.bk A9 .fl L920jw2.j .fd q-objects for entire MZ14 season, q646.1 to q893.2 .ei jw .ed L920 .rd L920 .ri vp qi 646.1 la 4.2 13 10.5 stone grinding stone broken 649.1 la 0.4 3.3 2.3 brown stone 650.1 fg 2 2.5 1.2 650.2 la 2 stone pieces 650.3 fg we think it be glass 650.4 la second of 2 stone pieces originally a part of q650.2 652.1 la 4.5 11.5 15 1/2 of a grinding stone 653.1 la 3 5.2 5 stone maybe a hammer stone 653.2 la 0.6 1.6 1.3 stone quartz 655.1 uk "tear drop" glass 658.1 bk fragment of brick 658.2 la point, obsidian 659.1 la 2 obsidian pieces 660.1 cl 2 fragment 663.1 ca 667.1 la obsidian fragment 667.2 la broken half-round stone tool 666.1 la 670.1 la grind stone 671.1 la 2 fragment of quartz 671.2 la possible core for stone tool manufacture 671.3 la knife 676.1 la 6 677.1 uk logged but not identified 674.1 la flint flake 678.1 ma 8.2 674.2 la 0.6 3.3 3.3 fragment of a knife 682.1 sl 2 fragment 685.1 la 0.3 4.2 2.5 lithic tool 692.2 sm 1 piece of tannur body - labeled 692.s1 in log 692.1 la 0.3 1.3 0.9 point of obsidian 692.3 sm 1 piece slag - labeled 692.s2 in log 693.1 la fragment of obsidian 693.2 la fragment of tool 693.3 sl sealing 695.1 la 1.3 basalt 696.1 la 15 7 li lithic artifact in the shape of cone, possibly phallic 696.2 la 4 7.5 7 li broken piece of worked stone in shape of irregular box 695.2 la 1 1 0.3 li black very small piece of obsidian blade 701.1 la 0.5 4.5 2 li brown flint flake 703.1 ta 1 brick of tannur - labeled 703.s1 in log 702.1 ca 3.5 5 3 cl sheep figurine 706.1 la 4 pieces of worked stone. Each piece given separate number q706.1 to q706.4. This one is labeled as 706.1-1 in some files. 706.2 la Worked stone. This one is labeled as 706.1-2 in some files. 706.3 la Worked stone. This one is labeled as 706.1-3 in some files. 706.4 la Worked stone. This one is labeled as 706.1-4 in some files. 717.1 cl 2 4 3 cl brown clay lump 717.2 cl 1 2 2 cl brown clay lump 722.1 cl 724.1 la 1st fragment of obsidian, originally labeled 724.1-1 in some files. 724.3 la 2nd fragment of obsidian, originally labeled 724.1-2 in some files. 724.2 sh 3 fragments of shell 728.1 la 1.5 2.5 2.5 li quartz 733.1 ma 1st piece of very corroded metal, originally labeled 733.1-1 in some files. 733.2 ma 2nd piece of very corroded metal, originally labeled 733.1-2 in some files. 736.1 cl clay lump 744.1 la 19 23 li 1/2 half of stone quern 749.1 ma 2 0.2 mt 1 fragment of bronze 756.1 la 5 15 18 li grind stone 756.2 la 6 12 11 li grind stone 756.3 la 10 10 li door soket 751.1 la 2 1.5 li brown broken end of rounded brown stone spheroid 756.4 si 1 3 2 cl possibli si 760.1 bd 1.5 3 cl clay bead 761.1 la 18 li grind stone 761.2 bd 0.5 1 0.7 764.1 cl 1st of 4 clay lumps with possible seal impressions, originally labeled 764.1-1 in some records. 763.1 bd 0.2 1 cl very small perforated clay disk 764.2 cl 1 2 2 cl 1st of 4 clay lumps with possible seal impressions, originally labeled 764.1-2 in some records. 764.3 cl 1 2 2 cl 1st of 4 clay lumps with possible seal impressions, originally labeled 764.1-3 in some records. 764.4 cl 1 2 2 cl 1st of 4 clay lumps with possible seal impressions, originally labeled 764.1-4 in some records. 765.1 cl clay lump 765.2 cl clay lump 768.1 ca 1.5 token 776.1 wh 3.5 7.5 broken clay wheel 774.1 ca 2 6 cl crude clay bagel 774.2 la polished stone 783.1 uk 785.1 la door socket 785.2 la grind stone 799.1 la 2.5 2 tool 799.2 fg 2 3 1 cl tan animal head 812.1 cl cl clay lump 813.1 la 0.3 3.5 1.5 li obsidian blade fragment 817.1 fg 3.5 7 3 cl animal, possibly a sheep 825.1 bd 2 shell beads from burial 818.1 la 2.5 9 8 flint core for tools 831.1 fg 3.5 leg of horse 836.1 uk clay drop 836.2 la 2 6 4.5 li stone"tongue" 837.1 ca 2 3 2 cl broken head 843.1 la 3.2 9 5.5 tool 856.1 la 4 6 5 li worked stone block 862.1 4 snail shell 868.1 bd 1.5 bead 876.1 ca 1/2 wheel type I 880.1 ca 4 9 cl 1/2 wheel type I 882.1 ma bronze 884.1 la 3.8 5.5 5 1/2 pestle 884.2 la 2.8 5.4 4.7 893.1 la li 4 pieces of quartz 893.2 bd 1.3 0.8 li carnelian "flower"