.bk A09 .fl J713jlw.j .fd daily journal .ei jlw .ed J713 .rd J713 .ri jlw -dy 7 large picks and 33 in support. k 8 dy made one more pick run to better define f152, a stone platform. It is possible that it is the foundation for a wall for a major building, but there is too little of it exposed to make a final determination. k 4 dy traced the south edge of the stone floor, f150, which was discovered in k6 along the north edge of wall, f124, east and linked it with floor, f80, which had been originally found in the test probe k5 at the end of 1997, and had been traced south through k4 two days ago. Began excavating accumulation, f87, the east portion of the locus. Made one run with large picks, preserving the brick fall that was a part of f89. Inspection revealed that there was accumulation under the bricks, so we conclude that they fell from somewhere else and were not the top bricks of a wall below. The accumulation under the bricks was very dark gray. Just to the south, under a very dense, hard accumulation in the SE corner, we found the top of a jumble of material including stones and baked bricks. Designated this layer f154. sg tomorrow we will excavate accumulation, f98, to the east with small picks to carefully approach layer, f154, which we expect will contain important artifactual material. k 3 dy after inspecting f89 brickfall in k4, we concluded that there would most likely not be a wall under under the corresponding layer, f130, in k3. Removed with large picks. Some pottery, a few bones and one stone tool. f 130 P1 removed on J713 q 418 nl f89 assigned to this q-lot by mistake. The proper feature number should be f87. Tags not changed. k 9 dy resumed excavating the north half of the locus, since the kite photos can use platform f152 as a reference in linking the A7/A2 Khabur western housing sections to the A12 section to the east. f 152 df pf ds large platform of worked stones, a one meter by two meter section of which is now exposed in k9. The west end continues into the west baulk of k9, while the north part continues under the portion of k9 that has not been excavated. Tannur, f151, sits atop the platform almost exactly half-hidden by the partially excavated north portion of k9 f 153 df fb ds packed earth floor in k6 containing traces of plaster flakes and perhaps a trace of plaster coating. It is at the same elevation as the pebble floor, f150, and in fact is a part of a single floor in this section of the plaza that had pebbles at the southern edge and then continued with this surface.