.bk A10 .fl h704fab.j .fd h704 .fn edited by mDP - ZJ2018 .ri fAB .rd h704 --i Our third week of excavations has come to an end, leaving us with helf of the season left, and more than half a season's worth of excavating to do! During this weeek our stratigraphic understanding has leapt forward in terms of the AK structure: we have found portions of the S wall, and a parallel wall to the north, giving us a much greater understanding of the footprint of the building in the A10 area. The major discovery has been the S wall in k's 2 and 3, where we hope to find a doorway in the beginning of next week. The layout of the area has also changed, with the N-S baulks coming down, linking k's 1,2 and 3. The burial, a2, was removed, with a great many objects, including a ram's (?) head, but no complete skeleton. For the next week, we hope to remove all of the N-S baulks, linking k10-k1-k2-k3 and k10-k4-k5. This will mean a loss of those sections, but now that we have the AK layout, we have decided to follow the rooms and not the loci. Of course, the E-W baulk will remain until later in the season, because it gives a very nice cross section of all the accumulations in and between the rooms. The major thrust of next week will be the opening of 2 new loci to link the walls in k3 with the wall excavated last year in A8. this means removing a lot of dirt, but will give this sector of the building a sense of completion, since we will have uncovered the entire footprint of this sector.