.bk J06 .fl S716cjc.j .fd locus log, q-log, incomplete feature log, feature description and the view logs, q-item ds .ed S716 .ei cJC ;fn Edited by cJC on S727, edited by cJC on S809 (view log deleted see file S809cjc.j) k .rd S713 .ri pC 85 m3813 270W 400N .rd S716 75 m4721 400E 400N 65 m3816 400N 400E 74 m3833 400N 400W q .rd S716 .ri cJC 17 p,b f14 k65 m3816 400 cm N 400 cm E m3816 138 144 also includes f13 18 p f12 k85 r4 270 cm W 400 cm W m3813 40 144 .ri dH 19 p f9 k75 m3838 400 cm W 400 cm S m3838 95 144 .ri hQ 20 p f10 k75 m4721 200 cm W 100 cm N m4721 91 144 f .rd S715 .ri hQ 9 75 ld m3838 95 144 cl brown .ri pC 10 75 ld m3838 96 144 .ri cJC 11 65 ts m3816 0 0 m3816 138 144 cl brown 12 85 m3813 40 144 cl .rd S716 13 65 lc m3816 138 144 black 14 65 ld m3816 138 144 cl brown .ei hq .ed S716 .rd S716 .ri hq f 13 ds a burnt soil with plenty of plant roots located in k65 under the top soil f11; it covers part of the southwest part of the locus. f 14 ds f14 is located under the top soil in k65; it is a hard and chunky soil with thick plant roots and few sherds with some small stones. .rd S716 .ri eA .ed S716 q 17.1 df fg ds The upper part of an animal figurine. The neck ist still there, but the head and the front legs are missing. wm cl ht 3.0 lg 4.7 w1 3.1 co light brown cn fragment. q 17.2 ct caf df pipe ds a pipe wm cl ht 4.6 lg 2 w1 1 co red cn It is a fragment. q 17.3 df gr ds It is a piece of a grinding stone. wm li ht 9.5 lg 6.0 w1 4.5 co grey cn It is broken. q 17.4 df kw ds It is a kiln waste. wm cl ht 3.2 lg 1 co grey cn It is complete. q 17.5 df fg ds It is a fragment of an animal figurine. wm cl ht 4.2 lg 2.1 w1 1.8 co light brown cn It is broken. q 17.6 ct laf df door soket ds It is a door socket broken in half. wm li ht 13.7 lg 7.2 co light brown cn It is broken in half. q 17.7 ct laf df pestle ds It is a pestle. wm li ht 4.4 lg 5.9 w1 4.2 co light brown cn The upper part is broken.