.bk A09 .fl H617jo.j .fd preliminary statements of condition and strategy .ei jo .ed H617 .rd H615 .ri jo -sg A9 was chosen to be excaveted in MZ10 for the information that is expectedd to be provided in regard to sectors F and G of the building AK . In term of general construction of AK , we will be looking for the lemetation of the expansion of the building toward the east , that what we will be looking to know about from sector G , where we will be trying to determin whether all or part of sector G is an internal or an external part of the AK building , that mainly will be determined by determining the function of the wall f1 by analyzing the nature of occupation to the east and to the west of the wall f1. In relation to A7 ( sector E ) , A9 ( sector G ) will give us information on the nature , function and type of construction of the far end area accessed through the presumed gate A7 via/behined A2 area ( sector F ) (to be excavated MZ10). In relation to A6 ( sector D ) , A9 ( sector G ) is the accesed area through the doorway a1 , therfor the excavation will allaw us to know the relationship between A6 ( sector D ) and the area to the north of it ,to clarify the function of the long room A6a22 ( sector D ) which is the mirror image of A1f113 ( sector B ), tahat is by determining the nature of the relationsip between sectores D and G , which are opened to each other through doorway a1. Also we will follow the northern expansion of the wall f1 that bonds with the wall A6f78. In term of Tell formation we will be looking to determine whether or not the flow line of the gully ( wadi ) follows an underneath building construction especially since the southern turn of the gully came directly on top of the doorway a1 . If that is the case , we would expect a doorway some 3-4m to the north in the wall f1 , underneath the western turn of the gully ( the gully flaws E-W and turns to N-S ; a1 is a doorway in the E-W wall A6f78 , and the expected doorway would be in the S-N wall f1 ( see sketch 1 ) . -dy The location and elevation of A9 , in relation and comparison to A8 and the eastern portion of A7 , leads us to expect to come cross a 2nd mill. construction and/or post AK scatered occupations in the higher levels of A9 on top of AK building . -sg at first we are going to cut into the N section of A6k217 to clean it so it becomes readable , and also to inline it with the new adupted orineation ( AK orintaion insted of the previous AS orintation ) . The section will allaw us to look at the stratigraphy of A9 , so that would give us an idea about what to expect during our excavation of A9. -sg We will have three squares in A9 to be dug in MZ10, two southern squares ( k1 and k2 ) along side to the north of A6k217 , a third square ( k3 ) will be to the north of k1 and k2 , but it will not be inlined with neather one of k1 or k2 , insted it will be in the midele between them forming an inverted T shape with k1 and k2 ( see sketch 2 ) ; that is because of limited excavation time we won't be abl to dig a 4th square, so by choosing the k3 in this location in top of the projected contenuation of f1 will allow us the chanse to examen the nature of the deposites east and west of f1(wall) presomed extention. a 1 df dw nr aggregate a1 is a doorway in northern A6 , it was geven the description A6f217 . We are assigning an A9 aggregate no. to this doorway because of its direct relation to A9 ( sector G ) , therefor we would be able to refer to it with an A9 definition whenever we refer to it along our excavation . f 1 df w nr this feature was originally discovered in A6 and was defined as A6f39 , we are assigning an A9 feature no. to this feature because the uncovered portion of this wall in A6 is very small and the remaining part of this wall is presomed to be extended to the north in A9 area ( sector G ).