.bk J06 .fl S825cvp.j .fd dy journal .ed S825 .ei cVP .rd S825 .ri cVP k 84 dy Still digging the E baulk. Now the reddish accumulation is considered another feature, f162, and the more red underneath f164. At the beginning of f164 a big stone is found in the north border of the baulk, precisely also under the earth left that supports the stones of f101. It seems to be the wall that we were looking for, the equivalent of f130 from the German trench. Once we reach in the E baulk the level left at the rest of k84 we stop the digging of the baulk and began to work again inside the square. We also draw the small North baulk and take photos. f 162 ds Reddish accumulation excavated in the E baulk of k84. tc co f164 f 163 ds Single stone (so far) appearing at the N end of Baulk E of k84. It appears partly underneath the earth left supporting the stones of f101. It is considered to be the beginning of the stone wall f130 that can be seen on the side of the German trench. f 164 ds Red accumulation excavated in the E baulk of k84. It seems to be the same as J4f150 from k83, that slopes down N-S. tc co 163 k 74 dy This square is not officially excavated right now but cVP is following the outlines of a structure, possibly a wall, feature number f166. f 166 df w ds Line of bricks, running more or less NW-SE. It is near the East baulk left at that square, going under it, and it was detected in a hole opened in the glacis f107, the present feature remaining in this area at floor level. This hole, more or less triangular in shape, was showing a line a bricks clearly standing out from the ash layer that was abutting it. At both ends of the hole the glacis f107 seems to rest just above the edge of the wall, even if this circumstance must be still checked on the section above. f 107 dy In this moment we re-evaluate again this glacis from the point of view of its relation with the new wall f166, that seems to run under it. We also see that in this point this glacis is just some 3 cm deep, having a thicker layer of ashes underneath, ashes (f167) that seem to abut the new wall. tc ov f166 tc ov f167 f 167 df a ds Ash layer underneath the glacis f107, abutting the possible wall f166.