.bk J06 .fl S811pc.j .fd dy journal .ed S811 .ei pc .rd S811 .ri pC ; ZJ109 by pC f118 loci f 44 ds f44 has been assigned to the East baulk of k75. It consists of natural accumulations f 50 ds f50 is the column of accumulation under the floating stone f48 el 9067@bottom f 48 tc re f50 f 46 el 9023@bottom f 43 pb we forget relay of this feature, which is the North-East part of the dump f49. There are also no q-lot for this feature, which cannot be, because the feature was full of pottery f 118 df glacis lc k85 f 118 lc k84 f 118 lc k75 f 118 lc k74 f 127 tc ca f129 el 9008@top wm li k 74 ds It was excavated in season 2006 as a J4 locus. We decided to dig in this locus to have more space for the expected wall f130 f 37 tc co f60 f 60 tc ov f70 el 9072@bottom f 62 ds It is a flat large stone located in the South-West corner of k84 and sits on the brickfall f69 tc si f69 f 66 tc co f67 f 67 nl We assigned one feature to the floor and the brickmelt of the west baulk of k84: we relayed the top of it, which is the floor same as f46 and then we removed all together with the same feature number. The top elevation of this feature corresponds to the top elevation of the floor same as f46 el 9007@bottom tc co f69 f 69 el 8974@bottom tc co f63 f 71 el 9059@bottom f 72 tc co f73 el 9077@bottom f 73 ar f73 is a soil very similar to the fill of the pit f87. The pit is located in the same position of f73, therefore i suppose we excavated a part of the pit and f73 is the same as f87, being also at the same elevation. f 86 el 8958@bottom f 87 df fi ar the pit was cut into the brickfall f64, therefore the bottom of the pit has bricks. In the top we found also bricks, due to the fact that when the pit filled up some bricks of the brickfall fall down and covered it. f 88 el 9074@bottom f 90 ar f90 is an ashy layer same as f97 in k74. In k75 is higher and slopes towars west. This ash is visible in the East section of k200 and continues towards South. It was overlayed by the brickfall f86. when we begin to find it, we thought that it was sitting in the brickfall, but when we excavated deeper we saw that in the southern portion of the square the ash finished and covered the glacis. Instead in the middle of the square the brickall overlayed it and in some point bonded. Therefore i suppose that the brickfall is almost contemporary to the ash. f 92 ar The pit was dug in the brickfall f64 and f76: it is probably a storage pit, which when it came in disuse was filled naturally by the soft soil f87. f 94 el 9060@bottom f 105 tc co f117 el 9099@bottom f 107 ds f107 is located under the brickfall f103 in k74 and covers almost all the unit. It is a hard compact layer sloping towards South and West. It is not well conservated and in some points there are patches of bricks, due to the fact that the brickfall covered it and in part damaged it. In the North-East corner is very damaged. The glacis is a coating mud hard surface with some small calcite inclusions and small sherds lying flat f 108 ds is the brickfall located in the East baulk of k84 and located directly above the glacis f63 and is the same as f55 f 109 ds the glacis in k75 covering almost all the locus. It is a hard surface, consisting in compacted mud with some small sherds and calcite inclusions. It is the same as f63, f107, f110 f 110 ds the glacis in k85 covers all the locus. In the South-west part is damaged. It slopes in the middle of the square sharply West. It is a hard compact mud layer with small pebbles and calcite inclusions. f 111 tc ov f109 f 113 ds f113 consists of two stones, probably floating in the brickfall f86 f 114 ds f114 is located both in k85 and k75: it is the last 5 cm of brickfall above the glacis and it consists of bricky material. f 108 pr f108 is a small part of the east baulk of k85, which was left yesterday. We decided to change feature number, being this just on top of the glacis and then was excavated in the East part of k75. Therefore it is the brickfall above the glacis f 115 ds f115 has been assigned to the topsoil and the accumulation under topsoil in k87 pr we decided to give one feature number to the first 2 meters of natural accumulations: k87 is a very narrow locus, therefore was too difficult to differentiate the upper levels, where most of the soil was located in the section, which was very unstable. We removed the soil by pushing it in k200. The pottery was then collected as f900, which is coming from the shaffat. ;tc co f117 f 116 ds a mud compacted surface covering all k87. It is the same as f117 in k86 and f35 in k85, located at 9098@top. Due to the slope f116 is slightly deeper. f 117 ds a mud compacted surface covering all k86. it is the same as f116 in k87 a 1 df pt G9 f87,f92,f64,f76,f73 ds a1 is located in k74 and consists in the cut f92, the brickmelt f64 and the wall f76 which was cut by f92; The fill of the pit is f87 and f73. The pit is round in shape and not deep(about 40cm) G3 The pit was dug into the brickfall f64 and into the wall f76. nf Is not clear the function of this pit, while we did not found organic material in the fill. we think that was a storage pit a 2 df is G9 f63,f110,f109,f107,f127,f152,f101 ds The situation East of the staircase at the end of mittani, where only the glacis and the memory stones f127 were visible. A surface which was labeled glacis covers the area and comes to the stones f127, which are the upper part of the flanking staircase wall, to the West and continues to the South. G3 glacis f63 (^glacis1) is located under stones f127 and f152, therefore should be dated before walls f101 and f152, f127. The glacis was visible while theese wall were built, and were used in the same time. Walls f127, f101 and f152 are all 'memory stones' build on top of previous Third Millennium walls. nf The glacis was laid to protect the temple mound and coming aganist the wall f127 (or under it). wall f127 remembers the function of wall f129, as a boundary of the Staircase. East of the staircase and of wall f127 the temple monumental acces finishes and therefore f127 is the eastern boundary in Mittani time. The glacis can be seen as a hard floor surface, sloping and following the form of the temple mound. -sm After four complete weeks of excavation we reached in J6 a level were we can make some conclusions about the stratigraphy. First goal in J6, at the beginning of the season, was to find the continuation of wall f130. We excavated in k84, were we expected to find it, but we encountered a brickfall. The brickfall then came out to be everywere in the unit. We had to proceed slower in the excavation, because we did not expect to find it, even if in the East section of k200 was partly visible and in J2 there was a brickfall coming from East. We begin to look for a structure from which the brickfall was coming, but we found first brickmelt, which was a layer of compacted and hard surface of melted bricks spread everywhere in the unit and located at the same elevation (between 9100@ and 9070@ top elevation), and then we found the brickfall (between 9059@ 9015@ top elevation and 8950@ the bottom elevation): the bricks here were more recognizable and some of them still complete. At this point we decided to proceed faster in k85 and k84, were should be the wall f130 and we went slower in k74 and k75, were instead the brickmelt seemed to have a more organized shape. In k75 and k74 the excavation was for one week slow: we proceded carefully and looked for rows of bricks or elements which could indicate for a structure, as tannurs, andirons, concentration of vessels: we found in k74 these elements: there were lot of fragments of tannur, large kiln wastes, a lot of objects and a large amount of pottery, in some cases big sherds. -sm We instead found no structure, but we reached in k85 and k84 the end of the brickfall, which covered the glacis. The glacis then came out in all the unit and there was a similar situation in all squares: the brickfall without interruption was almost everywhere 1 meter thick and covered the glacis. In the southern part of the unit, in k85 and k75, we found an ashy layer, f90 and f97, which was overlayed by the brickfall. The same ashy layer is visible all along the East section of k200 and above it there is a brickfall, which probably belongs to the same brickfall we encontered in J6. The ash directly under the brickfall let me think that there was a big event of burning or fire just before the collapse of a large structure or more structures to the South-East of J6. This event can be dated to the Mittani period and the structures which generated the brickfall can be dated to the beginning of mittani: all pottery fond above and inside the brickfall is mittani. The glacis which stopped the brickfall is early Mittani: we found the same glacis in J4 k73 J4f127 dated to Mittani. The glacis covers a large part of the area East of the wall f128, East of the staircase in J2, and was at the beginning of Mittani period free of structures, except for the bin. The glacis was made as a coating of the temple mound and allows the flow of the water to the South. The glacis stops to the West on the wall f127 and covers to the south the wall f130. Wall f130 will be the goal of the next two weeks and the glacis makes a sealing of what is under it. Above it there is the mittani brickfall, under it the stratigraphy and the chronology will change. -sg Tomorrow will be the first day of the last two weeks of excavation. We reached a level in all the unit were we have only the glacis (see v57), which is probably the situation as was in the beginning of the Mittani period: the glacis f118, which is free of other structures, except for the bin, stops to the West on the stones f127, which are memory stones of the wall f129. Probably the glacis is older and has been used for longer time till the end of Khabur. The goal for the end of the excavation season for this year is to reach the bottom of the wall f130: therefore we will concentrate only in k84 and k85, were is the wall f130: we do not know if the wall continues to the East or takes another orientation. We expect also to find a different situation than the deep sounding of J4k100, North of the wall. In k85 we will be to the South of the wall, therefore we expect to find a regular bild up of accumulations and probably floors aganist the wall; in J4k100 we excavated inside the temple mound and we found therefore Late Chalcolithic pottery, as in J3, were was excavated inside the wall. Another goal is to see the continuation of the first staircase in k200, which has only two steps and belong to an earlier construction phase, before phase h23. This will be very important for the chronology of all the temple terrace, because we have several indications that there is an older phase going back to the Fourth Millennium BC. The wall f130 goes together with the wall f129, to which bonds and to the staircase J2f130, which were constructed in EDIII. The lower staircase, instead, goes together with the Late Chalcolithic Mound. We will also continue to dig in k86 and k87, were we will go faster because we push down in k200 the dirt and the loci are smaller: This will allow to reach the same level in k85, k86, k87 and to have a larger view of the wall f130 and to have a better understanding of the stratigraphy in front of the wall. f 22 el 9124@top el 9109@bottom tc ov f42 f 19 ds f19 has been assigned to the west baulk of k85 and is all natural accumulation f 21 ds f21 are 4 stones sitting in f18 and located in the South-west corner of k75. They may be aligned in a row, probably human made f 27 ;nl this feature number was never used f 28 nl this feature number was never used: we assigned a feature number to the topsoil of a new locus, which was decided later not to excavate