.bk J06 .fl S722pC.j .fd daily journal, tc, f ds .ed S722 .ei pC .rd S722 .ri pC ;en Edited by cJC on S727 -dy Today we cleaned the surface in k85 f35 and took views. Then we removed it and found a nice surface with a lot of pebbles which is f37 and we exposed it without excavating it. in k75 we looked for the same feature which extends in it f39. In k65 they finished to remove f36 and stopped excavating. We started excavating in k84 and under the surface left in season 2006, we found the same as f37 which is f38. We begin also excavating in k74, were we found also the surface with pebbles. Today we had a meeting in the field with gB, fAB and all J6 staff about the strategy for next days. We will keep going with the same loci to find the wall. After breakfast dH went home to set up some computers. At 12:00 am he came back to draw the sections in k75. -sg Today we had a meeting with gB, fAB and all J6 staff to decide the strategy for the next days: we have to find the south face of the wall. We will continue excavating in k84, k85, k74. In k84 we expect to find the wall. Yesterday we found a nice surface in k85: it is f37 and it is very different from all we had before (very soft and fine accumulations, very clean from materials and pottery). Instead now we reached a surface with pebbles, a lot of pottery and lot of animal bones. This could be the top of a wall (fAB pointed out that before finding a wall there is often a preparation of pebbles, sherds, which are layed atop of the stones, which make a flat surface for the bricks), or a floor surface, or a dump. With gB we discussed about this 3 possibilities and we decided that this is a transitional feature before founding an occupation level, therefore we want to proceed very carefully. We want to search this feature in the other loci, k75, k84 and k74 and then remove all baulks in order to have a better view of the surface. only in k84 we will continue excavating to find the face of the wall. k 85 dy Today we excacated only few cm, because we found a level with a lot of pebbles under f35, which had also lot of pottery and some pebbles. f37 presents a hard surface, with a lot of pebbles, sherds and some animal bones. This is also characterized by the presence of brick crumbles, baked bricks and melted bricks. There are also some ashes. In the South part of the square there is a big stone f40. k 75 dy I decided to move the workmen from k85 to k75, because there we decided for the moment to stop digging: we want to expose the same feature of k85 f37, being in k75 at the same level. We removed the brick melt f22 and after a pick run we found f39, which is present only in the Western part of the locus. It seems that f22 continues in the Eastern part. We took relays and we decided to clean all expose it and stop excavating. Today dH hQ cJC draw the North and the East section of k75 k 65 dy today we continue excavating f36, which is soft and fine in texture. I decided to stop excavating after breakfast, because the level is too deep to remove the dirt and tomorrow we will remove the baulks k 84 dy Today we removed the first 10 cm of soil: I consider it as a topsoil, being exposed for two years. This feature is f32, which is very dusty and has few pottery. after the first pick run Su'ar found f38, which is the same of f37 in k85: it is limited only in the South-East part of the square. in the North West part there is a surface of brick melt: it is f41 and some bricks are visible. I decided first to excavate f41 and then f38. In season 2006, when k84 was excavated as J4 locus, was not found this feature: this means that it did not extend in the northern part, where it was excavated deeper. k 74 dy After finishing excavating in k65, I moved the team of k65 in k75 (Ibrahim and Fahed): they removed the first 20 cm f39, which I define as top soil, because it was exposed for 2 years. The second pick run was full of big sherds, stones, pebbles and bricks. I think this was already a new feature and not anymore the topsoil. Tomorrow I will assign a new feature. In the North-East corner was found a baked brick with incised lines q64.1 . f 41 ds f41 is located in the Western part of the square. It is characterized by the presence of melted bricks. Once removed was crumby and medium hard. f 39 df ts ds this is the top soil of k74: this locus was excavated in season 2006 and the last feature was J4f64, which had a lot of pottery. f39, instead for the first pick run was dusty and soft, but the second pick run had a lot of sherds also big in dimensions. f 22 ds This feature covers the whole locus of k75: the surface before removing it was very irregular, hard and presented clear fragments of brick melt. Once removed was softer and crumby, had pieces of bricks and a lot of pottery sherds. f22 overlays f42. f 12 tc co f33 f 33 tc co f35 f 35 tc co f37 tc co f40 f 21 tc si f18 f 16 tc co f31 f 31 tc co f36 f 32 tc ov f41 tc ov f38 .rd S722 .ri hQ f 36 65 ld m3816 39 163 cl light brown soft fine .ri pC 37 85 ac m4806 82 142 cl 38 84 ac m4806 121 150 39 74 ld .ri hQ 40 85 st m4804 114 125 li .ri pc 41 84 bf m4806 100 150 .ri hQ 42 75 ld m3813 12 168