.bk J06 .fl S809eA.j .fd q-item description .ed S809 .ei eA .rd S802 .ri eA q 154.5 df sh ds it is one small shell wm sh ht 1.8 lg 2.2 w1 1.6 co white cn It is complete .rd S803 .ri eA q 154.1 df kw ds two pieces of kiln waste wm cl ht 2.2 lg 1 w1 0.8 co black cn They are broken q 154.3 df baf ds It is one piece of bone artifact. The upper part is made zig zag. wm bn ht 3.5 lg 4.6 co yellow cn it is broken q 154.4 df fg ds it is the back part of the one animal figurine, may be one horse. wm cl ht 3.1 lg 4.9 w1 3.1 co yellowish red c# 5YR 5/8 cn it is broken q 154.2 df kw ds They are a lot of pieces of kiln waste wm cl ht 2.4 lg 3.5 co very dark brown c# 10YR 2/2 cn they are broken q 155.1 df uk ds it is one piece of quartz. One side is worked, rounded and polished wm li ht 2.8 lg 2.9 w1 2 co light greenish grey c# 5G 7/1 cn it is broken q 155.2 df gr ds it is one piece of grinding stone wm li ht 6.1 lg 6.7 w1 6.3 co dark gray cn it is broken q 155.3 ct caf df sl ds it is a trapezoidal fragment of a burned sealing wm cl ht 4.5 lg 3.5 w1 0.9 co very dark black cn it is broken .rd S804 .ri eA q 160.1 df wh ds it is one weehl of a charriot wm cl ht 6.2 w1 3.8 co very pale brown c# 10YR 7/4 cn it is broken q 157.1 df fg ds it is a back part and one leg of one animal figurine wm cl ht 4.3 lg 6 w1 2.8 co pale yellow c# 2.5Y 8/4 cn it is broken q 163.1 df unknown ds stone rounded object, circular shape, both sides are very polished. Possibly a tool for polishing wm li ht 3 lg 5.8 co gray cn it is broken q 164.1 ct caf df bd ds they are seven fragments of bead, three in faience wm cl ht 0.9 lg 1.6 w1 0.6 co white, blu cn they are broken q 158.1 ct baf df bd ds they are two fragments of bone beads: it is visible the hole in the middle wm bn ht 0.8 lg 1.3 w1 0.7 co white cn they are broken