.bk J06 .fl T719yM .fd introduction .ed T719 .ei yM .rd T719 .ri yM --i In this year excavation in J06 the main aim would be to uncover the contuation of the revetment wall that runs presumeably towrds the east before changing its direction toward the north. We presume that the wall is located in J6, k83 for the following reasons: 1)we think that the temple terrace was enclosed by a themenos wich was already found in its southern part (J1-J2-J5); 2) it is possible to see a line of stones running in east-west direction in k83, which would continue the line of the revetment wall in J2; 3) a geomagnetical prospection was undertaken by a german team in season 2000: it shows a line to the east of the monumental staircase, which we presume is the eastern continuation of the revetment wall; 4) in seseson MZ21 we found in J6 a glacis f164 dated to the end of the Thirt Millennium, sloping toward south. This glacis was built for some structure to the north, probably the revetment wall. Another possibility is that there is no revetment wall in this area but a third millennium structure under the mittani bin: fAB's hypothesis is that the mittani bin continues a tradition of a previous bin. Another interesting goal is to discover if the wall f129, east of the monumental staircase is contemporary to the western wall in J2f127. Another goal for this season is to continue digging in k84 in front of the oblique stones f100 and f177, to verify the hypothesis that those stones belong to the main construction phase of the temple terrace (h23-MZA). -sg after the meeting with fAB in the field and discussing the main goals for this season, we are starting the first day of excavation by cleaning J6 unit and removing the plastics after taking pictures of the erea that is going to ba excavated. -sy we have set 6 new control points because we do not have now any markers, and might need other one's as the excavations go on. -wk we have decided for the moment about how many workmen we need. we have 3 pik men: Abdl Karim Hassan, Masood Bijou, Ali Helal. 4 shavel men: Mohammad Mahmood, Habib Hama, Fajil Juan and Osmat Hassan. 2 wheel barrow: Ferhad Ali and Ahmed Anter.