.bk J06 .fl T812mKB.j .fd description of ceramics .ei mKB .ed T812 .rd T812 .ri mKB f 104 A99 f104 q 171 qc 37 K80 jar rim with interior groove, body sherd with rope-type and incised decoration I80 Phase 4m A99 f6 q 6 qc 110 K80 2 large Mittani period jar rims, small diameter jar with wide flat rim, bowl with wide flat rim, Phase 5c pot rim I80 mixed but most sherds Phase 7 A99 f8 q 12 qc 128 K80 Mittani handle, body sherd with wide painted stripes, Mittani jar with wide flat rim, Middel Assyrian? jar with narrow neck and folded over rim I80 mixed A99 f8 q 14 qc 21 K80 ring base, thick and coarse flat base, body sherd with rope-like decoration A99 f7 q 11 qc 203 K80 typical Mittani narrow necked jar with heavy ribbing on the exterior of the rim, body sherd with painted bands, jar with sharply flaring rim, thick disk base I80 mixed but most sherds Phase 7 A99 f7 q 8 qc 176 K80 Mittani period handle, bowl with wide flat rim, bowl with rounded rim, jar with wide flat rim, straight necked jar I80 Phase 7 A99 f7 q 7 qc 250 K80 Mittani bowl with heavy ribbing on the exterior, Mittani bowl with heavy ribbing on top of rim, disk base, strainer, short spout, coarse bowl with simple rim, body sherd with impressed circle that may be a capacity marker I80 mixed but mostly Phase 7 A99 f9 q 13 qc 101 K80 painted body sherd of a fine Mittani small jar, Mittani painted body sherd, body sherd with deep grooved parallel lines, necked jar (Phase 4m?), flat base, jar with interior grooved rim (groove only superficial not clear if Phase 4m or 7h), medium ring base, jar with narrow rim diameter and collared rim (Phase 8) I80 mixed A99 f6 q 10 qc 30 K80 2 Mittani jar sherds with flat rims, jar with interior groove rim with only slight groove (Mittani?), jar with rim triangular in section I80 mixed? A99 f6 q 9 qc 16 K80 few shape sherds, Mittani jar with wide flat rim A99 f10 q 20 qc 24 K80 2 Mittani jars with wide flat rim, jar with rounded rim, bowl with inverted rim I80 mixed A99 f1 q 29 qc 120 K80 coarse bowl with rounded rim, flaring rim jar, flaring rim vessel with narrow rim diameter (bottle?), small goblet base, jar with squared rim (Phase 4c?), body sherd with rope type decoration I80 mixed A99 f16 q 35 qc 60 K80 large coarse ring base, body sherd with thick ribbing, 2 disk bases, jar with wide flat rim, medium jar with concave base, deep bowl with rim triangular in section I80 Phase 7 A99 f16 q 24 qc 81 K80 goblet base, jar with pointed base, necked jar with rim flat on top and square in section, handle almost circular in section, handle oval in section I80 Phase 7 .ri mKB A99 f16 q 26 qc 22 K80 2 Mittani flat rim jars, ring base, flaring necked jar (Phase 4m?) I80 mixed A99 f17 q 27 qc 48 K80 bowl with square rim and triangular knob on exterior near rim (Phase 4c), jar with narrow rim diameter with folded over rim (Phase 8), bowl with wide flat rim (Mittani) I80 mixed A99 f17 q 25 qc 60 K80 ring base, narrow necked jar rim, small fine pot or jar, Mittani thick coarse jar with flat rim, 2 small bowls, jar with paint on top of rim A99 f14 q 17 qc 86 K80 2 work disks, wide goblet base, string cut base (can date to Phases 3,4,or 8), flaring rim jar, wide handle oval in section, typical Mittani bowl with wide flat rim and depression below the rim, small Mittani jar with flat rim, disk base I80 mixed A99 f14 q 21 qc 33 K80 flat base, 2 work disks, flaring rim jar with small rim diameter A99 f12 q 16 qc 7 K80 few sherds, all body sherds and a work disk A99 f4 q 5 qc 35 K80 flat base, rest body sherds A99 f9 q 22 qc 91 K80 wide flat base (Phase 4m), work disk, Mittani painted jar with flat rim I80 mixed A99 f9 q 19 qc 33 K80 Mittani coarse flat rim bowl with depression below rim, flat base I80 Phase 7 A99 f105 q 174 qc 31 K80 rope-type decoration, disk base, 2 Mittani flat rim jars A99 f117 q 194 qc 90 K80 flaring rim jar (Phase 4c), flat base, 2 Mittani flat rim bowls, 2 rounded rim bowls, flat rim bowl or jar I80 mixed A99 f105 q 180 qc 54 K80 bowl with square rim (Phase 4c), flat base, narrow rope-type decoration, ring base, small Mittani pot I80 mixed A99 f31 q 52 qc 37 K80 conical cup (Phase 4c), 1 line of rope-type decoration, coarse bowl with thick wide rim, jar with flaring neck and square rim, jar with pointed rim I80 mixed A99 f31 q 46 qc 68 K80 2 bowls with wide sloping exterior portion of rim, bowl with wide flat rim, narrow rim jar with rounded rim, 1 line of thick rope-type decoration, medium footed base, body sherd with rounded edge but not used secondarily as a tool I80 Phase 7? A99 f33 q 51 qc 54 K80 flaring rim jar (Phase 4c), 1 line rope-type decoration, jar with restricted neck, ring base, body sherd with applied rib I80 mixed A99 f33 q 51 qc 74 K80 small Metallic ware jar neck, ring base, typical Mittani rounded rim jar with rib at base of neck, typical Mittani medium flat rim jar with depression at base of neck, Mittani jar with flat rim and grooves at neck I80 mixed A99 f33 q 49 qc 91 K80 small bowl ring base, small handle oval in section, Mittani flaring rim jar with flat rim, 3 jars or bowls with wide flat rim, Metallic ware body sherd I80 mixed A99 f36 q 58 qc 74 K80 small disk base, medium footed base, flat base, large jar with rim concave on top A99 f36 q 62 qc 41 K80 thick Mittani carinated bowl with grooves on top of wide rim, Mittani bowl with pointed flaring rim, jar with interior grooved rim (Phase 4m) I80 mixed A99 f29 q 45 qc 27 K80 straight sided bowl (Phase 4c), jar with long neck and rounded rim (Phase 4c), bowl with simple rim and bitumen splotches (Phase 5c?), bowl with beaded rim (Phase 5c?), jar with short neck and everted rim, Mittani body sherd with strong ribbing, Mittani bowl with wide flat rim, tiny pot with painted neck and painted bands below I80 mixed A99 f26 q 34 qc 31 K80 very thick coarse flat base, Mittani jar with ribbing on top of rim, work disk A99 f26 q 44 qc 28 K80 thick disk base (Phaase 8), Phase 4c cups, bowl with turned over rim, small jar secondarily fires I80 mixed A99 f39 q 68 qc 20 K80 ring base, Mittani bowl with square rim, typical Mittani bowl with wide flat rim and depression below rim, large flat base I80 Phase 7 A99 f39 q 64 qc 43 K80 2 Mittani cooking pots with slight carination, thick coarse flat base, Mittani medium pot with restriction at base of neck, typical Mittani jar with wide flat rim and rib at base of neck, wide flat base I80 Phase 7 A99 f32 q 48 qc 52 K80 flat base of bowl, large spout, wide flat rim bowls A99 f30 q 43 qc 17 K80 flat rim jar, rest body sherds A99 f30 q 73 qc 18 K80 footed goblet base, string cut conical cup base (Phase 4j or 4r), handle attached to rim of jug handle is oval in section, handle rectangular in section, large work disk, jar with folded over rim (Phase 8?) I80 mixed A99 f29 q 80 qc 43 K80 body sherd decorated with punch marks that do not go through to the interior, Mittani wide rim bowls and jars, jar rim with 2 circular stamp marks (capacity measures?), conical cup and bowl (Phase 4c) I80 mixed A99 f29 q 70 qc 56 K80 medium pot (Phase 5c), goblet base (Phase 3h), conical cup (Phase 4c), jar with outturned rim (Phase 4c), medium ring base, Mittani bowls and jars with wide flat rims I80 mixed A99 f29 q 59 qc 125 K80 necked jars with one very coarse and thick in section, conical cups and bowls (Phase 4c), short spout of a spouted pot similar to ones excavated in K1f16, convex base and flaring rim jar (both Phase 4c), conical cups with finished base (Phase 4c), Mittani jar with two rows of crescent-shaped incisions on part of the top of the rim I80 mixed A99 f29 q 94 qc 38 K80 Mittani body sherd with deep ribbing near the rim, Mittani high footed goblet base, Mittani wide rim bowls and jars, pot (Phase 5c), bowl with everted rim (Phase 4c) I80 mixed A99 f29 q 87 qc 60 K80 conical cup, jar with outturned rim (both Phase 4c), bowl used as a lamp, bowl with beaded rim, jar or bowl with incised combed lines (all Phase 5c), stemmed bowl with painted decoration at bottom of bowl and on the stem (Phase 6 or 7), Mittani pot decorated with template lines at base of rim and near widest part of the body, thick coarse flat base, Mittani rim of large jar with superficial groove on rim interior, 1 line of rope-like decoration, ring base, plate with rim folded toward the interior, footed base, 2 work disks I80 mixed A99 f26 q 39 qc 65 K80 bowl plant wiped on exterior, necked jars with interior grooved rim (all Phase 4m), hole mouth jar with narrow rim diameter, Phase 4c: bowls, conical cup, spout, bowl with triangular handle, flaring rim jar in Wet Smooth ware, dark gray body sherd with double pierced lug handles, Phase 5c: shallow bowl with flat base, Mittani fine jar with flaring rim and painted with bands I80 mixed A99 f19 q 40 qc 110 K80 Mittani wide flat rim bowls body sherd with rope-type decoration, pointed base, 3 jarswith rounded rim, body sherd with heavy grooving on exterior I80 Phase 7 A99 f12 q 18 qc 150 K80 Mittani: small painted rim jar, typical wide rim bowl with depression below rim, ring base of a small cup or bowl, necked jar with apint on rim, small fine jar with globular body and straight rim I80 Phase 7 A99 f18 q 32 qc 30 K80 few shape sherds, thick handle round in section, flat base A99 f15 q 23 qc 118 K80 handle oval in section, painted body sherd with three bands, painted jar with paint on rim and 1 band below rim, typical Mittani bowl with wide flat rim and depression below rim, 3 tannur pieces, handle rectangular in section I80 Phase 7 q 30 qc 27 K80 few sherds, ring base, jar with globular body (Phase 4c) I80 mixed A99 f19 q 47 qc 22 K80 necked jar with rounded rim, ring base, bowl or jar with wide flat rim I80 Phase 7 A99 f44 q 71 qc 50 K80 jar with interior grooved rim (Phase 4m?), small fine jar with flaring rim but not highly fired (Phase 4c?), typical Mittani bowl with wide flat rim and depression below rim, flat base I80 mixed A99 f47 q 71 qc 30 K80 stand, spouted vessel shape, jar with rib below rim, flaring rim jar, large footed baase, template lines on body sherd, thick walled body sherd with narrow diameter (Phase 8?) I80 mixed A99 f20 q 31 qc 48 K80 body sherd with "wheat" decoration and beaded rim bowl (both Phase 5c), finer beaded rim bowl, small bowls (all Phase 4c), Mittani jar with wide rim, typical Mittani bowl with depression below rim and rib below this I80 mixed A99 f32 q 60 qc 36 K80 Mittani wide rim bowls and jars, Mittani rope-type decoration, handle oval in section, fine ring base of a medium jar I80 Phase 7 A99 f66 q 116 qc 41 K80 Mittani body sherd with heavy ribbing, goblet base, small wide solid footed base (Phase 8?), necked jar with painted rim and bands below, rounded rim necked jar, 3 Mittani wide flat rim bowls I80 Phase 7 A99 f66 q 153 qc 82 K80 necked jar with painted bands, Mittani wide rim bowl, fine small bowl with pointed rim, jar with globular body I80 Phase 7 A99 f66 q 113 qc 70 K80 4 typical Mittani wide rim bowl, narrow necked globular jar, 2 necked jars with pointed rim, disk base, large coarse jar with rounded rim I80 Phase 7 A99 f57 q 89 qc 2 K80 1 small handle rounded in section, 1 disk base A99 f51 q 84 qc 28 K80 large flat base, cup with painted band on top of rim, small knob? of tripod footed base?, small bowl with exterior ribbing, 2 jars with pointed rim, 2 Mittani bowls with wide flat rim A99 f125 q 209 qc 39 K80 flat base of thick coarse vessel, bowl with square rim and 2 rows of rope-type decoration below (Phase 4m?), disk base, flat base, body sherd with three template lines of decoration I80 mixed A99 f112 q 200 qc 50 K80 fine carinated bowl, bowl with handle rounded in section, body sherd with 2 rows of rope-type decoration, hole mouth jar, necked jar, bowl with wide flat rim I80 mixed A99 f185 q 299 qc 11 K80 large jar with wavy incised line above rope-type decoration (imitation of a Phase 4m decoration type in Phase 7) I80 Phase 7 A99 f58 q 91 qc 18 K80 Ninevite 5 goblet base, handle extending from rim of a jug oval in section, disk base, 3 Mittani bowls with wide flat rims, bowl with rounded rim, body sherd with 2 deep template lines I80 mixed A99 f182 q 297 qc 30 K80 jar with 3 sets of parallel incised lines, medium jar with rounded rim A99 f170 k84 q ? qc 128 K80 strainer, 2 body sherds with parallel incised lines, thick coarse flat base, 2 double rim necked jars with lower one pointed (Phase 5c), 2 necked jars with square rim (Phase 5c?), thick coarse jar with wide rope-type decoration I80 mixed A99 f179 q 292 qc 8 K80 all body sherds except jar with flaring rim and globular body(Phase 4c) A99 f172 q 182 qc 32 K80 Mittani bowl with deep ribs on top of rim and one rib below rim, jar with short neck and pointed rim