.bk A9 .fl L711vp.j .fd item and object descriptions .ei vp .ed L704 .rd L704 .ri vp q 724.1 df la ds fragment of obsidian tool lg 1.7 w1 1.2 ht 0.3 P2 ZSB16 nl appears as 724.1-1 in some records q 724.3 df la ds fragment of obsidian tool lg 1.7 w1 1 ht 0.2 P2 ZSB16 nl appears as 724.1-2 in some records q 722.1 df si P99 to MKB for processing q 726.1 df bd ds little bead in the shape of "tear drop" lg 1.8 w3 1 c# 2.5Y5/1 co gray P2 ZSB25-3 q 724.2 df shell ds 3 fragments of a big shell. which the biggest side is inside a wall c# 10YR7/3 co very pale brown P2 ZSB26-3 q 728.1 df la ds nucleus for tools lg 3.5 ht 1.5 w1 3.5 c# 10YR8/1 co white P2 ZSB16 i 120 df fg ds bead of an animal figurine lg 2.5 P99 to RAH for processing i 118 df bo ds half carinated bowl with flat rim and base. the surface is encrousted w1 20 w2 5 c# 5y8/2 co pale yellow i 119 df hb ds human femur lg 20 P2 ZSB1 .rd L706 .ri vp i 122 df la ds small door socket w2 10 ht 4.5 c# 2.5Y8/2 co pale yellow i 123 df ca ds clay wheel type I with the broken rim w2 7 ht 4 c# 2.5Y7/2 co light gray P2 ZSB5-3 i 124 df ca ds clay wheel type I with some traces of a film of painting w2 9 ht 3 c# 7.5YR8/3 co pink P2 ZSB5-3 i 121 df fg ds body of an animal figurine, maybe a horse lg 7 ht 3.5 w1 4 c# 2.5Y8/2 co pale yellow P99 to RAH for processing .rd L706 .ri vp i 125 df la ds big door socket from a natural stone lg 30 ht 9 w1 15 c# 2.5Y8/1 co white P2 ZSB120 q 733.1 df ma ds fragment of bronze lg 1.5 w1 1.5 ht 0.wm mt P2 ZSB25-3 nl originally labeled as 733.1-1 q 733.2 df ma ds fragment of bronze lg 1.3 w1 0.8 ht 0.3 wm mt P2 ZSB25-3 nl originally labeled as 733.1-2 i 127 df si P99 to MKB for processing i 126 df fg ds body of an animal figurine, maybe a dog ht 3.5 lg 6.5 w1 4 c# 5Y8/2 co pale yellow P99 to RAH for processing .rd L708 .ri vp i 129 df cl ds clay lump c# 10YR7/2 co light gray P2 ZSB8-14 i 130 df cl ds clay lump c# 10YR7/2 co light gray P2 ZSB8-14 q 736.1 df cl ds clay lump P2 ZSB 8-14 q 756.4 df si P99 to MKB for processing q 749.1 df ma ds fragment of a bronze wire lg 2 wm mt P99 to SB for processing .rd L709 .ri vp q 763.1 df la ds small token w2 0.8 c# 7.5YR8/2 co pinkish white P2 ZSB 4-3 q 764.1 df si P99 to MKB for processing nl originally labeled 764.1-1 in some records. q 764.2 df si P99 to MKB for processing nl originally labeled 764.1-2 in some records. q 764.3 df si P99 to MKB for processing nl originally labeled 764.1-3 in some records. q 764.4 df si P99 to MKB for processing nl originally labeled 764.1-4 in some records. i 131 df fg ds body of animal figurine, maybe a camel, with traces of black paintings lg 7 w1 3.6 ht 6.5 c# 2.5Y8/2 co white P99 to RAH for processing q 756.2 df la ds 1/2 grind-stone of basalt lg 12 w1 12 ht 6 P2 ZSB120 large q 761.1 df la ds 1/2 circular grind stone of basalt w2 18 wm basalt P2 ZSB 120 large q 756.1 df la ds 1/2 grind stone of basalt lg 19 w1 17 ht 6 wm basalt P2 ZSB120 large q 760.1 df ca ds clay token w2 2.8 c# 10YR7/4 co very pale brown i 132 df hb ds bone of a child.6 weeks old q 751.1 df la ds 1/2 spherical bead w2 1.3 c# 10R3/3 co very dusky red P2 ZSB 12-8 q 761.2 df la ds 1/2 bead with hole lg 1 w2 0.5 c# 10R4/1 co dark reddish gray P2 ZSB12 8 i 128 df ja ds 1/2 jar. without rim i 133 df s ds brick with a white film on 2 of its surfaces.it shows on one face traces of firing lg 17 ht 8 w1 15 q 768.1 df ca ds small clay token. very fragile w2 2 c# 10YR6/2 co light brownish gray P2 ZSB4-3 q 765.1 df sl ds fragment of sealing lg 2 w1 1.7 c# 10YR5/1 co gray P2 ZSB8-14 q 765.2 df sl ds fragment of sealing lg 3 w1 2.5 c# 4/ (Gley 1) co dark gray P2 ZSB8-14