.bk J6 .fl S723pC.j .fd daily .rd S723 .ri pC .ed S723 ;fn Edited by cJC on S727 ;fn edited on ZJ109 by pC f49 loci -dy Today we removed 3 baulks: in k75 the North and the East baulk; for the east baulk was created a ramp for the wheelbarrow. In k85 was removed the half part of the East baulk. In k84 we continued to excavate until we found a nice floor surface f45. We relay it and took views. We clean k74 removing f43 and we exposed a compacted surface with a lot of sherds embedded k 84 dy we removed f38 which is the same feature as f37: has a lot of pebbles, sherds and bones. Once removed it was very similar to f41, which instead had melted bricks. f38 was soft and dusty and had a lot of sherds. After removing it, we went down for 30 cm; Su'ar looked in the South section of k84 and found a nice compacted surface; he removed the layer above f45 and exposed f46: f46 is a highly compacted floor surface, with some sherds laying flat (a khabur painted sherd was just above it); atop f45 was a seal i1: we relayed it, took pictures and stopped excavating. f 46 ns this feature is a very compacted floor: gB told us to look for a layer which seals the layer underneath from the layer above: f46 is very compacted and could be a transitional feature. f46 was found also in k84 when was excavated as J4, which was J4f79 k 74 dy today we removed f43 and found a new layer; it is a compact mud irregular surface with some sherds embedded: it is different from the above layer f43 k 85 dy today we removed the eastern baulk of k85 which is f30 q73: it was left only half of it because was created a ramp for the wheelbarrow. k 75 dy today we removed the North baulk f47 and the East baulk f44. For the east baulk was created a slope for the wheelbarrow. Today eA and dH drew the North section k 65 dy today eA and cJC drew the North section f 49 lc k84 f 49 lc k85 f 49 lc k75 f 49 df ac lc k74 ds f49 is a compacted accumulation very homogeneus and spread in 4 loci: the surface is compacted with some patches of softer soil; the surface has lot of pebbles and sherds of various dimensions and lot of bones. pr we assigned different feature numbers to f49 while excavating it, being found in different loci. I decided to make a new feature for all parts of it which are f38, f37, f43, f42 ns This feature is probably a trasitional layer from a period where in this area was slowly covered by natural accumulations and a period when this area was settled: under it we should find a different stratigraphy: above it there are only natural accumulations clean from cultural material. with f49 we have a lot of sherds and bones. Probably this surface was longer exposed. f 38 tc ov f45 f 45 tc co f46 f 34 ds f34 has assigned to the southern part of the east baulk of k84: the Northern part was removed as J4 in season 2006 f 36 ds f36 covers the whole unit of k65. It is soft and fine in texture, and is the same as f18 in k75 f 40 tc si f37 f 38 ds f38 is located in the Southeast corner of k84: the surface is characterized by the presence of pebbles and some sherds lying flat. Once removed was soft and had a lot of sherds and some animal bones. f38 is the same feature as f37, f43, f39 and is also f49 pr we assigned a new feature number to the whole feature extending in different squares, which is f49 f 40 ds it is a floating stone in the southern part of k85. It has smoothed surface and it sits on f37 f 42 ds f42 is located in the western part of k75: is the same as f37, f38, f43 and is labeled as f49 for the complete feature. It is full of pottery and pebbles