.bk A9 .fl L923jw2.j .fd daily journal for L715 .ei jlw .ed L923 .rd L715 .ri jlw -wk 6 picks and 18 in support reported for work. i 138 df se ds the cylinder seal, one of the few ever found at the site was immediately delivered to MKB on L714. She tentatively identified it as Mitanni, which puts it late in the known occupation of the tell. Although a seal impression was found nearby, it was not of that seal or even of its time period. Having been found in a group of unorganized baked and unbaked bricks, in an accumulation 20cm below the surface, the relationship of the seal with any architectural elements is uncertain. k 22 dy finished excavating the SW corner of the locus in accumulation, f301, under f299. We originally believed that it was the fill for a pit because it was very ashy. However, a pair of E-W sections, one through the middle and one along the N baulk revealed that it is really an ashy accumlation that rises in elevation from west to east. The eastern containment is not obvious at this point, although f296 may bound it to the south. k 15 dy continued to excavate accumulation, f300. Found a relatively unorganized cluster of bricks in the NE quadrant, f302. k 23 dy resumed excavating in this locus in accumulation, f276. Uncovered a new accumulation, f303, beneath it in the eastern half. k 24 dy continued excavating accumulation, f287. Exposed nearly all of the large jar, i139, which we hope is resting on a floor, even though it is tilted 90 degress to one side. f 301 df a ds accumulation below f299 in the SW corner of k22. We had originally believed that it was ash from a large pit. However, closer inspection reveals it to be an ashy layer of accumulation that builds up from west to east. This can be seen in E-W sections in the middle and along the N baulk of the locus. The eastern containment has not been found, but it appears to be contained in the south by a line of bricks, possibly a wall, f296. tc ab f296 f 299 tc co f301 f 302 df bk-is ds an amalgam of baked and unbaked bricks that is relatively unorganized in the NE quadrant of k15, along the N baulk. We thought it may have been a grave, since the seal, i138, and a seal impression, i137, were found in the vicinity of the feature. However, no bones or other artifacts were found here. tc si f300 f 303 df a ds accumulation under accumulation, f276, in the east half of k23. f 276 tc co f303