.bk A09 .fl J710jlw1.j .fd daily journal .ei jlw .ed J710 .rd J710 .ri jlw -wk 6 large picks and 33 in support. Asmad Hassan and Hamid Sherif assigned as replacements for departed tent workers. -sy markers m2030, m2080 and m2081 loosened and removed. f 144 df ac ds light powdery soil under surface soil and housing area in k9. Resembles gully wash seen in other locii at this level. c# 10YR6/2 co light brownish gray f 145 df ly ds layer of sherds in SW corner of k9. Heavy concentration on top with many more mixed with soil to a depth of about 35 cm. Concentration and flat orientation of sherds on top gives the impression of a working surface rather than a pot smash. P1 Started and finished excavation on J710. f 146 df ly ds layer of elipsoidal stones, larger than hen's eggs and smaller than fist-size, "cemented" into a clay base in the NW corner of k3. Strongly resemble those in floor, f80, in the adjacent locus, k5. However, the k3 stones are at a slightly higher elevation(18cm) than the k5 stones. Some parts of the floor are deteriorated and tracing it is difficult. Will excavate from k5 into k3 to resolve the issue. f 147 df ac ds accumulation between accumulation, f98, and pebble floor, f80, below. Looks very red compared to f98 but actually is brown. Not quite the consistency of packing, but could have been used to level surface of patio which slopes down to the east and south. c# 7.5YR5/4 co brown f 148 df pt ds ashy material discovered in the north part of the east baulk of k8 while clearing a sight line for a marker. Excavated about 1 cubic meter to protect workmen below in k3 from falling debris. f 149 df w ds tentative assignment for an organized collection of large stones now appearing along the southeastern edge of k9 accumulation f144 is being excavated. k 3 dy after discovering f146, a layer of ellipsoidal stones, in the NW corner of the locus, cleaned throughly. They have the appearance of floor, f80, located in k5, but are 18 cm higher. Excavated north from k5 and south in k3 to attempt to resolve the issue of whether they are the same floor. k 9 dy continued to excavate the southern part of the locus. gb stated that we will attempt to take the kite photograph that shows the link between A7/A2/A9/A11 late occupation houses in the next day or so, then resume excavating in the norhern part, which would be difficult to excavate as an isolated entity with a deep trench alongside. At the end of the day, began to expose some large stones along the southeastern edge of the locus. Function not yet known. k 6 dy removing a final thin layer of accumulation, f98, from the entire locus to prepare for photographs of the stratigraphy displayed at various levels now existing between the north baulk and doorway a17. Thoroughly cleaned at the end of the day. k 4 dy excavated about a one-meter strip of accumulation, f100, to follow floor, f80, immediately below from k5 towards the doorway, a18.