.bk A10 .fn h615fab.j .fd journal pages entered directly .ei fAB .ed h615 .ri fAB .rd h615 k 5 nr this square was opened in the latter part of the morning, as work in k2 was halted. The surface immediately yielded a very nice pull -type figurine, which Rashid found. It was triangulated as item 1, and brought back to the house by MKB. k 2 sg We dug with the big pick in the early morning, and found several items of interest by breakfast. f3, bricky matter, and f6 both came up, and FAB felt that it was a good idea to stop the work in this square until k3 reached the same level, since both features were difficult to distinguish so close to both the surface and the baulk. k 3 sg We dug the whole day with the big pick in this locus, finding nothing but wadi wash. The wash was notable in that it contained even more small stones and sherds than usual. This is perhaps due to the nature of the area, which was a road until a few years ago. See the -sg note from today by LKA. f 3 nr this bricky material was difficult to follow since it was very close to the surface in the W part of the locus, and had been saturated by the water and compacted by cars. It was characterized by a relatively soft reddish material that had no foundation underneath - infact, it seemed that the wadi wash was all around it and a soft clean fill underneath. f 6 nr This feature appears to be laminations from the thickness and the many layers, except for the fact that it is very hard - much harder than any other laminations FAB has seen. This may be due to the fact that it has been compated by cars, or because it is not laminations at all. sg It is perhaps best to wait until the work in k3 reaches this elevation to determine if this feature is a lens or an intentional surface. f 1 nr Towards the end of the first day of excavation, FAB noticed that along side f6 and f3 this feature was getting harder and harder, yet there was no distinction between the topsoil and this harder layer. Tomorrow we should make the harder layer a new feature, even though there has been no clear cut transition.