Unit Book A9

Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-02-25


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record

2022-12-02 !!! [Input: A09_VWX.j]
Photo of context (v view)

2022-12-02 !!! [Input: A09_VWX.j]

2022-12-02 !!! [Input: A09_VWX.j]
View/drawing of aggregate 2001-07-11 jlw a29 (pit) [Input: L925JW.j]
View/drawing of features 2001-07-11 jlw f225 (foundation)
f267 (group of bricks)
f268 (foundation)
f269 (pit) [Input: L925JW.j]
View/drawing of locus 2001-07-11 jlw k11 [Input: L925JW.j]
View/drawing orientation 2001-07-11 jlw looking northeast [Input: L925JW.j]
General notes on photos 2001-07-05 jlw the pit, a29, provides an interesting study in stratigraphy. Of course, it was dug into accumulation and architecture from earlier periods. In this case, a Phase 5 pit was dug into Phase 4 material that is represented by the mud cement foundation/wall, f268, which extends west to mud cement foundation wall, f225, which may cut it. f225 definitely cuts the pit, a29. At the bottom of the pit there is a double line of bricks, which may represent the earliest architecture in this part of the excagation and which may have been cut by the pise wall, f268. There is another small pit in the SE corner that may have been cut by f268. This view shows these elements looking to the NW, while v61a shows them looking SE. [Input: L925JW.j]
Text description of view 2001-07-11 jlw illustration of pit stratigraphy and the interaction of Phase 4 and Phase 5 features [Input: L925JW.j]