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Constituents: Introduction

Giorgio Buccellati – July 2005

Constituents are the basic building blocks of the system. They are incidentals, elements and referents. A full explanation of the concepts and the terms will be found in the Constituent Inventory chapter of the Grammar, and an overview in tabular form will be found in the Constituent synopsis.

The first part of the list given in this vertical bar contains the constituents in alphabetical order by prefix – thus, e.g., f for feature (an element) or r for relay (a referent).

The second part (in italics) contains different sorts of the same data, i.e:

  • Typological index: logs of elements sorted by definition;
  • Sequential list by label: for each element, the complete set of data is presented in sequential format by element number – thus, all features (f1, f2, etc.) are listed one after the other, and the same for items, photos, etc.;
  • Sequential list by definition: for each definition, the complete set of data is presented in sequential format – thus, all figurines are listed one after the other by element number (e.g., i4, i34, q6.1, etc.), and the same for seals, walls, etc.;
  • Database: the data are given in ASCII characters, sorted by constituent number.

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