.bk A09 .fl J711jlw1.j .fd daily journal .ei jlw .ed J711 .rd J711 .ri jlw -wk 6 large picks and 34 in support. Faisal Ibrahim reported as a new member of the team. k 6 v 21 ph while excavating f110, the accumulation in the vicinity of doorway a17 in k6 connecting sectors B and F of building AK, we encountered a 25cm-wide layer of sherds, f120, apparently laid as a floor or a step. Further excavation did not reveal any connecting surfaces, so MKB opined that it was really a place where people broke damaged pottery to use the sherds for other purposes. This photo shows an overhead view of this sherd layer, looking south toward a17. k 6 dy spent the first part of the morning cleaning and preparing for photographs of the entire locus. Problems prevented completion of the photos and they will be taken again on J712. Began removing f99 accumulation. At the end of the day, found a section of pebble floor in SE corner. Designated f150. Almost certainly linked to f80 in k5 and k4 and f146 in k3. A number of seal impressions are being found in the accumulations f98 and f99, just above. f 150 df f ds layer of elipsoidal stones, larger than hen's eggs and smaller than fist-sized, cemented into a clay base in the SW corner of k6. Almost certainly the same floor surface as f80 in k4 and k5 and f146 in k3. f 149 P1 measured and removed on J711. k 3 dy finished excavating the one-meter wide strip along the west baulk. Stone paving, f146, appeared in patches throughout. Continuous decrease in elevation from north to south. k 4 dy completed following floor, f80, from k4 to doorway a18. One continuous, complete strip linking the north edge of k3 and all of k5 to the south edge of k4 and wall f97. There is a relatively steady decrease in elevation from north to south totalling 20 cm. k 9 dy continued to excavate the southern half of the locus. Awaiting the results of kite photos to see when we may resume excavation of the northern half.