the NE corner of the baulk in k11. It is difficult to tell at this point whether or not, it is accumlation around the enclosed tannur, a23. The material is slightly ashy with a very powdery texture. Dug by Ali. B11 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw this was a pit most likely dug to contain the tannur, f215, and sink the mouth to about floor level. C99 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw removal started on L701 D1 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw k10 D3 2001-07-07_L707VP-R.j vp r464 (44621 35781 - 8757 / Relay location: k10) D52 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw 8803 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q695.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f248 (pit) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q695.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f248 (pit) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q695.3 (sealing) sits in f248 (pit) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q695 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f248 (pit) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q695-p1 (base) sits in f248 (pit) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q695-p2 (jar) sits in f248 (pit) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q695-p3 (jar) sits in f248 (pit) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q695-p4 (bowl) sits in f248 (pit) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q695-p5 (bowl) sits in f248 (pit) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q695-p93 (body sherd) sits in f248 (pit) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q695-p94 (body sherd) sits in f248 (pit) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q695-p95 (body sherd) sits in f248 (pit) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q695-p96 (body sherd) sits in f248 (pit) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q695-p97 (body sherd) sits in f248 (pit) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q695-p98 (body sherd) sits in f248 (pit) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q695-p99 (body sherd) sits in f248 (pit) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw light yellowish brown K6 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw 10YR6/4 K7 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw soft O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v59 O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v59a P2 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw L702 ; A9f249 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw accumulation B10 2004-08-18_O818JW1.j jw accumulation A B11 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw accumulation to the south of E-W wall, f228, and N-S wall, f238. On the south it is bounded by the south baulk. D1 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw 8816 D52 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw 8803 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i117 (clay artifact) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q696.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q696.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q696.3 (specimen) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q701.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q701.4 (lithic artifact) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q694 (pottery) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q696 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q701 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q694-p1 (jar) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q694-p98 (body sherd) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q694-p99 (body sherd) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q696-p1 (jar) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q696-p2 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q696-p3 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q696-p4 (jar) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q696-p5 (jar) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q696-p6 (rim) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q696-p7 (jar) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q696-p8 (bowl) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q696-p9 (base) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q696-p10 (base) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q696-p11 (bowl) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q696-p12 (bowl) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q696-p13 (platter or plate) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q696-p95 (body sherd) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q696-p96 (body sherd) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q696-p97 (body sherd) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q696-p98 (body sherd) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q696-p99 (body sherd) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q701-p1 (cup) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q701-p2 (jar) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q701-p93 (body sherd) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q701-p94 (body sherd) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q701-p95 (body sherd) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q701-p96 (body sherd) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q701-p97 (body sherd) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q701-p98 (body sherd) sits in f249 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q701-p99 (body sherd) sits in f249 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature I1 2004-08-18_O818JW1.j jw s4a I99 2004-08-18_O818JW1.j jw Phase assignment based on pottery analysis by mkb. K5 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw light yellowish brown K6 2001-07-01_L701JLW.j jlw 10YR6/4 P1 2001-07-01_L919JW.j jw L701 ; A9f250 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw accumulation along a 1 meter westward extension of k10. It probably represents the stopping point of the MZ10 and 1990 excavations of A2, judging by the plastic sheeting visible there. It is dense and hard with alternating streaks of light and dark material, indicating that it was once used as or located very near a living/working space. Dug by Tariq. C99 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw excavation began on L702 D1 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw k10 D42 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw 8741 D52 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw 8723 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q699 (pottery) sits in f250 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q699-p1 (bowl) sits in f250 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q699-p2 (jar) sits in f250 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q699-p3 (bowl) sits in f250 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q699-p4 (rim) sits in f250 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q699-p5 (cup) sits in f250 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q699-p6 (rim) sits in f250 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q699-p7 (rim) sits in f250 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q699-p8 (base) sits in f250 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q699-p9 (jar) sits in f250 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q699-p91 (body sherd) sits in f250 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q699-p92 (body sherd) sits in f250 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q699-p93 (body sherd) sits in f250 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q699-p94 (body sherd) sits in f250 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q699-p95 (body sherd) sits in f250 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q699-p96 (body sherd) sits in f250 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q699-p97 (body sherd) sits in f250 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q699-p98 (body sherd) sits in f250 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q699-p99 (body sherd) sits in f250 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw brownish yellow K6 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/6 K7 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw hard P1 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw L701 ; A9f251 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw floor, type b B10 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw floor, type b B11 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw dense,hard-packed material south of wall, f228, in k11. Many sherds lying flat on the surface which had no clearly defined start or stop point. One must assume that it was built up over time with living accumulation and tamped down to make it smooth and firm. It is at the same elevation (8803) as floor, f247 to the north of wall, f228. Dug by Suliman. C99 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw excavated on L702 D1 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw 8803 K5 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw light brown K6 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw 7.5YR6/4 K7 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw hard K8 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw white powder ; A9f252 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw foundation A35 2001-07-11_L925JW.j !! v60b B10 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw accumulation B10 2001-09-25_L925JW.j jlw foundation B11 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw a 1 cubic meter cube of very dense, hard packed material immediately to the south face of the "T" in the west end of wall, f228, in k11. We once thought it was part of the N-S wall, f238, but it is not made of mud brick. Dug by Suliman. B11 2001-09-25_L925JW.j jlw a series of mud cement blocks, most likely forming an E-W wall foundation that is associated with a similar, but slightly larger N-S wall, f225. At one time we thought that this feature was an isolated block of material, but after thorough drying it is clear that it is a succession of regular additions, probably made one after another in a trench dug into accumulation that covered the previous phase. Evidence for this conclusion is that f225 cuts both wall, f228, and floors, f247 and f251, and f252 cuts floor 251. C3 2001-09-25_L925JW.j jlw jw carefully inspected the mud cement (pise) architectural wall/foundation features that run N-S, f225, and E-W, f252, respectively. There is an exposed outside corner (SE) in the SE quadrant of k11 that clearly shows that they form a single, continuous wall that turns to the west and continues for about 5 meters through the west baulk of k11 to A7 where it may turn to the north. (It is not possible to say this with certainty because f252 was cut by a large rectangular N-S pit just inside A7.) One may further speculate that the line of bricks placed atop an accumulation and fill that may be seen in section in the west baulk of k11 in the NW quadrant are associated with these walls. The brick paving and the fill would have covered the space partially defined by E-W wall, f228. C99 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw excavation began on L702 D1 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw k11 D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r521 (44918 35685 - 8799 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r522 (44903 35755 - 8804 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r523 (44866 35676 - 8713 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r524 (44857 35740 - 8800 / Relay location: k11) D42 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw 8848 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q704 (pottery) sits in f252 (foundation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q704-p98 (body sherd) sits in f252 (foundation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q704-p99 (body sherd) sits in f252 (foundation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K3 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw pise K5 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/3 K7 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw hard K8 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw dense O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v60b ; A9f253 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw fill B10 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw fill B11 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw material behind and underneath the brickwork, f243, in the eastern edge of the north baulk of k10. Dug by Ali. Material is crumbly and relatively clean of sherds and bones. C99 2001-07-02_L702JLW.j jlw excavation began on L702 D1 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw k10 D42 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw 8798 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q705 (pottery) sits in f253 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q705-p1 (base) sits in f253 (fill) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q705-p2 (jar) sits in f253 (fill) F51 2016-07-05_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP rL q705-p11 (jar) sits in f253 (fill) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q705-p97 (body sherd) sits in f253 (fill) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q705-p98 (body sherd) sits in f253 (fill) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q705-p99 (body sherd) sits in f253 (fill) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a33 K5 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw brownish yellow K6 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/6 K7 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw soft K8 2001-07-02_L919JW.j jw crumbly ; A9f254 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw accumulation immediately atop and alongside extensive brickwork, f255, throughout k14. Excavated by Anwar and Mizar. C99 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw excavation started L703 D1 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw k14 D42 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw 8895 D99 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw has soft pockets F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i118 (bowl) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i121 (figurine) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i126 (figurine) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i128 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-10-03_LX03JW1.j jlw i155 (grinding stone) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q706.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q706.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q706.3 (lithic artifact) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q706.4 (lithic artifact) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q726.1 (bead) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q728.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q706 (items, pottery) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q713 (pottery) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q714 (bones, pottery) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q718 (pottery) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q719 (pottery) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q726 (bones, pottery) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q728 (items, pottery) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q729 (pottery) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q735 (bones, pottery) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q706-p1 (base) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q706-p2 (bowl) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q706-p3 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q706-p4 (base) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q706-p5 (other shape sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q706-p6 (base) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q706-p7 (bowl) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q706-p8 (bowl) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q706-p9 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q706-p10 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q706-p11 (bowl) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q706-p12 (rim) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q706-p13 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q706-p14 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q706-p15 (base) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q706-p96 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q706-p97 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q706-p98 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q706-p99 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q713-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q713-p2 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q713-p3 (pot) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q713-p4 (bowl) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q713-p5 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q713-p6 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q713-p7 (base) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q713-p8 (bottle) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q713-p9 (base) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q713-p95 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q713-p96 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q713-p97 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q713-p98 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q713-p99 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q714-p1 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q714-p2 (pot) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q714-p3 (handle) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q714-p97 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q714-p98 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q714-p99 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q718-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q718-p2 (base) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q718-p3 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q718-p4 (base) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q718-p5 (platter or plate) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q718-p98 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q718-p99 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q719-p1 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q719-p2 (bowl) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q719-p3 (base) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q719-p4 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q719-p5 (bowl) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q719-p6 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q719-p7 (base) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q719-p93 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q719-p94 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q719-p95 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q719-p96 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q719-p97 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q719-p98 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q719-p99 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q726-p1 (bowl) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q726-p2 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q726-p3 (cup) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q726-p4 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q726-p5 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q726-p6 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q726-p7 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q726-p8 (base) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q726-p96 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q726-p97 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q726-p98 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q726-p99 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q728-p1 (bowl) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q728-p2 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q728-p3 (base) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q728-p4 (base) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q728-p98 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q728-p99 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q729-p1 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q729-p2 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q729-p3 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q729-p4 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q729-p5 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q729-p6 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q729-p7 (base) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q729-p8 (rim) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q729-p9 (bowl) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q729-p10 (bowl) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q729-p11 (handle) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q729-p12 (rim) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q729-p13 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q729-p14 (base) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q729-p15 (bowl) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q729-p16 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q729-p17 (rim) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q729-p18 (jar) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q729-p87 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q729-p88 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q729-p89 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q729-p90 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q729-p91 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q729-p92 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q729-p93 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q735-p1 (bowl) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q735-p93 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q735-p94 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q735-p95 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q735-p96 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q735-p97 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q735-p98 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q735-p99 (body sherd) sits in f254 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K6 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw very pale brown K7 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/3 K8 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw hard ; A9f255 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw brick installation A35 2001-08-02_L927JW.j !! v74 B10 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw brick installation B11 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw extensive brickwork in SE corner of k14. Not yet able to determine what it is, but about 5 courses are now visible in some places. C99 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw first discovered at the very end of L702 by Mizar D1 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw k14 D3 2001-07-09_L709VP-R.j vp r559 (45204 35924 - 8934 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r571 (44155 37298 - 8909 / Relay location: k14) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r572 (44345 37371 - 8907 / Relay location: k14) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r573 (44380 37241 - 8891 / Relay location: k14) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r574 (44199 37187 - 8896 / Relay location: k14) D42 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw 8895 K3 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw mud brick K5 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/3 O12 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v74 ; A9f256 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw accumulation along the west edge of k11 that we once believed to be wall, f238, because the top appeared to contain brick-sized blocks which seemed to be oriented perpendicular to wall, f238. Further exploration by Suliman indicated that it was composed of relatively parallel bands of various colors and was moderately compacted. D1 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw 8856 D52 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw 8803 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q708 (bones, pottery) sits in f256 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q708-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f256 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q708-p2 (jar) sits in f256 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q708-p3 (bowl) sits in f256 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q708-p4 (bowl) sits in f256 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q708-p5 (base) sits in f256 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q708-p6 (base) sits in f256 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q708-p7 (bowl) sits in f256 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q708-p8 (cup) sits in f256 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q708-p9 (cup) sits in f256 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q708-p10 (base) sits in f256 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q708-p11 (jar) sits in f256 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q708-p96 (body sherd) sits in f256 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q708-p97 (body sherd) sits in f256 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q708-p98 (body sherd) sits in f256 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q708-p99 (body sherd) sits in f256 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw light yellowish brown K6 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/4 P1 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw L703 P2 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw L703 ; A9f257 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw accumulation in k21 in a 30cm wide strip between the western edge of the pavement, f205, and the eastern edge of the excavations in A7. Dug by Tariq. Found several Khabur sherds, the first that were not from a pit and a possible seal impression. C99 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw excavation began on L703 D1 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw k21 D42 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw 9031 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q717.1 (seal impression) sits in f257 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q717.2 (clay lump) sits in f257 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q717 (items, pottery) sits in f257 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q743 (pottery) sits in f257 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q717-p1 (jar) sits in f257 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q717-p2 (jar) sits in f257 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q717-p3 (rim) sits in f257 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q717-p94 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q717-p95 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q717-p96 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q717-p97 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q717-p98 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q717-p99 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q743-p1 (bowl) sits in f257 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q743-p95 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q743-p96 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q743-p97 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q743-p98 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q743-p99 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/4 P1 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw L703 ; A9f258 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw brick installation B10 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw brick installation B11 2001-07-03_L703JLW.j jlw what may be a small westward extension attached to the western face of E-W wall, f228, in k11. Bricks, if that is really what they are, are of low quality. Size is about 1 standard brick square. Disovered by Suliman. D1 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw k11 D3 2001-07-09_L709VP-R.j vp r555 (45020 35555 - 8795 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-09_L709VP-R.j vp r556 (44935 35531 - 8795 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-09_L709VP-R.j vp r557 (44930 35581 - 8795 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-09_L709VP-R.j vp r558 (45010 35590 - 8795 / Relay location: k11) D42 2001-07-03_L919JW.j jw 8831 ; A9f259 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw wall B10 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j jlw wall B11 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j jlw E-W mud brick wall just south of the N baulk in the eastern portion of k10. It may be associated with N-S wall, f231. Dug by Ali D1 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw k10 D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r500 (44649 35689 - 8763 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r501 (44671 35637 - 8757 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r502 (44633 35643 - 8754 / Relay location: k10) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r503 (44625 35686 - 8760 / Relay location: k10) D42 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw 8765 ; A9f260 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j jlw accumulation C B11 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j jlw accumulation under floor, f247 in k11 N of wall f228. It is difficult to tell whether it is packing under f247 or just another layer of that feature that did not get sprinkled with gypsum. Dug by Suliman. D1 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw 8795 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i120 (figurine) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i122 (lithic artifact) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i125 (lithic artifact) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q724.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q724.2 (shell artifact) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q724.3 (lithic artifact) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q724 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q730 (bones, pottery) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q724-p1 (jar) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q724-p2 (bowl) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q724-p3 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q724-p4 (bowl) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q724-p5 (bowl) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q724-p6 (rim) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q724-p7 (base) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q724-p8 (jar) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q724-p9 (cup) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q724-p10 (rim) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q724-p90 (body sherd) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q724-p91 (body sherd) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q724-p92 (body sherd) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q724-p93 (body sherd) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q724-p94 (body sherd) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q724-p95 (body sherd) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q724-p96 (body sherd) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q724-p97 (body sherd) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q724-p98 (body sherd) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q724-p99 (body sherd) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q730-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q730-p2 (base) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q730-p3 (base) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q730-p4 (bowl) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q730-p5 (bowl) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q730-p6 (jar) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q730-p7 (bowl) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q730-p8 (rim) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q730-p9 (jar) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q730-p10 (jar) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q730-p11 (jar) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q730-p12 (bowl) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q730-p96 (body sherd) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q730-p97 (body sherd) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q730-p98 (body sherd) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q730-p99 (body sherd) sits in f260 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw light yellowish brown K6 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/4 P1 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw L704 ; A9f261 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j jlw accumulation in the North baulk of k11, under accumlation f236, W of foundation, f225. Dug by Tariq. D1 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw 8918 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q727 (pottery) sits in f261 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q727-p1 (jar) sits in f261 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q727-p2 (base) sits in f261 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q727-p3 (other shape sherd) sits in f261 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q727-p4 (bowl) sits in f261 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q727-p96 (body sherd) sits in f261 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q727-p97 (body sherd) sits in f261 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q727-p98 (body sherd) sits in f261 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q727-p99 (body sherd) sits in f261 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw pale brown K6 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/3 P1 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw L704 ; A9f262 A20 !!_!! !! other features A21 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw rodent hole A35 2001-08-02_L927JW.j !! v71 B10 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j jlw rodent hole B11 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j jlw rodent burrow running E-W beginning in the far NE corner of k10 and extending through wall, f231, and turning southward across to the middle of the locus. It appears to be the size that a gerbil might make. D1 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw k10 D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r575 (44388 37240 - 8864 / Relay location: k14) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r576 (44395 37105 - 8855 / Relay location: k14) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r577 (44374 37096 - 8855 / Relay location: k14) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r578 (44370 37235 - 8764 / Relay location: k14) D42 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw 8728 F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q655-p97 (body sherd) sits in f262 (rodent hole) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q655-p98 (body sherd) sits in f262 (rodent hole) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q655-p99 (body sherd) sits in f262 (rodent hole) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature O12 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v71 ; A9f263 A21 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw group of bricks A35 2001-08-02_L927JW.j !! v74 B10 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j jlw group of bricks B11 2001-07-04_L704JLW.j jlw a single line of bricks, extending west about 2 meters from the SW corner of the brickwork, f255. D1 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw k14 D42 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw 8862 K3 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw mud brick K5 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2001-07-04_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/3 O12 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v74 ; A9f264 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw accumulation contained within N-S wall, f211, and E-W wall, f259 in the SW corner of k10. jlw sees some similarty to storage bins in A2 and gb sees similarty to multiple burial graves in A7. Excavated by Tariq and Ali. Moderate quantites of sherds. D1 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw k10 D42 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw 8713 D52 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw 8704 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i123 (clay artifact) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i124 (clay artifact) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q731 (bones, pottery) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q732 (pottery) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q731-p1 (bowl) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q731-p2 (jar) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q731-p3 (bowl) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q731-p4 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q731-p5 (rim) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q731-p6 (bowl) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q731-p7 (base) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q731-p8 (jar) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q731-p9 (bowl) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q731-p10 (jar) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q731-p11 (bowl) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q731-p12 (rim) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q731-p13 (bowl) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q731-p14 (base) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q731-p15 (rim) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q731-p16 (bowl) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q731-p17 (other shape sherd) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q731-p94 (body sherd) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q731-p95 (body sherd) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q731-p96 (body sherd) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q731-p97 (body sherd) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q731-p98 (body sherd) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q731-p99 (body sherd) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q732-p1 (bowl) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q732-p2 (jar) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q732-p3 (base) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q732-p4 (rim) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q732-p5 (jar) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q732-p6 (rim) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q732-p7 (bowl) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q732-p8 (rim) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q732-p95 (body sherd) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q732-p96 (body sherd) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q732-p97 (body sherd) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q732-p98 (body sherd) sits in f264 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q732-p99 (body sherd) sits in f264 (accumulation) F52 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw f264 (accumulation) covers f265 (pavement, type c) F52 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw f264 (accumulation) covers f266 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw light gray K6 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw 10YR7/1 P1 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw L705 P2 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw L706 ; A9f265 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw pavement, type c B10 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw pavement, type c B11 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw surface of pebbles and sherds, primarily in the north half of the area enclosed within N-S wall, f231 and E-W wall, f259 lying under accumulation, f265 in the SW corner of k10. Dug by Tariq and Ali. D1 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw k10 D42 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw 8704 F50 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw f264 (accumulation) covers f265 (pavement, type c) F52 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw f265 (pavement, type c) covers f266 (accumulation) K3 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw stones/sherds P2 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw L706 ; A9f266 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw accumulation under accumulation, f264, and surface, f265 in the SW corner of k10. Dug by Tariq and Ali began on L705. There appears to be areas of ashy soil mixed with lighter and browner material. It does not look like the clean accumulation found in graves or storage bins. Rather, it gives the impression of a work area. D1 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw k10 D42 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw 8704 F50 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw f264 (accumulation) covers f266 (accumulation) F50 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw f265 (pavement, type c) covers f266 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i127 (seal impression) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q733.1 (metal artifact) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q733.2 (metal artifact) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q733 (items, pottery) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q734 (bones, pottery) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q733-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q733-p2 (base) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q733-p3 (bowl) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q733-p4 (rim) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q733-p5 (jar) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q733-p95 (body sherd) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q733-p96 (body sherd) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q733-p97 (body sherd) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q733-p98 (body sherd) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q733-p99 (body sherd) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q734-p1 (bowl) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q734-p2 (bowl) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q734-p3 (bowl) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q734-p4 (jar) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q734-p96 (body sherd) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q734-p97 (body sherd) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q734-p98 (body sherd) sits in f266 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q734-p99 (body sherd) sits in f266 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw brown K6 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw 10YR5/3 ; A9f267 A21 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw group of bricks A35 2001-07-11_L925JW.j !! v61 B10 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw group of bricks B11 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw row of bricks running E-W appearing in the W and excavated N baulks of k11 and seen on the horizontal surface after excavation of pit, a29. D1 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw k11 D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r493 (45143 36054 - 8826 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r494 (45185 35936 - 8821 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r495 (45142 35928 - 8821 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r496 (45109 36048 - 8825 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r579 (45240 35721 - 8856 / Relay location: k14) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r580 (45195 35558 - 8879 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r581 (45176 35651 - 8876 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r582 (45245 35672 - 8878 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r583 (45269 35591 - 8887 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r584 (45249 35646 - 8886 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r585 (45226 35644 - 8886 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r586 (45217 35622 - 8883 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r587 (45218 35567 - 8886 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r588 (45269 35731 - 8859 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r589 (45145 35819 - 8845 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r590 (45158 35745 - 8843 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r591 (45175 35763 - 8851 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r592 (45164 35821 - 8857 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r593 (45225 35761 - 8855 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r594 (45241 35834 - 8859 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r595 (45242 35716 - 8871 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r596 (45269 35730 - 8880 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r597 (45279 35692 - 8876 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-10_L710VP-R.j vp r598 (45244 35675 - 8875 / Relay location: k11) D42 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw 8871 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q736.1 (clay lump) sits in f267 (group of bricks) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q736 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f267 (group of bricks) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q736-p99 (body sherd) sits in f267 (group of bricks) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K3 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw mud brick O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v61 O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v61a ; A9f268 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw foundation A35 2001-07-11_L925JW.j !! v61 B10 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw foundation B10 2001-10-03_LX03JW2.j jlw wall B11 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw mortar-like material appearing to the south of bricks, f267, and seen in section of the E baulk of the far NE corner of k11. B11 2001-10-03_LX03JW2.j jlw wall built of mud cement (pise) and appears to extend E-W from somewhere in k12, west through k11, where it appears in section in the east baulk, at the bottom of the excavation on the east side and in parts to the west and into A7, where it appears in section on the west face of the east baulk. It also appears to be cut by N-S wall, f225. Because it was cut by several pits between f225 and the west baulk, parts of f268 are difficult to trace due to the lack of a good section. C3 2001-10-03_LX03JW2.j jlw this wall was cut by wall, f225 and pits a24 and a29, all of which were associated with Khabur pottery, Phase 5 of the occupation of the tell. On the other hand, none was found in the material at the elevation of this feature. Therefore jlw concludes that f268 is associated with the last stages of Phase 4. D1 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw k11 D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r487 (45046 36021 - 8829 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r488 (45086 35911 - 8824 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r489 (44932 35871 - 8825 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r490 (44930 35907 - 8826 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r491 (45036 35930 - 8826 / Relay location: k11) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r492 (45019 36015 - 8827 / Relay location: k11) D42 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw 8823 F50 2001-10-03_LX03JW2.j jlw f225 (foundation) cuts f268 (foundation) F50 2001-10-03_LX03JW2.j jlw f269 (pit) abuts f268 (foundation) F50 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f357 (floor, type a) abuts f268 (foundation) F52 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw f268 (foundation) cuts f269 (pit) K3 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw pise O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v61 O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v61a ; A9f269 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw pit A35 2001-07-11_L925JW.j !! v61 B10 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw pit B10 2001-10-03_LX03JW2.j jlw fill B11 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw outline of pit seen in profile in section of the E baulk in the NE corner of k11. B11 2001-10-03_LX03JW2.j jlw this feature, was first seen in the east baulk of k11, in a N-S section, after cleaning the excavation from MZ6. It was our impression that it was a half section of a pit. From the bottom up, this feature appears as a series of layers, including red, brown and gray material which rise upward against the south face of the pise wall, f268. After about 10cm of these layers, there is at least 40cm of disorganized bricky material above. C3 2001-10-03_LX03JW2.j jlw most pits we encounter are round, with the bottom in the shape of a half sphere. To a degree, this is what we appear to be seeing. However the E-W section through what would be the center of a small pit shows the bottom layers to be flat. This means that either the pit was very oblong in the EW direction or that this feature is not a pit. The E-W section also shows N-S courses of brick, f229 laid on top of the layers, not the disorganized jumble of f269. jlw concludes that f269 is really accumulation or fill atop a floor system that extends south and west from pise wall, f268. The excavators (including jlw) did not recognize it and dug it out to its present state. The rise of the top layers of f269 along the south edge of f268 is typical of the intersection of walls and floors. The material in the top may well be brickfall or fill for the next phase of building, marked by N-S pise wall, f225, which cuts f268. D1 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw 8889 D52 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw 8842 F50 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw f268 (foundation) cuts f269 (pit) F52 2001-10-03_LX03JW2.j jlw f269 (pit) abuts f268 (foundation) O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v61 O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v61a ; A9f270 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw wall B10 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw wall B11 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw mudbrick wall running E-W in SW corner of k10. Adjacent to the N end of N-S wall, f211. Extant portion only two courses high. A part of suspected empty grave, a30. D1 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw k10 D42 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw m2543 67 94 G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a30 K3 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw mud brick ; A9f271 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw wall B10 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw wall B11 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw mudbrick wall on west side of wall, f270,in the SW corner of k10. Seems to be part of suspected empty grave, a30. Partially obscured by W baulk. D1 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw k10 D42 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw 8723 G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a30 K3 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw mud brick ; A9f272 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw wall B10 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw wall B11 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw mudbrick wall running E-W in SW corner of k10. Adjacent to the S end of N-S wall, f211. Extant portion only two courses high. A part of suspected empth grave, a30. D1 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw k10 D42 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw 8721 F50 2001-06-24_L706JLW.j jlw f205 (pavement) covers f272 (wall) K3 2001-07-05_L919JW.j jw mud brick ; A9f273 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw foundation A35 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j !! v80 B10 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw foundation B11 2001-07-05_L705JLW.j jlw stepped mud support structure for mudbrick pavement, f205, a part of platform, a31, in the west half of k21. Rises from south to north. D1 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw k21 D42 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw 8991 D52 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw 8943 G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a25 K3 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw pise O12 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v80 ; A9f274 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw topsoil B10 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw topsoil B11 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw topsoil in k23 D1 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw k23 D42 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw 8993 D52 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw 9035 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q737 (pottery) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q738 (pottery) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p1 (base) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p2 (base) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p3 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p4 (base) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p5 (base) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p6 (base) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p7 (base) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p8 (base) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p9 (base) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p10 (base) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p11 (base) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p12 (bowl) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p13 (bowl) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p14 (jar) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p15 (jar) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p16 (jar) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p17 (jar) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p18 (rim) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p19 (jar) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p20 (bowl) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p21 (bowl) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p22 (rim) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q737-p23 (bowl) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q737-p92 (body sherd) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q737-p93 (body sherd) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q737-p94 (body sherd) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q737-p95 (body sherd) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q737-p96 (body sherd) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q737-p97 (body sherd) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q737-p98 (body sherd) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q737-p99 (body sherd) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q738-p1 (jar) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q738-p2 (jar) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q738-p3 (jar) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q738-p4 (bowl) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q738-p5 (bowl) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q738-p95 (body sherd) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q738-p96 (body sherd) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q738-p97 (body sherd) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q738-p98 (body sherd) sits in f274 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q738-p99 (body sherd) sits in f274 (topsoil) F52 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw f274 (topsoil) covers f276 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw light yellowish brown K6 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/4 P1 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw L707 P2 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw L707 ; A9f275 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw topsoil B10 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw topsoil B11 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw topsoil in k24 covered by a thick layer of dirt used to construct berms to divert water from excavations to the south. D1 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw k24 D42 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw 9042 D52 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw 8997 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q763.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q741 (pottery) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q758 (pottery) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q759 (pottery) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q763 (items, pottery) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q741-p1 (bowl) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q741-p2 (base) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q741-p3 (base) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q741-p4 (base) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q741-p5 (bowl) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q741-p6 (cup) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q741-p7 (bowl) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q741-p8 (jar) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q741-p9 (platter or plate) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q741-p10 (jar) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q741-p98 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q741-p99 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q758-p96 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q758-p97 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q758-p98 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q758-p99 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q759-p1 (platter or plate) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q759-p2 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q759-p3 (base) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q759-p4 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q759-p5 (platter or plate) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q759-p6 (base) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q759-p7 (base) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q759-p8 (base) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q759-p9 (bowl) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q759-p10 (base) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q759-p11 (platter or plate) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q759-p12 (bowl) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q759-p13 (jar) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q759-p14 (bowl) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q759-p15 (rim) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q759-p16 (rim) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q759-p17 (rim) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q759-p94 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q759-p95 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q759-p96 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q759-p97 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q759-p98 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q759-p99 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q763-p1 (base) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q763-p2 (base) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q763-p3 (base) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q763-p4 (base) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q763-p5 (bowl) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q763-p6 (bowl) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q763-p7 (base) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q763-p8 (base) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q763-p9 (base) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q763-p10 (bowl) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q763-p11 (rim) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q763-p12 (base) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q763-p13 (jar) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q763-p14 (cup) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q763-p15 (base) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q763-p16 (rim) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q763-p93 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q763-p94 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q763-p95 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q763-p96 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q763-p97 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q763-p98 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q763-p99 (body sherd) sits in f275 (topsoil) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw brown K6 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw 10YR5/3 P1 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw L709 ; A9f276 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw accumulation under topsoil, f274 in k23. Resembles accumulation around brickwork in k14. B11 2001-07-10_L710JLW.j jlw noticed that the accumulation on the west side of k23 was soft, although the same color as the harder material on the east side. Also noticed that brickwork was appearing in the NW corner. D1 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw k23 D42 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw 9035 F50 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw f274 (topsoil) covers f276 (accumulation) F50 2001-07-08_L708JLW.j jlw f278 (pavement, type b) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i134 (lithic artifact) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i136 (animal bone) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q760.1 (clay artifact) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q768.1 (clay artifact) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q776.1 (clay artifact) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q739 (pottery) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q742 (pottery) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q745 (pottery) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q757 (pottery) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q760 (pottery) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q762 (items, pottery) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q766 (pottery) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q768 (bones, pottery) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q770 (pottery) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q773 (bones, pottery) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q776 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q777 (pottery) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q779 (pottery) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q780 (pottery) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q803 (bones, pottery) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q804 (bones, pottery) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p1 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p2 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p3 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p4 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p5 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p6 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p7 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p9 (platter or plate) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p10 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p11 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p12 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p13 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p14 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p15 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p16 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p17 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p18 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p19 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p20 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p21 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q739-p22 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q742-p1 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q742-p2 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q742-p3 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q742-p4 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q742-p5 (cup) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q742-p6 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q742-p7 (handle) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q742-p8 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q742-p9 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q742-p10 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q742-p11 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q742-p12 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q742-p13 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q742-p14 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q742-p15 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q745-p1 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q745-p2 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q745-p3 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q745-p4 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q745-p5 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q745-p6 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q757-p1 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q757-p2 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q757-p3 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q757-p4 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q757-p5 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q757-p6 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q757-p7 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q757-p8 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q760-p1 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q762-p1 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q766-p1 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q766-p2 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q766-p3 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q766-p4 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q766-p5 (pot) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q766-p6 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q766-p7 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q766-p8 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q766-p9 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q766-p10 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q766-p11 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q766-p12 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q766-p13 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q768-p1 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q768-p2 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q768-p3 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q768-p4 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q768-p5 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q768-p6 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q768-p7 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q768-p8 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q768-p9 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q768-p10 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q768-p11 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q768-p12 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q768-p13 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q768-p14 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q768-p15 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q768-p16 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q770-p1 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q770-p2 (pot) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q770-p3 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q770-p4 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q770-p5 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q770-p6 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q770-p7 (pot) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q770-p8 (platter or plate) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q770-p9 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q770-p10 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q770-p11 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q770-p12 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q770-p13 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q770-p14 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q770-p15 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p1 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p2 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p3 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p4 (other shape sherd) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p5 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p6 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p7 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p8 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p9 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p10 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p11 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p12 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p13 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p14 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p15 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p16 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p17 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p18 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p19 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p20 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p21 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p22 (platter or plate) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p23 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p24 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p25 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p26 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q773-p27 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q776-p1 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q777-p1 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q777-p2 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q777-p3 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q777-p4 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q777-p5 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q777-p6 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q777-p7 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q777-p8 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q777-p9 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q777-p10 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q777-p11 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q777-p12 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q777-p13 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q779-p1 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q779-p2 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q779-p3 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q779-p4 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q779-p5 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q779-p6 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q779-p7 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q779-p8 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q779-p9 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q779-p10 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q779-p11 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q779-p12 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q779-p13 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q780-p1 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q780-p2 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q780-p3 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q780-p4 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q780-p5 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q780-p6 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q780-p7 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q780-p96 (body sherd) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q780-p97 (body sherd) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q780-p98 (body sherd) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q780-p99 (body sherd) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p1 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p2 (bottle) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p3 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p4 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p5 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p6 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p7 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p8 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p9 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p10 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p11 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p12 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p13 (bowl) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p14 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p15 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p16 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p17 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p18 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p19 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p20 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-04_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q803-p21 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q804-p1 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q804-p2 (base) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q804-p3 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q804-p4 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q804-p5 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q804-p6 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q804-p7 (jar) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q804-p8 (rim) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q804-p95 (body sherd) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q804-p96 (body sherd) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q804-p97 (body sherd) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q804-p98 (body sherd) sits in f276 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q804-p99 (body sherd) sits in f276 (accumulation) F52 2001-07-15_L923JW2.j jlw f276 (accumulation) covers f303 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw pale brown K6 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/3 ; A9f277 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw pavement, type b B10 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw pavement, type b B11 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw a line of large stones extending N-S along the middle southern edge of k21. Measured for AutoCAD plot. One stone was half of a quern. D1 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw k21 D3 2001-07-07_L707VP-R.j vp r533 (45309 35962 - 8950 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP-R.j vp r534 (45303 35977 - 8950 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP-R.j vp r535 (45219 35968 - 8950 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP-R.j vp r536 (45219 35981 - 8960 / Relay location: k21) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP-R.j vp r537 (45244 35988 - 8950 / Relay location: k21) D42 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw 8950 D52 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw 8929 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q744.1 (grinding stone) sits in f277 (pavement, type b) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q744 (items) sits in f277 (pavement, type b) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q683-p4 (bowl) sits in f277 (pavement, type b) F51 2015-08-16_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP cJC q683-p5 (cup) sits in f277 (pavement, type b) F52 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw f277 (pavement, type b) covers f279 (pavement, type b) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K3 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw stone P1 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw L707 P2 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw L707 ; A9f278 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw pavement, type b A35 2001-08-02_L927JW.j !! v78 B10 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw pavement, type b B11 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw a large pile of pebbles, stones and sherds, most likely deposited by gully wash between slight rises to the east and west. C1 2001-07-08_L708JLW.j jlw while removing the stones and sherds, jlw noticed that there was a disorganized group with a white coating on one side. They may have been part of a nearby floor that washed down the gully to the findspot. D1 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw k23 D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r548 (45262 36909 - 9019 / Relay location: k23) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r549 (45170 36885 - 8998 / Relay location: k23) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r550 (45104 36874 - 8948 / Relay location: k23) D3 2001-07-07_L707VP1R.j vp r551 (45095 36696 - 8979 / Relay location: k23) D42 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw 9024 D52 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw 9008 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i131 (figurine) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q749.1 (metal artifact) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q756.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q756.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q756.3 (door socket) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q756.4 (seal impression) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q749 (bones, pottery) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q750 (pottery) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q752 (pottery) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q753 (pottery) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q754 (pottery) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q755 (pottery) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q756 (pottery) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q749-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q749-p2 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q749-p3 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q749-p4 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q749-p5 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q749-p6 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q749-p7 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q749-p8 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q749-p9 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q749-p10 (rim) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q749-p11 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q749-p12 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q749-p13 (rim) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q749-p14 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q749-p15 (rim) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q749-p16 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q749-p94 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q749-p95 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q749-p96 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q749-p97 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q749-p98 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q749-p99 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q750-p1 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q750-p2 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q750-p3 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q750-p4 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q750-p5 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q750-p6 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q750-p7 (rim) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q750-p8 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q750-p9 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q750-p10 (other shape sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q750-p11 (other shape sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q750-p96 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q750-p97 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q750-p98 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q750-p99 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q752-p1 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q752-p2 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q752-p3 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q752-p4 (rim) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q752-p5 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q752-p6 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q752-p7 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q752-p8 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q752-p9 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q752-p10 (rim) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q752-p11 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q752-p12 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q752-p13 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q752-p14 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q752-p15 (rim) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q752-p16 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q752-p17 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q752-p92 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q752-p93 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q752-p94 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q752-p95 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q752-p96 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q752-p97 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q752-p98 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q752-p99 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p1 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p2 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p3 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p4 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p5 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p6 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p7 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p8 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p9 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p10 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p11 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p12 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p13 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p14 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p15 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p16 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p17 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p18 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p19 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p20 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p21 (platter or plate) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p22 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p23 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q753-p24 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q753-p92 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q753-p93 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q753-p94 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q753-p95 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q753-p96 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q753-p97 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q753-p98 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q753-p99 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p1 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p2 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p3 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p4 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p5 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p6 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p7 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p8 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p9 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p10 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p11 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p12 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p13 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p14 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p15 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p16 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p17 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p18 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p19 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p20 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p21 (rim) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p22 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p23 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p24 (rim) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p25 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p26 (platter or plate) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p27 (rim) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p28 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q754-p29 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q754-p95 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q754-p96 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q754-p97 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q754-p98 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q754-p99 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p1 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p2 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p3 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p4 (rim) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p5 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p6 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p7 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p8 (pot) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p9 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p10 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p11 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p12 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p13 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p14 (stand) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p15 (other shape sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p16 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p17 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p18 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p19 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p20 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p21 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q755-p22 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q755-p96 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q755-p97 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q755-p98 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q755-p99 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p1 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p2 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p3 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p4 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p5 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p6 (rim) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p7 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p8 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p9 (base) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p10 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p11 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p12 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p13 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p14 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p15 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p16 (rim) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p17 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p18 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p19 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p20 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p21 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p22 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p23 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p24 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p25 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p26 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p27 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p28 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p29 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p30 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p31 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p32 (rim) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p33 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p34 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p35 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p36 (rim) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p37 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p38 (bowl) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p39 (rim) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p40 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p41 (rim) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p42 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p43 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q756-p44 (jar) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q756-p93 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q756-p94 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q756-p95 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q756-p96 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q756-p97 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q756-p98 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q756-p99 (body sherd) sits in f278 (pavement, type b) F52 2001-07-08_L708JLW.j jlw f278 (pavement, type b) sits in f276 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j jw a42 K3 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw stones/sherds O12 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v78 P1 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw L707 P2 2001-07-08_L708JLW.j jlw L708 ; A9f279 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw pavement, type b B10 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw pavement, type b B11 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw reddish stones below stones in f277, which appear to follow the east boundary of wall foundation, f225 and platform foundation, f273. D1 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw k21 D3 2001-07-14_L714VP-R.j vp r612 (44979 37379 - 8997 / Relay location: k24) D3 2001-07-14_L714VP-R.j vp r613 (45047 37399 - 8993 / Relay location: k24) D3 2001-07-14_L714VP-R.j vp r614 (45088 37310 - 8976 / Relay location: k24) D3 2001-07-14_L714VP-R.j vp r615 (45095 37313 - 8974 / Relay location: k24) D42 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw 8929 F50 2001-07-07_L707JLW1.j jlw f277 (pavement, type b) covers f279 (pavement, type b) K3 2001-07-07_L919JW.j jw stone ; A9f280 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw topsoil B10 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw topsoil B11 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw densly rooted, richly organic material in k31 that probably represents a mixture of true topsoil and backfill. Pottery lot q761 is probably not useful for diagnostic purposes. D1 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw k31 D42 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw 9079 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q761.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f280 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q761.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f280 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q761 (items, pottery) sits in f280 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q761-p1 (bowl) sits in f280 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q761-p2 (jar) sits in f280 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q761-p3 (jar) sits in f280 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q761-p4 (rim) sits in f280 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q761-p5 (bowl) sits in f280 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q761-p95 (body sherd) sits in f280 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q761-p96 (body sherd) sits in f280 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q761-p97 (body sherd) sits in f280 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q761-p98 (body sherd) sits in f280 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q761-p99 (body sherd) sits in f280 (topsoil) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw brown K6 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw 10YR5/3 P2 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw L709 ; A9f281 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw brick installation A35 2001-07-11_L925JW.j !! v62 B10 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw brick installation B11 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw a N-S line of bricks visible low in the previously excavated portion of k31 along the original west baulk of the 1990 excavation, which is skewed to the east of the current grid. As close as jlw can tell, the yellow tag with "f21" belonged to this feature. D1 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw k31 D3 2001-07-19_L719VP-R.j vp r620 (46065 36122 - 9177 / Relay location: k31) D3 2001-07-19_L719VP-R.j vp r621 (46051 36174 - 9180 / Relay location: k31) D3 2001-07-19_L719VP-R.j vp r622 (45991 36149 - 9169 / Relay location: k31) D3 2001-07-19_L719VP-R.j vp r623 (45716 36084 - 9091 / Relay location: k31) D3 2001-07-19_L719VP-R.j vp r624 (45724 36047 - 9091 / Relay location: k31) D3 2001-07-19_L719VP-R.j vp r627 (46004 36113 - 9163 / Relay location: k31) D42 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw 9047 G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a32 K3 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw baked brick K99 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw at least one of the bricks is baked and was relayed and registered as item 133. O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v62 ; A9f282 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw wall A35 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j !! v82 B10 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw wall B11 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw substantial mudbrick wall, possibly as much as one meter thick that runs E-W along the north baulk of k31. D1 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw k31 D3 2001-07-19_L719VP-R.j vp r625 (45942 36595 - 9181 / Relay location: k31) D3 2001-07-19_L719VP-R.j vp r626 (45916 36589 - 9179 / Relay location: k31) D3 2001-07-19_L719VP-R.j vp r633 (45995 36481 - 9168 / Relay location: k31) D42 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw 9178 G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a31 K3 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw mud brick O12 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v82 ; A9f283 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw burial B10 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw burial B11 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw intrusive, modern burial dug at about a 45 degree angle into wall, f282, along the N baulk of k31. Bones, item 132, appear to be that of a very young child, perhaps 6 months old, according to the physical anthropologist from the Como Institute. D1 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw k31 D3 2001-07-09_L709VP-R.j vp r561 (45961 36267 - 9079 / Relay location: k31) D42 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw 9079 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i132 (human body) sits in f283 (burial) G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a31 K3 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw human bones P1 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw L709 ; A9f284 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw brick installation B10 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw brick installation B11 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw two horizontal bricks that appear on the surface on the west side of the north baulk of k21. Almost certainly they are a continuation of f204. D1 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw k21 D42 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw 8382 K3 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw mud brick ; A9f285 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw pavement, type b B10 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw pavement, type b B11 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw two large stones with a flat, horizontal top surfaces, in the middle of the north baulk of k31, on the surface. They are at elevation 9087, virtually the same as the f284 bricks and are directly north of the f205 paving, whose elevation is 8947. D1 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw k21 D42 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw 9087 K5 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw white K6 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw 10YR8/2 ; A9f286 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-09_L709JLW.j jlw accumulation under the plastic sheeting that covered the 1990 excavations in k31. B11 2001-07-10_L710JLW.j jlw began to discover lots of plastic sheeting in many parts of the locus at deeper levels than we had encountered previously. It is unlikely that the pottery collected today in q765 is anything but a mixture of many levels and not suitable for dating. D1 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw k31 D42 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw 9076 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i133 (strainer) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q764.1 (seal impression) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q764.2 (seal impression) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q764.3 (seal impression) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q764.4 (seal impression) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q765.1 (sealing) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q765.2 (sealing) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q764 (items, pottery) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q765 (pottery) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q764-p1 (bowl) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q764-p2 (rim) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q764-p3 (platter or plate) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q764-p93 (body sherd) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q764-p94 (body sherd) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q764-p95 (body sherd) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q764-p96 (body sherd) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q764-p97 (body sherd) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q764-p98 (body sherd) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q764-p99 (body sherd) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q765-p1 (jar) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q765-p2 (base) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q765-p3 (jar) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q765-p4 (jar) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q765-p5 (jar) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q765-p95 (body sherd) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q765-p96 (body sherd) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q765-p97 (body sherd) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q765-p98 (body sherd) sits in f286 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q765-p99 (body sherd) sits in f286 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw light gray K6 2001-07-09_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/2 ; A9f287 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw accumulation A35 2001-07-11_L925JW.j !! v62 B10 2001-07-10_L710JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-10_L710JLW.j jlw accumulation under topsoil, f275 in k24. D1 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw k24 D42 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw 8997 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i135 (unknown) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i139 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q767 (pottery) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q769 (pottery) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q771 (bones, pottery) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q772 (pottery) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q775 (pottery) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q778 (bones, pottery) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q781 (pottery) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q788 (bones, pottery) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q792 (pottery) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q793 (pottery) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q796 (pottery) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q798 (pottery) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q800 (pottery) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q802 (pottery) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q805 (bones, pottery) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q767-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q767-p2 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q767-p3 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q767-p4 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q767-p5 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q767-p6 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q767-p7 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q767-p8 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q767-p9 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q767-p10 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q767-p11 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q767-p12 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q767-p96 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q767-p97 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q767-p98 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q767-p99 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q769-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q769-p2 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q769-p3 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q769-p4 (platter or plate) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q769-p5 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q769-p6 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q769-p7 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q769-p8 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q769-p9 (platter or plate) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q769-p10 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q769-p11 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q769-p12 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q769-p13 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q769-p95 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q769-p96 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q769-p97 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q769-p98 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q769-p99 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q771-p96 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q771-p97 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q771-p98 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q771-p99 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q772-p1 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q772-p2 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q772-p3 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q772-p4 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q772-p5 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q772-p6 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q772-p7 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q772-p8 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q772-p9 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q772-p10 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q772-p95 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q772-p96 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q772-p97 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q772-p98 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q772-p99 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q775-p1 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q775-p2 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q775-p3 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q775-p4 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q775-p5 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q775-p6 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q775-p7 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q775-p8 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q775-p9 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q775-p10 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q775-p11 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q775-p12 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q775-p13 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q775-p14 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q775-p93 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q775-p94 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q775-p95 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q775-p96 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q775-p97 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q775-p98 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q775-p99 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q778-p1 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q778-p2 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q778-p3 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q778-p4 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q778-p5 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q778-p6 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q778-p7 (platter or plate) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q778-p8 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q778-p9 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q778-p10 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q778-p11 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q778-p12 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q778-p13 (other shape sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q778-p14 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q778-p15 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q778-p16 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q778-p17 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q778-p18 (bottle) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q778-p69 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q778-p97 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q778-p98 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q778-p99 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q780-p96 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q780-p97 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q780-p98 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q780-p99 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q781-p98 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q781-p99 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q788-p1 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q788-p2 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q788-p3 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q788-p4 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q788-p5 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q788-p6 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q788-p7 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q788-p8 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q788-p9 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q788-p10 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q788-p11 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q788-p12 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q788-p96 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q788-p97 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q788-p98 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q788-p99 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q792-p1 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q792-p2 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q792-p3 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q792-p4 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q792-p5 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q792-p6 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q792-p7 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q792-p8 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q792-p9 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q792-p10 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q792-p97 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q792-p98 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q792-p99 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q793-p1 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q793-p2 (platter or plate) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q793-p3 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q793-p4 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q793-p5 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q793-p6 (platter or plate) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q793-p7 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q793-p8 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q793-p9 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q793-p10 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q793-p97 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q793-p98 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q793-p99 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q796-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q796-p2 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q796-p3 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q796-p4 (handle) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-02_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q796-p5 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q796-p96 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q796-p97 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q796-p98 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q796-p99 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q798-p99 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q802-p1 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q802-p2 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q802-p3 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q802-p4 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q802-p5 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q802-p6 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q802-p7 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q802-p95 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q802-p96 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q802-p97 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q802-p98 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q802-p99 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q805-p1 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q805-p2 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q805-p3 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q805-p4 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q805-p5 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q805-p6 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q805-p7 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q805-p8 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q805-p9 (jar) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q805-p10 (platter or plate) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q805-p11 (bowl) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q805-p12 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q805-p13 (base) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q805-p14 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q805-p15 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-03_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q805-p16 (rim) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q805-p97 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q805-p98 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q805-p99 (body sherd) sits in f287 (accumulation) F52 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw f287 (accumulation) covers f297 (pavement, type b) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw pale brown K6 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/3 O12 2001-07-11_L925JW.j jlw v62 O12 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v73 ; A9f288 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw brick installation A35 2001-08-02_L927JW.j !! v78 B10 2001-07-10_L710JLW.j jlw brick installation B11 2001-07-10_L710JLW.j jlw a line of badly deteriorated brickwork appearing in the west half of the N baulk of k23 and running to the south for about 1.5 meters. It gives the initial impression of being a wall-top. D1 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw k23 D42 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw 8993 K3 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw mud brick K6 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/4 O12 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v78 ; A9f289 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw brick installation B10 2001-07-10_L710JLW.j jlw brick installation B11 2001-07-10_L710JLW.j jlw a single course of baked bricks running E-W and joining bricks, f281, in the NE corner of k31 to form a tomb, a32, that is documented to some extent in the MZ6 excavations of A3 conducted in 1980. D1 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw k31 G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a32 K3 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw baked brick K6 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/3 ; A9f290 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw pavement B10 2001-07-10_L710JLW.j jlw pavement B11 2001-07-10_L710JLW.j jlw brick pavement just under the surface on the far west side of k31 in the new grid orientation. Undoubtedly a part of platform a25, that now extends from the southern part of k21, north to the north edge of the north boundary of k31, a distance of 10 meters. It is a least 4 meters wide. D1 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw k31 D42 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw 9114 F50 2001-07-11_L711JLW.j jlw f291 (topsoil) covers f290 (pavement) K3 2001-07-10_L919JW.j jw mud brick ; A9f291 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-11_L919JW.j jw topsoil B10 2001-07-11_L711JLW.j jlw topsoil B11 2001-07-11_L711JLW.j jlw thin layer of topsoil covering the north portion of wall, a25, along the west edge of k31. D1 2001-07-11_L919JW.j jw k31 D42 2001-07-11_L919JW.j jw 9141 D52 2001-07-11_L919JW.j jw 9129 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q774.1 (clay artifact) sits in f291 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q774.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f291 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q774.3 (clay artifact) sits in f291 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q774 (items, pottery) sits in f291 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q774-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f291 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q774-p2 (base) sits in f291 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q774-p3 (base) sits in f291 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q774-p4 (bowl) sits in f291 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q774-p92 (body sherd) sits in f291 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q774-p93 (body sherd) sits in f291 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q774-p94 (body sherd) sits in f291 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q774-p95 (body sherd) sits in f291 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q774-p96 (body sherd) sits in f291 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q774-p97 (body sherd) sits in f291 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q774-p98 (body sherd) sits in f291 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q774-p99 (body sherd) sits in f291 (topsoil) F52 2001-07-11_L711JLW.j jlw f291 (topsoil) covers f290 (pavement) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-11_L919JW.j jw pale brown K6 2001-07-11_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/3 K7 2001-07-11_L919JW.j jw soft P1 2001-07-11_L919JW.j jw L711 P2 2001-07-11_L711JLW.j jlw L711 ; A9f292 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-11_L919JW.j jw topsoil B10 2001-07-11_L711JLW.j jlw topsoil B11 2001-07-11_L711JLW.j jlw thick layer of topsoil covering the entire portion of k15 to be excavated. The material is soft and small roots abound. D1 2001-07-11_L919JW.j jw k15 D42 2001-07-11_L919JW.j jw 9052 D52 2001-07-11_L919JW.j jw 8847 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q782 (pottery) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q787 (pottery) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q791 (pottery) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q794 (pottery) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q782-p1 (base) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q782-p2 (rim) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q782-p3 (base) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q782-p4 (bowl) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q782-p5 (rim) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q782-p6 (rim) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q782-p7 (rim) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q782-p94 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q782-p95 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q782-p96 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q782-p97 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q782-p98 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q782-p99 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q787-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q787-p2 (rim) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q787-p3 (jar) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q787-p4 (jar) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q787-p5 (jar) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q787-p6 (jar) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q787-p7 (rim) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q787-p8 (base) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q787-p9 (jar) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q787-p10 (rim) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q787-p11 (rim) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q787-p12 (bowl) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q787-p13 (base) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q787-p14 (other shape sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q787-p15 (base) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q787-p16 (base) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q787-p17 (rim) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q787-p94 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q787-p95 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q787-p96 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q787-p97 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q787-p98 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q787-p99 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q791-p1 (base) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q791-p2 (jar) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q791-p3 (pot) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q791-p4 (base) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q791-p5 (bowl) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q791-p6 (jar) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q791-p7 (base) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q791-p8 (base) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q791-p9 (jar) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q791-p10 (base) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q791-p11 (bowl) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q791-p12 (jar) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q791-p13 (base) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q791-p14 (bowl) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q791-p15 (rim) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q791-p16 (pot) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q791-p17 (rim) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q791-p18 (handle) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q791-p95 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q791-p96 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q791-p97 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q791-p98 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q791-p99 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q794-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q794-p2 (pot) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q794-p3 (base) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q794-p4 (base) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q794-p5 (rim) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q794-p6 (bowl) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q794-p7 (jar) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q794-p8 (bowl) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q794-p9 (jar) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2008-08-31_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q794-p10 (platter or plate) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q794-p93 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q794-p94 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q794-p95 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q794-p96 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q794-p97 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q794-p98 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q794-p99 (body sherd) sits in f292 (topsoil) F52 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw f292 (topsoil) covers f300 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-11_L919JW.j jw pale brown K6 2001-07-11_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/3 K7 2001-07-11_L919JW.j jw soft P1 2001-07-11_L919JW.j jw L711 P2 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw L714 ; A9f293 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw accumulation A35 2001-08-02_L928JW.j !! v79 B10 2001-07-12_L923JW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-12_L923JW.j jlw accumulation beneath f196, f197 and f198 in the north half of k22. It is very pale brown which is in the range of both the color of the soil beneath the topsoil on this part of the tell and the color of mudbricks used in walls and platforms. It is very hard and may possibly be either a mud cement platform or a wall foundation. It has a softer pocket of the same kind of material, f294 in the center. D1 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw k22 D42 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw 9041 D52 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw 9011 K5 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/3 O12 2001-08-02_L928JW.j jlw v79 P1 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw L712 ; A9f294 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-12_L923JW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-12_L923JW.j jlw a relatively soft patch of accumulation contained within a roughly semi-circular shallow pocket centered in f293 with the flat part touching the north baulk in the north half of k22. D1 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw k22 D42 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw 9005 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q789 (bones, pottery) sits in f294 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q789-p1 (base) sits in f294 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q789-p2 (base) sits in f294 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q789-p3 (jar) sits in f294 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q789-p4 (rim) sits in f294 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q789-p5 (pot) sits in f294 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q789-p6 (jar) sits in f294 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q789-p7 (bowl) sits in f294 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q789-p8 (jar) sits in f294 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-01_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q789-p9 (bowl) sits in f294 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q789-p92 (body sherd) sits in f294 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q789-p93 (body sherd) sits in f294 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q789-p94 (body sherd) sits in f294 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q789-p95 (body sherd) sits in f294 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q789-p96 (body sherd) sits in f294 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q789-p97 (body sherd) sits in f294 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q789-p98 (body sherd) sits in f294 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q789-p99 (body sherd) sits in f294 (accumulation) F52 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw f294 (accumulation) covers f298 (group of bricks) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw pale brown K6 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/3 K7 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw soft ; A9f295 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw foundation A35 2001-08-01_L926JW.j !! v70 B10 2001-07-12_L923JW.j jlw foundation B11 2001-07-12_L923JW.j jlw mass of hard, uniformly dense material in the west part of the north baulk of k11. From the top down, it looked as if there were several rows of bricks on top. This may have been the case, and when seen in section in the west baulk there are bricks just under the topsoil which sit atop a cement foundation. However, the elevation of the bottom of the bricks is above the top of this feature. Therefore jlw concludes that what we are seeing is the eastward extent of the foundation, not brickwork. The relationship, if any with platform/wall a25 is not clear. This feature may be a southern extension of a25 or a platform from a different Phase. jlw favors the latter interpretation because no Khabur pottery was found with this feature whereas there was Khabur ware in and around a25 to the north at a somewhat higher elevation. D1 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw k11 D42 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw 8889 D52 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw 8778 G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a33 O12 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v70 ; A9f296 A21 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw group of bricks A35 2001-08-02_L928JW.j !! v79 B10 2001-07-12_L923JW.j jlw group of bricks B11 2001-07-12_L923JW.j jlw line of bricks along the south baulk in the SE quadrant of k22 that seems to contrast in color with an accumulation just to the north in which can be seen pebbles and sherds. D1 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw k22 D42 2001-07-12_L919JW.j jw 8944 F50 2001-07-15_L923JW2.j jlw f301 (fill) abuts f296 (group of bricks) O12 2001-08-02_L928JW.j jlw v79 ; A9f297 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw pavement, type b A35 2001-08-01_L926JW.j !! v64 B10 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw pavement, type b B11 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw a group of several large stones arranged in the shape of the letter "L" extending along and south of the middle of the north baulk of k24. vp believes that they may be part of an entrance to a structure just to the north in k34 since one of the stones is a door socket. D1 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw k24 D3 2001-07-14_L714VP-R.j vp r610 (45055 37420 - 8989 / Relay location: k24) D3 2001-07-14_L714VP-R.j vp r611 (44977 37387 - 8999 / Relay location: k24) D42 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw 8994 D52 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw 8967 F50 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw f287 (accumulation) covers f297 (pavement, type b) O12 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v64 ; A9f298 A21 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw group of bricks A35 2001-08-02_L928JW.j !! v79 B10 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw group of bricks B11 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw a line of a single N-S course of bricks extending south out of the north baulk of k22 that seem to sit atop foundation f293. They may part of a scattered occupation phase that reused major components of earlier structural elements. D1 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw k22 D42 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw 9012 F50 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw f294 (accumulation) covers f298 (group of bricks) K3 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw mud brick O12 2001-08-02_L928JW.j jlw v79 ; A9f299 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw accumulation in the SW quarter of k22, under accumulation, f199. D1 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw k22 D42 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw 8944 F50 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw f199 (accumulation) covers f299 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q795 (pottery) sits in f299 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q795-p1 (bowl) sits in f299 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q795-p2 (bowl) sits in f299 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q795-p3 (base) sits in f299 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q795-p4 (jar) sits in f299 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q795-p5 (jar) sits in f299 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q795-p6 (rim) sits in f299 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q795-p7 (rim) sits in f299 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q795-p8 (bowl) sits in f299 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q795-p9 (bowl) sits in f299 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q795-p96 (body sherd) sits in f299 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q795-p97 (body sherd) sits in f299 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q795-p98 (body sherd) sits in f299 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-28_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q795-p99 (body sherd) sits in f299 (accumulation) F52 2001-07-15_L923JW2.j jlw f299 (accumulation) covers f301 (fill) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw brown K6 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw 10YR5/3 ; A9f300 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw accumulation in k15 under a thin layer of topsoil, f292. The locus slopes sharply upward from west to east and we are digging this accumlation in a wedge shape to level the square. D1 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw k15 D42 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw 9068 D52 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw 9050 F50 2001-07-14_L923JW1.j jlw f292 (topsoil) covers f300 (accumulation) F50 2001-07-15_L923JW2.j jlw f302 (brick installation) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i137 (seal impression) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i138 (seal) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i140 (lithic artifact) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i141 (clay lump) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i142 (clay lump) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i143 (lithic artifact) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q797 (pottery) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q801 (pottery) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q806 (bones, pottery) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q807 (pottery) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q811 (bones, pottery) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q815 (pottery) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q816 (pottery) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q819 (pottery) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q797-p1 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q797-p2 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q797-p3 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q797-p4 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q797-p5 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q797-p6 (other shape sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q797-p7 (rim) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q797-p8 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q797-p98 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q797-p99 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q801-p1 (rim) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q801-p2 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q801-p3 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q801-p4 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q801-p5 (other shape sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q801-p6 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q801-p7 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q801-p8 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q801-p9 (rim) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q801-p10 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q801-p11 (rim) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q801-p12 (platter or plate) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q801-p13 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q801-p14 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q801-p15 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q801-p16 (rim) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q801-p17 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q801-p18 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q801-p90 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q801-p91 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q801-p92 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q801-p93 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q801-p94 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q801-p95 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q801-p96 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q801-p97 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q801-p98 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q801-p99 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q806-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q806-p2 (pot) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q806-p3 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q806-p4 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q806-p5 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q806-p6 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q806-p7 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q806-p8 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q806-p9 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q806-p93 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q806-p94 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q806-p95 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q806-p96 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q806-p97 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q806-p98 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q806-p99 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q807-p1 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q807-p2 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q807-p3 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q807-p4 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q807-p5 (rim) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q807-p6 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q807-p7 (rim) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q807-p8 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q807-p9 (rim) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q807-p94 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q807-p95 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q807-p96 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q807-p97 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q807-p98 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q807-p99 (body sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q811-p1 (pot) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q811-p2 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q811-p3 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q811-p4 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q811-p5 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q811-p6 (platter or plate) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q811-p7 (rim) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q811-p8 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q811-p9 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q811-p10 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q811-p11 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q811-p12 (rim) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q811-p13 (rim) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q811-p14 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q811-p15 (rim) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q815-p1 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q815-p2 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q815-p3 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q815-p4 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q815-p5 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q815-p6 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q815-p7 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q815-p8 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q815-p9 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q815-p10 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q815-p11 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q815-p12 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q815-p13 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q816-p1 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q816-p2 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q816-p3 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q816-p4 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q816-p5 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q816-p6 (other shape sherd) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q819-p1 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q819-p2 (bowl) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q819-p3 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q819-p4 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q819-p5 (base) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q819-p6 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q819-p7 (platter or plate) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q819-p8 (rim) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q819-p9 (jar) sits in f300 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q819-p10 (rim) sits in f300 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a35 K5 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw light yellowish brown K6 2001-07-14_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/4 ; A9f301 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 2001-07-15_L919JW.j jw fill B10 2001-07-15_L923JW2.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-15_L923JW2.j jlw accumulation below f299 in the SW corner of k22. We had originally believed that it was ash from a large pit. However, closer inspection reveals it to be an ashy layer of accumulation that builds up from west to east. This can be seen in E-W sections in the middle and along the N baulk of the locus. The eastern containment has not been found, but it appears to be contained in the south by a line of bricks, possibly a wall, f296. D1 2001-07-15_L919JW.j jw k22 F50 2001-07-15_L923JW2.j jlw f299 (accumulation) covers f301 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q799.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f301 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q799.2 (clay artifact) sits in f301 (fill) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q799 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f301 (fill) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q799-p1 (jar) sits in f301 (fill) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q799-p2 (base) sits in f301 (fill) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q799-p3 (rim) sits in f301 (fill) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q799-p4 (rim) sits in f301 (fill) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q799-p94 (body sherd) sits in f301 (fill) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q799-p95 (body sherd) sits in f301 (fill) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q799-p96 (body sherd) sits in f301 (fill) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q799-p97 (body sherd) sits in f301 (fill) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q799-p98 (body sherd) sits in f301 (fill) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q799-p99 (body sherd) sits in f301 (fill) F52 2001-07-15_L923JW2.j jlw f301 (fill) abuts f296 (group of bricks) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a34 K5 2001-07-15_L919JW.j jw grayish brown K6 2001-07-15_L919JW.j jw 10YR5/2 ; A9f302 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-15_L919JW.j jw brick installation A35 2001-08-01_L926JW.j !! v63 B10 2001-07-15_L923JW2.j jlw brick installation B11 2001-07-15_L923JW2.j jlw an amalgam of baked and unbaked bricks that is relatively unorganized in the NE quadrant of k15, along the N baulk. We thought it may have been a grave, since the seal, i138, and a seal impression, i137, were found in the vicinity of the feature. However, no bones or other artifacts were found here. D1 2001-07-15_L919JW.j jw k15 D3 2001-07-18_L718VP-R.j vp r654 (44296 37751 - 9077 / Relay location: k15) D42 2001-07-15_L919JW.j jw 9077 D52 2001-07-15_L919JW.j jw 9037 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q813.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f302 (brick installation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q813 (items, pottery) sits in f302 (brick installation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q813-p1 (jar) sits in f302 (brick installation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q813-p2 (rim) sits in f302 (brick installation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q813-p3 (base) sits in f302 (brick installation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q813-p4 (base) sits in f302 (brick installation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q813-p5 (base) sits in f302 (brick installation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q813-p6 (rim) sits in f302 (brick installation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q813-p7 (cup) sits in f302 (brick installation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q813-p8 (base) sits in f302 (brick installation) F52 2001-07-15_L923JW2.j jlw f302 (brick installation) sits in f300 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j !! a35 K3 2001-07-15_L919JW.j jw baked brick O12 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v63 O12 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v63a P1 2001-07-15_L919JW.j jw L716 ; A9f303 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-15_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-15_L923JW2.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-15_L923JW2.j jlw accumulation under accumulation, f276, in the east half of k23. D1 2001-07-15_L919JW.j jw k23 D42 2001-07-15_L919JW.j jw 8904 F50 2001-07-15_L923JW2.j jlw f276 (accumulation) covers f303 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q808 (pottery) sits in f303 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q808-p1 (bowl) sits in f303 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q808-p2 (bowl) sits in f303 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q808-p3 (jar) sits in f303 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q808-p4 (base) sits in f303 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q808-p96 (body sherd) sits in f303 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q808-p97 (body sherd) sits in f303 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q808-p98 (body sherd) sits in f303 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q808-p99 (body sherd) sits in f303 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-15_L919JW.j jw pale brown K6 2001-07-15_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/3 ; A9f304 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-16_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-16_L716JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-16_L716JLW.j jlw darker accumulation to the west of N-S wall, f288, and under accumulation, f276 in the western third of k23. D1 2001-07-16_L919JW.j jw k23 D42 2001-07-16_L919JW.j jw 8916 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q812.1 (clay lump) sits in f304 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q809 (bones, pottery) sits in f304 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q812 (pottery) sits in f304 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q812-p1 (jar) sits in f304 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q812-p2 (other shape sherd) sits in f304 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-16_L919JW.j jw pale brown K6 2001-07-16_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/3 P2 2001-07-16_L716JLW.j jlw L716 ; A9f305 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-16_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-16_L716JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-16_L716JLW.j jlw accumulation under accumulation, f287, first seen in the vicinity of large, mostly intact jar, i139, but probably extending over much of k24. D1 2001-07-16_L919JW.j jw k24 D42 2001-07-16_L919JW.j jw 8944 D52 2001-07-16_L919JW.j jw 8907 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i144 (lithic artifact) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q818.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q831.1 (clay artifact) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q810 (bones, pottery) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q814 (pottery) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q818 (pottery) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q820 (pottery) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q821 (pottery) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q823 (pottery) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q824 (pottery) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q826 (bones, pottery) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q831 (pottery) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q810-p1 (bowl) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q810-p2 (bowl) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q810-p3 (bowl) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q810-p4 (rim) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q810-p5 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q810-p6 (base) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q810-p7 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q810-p8 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q810-p9 (base) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q810-p10 (base) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q818-p1 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q818-p2 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q818-p3 (platter or plate) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q818-p4 (bowl) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q818-p5 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q818-p6 (bowl) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q818-p7 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q818-p8 (base) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q818-p9 (bowl) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q818-p10 (platter or plate) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q818-p11 (bowl) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q820-p1 (bowl) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q820-p2 (base) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q820-p3 (bowl) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q820-p4 (rim) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q820-p5 (base) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q820-p6 (bowl) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q820-p7 (rim) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q821-p1 (base) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q821-p2 (base) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q821-p3 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q821-p4 (rim) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q821-p5 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q821-p6 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q821-p7 (rim) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q821-p8 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q821-p9 (bowl) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q823-p1 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q823-p2 (base) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q823-p3 (platter or plate) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q823-p4 (base) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q823-p5 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q823-p6 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q823-p7 (bowl) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q823-p8 (platter or plate) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q823-p9 (base) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q823-p10 (base) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q823-p11 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q824-p1 (base) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q824-p2 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q824-p3 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q824-p4 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q824-p5 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q824-p6 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q824-p7 (rim) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q826-p1 (jar) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q826-p2 (rim) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q826-p3 (rim) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q831-p1 (base) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q831-p2 (bowl) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q831-p3 (base) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q831-p97 (body sherd) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q831-p98 (body sherd) sits in f305 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q831-p99 (body sherd) sits in f305 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f306 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-16_L919JW.j jw laminations B10 2001-07-16_L716JLW.j jlw laminations B11 2001-07-16_L716JLW.j jlw floor under accumulation, f305 in k24. It has thin, very brittle laminations that are typical of standing water. Containment to the west may be wall, f288, in k23 D1 2001-07-16_L919JW.j jw k24 D42 2001-07-16_L919JW.j jw 8907 D99 2001-07-16_L919JW.j jw 10YR8/6yellow K5 2001-07-16_L919JW.j jw light gray K6 2001-07-16_L919JW.j jw 2.5Y7/2 ; A9f307 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw topsoil B10 2001-07-17_L717JLW.j jlw topsoil B11 2001-07-17_L717JLW.j jlw topsoil under backdirt and portions of berms in k25, which was removed earlier in preparation for excavation. D1 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw k25 D42 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw 9097 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i145 (clay artifact) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q817.1 (figurine) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q837.1 (figurine) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q817 (pottery) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q829 (pottery) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q837 (pottery) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p1 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p2 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p3 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p4 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p5 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p6 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p7 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p8 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p9 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p10 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p11 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p12 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p13 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p14 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p15 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p16 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p17 (rim) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p18 (handle) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p19 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p20 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p21 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p22 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p23 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p24 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p25 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p26 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p27 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p28 (platter or plate) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p29 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p30 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p31 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p32 (platter or plate) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p33 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p34 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p35 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p36 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p37 (rim) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p38 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p39 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p40 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p41 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p42 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p43 (platter or plate) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p44 (rim) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p45 (rim) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p46 (rim) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p47 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p48 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p49 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q817-p50 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p1 (platter or plate) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p2 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p3 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p4 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p5 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p6 (platter or plate) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p7 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p8 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p9 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p10 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p11 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p12 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p13 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p14 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p15 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p16 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p17 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p18 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p19 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p20 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p21 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p22 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p23 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p24 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p25 (rim) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p26 (rim) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p27 (rim) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p28 (rim) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p29 (cup) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q829-p47 (other shape sherd) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p48 (rim) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p49 (rim) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p50 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p51 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p52 (rim) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p53 (rim) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p54 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p55 (rim) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p56 (rim) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p57 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p58 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p59 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p60 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p61 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p62 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p63 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p64 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p65 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p66 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p67 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p68 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q829-p69 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q829-p96 (body sherd) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q829-p97 (body sherd) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q829-p98 (body sherd) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q829-p99 (body sherd) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q837-p1 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q837-p2 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q837-p3 (other shape sherd) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q837-p4 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q837-p5 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q837-p6 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q837-p7 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q837-p8 (rim) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q837-p9 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q837-p10 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q837-p11 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q837-p12 (platter or plate) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q837-p13 (base) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q837-p14 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q837-p15 (jar) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q837-p16 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q837-p17 (bowl) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q837-p90 (body sherd) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q837-p92 (body sherd) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q837-p93 (body sherd) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q837-p94 (body sherd) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q837-p95 (body sherd) sits in f307 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q837-p96 (body sherd) sits in f307 (topsoil) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw pale brown K6 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/3 P1 2001-07-17_L717JLW.j jlw L718 ; A9f308 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-17_L717JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-17_L717JLW.j jlw accumulation under accumulation, f300, which surrounds wall, f309, in k15. D1 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw k15 D42 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw 9016 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q822 (pottery) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q827 (bones, pottery) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q830 (pottery) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q833 (pottery) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q822-p1 (rim) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q822-p2 (bowl) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q822-p3 (jar) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q822-p4 (jar) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q822-p5 (base) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q822-p6 (jar) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q822-p7 (jar) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q822-p8 (bowl) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q822-p9 (jar) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q822-p10 (bowl) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q822-p11 (base) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q822-p12 (rim) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q827-p1 (bowl) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q827-p2 (bowl) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q827-p3 (bowl) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q827-p4 (rim) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q830-p1 (rim) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q830-p2 (base) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q830-p3 (bowl) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q830-p4 (rim) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q830-p5 (pot) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q830-p6 (jar) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q830-p7 (jar) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q830-p8 (jar) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q830-p9 (jar) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q830-p10 (rim) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q830-p92 (body sherd) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q830-p93 (body sherd) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q830-p94 (body sherd) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q830-p95 (body sherd) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q830-p96 (body sherd) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q830-p97 (body sherd) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q830-p98 (body sherd) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q830-p99 (body sherd) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q833-p1 (bowl) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q833-p2 (base) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q833-p3 (pot) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q833-p4 (rim) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q833-p5 (bowl) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q833-p6 (bowl) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q833-p7 (jar) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q833-p8 (bowl) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q833-p9 (bowl) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q833-p10 (jar) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-08_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q833-p11 (base) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q833-p93 (body sherd) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q833-p94 (body sherd) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q833-p95 (body sherd) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q833-p96 (body sherd) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q833-p97 (body sherd) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q833-p98 (body sherd) sits in f308 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q833-p99 (body sherd) sits in f308 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw light yellowish brown K6 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/4 ; A9f309 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw wall A35 2001-08-02_L927JW.j !! v75 B10 2001-07-17_L717JLW.j jlw wall B11 2001-07-17_L717JLW.j jlw substantial wall over 2m square along the E baulk of k15 D1 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw k15 D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r706 (44097 37496 - 9008 / Relay location: k15) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r707 (44340 37616 - 9033 / Relay location: k15) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r708 (44290 37783 - 9021 / Relay location: k15) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r709 (44195 37549 - 9026 / Relay location: k15) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r710 (44177 37603 - 9027 / Relay location: k15) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r711 (44163 37601 - 9029 / Relay location: k15) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r712 (44129 37687 - 9035 / Relay location: k15) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r713 (44044 37622 - 9036 / Relay location: k15) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r714 (44308 37742 - 8998 / Relay location: k15) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r715 (44393 37763 - 9003 / Relay location: k15) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i146 (jar) sits in f309 (wall) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW1.j vp i147 (bowl) sits in f309 (wall) F51 2001-07-18_L920JW1.j vp i148 (seal impression) sits in f309 (wall) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q825.1 (bead (shell)) sits in f309 (wall) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q825.2 (human body) sits in f309 (wall) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q828.1 (human body) sits in f309 (wall) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q825 (bones, pottery) sits in f309 (wall) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q828 (items) sits in f309 (wall) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-17_L717JLW.j jlw reddish yellow K6 2001-07-17_L717JLW.j jlw 7.5YR6/6 O12 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v75 ; A9f310 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw topsoil B10 2001-07-17_L717JLW.j jlw topsoil B11 2001-07-17_L717JLW.j jlw topsoil found over a combination of backfill from the MZ6 excavations and soil deposited by wind and water in the east part of k51. Typical network of roots and clumps of soil and decayed vegetation. D1 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw k51 D42 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw 9359 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q832 (pottery) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q845 (pottery) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q832-p1 (base) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q832-p2 (jar) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q832-p3 (bowl) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q832-p4 (base) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q832-p5 (jar) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q832-p6 (jar) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q832-p7 (bowl) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q832-p97 (body sherd) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q832-p98 (body sherd) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q832-p99 (body sherd) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q845-p1 (bowl) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q845-p2 (bowl) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q845-p3 (jar) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q845-p4 (bowl) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q845-p5 (bowl) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q845-p6 (jar) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q845-p7 (jar) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q845-p8 (jar) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q845-p9 (rim) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q845-p97 (body sherd) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q845-p98 (body sherd) sits in f310 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q845-p99 (body sherd) sits in f310 (topsoil) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw brown K6 2001-07-17_L919JW.j jw 10YR5/3 ; A9f311 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw topsoil B10 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw topsoil B11 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw topsoil in k41 that has been converted from a mixture of both loess and backfill from the MZ6 excavations. D1 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw k41 D42 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw 9191 F51 2001-07-21_L920JW1.j vp i150 (figurine) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q856.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q857.1 (animal bone) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q851 (pottery) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q852 (pottery) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q854 (pottery) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q855 (pottery) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q856 (bones, pottery) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q857 (bones, pottery) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q859 (pottery) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q851-p1 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q851-p2 (bowl) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q851-p3 (pot) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q851-p4 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q851-p5 (platter or plate) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q851-p6 (bowl) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q851-p7 (bowl) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q851-p8 (bowl) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q851-p9 (jar) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q851-p10 (jar) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q851-p96 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q851-p97 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q851-p98 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q851-p99 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q852-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q852-p2 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q852-p3 (rim) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q852-p4 (bowl) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q852-p5 (bowl) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q852-p6 (platter or plate) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q852-p7 (rim) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q852-p8 (rim) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q852-p9 (bowl) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q852-p10 (bowl) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q852-p11 (rim) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q852-p12 (jar) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q852-p94 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q852-p95 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q852-p96 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q852-p97 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q852-p98 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q852-p99 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q854-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q854-p2 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q854-p3 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q854-p4 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q854-p5 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q854-p6 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q854-p7 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q854-p8 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q854-p9 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q854-p10 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q854-p11 (jar) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q854-p12 (jar) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q854-p13 (jar) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q854-p14 (jar) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q854-p15 (jar) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q854-p16 (rim) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q854-p91 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q854-p92 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q854-p93 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q854-p94 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q854-p95 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q854-p96 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q854-p97 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q854-p98 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q854-p99 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q855-p1 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q855-p2 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hH q855-p3 (other shape sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q855-p4 (bowl) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q855-p5 (jar) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q855-p6 (jar) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q855-p7 (bowl) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q855-p8 (jar) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q855-p9 (jar) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q855-p10 (bowl) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q855-p11 (jar) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q855-p12 (jar) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q855-p13 (rim) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q855-p14 (jar) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q855-p91 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q855-p92 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q855-p93 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q855-p94 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q855-p95 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q855-p96 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q855-p97 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q855-p98 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q855-p99 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q856-p1 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q856-p2 (bowl) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q856-p3 (bowl) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q856-p4 (rim) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q856-p5 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q856-p6 (jar) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q856-p93 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q856-p94 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q856-p95 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q856-p96 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q856-p97 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q856-p98 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q856-p99 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q857-p1 (bowl) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q857-p2 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q857-p3 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q857-p4 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q857-p5 (pot) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q857-p6 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q857-p7 (bowl) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q857-p8 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q857-p9 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q857-p10 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q857-p11 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q857-p12 (jar) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q857-p13 (bowl) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q857-p14 (bowl) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q857-p15 (rim) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q857-p16 (rim) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q857-p17 (bowl) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q857-p95 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q857-p96 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q857-p97 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q857-p98 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q857-p99 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q859-p1 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q859-p2 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q859-p3 (base) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q859-p96 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q859-p97 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q859-p98 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q859-p99 (body sherd) sits in f311 (topsoil) F52 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw f311 (topsoil) covers f327 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw light yellowish brown K6 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/4 P2 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw L721 ; A9f312 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw topsoil B11 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw soft, granular accumulation under topsoil, f307, in k25. D1 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw k25 D42 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw 9085 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q834.1 (figurine) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q834 (pottery) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q840 (pottery) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q849 (pottery) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q860 (pottery) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q865 (pottery) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q867 (bones, pottery) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q834-p1 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q834-p2 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q834-p3 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q834-p4 (bowl) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q834-p5 (bowl) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q834-p6 (rim) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q834-p7 (bowl) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q834-p8 (rim) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q834-p9 (rim) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q834-p95 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q834-p96 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q834-p97 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q834-p98 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q834-p99 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p1 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p2 (rim) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p3 (base) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p4 (rim) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p5 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p6 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p7 (bowl) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p8 (bowl) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p9 (rim) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p10 (bowl) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p11 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p12 (bowl) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p13 (bowl) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p14 (cup) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p15 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p16 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p17 (bowl) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p18 (rim) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p19 (platter or plate) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p20 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p21 (rim) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q840-p22 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q840-p92 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q840-p93 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q840-p94 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q840-p95 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q840-p96 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q840-p97 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q840-p98 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q840-p99 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q849-p1 (rim) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q849-p2 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q849-p3 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q849-p96 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q849-p97 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q849-p98 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q849-p99 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q860-p1 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q860-p2 (base) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q860-p3 (base) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q860-p4 (base) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q860-p5 (base) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q860-p6 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q860-p7 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q860-p8 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q860-p9 (bowl) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q860-p10 (bowl) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q860-p11 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q860-p12 (rim) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q860-p13 (rim) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q860-p14 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q860-p15 (rim) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q860-p16 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q860-p94 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q860-p95 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q860-p96 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q860-p97 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q860-p98 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q860-p99 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q865-p1 (bowl) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q865-p2 (bowl) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q865-p3 (rim) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q865-p4 (base) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q865-p5 (base) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q865-p6 (base) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q865-p7 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q865-p8 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q865-p9 (rim) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q865-p10 (bowl) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q865-p11 (rim) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q865-p12 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q865-p13 (cup) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q865-p14 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q865-p94 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q865-p95 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q865-p96 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q865-p97 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q865-p98 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q865-p99 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q867-p1 (base) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q867-p2 (base) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q867-p3 (base) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q867-p4 (base) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q867-p5 (base) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q867-p6 (pot) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q867-p7 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q867-p8 (bowl) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q867-p9 (bowl) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q867-p10 (bowl) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q867-p11 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q867-p12 (rim) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q867-p13 (bowl) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q867-p14 (rim) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q867-p15 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-11_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q867-p16 (jar) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP Hb q867-p93 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q867-p94 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q867-p95 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q867-p96 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q867-p97 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q867-p98 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q867-p99 (body sherd) sits in f312 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/4 K7 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw soft K8 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw granular P2 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw L722 ; A9f313 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw accumulation in the SE corner of k24. In section it looks much like the mud plaster structures that we see in the E-W line of squares from k21 through k24. However, it was not as dense and hard as f305, directly to the north, and it contained more pottery, 2 q-lots, than one would expect from a plaster wall or foundation. D1 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw k24 D42 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw 8900 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q835 (pottery) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q838 (bones, pottery) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q841 (pottery) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q844 (pottery) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q846 (bones, pottery) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q848 (pottery) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q835-p1 (base) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q835-p2 (base) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q835-p3 (jar) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q835-p4 (rim) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q835-p5 (base) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q835-p6 (rim) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q835-p7 (rim) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q835-p95 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q835-p96 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q835-p97 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q835-p98 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q835-p99 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q838-p1 (bowl) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q838-p2 (jar) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q838-p97 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q838-p98 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q838-p99 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q841-p1 (stand) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q841-p2 (handle) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q841-p3 (bowl) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-21_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q841-p98 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-21_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q841-p99 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q844-p1 (bowl) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q844-p2 (jar) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q844-p3 (rim) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q844-p4 (base) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q844-p5 (base) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q844-p6 (bowl) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q844-p96 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q844-p97 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q844-p98 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q844-p99 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q846-p1 (pot) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q846-p2 (pot) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q846-p4 (base) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q846-p5 (jar) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q846-p6 (bowl) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q846-p7 (jar) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q846-p8 (base) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q846-p9 (rim) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q846-p10 (base) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-21_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q846-p93 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-21_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q846-p94 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-21_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q846-p95 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-21_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q846-p96 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-21_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q846-p97 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-21_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q846-p98 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-21_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q846-p99 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q848-p1 (base) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q848-p2 (jar) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q848-p3 (bowl) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q848-p4 (base) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q848-p5 (jar) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q848-p6 (jar) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q848-p7 (jar) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q848-p8 (pot) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q848-p9 (bowl) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q848-p95 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q848-p96 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q848-p97 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q848-p98 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q848-p99 (body sherd) sits in f313 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw yellowish brown K6 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw 10YR5/4 ; A9f314 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw accumulation in the NW corner of k24 that we thought was a pit. As we dug, it became evident that the pit, f317, was farther to the south along the west baulk. D1 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw k24 D42 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw 8895 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q836.1 (clay artifact) sits in f314 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q836.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f314 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q836 (bones, pottery) sits in f314 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q839 (pottery) sits in f314 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q836-p99 (body sherd) sits in f314 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q839-p1 (jar) sits in f314 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q839-p2 (jar) sits in f314 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q839-p3 (jar) sits in f314 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q839-p4 (cup) sits in f314 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q839-p97 (body sherd) sits in f314 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q839-p98 (body sherd) sits in f314 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q839-p99 (body sherd) sits in f314 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw brown K6 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw 10YR5/3 ; A9f315 A21 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw group of bricks A35 2001-08-01_L926JW.j !! v65 B10 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw group of bricks B11 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw a reddish oval mass of brick-like material in the middle of the southern third of k24. Its long axis was N-S, while its short axis was E-W. Among the possibilites, it may be the bottom of a pit, often lined with red clay, or a stand for a large basket. D1 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw k24 D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r700 (44873 37295 - 8903 / Relay location: k24) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r701 (44899 37327 - 8903 / Relay location: k24) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r702 (44857 37345 - 8903 / Relay location: k24) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r703 (44833 37306 - 8903 / Relay location: k24) D42 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw 8990 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q862.1 (shell artifact) sits in f315 (group of bricks) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q862 (items) sits in f315 (group of bricks) K5 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw reddish yellow K6 2001-07-18_L919JW.j jw 7.5YR7/6 O12 2001-08-01_L926JW.j jlw v65 P2 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw L721 ; A9f316 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw topsoil B10 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw topsoil B11 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw topsoil that covers both the previously excavated and unexcavated portions of k52. Undoubtedly the topsoil in some parts is a result of plant interaction with backfill from the MZ6 excavation. D1 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw k52 D42 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw 9323 F50 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw f340 (cut) cuts f316 (topsoil) F51 2001-07-19_L920JW1.j vp i149 (figurine) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2001-10-03_LX03JW1.j jlw i154 (lithic artifact) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q843.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q843 (pottery) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q873 (pottery) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q843-p1 (platter or plate) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q843-p2 (base) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q873-p1 (bowl) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q873-p2 (base) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q873-p3 (rim) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q873-p4 (jar) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q873-p5 (jar) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q873-p6 (bowl) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q873-p7 (rim) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q873-p8 (jar) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q873-p9 (bowl) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q873-p10 (handle) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q873-p93 (body sherd) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q873-p94 (body sherd) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q873-p95 (body sherd) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q873-p96 (body sherd) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q873-p97 (body sherd) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q873-p98 (body sherd) sits in f316 (topsoil) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q873-p99 (body sherd) sits in f316 (topsoil) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw light yellowish brown K6 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/4 P2 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw L723 ; A9f317 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw fill B10 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw fill B11 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw fill from a relatively small pit that we noticed after we removed the large burial jar, part of a36, from the center part of the west baulk of k24. The jar may have been placed in this pit. D1 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw k24 D42 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw 8895 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q842 (bones, pottery) sits in f317 (fill) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q842-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f317 (fill) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q842-p2 (bowl) sits in f317 (fill) F51 2008-09-07_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q842-p3 (rim) sits in f317 (fill) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw brown K6 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw 10YR5/3 P1 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw L719 P2 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw L719 ; A9f318 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw layer B10 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw layer B11 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw unorganized layer of loose stones and sherds that seems to cover the stone and sherd pavement, f326, in the north third of k25. It is impossible to say whether it was deposited naturally by water coming down the slope or whether it represents additions over time to the pavement. D1 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw k25 D42 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw 9073 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q847 (pottery) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q853 (pottery) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p1 (base) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p2 (base) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p3 (base) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p4 (base) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p5 (rim) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p6 (bowl) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p7 (jar) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p8 (platter or plate) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p9 (jar) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p10 (platter or plate) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p11 (base) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p12 (platter or plate) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p13 (bowl) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p14 (jar) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p15 (jar) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p16 (bowl) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p17 (bowl) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p18 (platter or plate) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p19 (rim) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p20 (jar) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p21 (jar) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p22 (rim) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p23 (jar) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p24 (jar) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q847-p25 (jar) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q847-p95 (body sherd) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q847-p96 (body sherd) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q847-p97 (body sherd) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q847-p98 (body sherd) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q847-p99 (body sherd) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q853-p1 (base) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q853-p2 (bowl) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q853-p3 (base) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q853-p4 (jar) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q853-p5 (bowl) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q853-p6 (bowl) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q853-p7 (base) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q853-p8 (base) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q853-p9 (bowl) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q853-p10 (base) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q853-p11 (handle) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q853-p12 (bowl) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q853-p13 (base) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q853-p14 (bowl) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q853-p97 (body sherd) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q853-p98 (body sherd) sits in f318 (layer) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q853-p99 (body sherd) sits in f318 (layer) F52 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw f318 (layer) covers f326 (pavement, type c) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature P2 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw L721. ; A9f319 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw accumulation under the crusty surface, f306. D1 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw k24 D42 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw 8905 F51 2001-07-24_L920JW1.j vp i152 (lithic artifact) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2001-07-24_L920JW1.j vp i153 (door socket) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q880.1 (clay artifact) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2001-07-25_L920JW.j !! q893.1 (sample) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2001-07-25_L920JW.j !! q893.2 (bead) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q850 (bones, pottery) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q877 (pottery) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q880 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q885 (pottery) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q886 (pottery) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q890 (bones, pottery) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2001-07-25_L920JW.j vp q892 (pottery) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2001-07-25_L920JW.j vp q893 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2001-07-25_L920JW.j vp q895 (pottery) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q850-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q850-p2 (rim) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q850-p3 (bowl) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q850-p96 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q850-p97 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q850-p98 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q850-p99 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q877-p1 (jar) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q877-p2 (jar) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q877-p3 (jar) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q877-p4 (base) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q877-p5 (jar) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q877-p6 (jar) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q877-p7 (base) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q877-p96 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q877-p97 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q877-p98 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q877-p99 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q880-p1 (jar) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q880-p2 (jar) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q880-p3 (base) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q880-p4 (rim) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q880-p5 (base) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q880-p96 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q880-p97 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q880-p98 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q880-p99 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q885-p1 (base) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q885-p2 (pot) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q885-p3 (base) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q885-p4 (bowl) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q885-p5 (rim) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q885-p6 (jar) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q885-p7 (pot) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q885-p8 (base) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q885-p9 (jar) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q885-p92 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q885-p93 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q885-p94 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q885-p95 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q885-p96 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q885-p97 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q885-p98 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q885-p99 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q886-p93 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q886-p94 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q886-p95 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q886-p96 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q886-p97 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q886-p98 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q886-p99 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q890-p1 (handle) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q890-p2 (base) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q890-p3 (bowl) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q890-p4 (base) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q890-p5 (rim) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q890-p6 (rim) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q890-p7 (pot) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q890-p8 (jar) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q890-p9 (base) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q890-p10 (rim) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q890-p11 (base) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q890-p12 (rim) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q890-p94 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q890-p95 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q890-p96 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q890-p97 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q890-p98 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q890-p99 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q892-p1 (jar) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q892-p98 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q892-p99 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q893-p91 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q893-p93 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q893-p94 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q893-p95 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q893-p96 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q893-p97 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q893-p98 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q893-p99 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q895-p1 (jar) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q895-p2 (jar) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q895-p3 (bowl) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q895-p96 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q895-p97 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q895-p98 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q895-p99 (body sherd) sits in f319 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw light yellowish brown K6 2001-07-19_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/4 P2 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw L725 ; A9f320 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw wall A35 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j !! v82 B10 2001-07-21_L721JLW.j jlw wall B11 2001-07-21_L721JLW.j jlw mudbrick wall running N-S on the far western edge of k31. It is linked to the wall complex, a25. The west face is angled such that it is headed to the west as the wall proceeds north, so it will probably disappear into the west baulk in k41 to the north. D1 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw k31 D42 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw 9147 K5 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/3 O12 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v82 ; A9f321 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw floor, type a A35 2001-08-02_L929JW.j !! v83 B10 2001-07-21_L721JLW.j jlw floor, type a B11 2001-07-21_L721JLW.j jlw cement plaster floor, more than a centimeter thick in some places in the western half of k52. It is more or less intact to the north, but the southern part has been eroded by water runoff down the slope of the tell. D1 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw k52 D3 2001-07-20_L720VP-R.j vp r662 (46548 36967 - 9337 / Relay location: k52) D3 2001-07-20_L720VP-R.j vp r663 (46584 36919 - 9331 / Relay location: k52) D3 2001-07-20_L720VP-R.j vp r664 (46638 36930 - 9332 / Relay location: k52) D3 2001-07-20_L720VP-R.j vp r665 (46608 36992 - 9337 / Relay location: k52) D42 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw 9311 F50 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw f339 (wall) rests on f321 (floor, type a) G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a37 K5 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/3 O12 2001-08-02_L929JW.j jlw v83 ; A9f322 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw wall A35 2001-08-02_L929JW.j !! v83 B10 2001-07-21_L721JLW.j jlw wall B11 2001-07-21_L721JLW.j jlw mudbrick wall that we initially believed ran N-S in the middle of k52. It now appears that it is actually a very large E-W wall that had been cut in the MZ6 step trench excavations. (This phase of construction used bricks that were the same color as the loess deposited by the wind on the tell.) The west side we see as f323 in k51, the east side we see as f322 in k52. Furthermore, it appears to have been built upon the hard cement plaster floor, f321. D1 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw k52 D3 2001-07-20_L720VP-R.j vp r666 (46649 36885 - 9328 / Relay location: k52) D3 2001-07-20_L720VP-R.j vp r667 (46793 36915 - 9338 / Relay location: k52) D3 2001-07-20_L720VP-R.j vp r668 (46767 37001 - 9360 / Relay location: k52) D3 2001-07-20_L720VP-R.j vp r669 (46787 37005 - 9349 / Relay location: k52) D3 2001-07-20_L720VP-R.j vp r670 (46840 36896 - 9353 / Relay location: k52) D3 2001-07-20_L720VP-R.j vp r671 (46903 36893 - 9357 / Relay location: k52) D42 2001-07-20_LX01JW.j jlw 9384 0 0 D42 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw 9327 D52 2001-07-20_LX01JW.j jlw 9302 F50 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw f339 (wall) abuts f322 (wall) F50 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw f341 (wall) abuts f322 (wall) G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a38 G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a39 K5 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw pale brown K6 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/3 O12 2001-08-02_L929JW.j jlw v83 ; A9f323 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw wall B10 2001-07-21_L721JLW.j jlw wall B11 2001-07-21_L721JLW.j jlw mudbrick wall, that we initially believed ran N-S, in the east third or so of k51. It now appears that it is actually a very large E-W wall that had been cut in the MZ6 step trench excavations. (This phase of construction used bricks that were the same color as the loess deposited by the wind on the tell.) The west side we see as f323 in k51, the east side we see as f322 in k52. Furthermore, it appears to have been built upon the hard cement plaster floor, f321. D1 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw k51 D3 2001-07-20_L720VP-R.j vp r672 (46824 36629 - 9323 / Relay location: k51) D3 2001-07-20_L720VP-R.j vp r673 (46802 36642 - 9320 / Relay location: k51) D3 2001-07-20_L720VP-R.j vp r674 (46746 36632 - 9324 / Relay location: k51) D3 2001-07-20_L720VP-R.j vp r675 (46649 36672 - 9323 / Relay location: k51) D3 2001-07-20_L720VP-R.j vp r676 (46640 36636 - 9320 / Relay location: k51) D3 2001-07-20_L720VP-R.j vp r677 (46572 36592 - 9306 / Relay location: k51) D3 2001-07-20_L720VP-R.j vp r678 (46608 36509 - 9311 / Relay location: k51) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r724 (46737 36666 - 9323 / Relay location: k51) D42 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw 9320 D52 2001-07-20_LX01JW.j jlw 9306 G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a37 K5 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw pale brown K6 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/3 ; A9f324 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-07-20_LX01JW.j jlw floor, type c A21 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw floorsurface in general A35 2001-08-02_L929JW.j !! v83 B10 2001-07-21_L721JLW.j jlw floor, type c B11 2001-07-21_L721JLW.j jlw compacted floor in a section of wall, f322, in the SE quarter of k52. All that remains is a small section about 70 centimeters square. It appears to be a floor that was built and used after final abandonment of the tell. D1 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw k52 D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r692 (46458 36928 - 9324 / Relay location: k52) D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r693 (46473 36862 - 9312 / Relay location: k52) D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r694 (46549 36872 - 9320 / Relay location: k52) D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r695 (46555 36852 - 9318 / Relay location: k52) D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r696 (46683 36855 - 9321 / Relay location: k52) D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r697 (46759 36759 - 9328 / Relay location: k52) D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r698 (46869 36760 - 9343 / Relay location: k52) D3 2001-07-22_L722VP-R.j vp r699 (46913 36674 - 9334 / Relay location: k52) D42 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw 9334 F50 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw f341 (wall) abuts f324 (floor, type c) G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a38 K5 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw light gray K6 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/2 O12 2001-08-02_L929JW.j jlw v83 ; A9f325 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw wall B10 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw wall B11 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw dense, hard mud plaster structure in the NE corner of k24. C99 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw we removed this feature with some reluctance because we know that we will not be able to trace it north in MZ14. It is one of a family of similar amorphous objects several meters square that seem to be oriented N-S in an E-W line spanning the gully along the north perimeter of our excavation "frame' for MZ14. The material is dense and hard, and does not yield easily to the pick. There are traces of this or similar structures in the east and south baulks of k24. D1 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw k24 D42 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw 8972 F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q858.1 (animal bone) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q868.1 (bead) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q858 (pottery) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q863 (pottery) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q864 (bones, pottery) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q868 (pottery) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q874 (pottery) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q858-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q858-p2 (base) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q858-p3 (jar) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q858-p4 (bowl) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q858-p5 (jar) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q858-p6 (pot) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q858-p7 (bowl) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q858-p8 (base) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q858-p9 (jar) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q858-p10 (bowl) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q858-p11 (jar) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q858-p12 (rim) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q858-p95 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q858-p96 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q858-p97 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q858-p98 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q858-p99 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q863-p1 (base) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q863-p2 (jar) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q863-p3 (jar) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q863-p4 (jar) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q864-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q864-p2 (jar) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q864-p3 (base) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q864-p4 (bowl) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q864-p5 (base) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q864-p6 (base) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q864-p7 (jar) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q864-p8 (jar) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q864-p9 (bowl) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q864-p10 (base) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q864-p11 (bowl) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q864-p93 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q864-p94 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q864-p95 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q864-p96 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q864-p97 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q864-p98 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q864-p99 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q868-p1 (rim) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q868-p2 (jar) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q868-p3 (bowl) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q868-p4 (rim) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q868-p5 (jar) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q868-p6 (rim) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q868-p7 (rim) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q868-p8 (rim) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q868-p92 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q868-p93 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q868-p94 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q868-p95 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q868-p96 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q868-p97 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q868-p98 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q868-p99 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q874-p2 (bowl) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q874-p3 (base) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q874-p4 (rim) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q874-p5 (jar) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q874-p6 (rim) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q874-p7 (jar) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q874-p93 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q874-p94 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q874-p95 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q874-p96 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q874-p97 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q874-p98 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q874-p99 (body sherd) sits in f325 (wall) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/3 P2 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw L723 ; A9f326 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-07-20_LX01JW.j jlw pavement, type c A21 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw floorsurface in general A35 2001-08-02_L927JW.j !! v76 B10 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw pavement B11 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw flat surface of fist-sized stones, a few sherds and some white material that coats some of the stones in the north half of k25. D1 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw k25 D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r719 (44950 37762 - 9051 / Relay location: k25) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r720 (44937 37755 - 9051 / Relay location: k25) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r721 (44863 37849 - 9062 / Relay location: k25) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r722 (44843 37923 - 9061 / Relay location: k25) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r723 (44882 37932 - 9062 / Relay location: k25) D42 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw 9045 F50 2001-07-19_L720JLW.j jlw f318 (layer) covers f326 (pavement, type c) O12 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v76 ; A9f327 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw accumulation under the topsoil, f311, on the west side of k25. It yielded an unusually large number of sherds for the volume (6 q-lots). D1 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw k41 D42 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw 9231 D52 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw 9206 F50 2001-07-18_L727JLW.j jlw f311 (topsoil) covers f327 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j !! q876.1 (clay artifact) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2001-07-24_L920JW.j !! q882.1 (metal artifact) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q861 (pottery) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q866 (bones, pottery) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q869 (pottery) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q870 (pottery) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q871 (pottery) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q872 (pottery) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q875 (pottery) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q876 (pottery) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q878 (pottery) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2001-06-23_L920JW.j vp q879 (pottery) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q882 (pottery) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q888 (pottery) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q861-p1 (rim) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q861-p2 (base) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q861-p3 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q866-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q866-p2 (bowl) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q866-p3 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q866-p4 (bowl) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q866-p5 (bowl) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q866-p6 (bowl) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q866-p7 (rim) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q866-p8 (rim) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q866-p9 (base) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q866-p10 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q866-p95 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q866-p96 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q866-p97 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q866-p98 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q866-p99 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q869-p1 (bowl) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q869-p2 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q869-p3 (base) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q869-p4 (base) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q869-p5 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q869-p6 (rim) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q869-p7 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q869-p8 (bowl) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q869-p9 (bowl) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q869-p93 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q869-p94 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q869-p95 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q869-p96 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q869-p97 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q869-p98 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q869-p99 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q870-p1 (base) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q870-p2 (base) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q870-p3 (base) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q870-p4 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q870-p5 (bowl) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q870-p6 (bowl) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q870-p7 (base) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q870-p8 (handle) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q870-p9 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q870-p10 (rim) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q870-p11 (rim) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q870-p12 (rim) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q870-p13 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q870-p14 (bowl) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q870-p15 (rim) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q871-p1 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q871-p2 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q872-p1 (cup) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q872-p2 (base) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q872-p3 (bowl) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q872-p4 (bowl) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q872-p5 (base) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q872-p6 (base) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q875-p1 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q875-p2 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q875-p3 (rim) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q876-p1 (base) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q876-p2 (base) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q876-p3 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q876-p4 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q876-p5 (bowl) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q876-p6 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q876-p7 (bowl) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q876-p96 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q876-p97 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q876-p98 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-22_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q876-p99 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q878-p1 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q878-p2 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q878-p3 (platter or plate) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q878-p4 (bowl) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q878-p5 (base) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q879-p1 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q882-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q882-p2 (base) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q882-p3 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q882-p4 (base) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q882-p5 (base) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q882-p6 (pot) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q882-p7 (cup) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q882-p8 (bowl) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-10_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q882-p9 (jar) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-21_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q882-p93 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-21_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q882-p94 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-21_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q882-p95 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-21_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q882-p96 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-21_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q882-p97 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-21_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q882-p98 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-21_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q882-p99 (body sherd) sits in f327 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw light yellowish brown K6 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw 10YR6/4 ; A9f328 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw wall A35 2001-08-02_L927JW.j !! v76 B10 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw wall B11 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw substantial mudbrick wall structure in the SE corner of k25. It seems to go with wall, f309, in k15. C99 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw we have only uncovered the outline of the top set of bricks in order to preserve the entire structure below for future excavations. D1 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw k25 D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r716 (44532 37697 - 9054 / Relay location: k25) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r717 (44725 37741 - 9057 / Relay location: k25) D3 2001-07-24_L724VP-R.j vp r718 (44651 37929 - 9073 / Relay location: k25) D42 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw 9067 K3 2001-07-20_L919JW.j jw mud brick K5 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw very pale brown K6 2001-07-22_L722JLW1.j jlw 10YR6/4 O12 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v76 ; A9f329 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-22_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-23_L723JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-23_L723JLW.j jlw very hard, crusty accumulation between the pebble floor, f326 and wall, f28, along the east baulk of k25. Small chunks of charcoal and a grayish cast to the material suggest it was part of an interior room. D1 2001-07-22_L919JW.j jw k25 D42 2001-07-22_L919JW.j jw 9063 K5 2001-07-22_L919JW.j jw light gray K6 2001-07-22_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/2 ; A9f330 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw wall A35 2001-08-02_L929JW.j !! v83 B10 2001-07-23_L723JLW.j jlw wall B11 2001-07-23_L723JLW.j jlw E-W mudbrick wall running along the north baulk of k52, having the north and south faces contained within the locus. D1 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw k52 D42 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw 9377 F50 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw f340 (cut) cuts f330 (wall) F51 2001-07-24_L920JW1.j vp i151 (stone tool) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q883 (bones, pottery) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2001-07-25_L920JW.j vp q894 (bones, pottery) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q883-p1 (pot) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q883-p2 (base) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q883-p3 (base) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q883-p4 (rim) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q883-p5 (jar) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q883-p6 (jar) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q883-p7 (bowl) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q883-p8 (jar) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q883-p9 (jar) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q883-p94 (body sherd) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q883-p95 (body sherd) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q883-p96 (body sherd) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q883-p97 (body sherd) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q883-p98 (body sherd) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q883-p99 (body sherd) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q894-p1 (base) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q894-p2 (rim) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q894-p3 (base) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q894-p4 (rim) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q894-p5 (jar) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q894-p6 (rim) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q894-p7 (base) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q894-p95 (body sherd) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q894-p96 (body sherd) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q894-p97 (body sherd) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q894-p98 (body sherd) sits in f330 (wall) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q894-p99 (body sherd) sits in f330 (wall) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K3 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw mud brick K5 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw pale brown K6 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw 10YR6/3 O12 2001-08-02_L929JW.j jlw v83 ; A9f331 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-23_L723JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-23_L723JLW.j jlw relatively clean accumlation under topsoil, f316, in the SW quadrant of k52. It seems to be confined on the west by wall, f322, and on the north by wall, f330. D1 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw k52 D42 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw 9330 F51 2001-07-24_L920JW.j !! q884.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2001-07-24_L920JW.j !! q884.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q884 (pottery) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q891 (pottery) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q884-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q884-p2 (base) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q884-p3 (base) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q884-p4 (base) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q884-p5 (base) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q884-p6 (base) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q884-p7 (base) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q884-p8 (jar) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q884-p9 (jar) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q884-p10 (rim) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q884-p11 (rim) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q884-p12 (rim) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q884-p13 (jar) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q884-p94 (body sherd) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q884-p95 (body sherd) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q884-p96 (body sherd) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q884-p97 (body sherd) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q884-p98 (body sherd) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q884-p99 (body sherd) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q891-p1 (jar) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q891-p2 (bowl) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q891-p3 (rim) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q891-p4 (bowl) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q891-p5 (base) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q891-p6 (bowl) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q891-p97 (body sherd) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q891-p98 (body sherd) sits in f331 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q891-p99 (body sherd) sits in f331 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw light gray K6 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/2 ; A9f332 A21 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw group of bricks A35 2001-08-02_L930JW.j !! v84 B10 2001-07-23_L723JLW.j jlw group of bricks B11 2001-07-23_L723JLW.j jlw two thick, large red bricks oriented N-S on the west side of k41. They appear to form the west face of a tomb, a37. D1 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw k41 D42 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw 9192 K3 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw mud brick K5 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw yellow K6 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw 10YR8/6 O12 2001-08-02_L930JW.j jlw v84 ; A9f333 A21 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw group of bricks B10 2001-07-23_L723JLW.j jlw group of bricks B11 2001-07-23_L723JLW.j jlw an E-W row of gray mudbricks extending east from the south edge of bricks, f332 in the middle of k41. They appear to form the south face of a tomb, a37. D1 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw k41 D42 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw 9170 K3 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw mud brick K5 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/3 ; A9f334 A21 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw group of bricks B10 2001-07-23_L723JLW.j jlw group of bricks B11 2001-07-23_L723JLW.j jlw a N-S row of gray mudbricks extending north from the east edge of bricks, f333 in the middle to k41. They appear to form the east face of a tomb, a37. D1 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw k41 D42 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw 9172 K3 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw mud brick K5 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2001-07-23_L919JW.j jw 10YR7/3 ; A9f335 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-24_L919JW.j jw accumulation B10 2001-07-24_L724JLW.j jlw accumulation B11 2001-07-24_L724JLW.j jlw accumulation near burial, a37 in the middle of k41. It is soft, indicating that either the grave was previously excavated in MZ6 or that it was robbed at some time in antiquity. D1 2001-07-24_L919JW.j jw k41 D42 2001-07-24_L919JW.j jw 9151 D52 2001-07-24_L919JW.j jw 9131 F51 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q881 (bones, pottery) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q887 (pottery) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2001-07-24_L920JW.j vp q889 (pottery) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q881-p1 (base) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q881-p2 (jar) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q881-p3 (bowl) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q881-p4 (cup) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q881-p5 (base) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q881-p6 (platter or plate) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q881-p7 (jar) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q881-p8 (jar) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q881-p94 (body sherd) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q881-p95 (body sherd) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q881-p96 (body sherd) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q881-p97 (body sherd) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q881-p98 (body sherd) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-27_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q881-p99 (body sherd) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q887-p95 (body sherd) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q887-p96 (body sherd) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q887-p97 (body sherd) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q887-p98 (body sherd) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2006-09-29_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q887-p99 (body sherd) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q889-p1 (jar) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q889-p2 (rim) sits in f335 (accumulation) F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q889-p3 (bowl) sits in f335 (accumulation) F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature K5 2001-07-24_L919JW.j jw brown K6 2001-07-24_L919JW.j jw 10YR5/3 P2 2001-07-24_L724JLW.j jlw L724 ; A9f336 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2001-07-24_L919JW.j jw pavement A35 2001-08-02_L927JW.j !! v73 B10 2001-07-24_L724JLW.j jlw pavement B11 2001-07-24_L724JLW.j jlw pebble and sherd floor in the middle of k24. It possibly extends in all directions, a factor that we will explore as time permits. Many more pebbles than sherds. Pebbles are a bit smaller than fist-size. The existence of this surface helps to explain the hard, crusty accumulation above it, since it would form a relatively impermeable surface that would help to pond water and trap sediment that flowed onto it, particularly if it was contained by walls, such as f325 in the NE corner of the locus. D1 2001-07-24_L919JW.j jw k24 D42 2001-07-24_LX01JW.j jlw 8878 F50 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw f345 (platform) rests on f336 (pavement) K3 2001-07-24_L919JW.j jw stones/sherds O12 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v73 ; A9f337 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-07-24_L919JW.j jw accumulation B B10 2001-07-24_L724JLW.j jlw accumulation B B11 2001-07-24_L724JLW.j jlw hard, dense, fine grained, grayish accumulation containing small chunks of charcoal in the NW quarter of k41. In other A9 loci, we have seen this typed of accumulation above floor surfaces. We will not be able to explore this in MZ14. D1 2001-07-24_L919JW.j jw k41 D42 2001-07-24_LX01JW.j jlw 9151 D99 2001-07-24_LX01JW.j jlw ash/charcoal chunks K3 2001-07-24_LX01JW.j jlw soil K5 2001-07-24_LX01JW.j jlw pale brown K6 2001-07-24_LX01JW.j jlw 10YR6/3 ; A9f338 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-07-24_L919JW.j jw wall A35 2001-08-02_L927JW.j !! v73 B10 2001-07-24_L724JLW.j jlw wall B11 2001-07-24_L724JLW.j jlw two lines of light brown mudbricks along the south baulk in the SE corner of k52. It may be the southern boundary of space enclosed by walls, f330 and f322. D1 2001-07-24_L919JW.j jw k52 D42 2001-07-24_LX01JW.j jlw 9336 D52 2001-07-24_LX01JW.j jlw 9322 K3 2001-07-24_LX01JW.j jlw mud brick K5 2001-07-24_LX01JW.j jlw very pale brown K6 2001-07-24_LX01JW.j jlw 10YR7/4 O12 2001-08-02_L927JW.j jlw v73 O12 2001-08-02_L929JW.j jlw v83 ; A9f339 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw wall A35 2001-08-02_L929JW.j !! v83 B10 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw wall B11 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw N-S wall that abuts, but does not join, N-S wall, f322, to the east in k52. These two walls are most likely the outside walls of two adjoining houses that were built back-to-back. D1 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw k52 D42 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 9389 D52 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 9302 F52 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw f339 (wall) rests on f321 (floor, type a) F52 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw f339 (wall) abuts f322 (wall) G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a37 G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a39 K3 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw mud brick K5 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw very pale brown K6 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 10YR7/4 O12 2001-08-02_L929JW.j jlw v83 ; A9f340 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw cut A35 2001-08-02_L929JW.j !! v83 B10 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw cut B11 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw cut for modern burial in the north baulk in the NW corner of k52. It was not dug this season, but will be covered for excavation in a future season. D1 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw k52 D42 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 9454 D52 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 9402 F52 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw f340 (cut) cuts f316 (topsoil) F52 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw f340 (cut) cuts f330 (wall) G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a40 O12 2001-08-02_L929JW.j jlw v83 ; A9f341 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw wall A35 2001-08-02_L929JW.j !! v83 B10 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw wall B11 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw poor rebuild of southern part of damaged/destroyed N-S wall, f322, in the middle of k52. In its present condition it is only about 10cm thick, but it is associated with a floor, f324, and probably formed part of a living surface. D1 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw k52 D42 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 9375 D52 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 9330 F52 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw f341 (wall) abuts f322 (wall) F52 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw f341 (wall) abuts f324 (floor, type c) G1 2001-09-29_L930JW1.j jlw a38 K3 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw mud brick K5 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw light gray K6 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 10YR7/2 O12 2001-08-02_L929JW.j jlw v83 ; A9f342 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw cut B10 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw cut B11 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw cut in wall, f339, in the NE quadrant of k52 that was probably used for an infant burial. It must have been fully excavated in MZ6. D1 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw k52 D42 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 9375 D52 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 9333 ; A9f343 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw foundation A35 2001-08-02_L930JW.j !! v84 B10 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw foundation B11 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw 4 courses of brick, running N-S, seen in section in the N baulk of k41. It averages 4 bricks wide, and its haphazard construction gives the impression of being the foundation for a wall, although nothing is visible above it. D1 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw k41 D42 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 9285 D52 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 9247 K3 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw mud brick K5 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw very pale brown K6 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 10YR7/4 O12 2001-08-02_L930JW.j jlw v84 ; A9f344 A20 !!_!! !! buildup A21 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw layer A35 2001-08-02_L930JW.j !! v84 B10 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw layer B11 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw roughly "lazy S" shaped layer of black (bottom) and gray (top) ash seen in section in the N baulk of k41. There is no apparent source for this material. The gray is c# 10YR7/1, co light gray, while the black is c# 10YR4/2, co dark grayish brown. D1 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw k41 D42 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 9240 D52 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 9203 K3 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw ash K5 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw gray and black K7 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw soft K8 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw fine particles O12 2001-08-02_L930JW.j jlw v84 ; A9f345 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw platform B10 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw platform B11 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw small, low platform made of mudbrick and plaster in the middle of the north baulk of k24. It is somewhat rectangular with the long dimension running N-S. Along the middle long axis there is a rectanular channel which leads to a large stone basin, i153, to the south. jw feared that it was the product of creative excavation, but Heike Pfaelzner, director of excavation for the German team working in another part of the tell, mentioned that she had seen a similar structure at Tell Quera that was used for processing grain or seeds. Large curved stone slabs would have sat in the groove (probably not rectanular) and the kernals would have been crushed and swept into the stone container where they would have been further processed by pounding with a long pole. In partial support of her theory, a large curved basalt slab can be seen in f14 in the unexcavated accumulation. D1 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw k24 D42 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 8904 D52 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 8882 F52 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw f345 (platform) rests on f336 (pavement) G1 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw a41 K3 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw mud brick K5 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw light brown K6 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 7.5YR6/4 ; A9f346 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw wall B10 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw wall B11 2001-10-01_LX01JW.j jlw a N-S row of bricks along the east edge of the excavated east baulk of k41. Discovered while cleaning for measurements, they may be associated with a continuation of wall, f333, to the east, where they appear to intersect at the edge of the locus. However, we will have to wait until next excavation season to clarify the situation. D1 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw k41 D42 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 9160 K3 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw mud brick K5 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw light gray K6 2001-10-10_LX01JW.j jlw 10YR7/2 ; A9f347 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw floorsurface in general B10 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j jw floorsurface in general B11 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j jw line of bricks seen in section of the north baulk of k21. They are a part of a living surface, a42, that extends from k21 through k23. They probably represent a floor surface that leads out to a pebble street, represented by f278 in k23 and f196 in k22. D1 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw k21 D52 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw brick G1 2001-10-04_LX04JW.j jw a42 ; A9f348 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw wall B10 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw wall B11 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw E-W pise wall in NE corner of k24. Component of wall system that includes N-S wall f325. Discovered in section of east baulk after removal of what first appeared to be very hard accumulation, but to jlw's subsequent disappointment turned out to be much of f325. There apparently was a thin strip of accumulation between the east face of f325 and the north face of f348, perhaps forming the corner of a room extending to the north and east. The area needs to be carfully scraped and inspected to confirm this hypothesis. There is also the distinct possibility that the stone and sherd pavement, f336, is associated with this wall system, particularly since jlw has learned that not only is pise a common building material for foundations, but has been used for millennia as material for stand-alone walls, including those exposed to weather. D1 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw k24 D52 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw pise ; A9f349 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw wall B10 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw wall B11 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw N-S pise wall in SE corner of k24. Noticed in south section of east baulk. Photographed, but not noticed in time for extensive study. About the same elevation as walls, f325 and f348, but it is unclear what the relationship among these may be. All of locus k24 should be carefully scraped and inspected to determine the relationships among features at this elevation. D1 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw k24 D52 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw pise ; A9f350 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw pit cut B10 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw pit cut B11 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw exterior walls of pit in the center of the north baulk of k21 and containing fill, f212. Designated a feature to differentiate the the act of digging from the act of the filling, which in theory can be widely separated in time. D1 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw k21 ; A9f351 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw pit cut B10 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw pit cut B11 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw exterior walls of pit in the west quarter of the north baulk of k21, most likely dug for a child burial. Designated a feature to differentiate the the act of digging from the act of the filling, which in theory can be widely separated in time. D1 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw k21 ; A9f352 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw pit cut B10 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw pit cut B11 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw exterior walls of pit in the center of the north baulk of k21, most likely dug for a child burial. Designated a feature to differentiate the the act of digging from the act of the filling, which in theory can be widely separated in time. D1 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw k21 ; A9f353 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw wall B10 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw wall B11 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw E-W pise wall in the NE corner of k21. Seen in section in the east baulk, having been previously excavated as part of the step trench in 1994. D1 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw k21 D52 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw pise F51 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f353 (wall) bonds with f354 (floor, type a) ; A9f354 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw floor, type a B10 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw floor, type a B11 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw pise floor associated with wall, f353, in the NE corner of k21. Seen in section in the east baulk, having been previously excavated as part of the step trench in 1994. D1 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw k21 D52 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw pise F50 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f355 (fill) covers f354 (floor, type a) F51 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f354 (floor, type a) bonds with f353 (wall) ; A9f355 A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse A21 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw fill B10 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw fill B11 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw fill covering floor, f354 and bounded on the south by wall, f353, in the NE corner of k21. Seen in section in the east baulk, having been previously excavated as part of the step trench in 1994. Instead of fill for new construction the material could also possibly be naturally deposited accumulation during a period of abandonment. D1 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw k21 F52 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f355 (fill) covers f354 (floor, type a) ; A9f356 A20 !!_!! !! installation A21 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw wall B10 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw wall B11 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw at least four courses of brick overlaying pise floor, f357, along east baulk of k11. Seen in partial section of an E-W cut. Purpose not yet known. D1 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw k11 D52 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw brick F50 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f359 (group of bricks) covers f356 (wall) F52 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f356 (wall) covers f357 (floor, type a) ; A9f357 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw floor, type a B10 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw floor, type a B11 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw pise floor that abuts E-W pise wall, f268, along the east baulk of k11. At the wall/floor interface, the pise is rounded up against the south face of this wall. Seen in partial section of N-S and E-W cuts in the NE corner of the locus. D1 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw k11 D52 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw pise F50 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f356 (wall) covers f357 (floor, type a) F52 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f357 (floor, type a) abuts f268 (foundation) F52 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f357 (floor, type a) covers f358 (floor, type c) ; A9f358 A20 !!_!! !! surface A21 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw floor, type c B10 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw floor, type c B11 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw subfloor or reused floor that abuts E-W pise wall, f268, along the east baulk of k11. Best analysis of partial sections of N-S and E-W cuts in the NE corner of the locus is that this forms a subfloor for f357. Both are rounded up against the south face of this wall. Further analysis needed to tell whether the material is compacted earth or pise. D1 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw k11 F50 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f357 (floor, type a) covers f358 (floor, type c) ; A9f359 A21 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw group of bricks B10 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw group of bricks B11 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw two courses of mudbrick that cover mudbricks, f356 along the east baulk of k11. The sets of bricks are different colors and probably reflect separate phases of construction. D1 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw k11 D52 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw brick F52 2002-06-22_M622JW.j jlw f359 (group of bricks) covers f356 (wall) ; A9f383 A35 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j !! v82 O12 2001-08-02_L729JW1.j jlw v82 ; A9f394 F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q897-p1 (cup) sits in f394 F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q897-p97 (body sherd) sits in f394 F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q897-p98 (body sherd) sits in f394 F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q897-p99 (body sherd) sits in f394 F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f395 F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q898-p1 (rim) sits in f395 F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q898-p2 (rim) sits in f395 F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q898-p96 (body sherd) sits in f395 F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q898-p97 (body sherd) sits in f395 F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q898-p98 (body sherd) sits in f395 F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q898-p99 (body sherd) sits in f395 F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f397 F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q899-p1 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f397 F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q899-p2 (base) sits in f397 F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q899-p3 (base) sits in f397 F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q899-p4 (base) sits in f397 F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q899-p5 (jar) sits in f397 F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q899-p6 (rim) sits in f397 F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q899-p7 (jar) sits in f397 F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q899-p8 (bowl) sits in f397 F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q899-p9 (bowl) sits in f397 F51 2008-09-09_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q899-p10 (rim) sits in f397 F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q899-p92 (body sherd) sits in f397 F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q899-p93 (body sherd) sits in f397 F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q899-p94 (body sherd) sits in f397 F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q899-p95 (body sherd) sits in f397 F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q899-p96 (body sherd) sits in f397 F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q899-p97 (body sherd) sits in f397 F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q899-p98 (body sherd) sits in f397 F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q899-p99 (body sherd) sits in f397 F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature ; A9f398 F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q896-p1 (jar) sits in f398 F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q896-p96 (body sherd) sits in f398 F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q896-p97 (body sherd) sits in f398 F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q896-p98 (body sherd) sits in f398 F51 2006-09-26_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q896-p99 (body sherd) sits in f398 F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q900-p1 (bowl) sits in f398 F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q900-p2 (base) sits in f398 F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q900-p3 (base) sits in f398 F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q900-p4 (bowl) sits in f398 F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q900-p5 (jar) sits in f398 F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q900-p6 (jar) sits in f398 F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q900-p7 (base) sits in f398 F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q900-p96 (body sherd) sits in f398 F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q900-p97 (body sherd) sits in f398 F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q900-p98 (body sherd) sits in f398 F51 2006-09-23_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q900-p99 (body sherd) sits in f398 F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q902-p1 (bowl) sits in f398 F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q902-p2 (cup) sits in f398 F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q902-p3 (bowl) sits in f398 F51 2008-09-06_A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP hH q902-p4 (bowl) sits in f398 F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q902-p96 (body sherd) sits in f398 F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q902-p97 (body sherd) sits in f398 F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q902-p98 (body sherd) sits in f398 F51 2006-09-25_A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP hB q902-p99 (body sherd) sits in f398 F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature