.bk A09 .fl J719jlw4.j .fd daily journal .ei jlw .ed J719 .rd J719 .ri jlw -wk 2 large picks, 8 small picks and 33 in support. Rashat Sheykhmus ill and sent home at 8:00. Khlaf Muhammad ill and sent home at 9:00. f 99 df ac ds bright brown accumulation under ashy accumulation, f98. Clearly seen in section of east baulk of k5. Ranges in depth from 10 cm to about 20 cm as one proceeds to the east. Seems contained to the north by the south face of wall, f155. One reddish brick near wall. c# 7.5YR5/4 co brown f 100 df ac ds first accumulation overlaying pebble floor, f80. Fine grains and very dense. Possibly related to first phase abandonment. c# 10YR6/3 co pale brown k 9 dy seeing evaporative layering east of wall, f152. No apparent containment to the south. There is at least 50 cm of ashy accumulation from the extant top of tannurs, f151 and f160 to a possible floor surface, which will not be excavated this year due to the need to rapidly excavate the east portion to look for a northern wall to match f15 to the south. f 162 df ac ds gray, dusty accumulation, probably associated with tannurs, f151 and f160. Probably above a floor surface. Still seeing this accumulation 50 cm below the top of the tannurs, where it becomes hard with charcoal and brick-like inclusions. We will most likely suspend excavations for this season at this level. f 164 df ly ds layer of material with brick color and texture. Seen in section in the north and east baulks of k3 in the far NE corner, north of and at the same elevation as the top of wall, f155. Layer is 5 cm thick. f 165 df ly ds layer of brown materal, typical of local soil mixed with a bit of brick color, seen under reddish layer, f164, in section in the NE corner of k3. Thickness uncertain because it has not been fully excavated. k 4e dy excavating inside the pebble perimeter in the western sector of the locus. Excavating the eastern sector between walls, f155 and f1. f 158 df ac ds accumulation to west of wass, f135, and atop accumulation, f110, associated with the last use of the AK building. It is possible that wall foundations for Khabur period houses were dug into this accumulation and that the early floors were built upon it. c# 10YR7/3 co pale brown