.bk J06 .fl T822sH.j .fd object description .ei sH .rd T822 .ri yM q 388.2 df fg ds leg of an animal figurie broken both ends. Surface is damaged lg 2 w1 1.5 wm cl co strong brown c# 7.5YR4/6 q 389.5 df kw ds square flat kiln waste top surface is smooth, bottom is damaged and is crashed with soil , all edges are broken except for one lg 4.8 w1 3.9 ht 1 wm cl co green q 389.1 df cs ds un touched sample wm carbon co black q 389.9 df gr ds irregular shapeded piece of grinding stone, edges are rough and the surface is porous, the piece is very thick lg 9 w1 8 ht 8 wm li co black c# 2.5/N q 360.2 df sm ds untouched sample wm carbon co black q 360.1 df shell ds a small snail shell lg 1 ht 0.6 wm shell co pale white q 363.1 df ls ds small irregular shaped piece of quartz, the edges and the surface are rough lg 1.3 w1 0.7 ht 0.6 wm quartz co pale yellow q 364.1 df gr ds triangular shaped piece of grinding stone, one side is so much thicker than the other, the surface and edges are rough lg 11 w1 10.7 ht 9.4 wm li co bluish gray q 373.5 df cs ds untouched carbon sample co black wm carbon q 376.1 df shell ds spiral shaped animal shell, it looks fossilised, the top and side are not damaged, the surface is glittery lg 4.2 w1 2.2 ht 2 wm shell co very pale brown c# 10YR8/3 q 376.2 df loom weight ct la ds lithic weight broken in half, it has a half of the incision in the middle .the shape was probably circular. The surface is rough and slightly damaged lg 6.2 w1 4 ht 3.3 wm li co pink c# 7.5YR7/3 q 373.2 df uk ct la ds piece of weight broken in half verticaly. the top surface is convex and thick in the middle while the edges are thin, the surface is rough. lg 9 w1 6.3 ht 3.8 wm li co light gray c# 10YR7/2 q 373.1 df loom weight ct la ds rounded shaped half a weight, the bottom part is much thicker than the upper part, it has a perforation or hole in the middle, the surface is well polished but slightly damaged lg 10.5 w1 8 wm li co very pale brown c# 10YR8/2 q 373.4 df uk ct la ds half a lithic weight.it is clear that the original shape was a square, it is thicker on the bottom than the top. it also has a hole in the middle. the surface is very smooth lg 7 w1 4.5 ht 2.3 wm li co light brown c# 10YR7/1 q 372.1 df fg ds broken animal figurine, probably a horse or dog. the surface is incrusted with soil , the head, tail and three of the legs are missing but we can still see a part from the fourth leg, no genitals are visible lg 6 w1 3.3 ht 3.7 wm cl co pale yellow c# 5Y8/3 q 373.3 df gr ds piece of a rectangular grinding stone shape. it has a porous surface, and sharp rough edges. lg 9.3 w1 5.5 ht 4.2 wm li co black c# 2.5Y2.5/1 q 352.1 df la df loom weight ds round weight, the bottom is thicker than the top part where the hole is. the surface is slightly rough. lg 5.7 w1 5.5 wm li co pink c# 7.5YR7/R q 474.1 df cl q 349.2 df a-bone ds fossilised animal mandible or maxillary, we can see a butterfly shape on the top surface of it. q 370.1 ct la df uk ds probably a pestle. cylindrical shape, flat top and bottom, and smooth surface lg 3.4 w1 3 wm li co gray q 391.1 df cs ds untouched sample of carbon wm carbon co black q 378.1 df cs ds untouched sample. wm carbon co black q 389.11 df cs ds untouched sample. wm carbon co black q 379.1 df shell ds a small animal shell. lg 1.3 w1 0.5 wm shell co white c# 2.5Y8/1 q 390.1 df ls ds three pieces of quartz (2 small and a big one). At least one of the surface is original. The rest is worked and rough lg 2.5 w1 2 ht 1.4 wm quartz co transparent white