.bk A09 .fl J728jlw.j .fd daily journal .ei jlw .ed J728 .rd J728 .ri jlw -wk 10 large and small picks with 29 in support. Last day of full work crews. -sg the following items need to be accomplished by workmen over the next few days to complete the excavation: 1) cut the south baulk of k9 to make it level with the excavated south half. 2) vertically straighten the east baulk of k3 (finish job already begun). 3) draw the east and west baulks of k9 and the long north baulk of k4/k5/k6. 4) after final relays are taken, cut out the pylon along the south edge of k4. 5) cut an exploratory trench at the low spot of pebble floor, f80, to see if there is a drain associated with baked brick floor, f84. 6) after A12 is done excavating the square east of k4, finish excavating the far southwestern corner of k6, which is the wheelbarrow path for their dirt removal. 7) if resources permit, remove the platform in the north half of k9 to level the entire excavated part of the locus. k 9 dy excavated the south east quarter to the expected level of the pebble floor in k3, f146.