.bk A09 .fl J714jlw.j .fd daily journal .ei jlw .ed J714 .rd J714 .ri jlw -wk 7 large picks and 34 in support. Muhammad Kher reported as a new workman. -dy loaned 8 removal persons to A12 for one hour to prepare for surveyor work. k 9 dy continued to level the north half of the locus. An interesting piece of a female figurine was found, probably out of context. k 3 dy on first small pick run, found a group of large stones that ran N-S with a turn to the east near the NE corner of the locus. Accumulation was wet and gummy and quite dark. To the north of the stones we found large quantities of bone, whereas sherds were the principal artifact to the south and east of the stones. Found several seal impressions in the vicinity of the wall. k 4 dy began again to excavate accumulation f99 towards the east from the exposed pebble floor, f80, in order to be able to vertically excavate layer 154, which is expected to contain important artifactual material. Finished excavating accumulation f98. f 98 P1 removed on J714.