.bk A09 .fl J721jl.j .fd photo descriptions .ei jl .ed J721 .rd J721 .ri jl v 26 ph v26 is a view of the wall f138 in k9 just before it was dug out, as well as showing sections of f143 and f139. v26a focuses on possible wall f166 in the east of k9, also just before it was dug out. v 27 ph v27 is a view of the A1 side (the south side) of the a 17 doorway. It includes the a17 doorway and f127 within the doorway as well as the wall f125. v27a shows essentially the same shot, except framed vertically and from slightly further back. v 28 ph v28 shows the section of the accumulation above the brick and pebble floors through k3 and k4. Although v28 only shows the view from k4, v28a to v28g follow the baulk, along with a measuring stick, all of the way down its length.